@@ -0,0 +1,5658 @@
+//Legal Notice: (C)2020 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_a_module (
+ // inputs:
+ clock,
+ data,
+ rdaddress,
+ wraddress,
+ wren,
+ // outputs:
+ q
+ )
+ parameter lpm_file = "UNUSED";
+ output [ 31: 0] q;
+ input clock;
+ input [ 31: 0] data;
+ input [ 4: 0] rdaddress;
+ input [ 4: 0] wraddress;
+ input wren;
+wire [ 31: 0] q;
+wire [ 31: 0] ram_data;
+wire [ 31: 0] ram_q;
+ assign q = ram_q;
+ assign ram_data = data;
+ altsyncram the_altsyncram
+ (
+ .address_a (wraddress),
+ .address_b (rdaddress),
+ .clock0 (clock),
+ .data_a (ram_data),
+ .q_b (ram_q),
+ .wren_a (wren)
+ );
+ defparam the_altsyncram.address_reg_b = "CLOCK0",
+ the_altsyncram.init_file = lpm_file,
+ the_altsyncram.maximum_depth = 0,
+ the_altsyncram.numwords_a = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.numwords_b = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.operation_mode = "DUAL_PORT",
+ the_altsyncram.outdata_reg_b = "UNREGISTERED",
+ the_altsyncram.ram_block_type = "AUTO",
+ the_altsyncram.rdcontrol_reg_b = "CLOCK0",
+ the_altsyncram.read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports = "DONT_CARE",
+ the_altsyncram.width_a = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.width_b = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.widthad_a = 5,
+ the_altsyncram.widthad_b = 5;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_b_module (
+ // inputs:
+ clock,
+ data,
+ rdaddress,
+ wraddress,
+ wren,
+ // outputs:
+ q
+ )
+ parameter lpm_file = "UNUSED";
+ output [ 31: 0] q;
+ input clock;
+ input [ 31: 0] data;
+ input [ 4: 0] rdaddress;
+ input [ 4: 0] wraddress;
+ input wren;
+wire [ 31: 0] q;
+wire [ 31: 0] ram_data;
+wire [ 31: 0] ram_q;
+ assign q = ram_q;
+ assign ram_data = data;
+ altsyncram the_altsyncram
+ (
+ .address_a (wraddress),
+ .address_b (rdaddress),
+ .clock0 (clock),
+ .data_a (ram_data),
+ .q_b (ram_q),
+ .wren_a (wren)
+ );
+ defparam the_altsyncram.address_reg_b = "CLOCK0",
+ the_altsyncram.init_file = lpm_file,
+ the_altsyncram.maximum_depth = 0,
+ the_altsyncram.numwords_a = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.numwords_b = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.operation_mode = "DUAL_PORT",
+ the_altsyncram.outdata_reg_b = "UNREGISTERED",
+ the_altsyncram.ram_block_type = "AUTO",
+ the_altsyncram.rdcontrol_reg_b = "CLOCK0",
+ the_altsyncram.read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports = "DONT_CARE",
+ the_altsyncram.width_a = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.width_b = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.widthad_a = 5,
+ the_altsyncram.widthad_b = 5;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_debug (
+ // inputs:
+ clk,
+ dbrk_break,
+ debugreq,
+ hbreak_enabled,
+ jdo,
+ jrst_n,
+ ocireg_ers,
+ ocireg_mrs,
+ reset,
+ st_ready_test_idle,
+ take_action_ocimem_a,
+ take_action_ocireg,
+ xbrk_break,
+ // outputs:
+ debugack,
+ monitor_error,
+ monitor_go,
+ monitor_ready,
+ oci_hbreak_req,
+ resetlatch,
+ resetrequest
+ )
+ output debugack;
+ output monitor_error;
+ output monitor_go;
+ output monitor_ready;
+ output oci_hbreak_req;
+ output resetlatch;
+ output resetrequest;
+ input clk;
+ input dbrk_break;
+ input debugreq;
+ input hbreak_enabled;
+ input [ 37: 0] jdo;
+ input jrst_n;
+ input ocireg_ers;
+ input ocireg_mrs;
+ input reset;
+ input st_ready_test_idle;
+ input take_action_ocimem_a;
+ input take_action_ocireg;
+ input xbrk_break;
+reg break_on_reset /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+wire debugack;
+reg jtag_break /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+reg monitor_error /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=D101" */;
+reg monitor_go /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=D101" */;
+reg monitor_ready /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=D101" */;
+wire oci_hbreak_req;
+wire reset_sync;
+reg resetlatch /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+reg resetrequest /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+wire unxcomplemented_resetxx0;
+ assign unxcomplemented_resetxx0 = jrst_n;
+ altera_std_synchronizer the_altera_std_synchronizer
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .din (reset),
+ .dout (reset_sync),
+ .reset_n (unxcomplemented_resetxx0)
+ );
+ defparam the_altera_std_synchronizer.depth = 2;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ begin
+ resetrequest <= 1'b0;
+ break_on_reset <= 1'b0;
+ jtag_break <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else if (take_action_ocimem_a)
+ begin
+ resetrequest <= jdo[22];
+ jtag_break <= jdo[21] ? 1
+ : jdo[20] ? 0
+ : jtag_break;
+ break_on_reset <= jdo[19] ? 1
+ : jdo[18] ? 0
+ : break_on_reset;
+ resetlatch <= jdo[24] ? 0 : resetlatch;
+ end
+ else if (reset_sync)
+ begin
+ jtag_break <= break_on_reset;
+ resetlatch <= 1;
+ end
+ else if (debugreq & ~debugack & break_on_reset)
+ jtag_break <= 1'b1;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ begin
+ monitor_ready <= 1'b0;
+ monitor_error <= 1'b0;
+ monitor_go <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (take_action_ocimem_a && jdo[25])
+ monitor_ready <= 1'b0;
+ else if (take_action_ocireg && ocireg_mrs)
+ monitor_ready <= 1'b1;
+ if (take_action_ocimem_a && jdo[25])
+ monitor_error <= 1'b0;
+ else if (take_action_ocireg && ocireg_ers)
+ monitor_error <= 1'b1;
+ if (take_action_ocimem_a && jdo[23])
+ monitor_go <= 1'b1;
+ else if (st_ready_test_idle)
+ monitor_go <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ assign oci_hbreak_req = jtag_break | dbrk_break | xbrk_break | debugreq;
+ assign debugack = ~hbreak_enabled;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_break (
+ // inputs:
+ clk,
+ dbrk_break,
+ dbrk_goto0,
+ dbrk_goto1,
+ jdo,
+ jrst_n,
+ take_action_break_a,
+ take_action_break_b,
+ take_action_break_c,
+ take_no_action_break_a,
+ take_no_action_break_b,
+ take_no_action_break_c,
+ xbrk_goto0,
+ xbrk_goto1,
+ // outputs:
+ break_readreg,
+ dbrk_hit0_latch,
+ dbrk_hit1_latch,
+ dbrk_hit2_latch,
+ dbrk_hit3_latch,
+ trigbrktype,
+ trigger_state_0,
+ trigger_state_1,
+ xbrk_ctrl0,
+ xbrk_ctrl1,
+ xbrk_ctrl2,
+ xbrk_ctrl3
+ )
+ output [ 31: 0] break_readreg;
+ output dbrk_hit0_latch;
+ output dbrk_hit1_latch;
+ output dbrk_hit2_latch;
+ output dbrk_hit3_latch;
+ output trigbrktype;
+ output trigger_state_0;
+ output trigger_state_1;
+ output [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl0;
+ output [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl1;
+ output [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl2;
+ output [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl3;
+ input clk;
+ input dbrk_break;
+ input dbrk_goto0;
+ input dbrk_goto1;
+ input [ 37: 0] jdo;
+ input jrst_n;
+ input take_action_break_a;
+ input take_action_break_b;
+ input take_action_break_c;
+ input take_no_action_break_a;
+ input take_no_action_break_b;
+ input take_no_action_break_c;
+ input xbrk_goto0;
+ input xbrk_goto1;
+wire [ 3: 0] break_a_wpr;
+wire [ 1: 0] break_a_wpr_high_bits;
+wire [ 1: 0] break_a_wpr_low_bits;
+wire [ 1: 0] break_b_rr;
+wire [ 1: 0] break_c_rr;
+reg [ 31: 0] break_readreg /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+wire dbrk0_high_value;
+wire dbrk0_low_value;
+wire dbrk1_high_value;
+wire dbrk1_low_value;
+wire dbrk2_high_value;
+wire dbrk2_low_value;
+wire dbrk3_high_value;
+wire dbrk3_low_value;
+wire dbrk_hit0_latch;
+wire dbrk_hit1_latch;
+wire dbrk_hit2_latch;
+wire dbrk_hit3_latch;
+wire take_action_any_break;
+reg trigbrktype /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+reg trigger_state;
+wire trigger_state_0;
+wire trigger_state_1;
+wire [ 31: 0] xbrk0_value;
+wire [ 31: 0] xbrk1_value;
+wire [ 31: 0] xbrk2_value;
+wire [ 31: 0] xbrk3_value;
+reg [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl0 /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+reg [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl1 /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+reg [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl2 /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+reg [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl3 /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,R101\"" */;
+ assign break_a_wpr = jdo[35 : 32];
+ assign break_a_wpr_high_bits = break_a_wpr[3 : 2];
+ assign break_a_wpr_low_bits = break_a_wpr[1 : 0];
+ assign break_b_rr = jdo[33 : 32];
+ assign break_c_rr = jdo[33 : 32];
+ assign take_action_any_break = take_action_break_a | take_action_break_b | take_action_break_c;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ begin
+ xbrk_ctrl0 <= 0;
+ xbrk_ctrl1 <= 0;
+ xbrk_ctrl2 <= 0;
+ xbrk_ctrl3 <= 0;
+ trigbrktype <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (take_action_any_break)
+ trigbrktype <= 0;
+ else if (dbrk_break)
+ trigbrktype <= 1;
+ if (take_action_break_b)
+ begin
+ if ((break_b_rr == 2'b00) && (0 >= 1))
+ begin
+ xbrk_ctrl0[0] <= jdo[27];
+ xbrk_ctrl0[1] <= jdo[28];
+ xbrk_ctrl0[2] <= jdo[29];
+ xbrk_ctrl0[3] <= jdo[30];
+ xbrk_ctrl0[4] <= jdo[21];
+ xbrk_ctrl0[5] <= jdo[20];
+ xbrk_ctrl0[6] <= jdo[19];
+ xbrk_ctrl0[7] <= jdo[18];
+ end
+ if ((break_b_rr == 2'b01) && (0 >= 2))
+ begin
+ xbrk_ctrl1[0] <= jdo[27];
+ xbrk_ctrl1[1] <= jdo[28];
+ xbrk_ctrl1[2] <= jdo[29];
+ xbrk_ctrl1[3] <= jdo[30];
+ xbrk_ctrl1[4] <= jdo[21];
+ xbrk_ctrl1[5] <= jdo[20];
+ xbrk_ctrl1[6] <= jdo[19];
+ xbrk_ctrl1[7] <= jdo[18];
+ end
+ if ((break_b_rr == 2'b10) && (0 >= 3))
+ begin
+ xbrk_ctrl2[0] <= jdo[27];
+ xbrk_ctrl2[1] <= jdo[28];
+ xbrk_ctrl2[2] <= jdo[29];
+ xbrk_ctrl2[3] <= jdo[30];
+ xbrk_ctrl2[4] <= jdo[21];
+ xbrk_ctrl2[5] <= jdo[20];
+ xbrk_ctrl2[6] <= jdo[19];
+ xbrk_ctrl2[7] <= jdo[18];
+ end
+ if ((break_b_rr == 2'b11) && (0 >= 4))
+ begin
+ xbrk_ctrl3[0] <= jdo[27];
+ xbrk_ctrl3[1] <= jdo[28];
+ xbrk_ctrl3[2] <= jdo[29];
+ xbrk_ctrl3[3] <= jdo[30];
+ xbrk_ctrl3[4] <= jdo[21];
+ xbrk_ctrl3[5] <= jdo[20];
+ xbrk_ctrl3[6] <= jdo[19];
+ xbrk_ctrl3[7] <= jdo[18];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign dbrk_hit0_latch = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk0_low_value = 0;
+ assign dbrk0_high_value = 0;
+ assign dbrk_hit1_latch = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_low_value = 0;
+ assign dbrk1_high_value = 0;
+ assign dbrk_hit2_latch = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_low_value = 0;
+ assign dbrk2_high_value = 0;
+ assign dbrk_hit3_latch = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_low_value = 0;
+ assign dbrk3_high_value = 0;
+ assign xbrk0_value = 32'b0;
+ assign xbrk1_value = 32'b0;
+ assign xbrk2_value = 32'b0;
+ assign xbrk3_value = 32'b0;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ break_readreg <= 32'b0;
+ else if (take_action_any_break)
+ break_readreg <= jdo[31 : 0];
+ else if (take_no_action_break_a)
+ case (break_a_wpr_high_bits)
+ 2'd0: begin
+ case (break_a_wpr_low_bits) // synthesis full_case
+ 2'd0: begin
+ break_readreg <= xbrk0_value;
+ end // 2'd0
+ 2'd1: begin
+ break_readreg <= xbrk1_value;
+ end // 2'd1
+ 2'd2: begin
+ break_readreg <= xbrk2_value;
+ end // 2'd2
+ 2'd3: begin
+ break_readreg <= xbrk3_value;
+ end // 2'd3
+ endcase // break_a_wpr_low_bits
+ end // 2'd0
+ 2'd1: begin
+ break_readreg <= 32'b0;
+ end // 2'd1
+ 2'd2: begin
+ case (break_a_wpr_low_bits) // synthesis full_case
+ 2'd0: begin
+ break_readreg <= dbrk0_low_value;
+ end // 2'd0
+ 2'd1: begin
+ break_readreg <= dbrk1_low_value;
+ end // 2'd1
+ 2'd2: begin
+ break_readreg <= dbrk2_low_value;
+ end // 2'd2
+ 2'd3: begin
+ break_readreg <= dbrk3_low_value;
+ end // 2'd3
+ endcase // break_a_wpr_low_bits
+ end // 2'd2
+ 2'd3: begin
+ case (break_a_wpr_low_bits) // synthesis full_case
+ 2'd0: begin
+ break_readreg <= dbrk0_high_value;
+ end // 2'd0
+ 2'd1: begin
+ break_readreg <= dbrk1_high_value;
+ end // 2'd1
+ 2'd2: begin
+ break_readreg <= dbrk2_high_value;
+ end // 2'd2
+ 2'd3: begin
+ break_readreg <= dbrk3_high_value;
+ end // 2'd3
+ endcase // break_a_wpr_low_bits
+ end // 2'd3
+ endcase // break_a_wpr_high_bits
+ else if (take_no_action_break_b)
+ break_readreg <= jdo[31 : 0];
+ else if (take_no_action_break_c)
+ break_readreg <= jdo[31 : 0];
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ trigger_state <= 0;
+ else if (trigger_state_1 & (xbrk_goto0 | dbrk_goto0))
+ trigger_state <= 0;
+ else if (trigger_state_0 & (xbrk_goto1 | dbrk_goto1))
+ trigger_state <= -1;
+ end
+ assign trigger_state_0 = ~trigger_state;
+ assign trigger_state_1 = trigger_state;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_xbrk (
+ // inputs:
+ D_valid,
+ E_valid,
+ F_pc,
+ clk,
+ reset_n,
+ trigger_state_0,
+ trigger_state_1,
+ xbrk_ctrl0,
+ xbrk_ctrl1,
+ xbrk_ctrl2,
+ xbrk_ctrl3,
+ // outputs:
+ xbrk_break,
+ xbrk_goto0,
+ xbrk_goto1,
+ xbrk_traceoff,
+ xbrk_traceon,
+ xbrk_trigout
+ )
+ output xbrk_break;
+ output xbrk_goto0;
+ output xbrk_goto1;
+ output xbrk_traceoff;
+ output xbrk_traceon;
+ output xbrk_trigout;
+ input D_valid;
+ input E_valid;
+ input [ 17: 0] F_pc;
+ input clk;
+ input reset_n;
+ input trigger_state_0;
+ input trigger_state_1;
+ input [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl0;
+ input [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl1;
+ input [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl2;
+ input [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl3;
+wire D_cpu_addr_en;
+wire E_cpu_addr_en;
+reg E_xbrk_goto0;
+reg E_xbrk_goto1;
+reg E_xbrk_traceoff;
+reg E_xbrk_traceon;
+reg E_xbrk_trigout;
+wire [ 19: 0] cpu_i_address;
+wire xbrk0_armed;
+wire xbrk0_break_hit;
+wire xbrk0_goto0_hit;
+wire xbrk0_goto1_hit;
+wire xbrk0_toff_hit;
+wire xbrk0_ton_hit;
+wire xbrk0_tout_hit;
+wire xbrk1_armed;
+wire xbrk1_break_hit;
+wire xbrk1_goto0_hit;
+wire xbrk1_goto1_hit;
+wire xbrk1_toff_hit;
+wire xbrk1_ton_hit;
+wire xbrk1_tout_hit;
+wire xbrk2_armed;
+wire xbrk2_break_hit;
+wire xbrk2_goto0_hit;
+wire xbrk2_goto1_hit;
+wire xbrk2_toff_hit;
+wire xbrk2_ton_hit;
+wire xbrk2_tout_hit;
+wire xbrk3_armed;
+wire xbrk3_break_hit;
+wire xbrk3_goto0_hit;
+wire xbrk3_goto1_hit;
+wire xbrk3_toff_hit;
+wire xbrk3_ton_hit;
+wire xbrk3_tout_hit;
+reg xbrk_break;
+wire xbrk_break_hit;
+wire xbrk_goto0;
+wire xbrk_goto0_hit;
+wire xbrk_goto1;
+wire xbrk_goto1_hit;
+wire xbrk_toff_hit;
+wire xbrk_ton_hit;
+wire xbrk_tout_hit;
+wire xbrk_traceoff;
+wire xbrk_traceon;
+wire xbrk_trigout;
+ assign cpu_i_address = {F_pc, 2'b00};
+ assign D_cpu_addr_en = D_valid;
+ assign E_cpu_addr_en = E_valid;
+ assign xbrk0_break_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk0_ton_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk0_toff_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk0_tout_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk0_goto0_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk0_goto1_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk1_break_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk1_ton_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk1_toff_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk1_tout_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk1_goto0_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk1_goto1_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk2_break_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk2_ton_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk2_toff_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk2_tout_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk2_goto0_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk2_goto1_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk3_break_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk3_ton_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk3_toff_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk3_tout_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk3_goto0_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk3_goto1_hit = 0;
+ assign xbrk_break_hit = (xbrk0_break_hit) | (xbrk1_break_hit) | (xbrk2_break_hit) | (xbrk3_break_hit);
+ assign xbrk_ton_hit = (xbrk0_ton_hit) | (xbrk1_ton_hit) | (xbrk2_ton_hit) | (xbrk3_ton_hit);
+ assign xbrk_toff_hit = (xbrk0_toff_hit) | (xbrk1_toff_hit) | (xbrk2_toff_hit) | (xbrk3_toff_hit);
+ assign xbrk_tout_hit = (xbrk0_tout_hit) | (xbrk1_tout_hit) | (xbrk2_tout_hit) | (xbrk3_tout_hit);
+ assign xbrk_goto0_hit = (xbrk0_goto0_hit) | (xbrk1_goto0_hit) | (xbrk2_goto0_hit) | (xbrk3_goto0_hit);
+ assign xbrk_goto1_hit = (xbrk0_goto1_hit) | (xbrk1_goto1_hit) | (xbrk2_goto1_hit) | (xbrk3_goto1_hit);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ xbrk_break <= 0;
+ else if (E_cpu_addr_en)
+ xbrk_break <= xbrk_break_hit;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_xbrk_traceon <= 0;
+ else if (E_cpu_addr_en)
+ E_xbrk_traceon <= xbrk_ton_hit;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_xbrk_traceoff <= 0;
+ else if (E_cpu_addr_en)
+ E_xbrk_traceoff <= xbrk_toff_hit;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_xbrk_trigout <= 0;
+ else if (E_cpu_addr_en)
+ E_xbrk_trigout <= xbrk_tout_hit;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_xbrk_goto0 <= 0;
+ else if (E_cpu_addr_en)
+ E_xbrk_goto0 <= xbrk_goto0_hit;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_xbrk_goto1 <= 0;
+ else if (E_cpu_addr_en)
+ E_xbrk_goto1 <= xbrk_goto1_hit;
+ end
+ assign xbrk_traceon = 1'b0;
+ assign xbrk_traceoff = 1'b0;
+ assign xbrk_trigout = 1'b0;
+ assign xbrk_goto0 = 1'b0;
+ assign xbrk_goto1 = 1'b0;
+ assign xbrk0_armed = (xbrk_ctrl0[4] & trigger_state_0) ||
+ (xbrk_ctrl0[5] & trigger_state_1);
+ assign xbrk1_armed = (xbrk_ctrl1[4] & trigger_state_0) ||
+ (xbrk_ctrl1[5] & trigger_state_1);
+ assign xbrk2_armed = (xbrk_ctrl2[4] & trigger_state_0) ||
+ (xbrk_ctrl2[5] & trigger_state_1);
+ assign xbrk3_armed = (xbrk_ctrl3[4] & trigger_state_0) ||
+ (xbrk_ctrl3[5] & trigger_state_1);
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_dbrk (
+ // inputs:
+ E_st_data,
+ av_ld_data_aligned_filtered,
+ clk,
+ d_address,
+ d_read,
+ d_waitrequest,
+ d_write,
+ debugack,
+ reset_n,
+ // outputs:
+ cpu_d_address,
+ cpu_d_read,
+ cpu_d_readdata,
+ cpu_d_wait,
+ cpu_d_write,
+ cpu_d_writedata,
+ dbrk_break,
+ dbrk_goto0,
+ dbrk_goto1,
+ dbrk_traceme,
+ dbrk_traceoff,
+ dbrk_traceon,
+ dbrk_trigout
+ )
+ output [ 19: 0] cpu_d_address;
+ output cpu_d_read;
+ output [ 31: 0] cpu_d_readdata;
+ output cpu_d_wait;
+ output cpu_d_write;
+ output [ 31: 0] cpu_d_writedata;
+ output dbrk_break;
+ output dbrk_goto0;
+ output dbrk_goto1;
+ output dbrk_traceme;
+ output dbrk_traceoff;
+ output dbrk_traceon;
+ output dbrk_trigout;
+ input [ 31: 0] E_st_data;
+ input [ 31: 0] av_ld_data_aligned_filtered;
+ input clk;
+ input [ 19: 0] d_address;
+ input d_read;
+ input d_waitrequest;
+ input d_write;
+ input debugack;
+ input reset_n;
+wire [ 19: 0] cpu_d_address;
+wire cpu_d_read;
+wire [ 31: 0] cpu_d_readdata;
+wire cpu_d_wait;
+wire cpu_d_write;
+wire [ 31: 0] cpu_d_writedata;
+wire dbrk0_armed;
+wire dbrk0_break_pulse;
+wire dbrk0_goto0;
+wire dbrk0_goto1;
+wire dbrk0_traceme;
+wire dbrk0_traceoff;
+wire dbrk0_traceon;
+wire dbrk0_trigout;
+wire dbrk1_armed;
+wire dbrk1_break_pulse;
+wire dbrk1_goto0;
+wire dbrk1_goto1;
+wire dbrk1_traceme;
+wire dbrk1_traceoff;
+wire dbrk1_traceon;
+wire dbrk1_trigout;
+wire dbrk2_armed;
+wire dbrk2_break_pulse;
+wire dbrk2_goto0;
+wire dbrk2_goto1;
+wire dbrk2_traceme;
+wire dbrk2_traceoff;
+wire dbrk2_traceon;
+wire dbrk2_trigout;
+wire dbrk3_armed;
+wire dbrk3_break_pulse;
+wire dbrk3_goto0;
+wire dbrk3_goto1;
+wire dbrk3_traceme;
+wire dbrk3_traceoff;
+wire dbrk3_traceon;
+wire dbrk3_trigout;
+reg dbrk_break;
+reg dbrk_break_pulse;
+wire [ 31: 0] dbrk_data;
+reg dbrk_goto0;
+reg dbrk_goto1;
+reg dbrk_traceme;
+reg dbrk_traceoff;
+reg dbrk_traceon;
+reg dbrk_trigout;
+ assign cpu_d_address = d_address;
+ assign cpu_d_readdata = av_ld_data_aligned_filtered;
+ assign cpu_d_read = d_read;
+ assign cpu_d_writedata = E_st_data;
+ assign cpu_d_write = d_write;
+ assign cpu_d_wait = d_waitrequest;
+ assign dbrk_data = cpu_d_write ? cpu_d_writedata : cpu_d_readdata;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ dbrk_break <= 0;
+ else
+ dbrk_break <= dbrk_break ? ~debugack
+ : dbrk_break_pulse;
+ end
+ assign dbrk0_armed = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk0_trigout = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk0_break_pulse = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk0_traceoff = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk0_traceon = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk0_traceme = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk0_goto0 = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk0_goto1 = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_armed = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_trigout = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_break_pulse = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_traceoff = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_traceon = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_traceme = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_goto0 = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk1_goto1 = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_armed = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_trigout = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_break_pulse = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_traceoff = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_traceon = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_traceme = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_goto0 = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk2_goto1 = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_armed = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_trigout = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_break_pulse = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_traceoff = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_traceon = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_traceme = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_goto0 = 1'b0;
+ assign dbrk3_goto1 = 1'b0;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ begin
+ dbrk_trigout <= 0;
+ dbrk_break_pulse <= 0;
+ dbrk_traceoff <= 0;
+ dbrk_traceon <= 0;
+ dbrk_traceme <= 0;
+ dbrk_goto0 <= 0;
+ dbrk_goto1 <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dbrk_trigout <= dbrk0_trigout | dbrk1_trigout | dbrk2_trigout | dbrk3_trigout;
+ dbrk_break_pulse <= dbrk0_break_pulse | dbrk1_break_pulse | dbrk2_break_pulse | dbrk3_break_pulse;
+ dbrk_traceoff <= dbrk0_traceoff | dbrk1_traceoff | dbrk2_traceoff | dbrk3_traceoff;
+ dbrk_traceon <= dbrk0_traceon | dbrk1_traceon | dbrk2_traceon | dbrk3_traceon;
+ dbrk_traceme <= dbrk0_traceme | dbrk1_traceme | dbrk2_traceme | dbrk3_traceme;
+ dbrk_goto0 <= dbrk0_goto0 | dbrk1_goto0 | dbrk2_goto0 | dbrk3_goto0;
+ dbrk_goto1 <= dbrk0_goto1 | dbrk1_goto1 | dbrk2_goto1 | dbrk3_goto1;
+ end
+ end
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_itrace (
+ // inputs:
+ clk,
+ dbrk_traceoff,
+ dbrk_traceon,
+ jdo,
+ jrst_n,
+ take_action_tracectrl,
+ xbrk_traceoff,
+ xbrk_traceon,
+ xbrk_wrap_traceoff,
+ // outputs:
+ itm,
+ trc_ctrl,
+ trc_on
+ )
+ output [ 35: 0] itm;
+ output [ 15: 0] trc_ctrl;
+ output trc_on;
+ input clk;
+ input dbrk_traceoff;
+ input dbrk_traceon;
+ input [ 15: 0] jdo;
+ input jrst_n;
+ input take_action_tracectrl;
+ input xbrk_traceoff;
+ input xbrk_traceon;
+ input xbrk_wrap_traceoff;
+wire advanced_exc_occured;
+wire curr_pid;
+wire [ 1: 0] dct_code;
+wire dct_is_taken;
+wire [ 31: 0] eic_addr;
+wire [ 31: 0] exc_addr;
+wire instr_retired;
+wire is_cond_dct;
+wire is_dct;
+wire is_exception_no_break;
+wire is_external_interrupt;
+wire is_fast_tlb_miss_exception;
+wire is_idct;
+wire [ 35: 0] itm;
+wire not_in_debug_mode;
+wire record_dct_outcome_in_sync;
+wire record_itrace;
+wire [ 31: 0] retired_pcb;
+wire [ 1: 0] sync_code;
+wire [ 6: 0] sync_interval;
+wire [ 6: 0] sync_timer;
+wire [ 6: 0] sync_timer_next;
+wire sync_timer_reached_zero;
+wire [ 15: 0] trc_ctrl;
+reg [ 10: 0] trc_ctrl_reg /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+wire trc_on;
+ assign is_cond_dct = 1'b0;
+ assign is_dct = 1'b0;
+ assign dct_is_taken = 1'b0;
+ assign is_idct = 1'b0;
+ assign retired_pcb = 32'b0;
+ assign not_in_debug_mode = 1'b0;
+ assign instr_retired = 1'b0;
+ assign advanced_exc_occured = 1'b0;
+ assign is_exception_no_break = 1'b0;
+ assign is_external_interrupt = 1'b0;
+ assign is_fast_tlb_miss_exception = 1'b0;
+ assign curr_pid = 1'b0;
+ assign exc_addr = 32'b0;
+ assign eic_addr = 32'b0;
+ assign sync_code = trc_ctrl[3 : 2];
+ assign sync_interval = { sync_code[1] & sync_code[0], 1'b0, sync_code[1] & ~sync_code[0], 1'b0, ~sync_code[1] & sync_code[0], 2'b00 };
+ assign sync_timer_reached_zero = sync_timer == 0;
+ assign record_dct_outcome_in_sync = dct_is_taken & sync_timer_reached_zero;
+ assign sync_timer_next = sync_timer_reached_zero ? sync_timer : (sync_timer - 1);
+ assign record_itrace = trc_on & trc_ctrl[4];
+ assign dct_code = {is_cond_dct, dct_is_taken};
+ assign itm = 36'd0;
+ assign sync_timer = 7'd1;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ begin
+ trc_ctrl_reg[0] <= 1'b0;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[1] <= 1'b0;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[3 : 2] <= 2'b00;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[4] <= 1'b0;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[7 : 5] <= 3'b000;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[8] <= 0;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[9] <= 1'b0;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[10] <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else if (take_action_tracectrl)
+ begin
+ trc_ctrl_reg[0] <= jdo[5];
+ trc_ctrl_reg[1] <= jdo[6];
+ trc_ctrl_reg[3 : 2] <= jdo[8 : 7];
+ trc_ctrl_reg[4] <= jdo[9];
+ trc_ctrl_reg[9] <= jdo[14];
+ trc_ctrl_reg[10] <= jdo[2];
+ trc_ctrl_reg[7 : 5] <= 3'b000;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[8] <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else if (xbrk_wrap_traceoff)
+ begin
+ trc_ctrl_reg[1] <= 0;
+ trc_ctrl_reg[0] <= 0;
+ end
+ else if (dbrk_traceoff | xbrk_traceoff)
+ trc_ctrl_reg[1] <= 0;
+ else if (trc_ctrl_reg[0] &
+ (dbrk_traceon | xbrk_traceon))
+ trc_ctrl_reg[1] <= 1;
+ end
+ assign trc_ctrl = 0;
+ assign trc_on = trc_ctrl[1] & (trc_ctrl[9] | not_in_debug_mode);
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_td_mode (
+ // inputs:
+ ctrl,
+ // outputs:
+ td_mode
+ )
+ output [ 3: 0] td_mode;
+ input [ 8: 0] ctrl;
+wire [ 2: 0] ctrl_bits_for_mux;
+reg [ 3: 0] td_mode;
+ assign ctrl_bits_for_mux = ctrl[7 : 5];
+ always @(ctrl_bits_for_mux)
+ begin
+ case (ctrl_bits_for_mux)
+ 3'b000: begin
+ td_mode = 4'b0000;
+ end // 3'b000
+ 3'b001: begin
+ td_mode = 4'b1000;
+ end // 3'b001
+ 3'b010: begin
+ td_mode = 4'b0100;
+ end // 3'b010
+ 3'b011: begin
+ td_mode = 4'b1100;
+ end // 3'b011
+ 3'b100: begin
+ td_mode = 4'b0010;
+ end // 3'b100
+ 3'b101: begin
+ td_mode = 4'b1010;
+ end // 3'b101
+ 3'b110: begin
+ td_mode = 4'b0101;
+ end // 3'b110
+ 3'b111: begin
+ td_mode = 4'b1111;
+ end // 3'b111
+ endcase // ctrl_bits_for_mux
+ end
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_dtrace (
+ // inputs:
+ clk,
+ cpu_d_address,
+ cpu_d_read,
+ cpu_d_readdata,
+ cpu_d_wait,
+ cpu_d_write,
+ cpu_d_writedata,
+ jrst_n,
+ trc_ctrl,
+ // outputs:
+ atm,
+ dtm
+ )
+ output [ 35: 0] atm;
+ output [ 35: 0] dtm;
+ input clk;
+ input [ 19: 0] cpu_d_address;
+ input cpu_d_read;
+ input [ 31: 0] cpu_d_readdata;
+ input cpu_d_wait;
+ input cpu_d_write;
+ input [ 31: 0] cpu_d_writedata;
+ input jrst_n;
+ input [ 15: 0] trc_ctrl;
+reg [ 35: 0] atm /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=R101" */;
+wire [ 31: 0] cpu_d_address_0_padded;
+wire [ 31: 0] cpu_d_readdata_0_padded;
+wire [ 31: 0] cpu_d_writedata_0_padded;
+reg [ 35: 0] dtm /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=R101" */;
+wire dummy_tie_off;
+wire record_load_addr;
+wire record_load_data;
+wire record_store_addr;
+wire record_store_data;
+wire [ 3: 0] td_mode_trc_ctrl;
+ assign cpu_d_writedata_0_padded = cpu_d_writedata | 32'b0;
+ assign cpu_d_readdata_0_padded = cpu_d_readdata | 32'b0;
+ assign cpu_d_address_0_padded = cpu_d_address | 32'b0;
+ //nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_trc_ctrl_td_mode, which is an e_instance
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_td_mode nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_trc_ctrl_td_mode
+ (
+ .ctrl (trc_ctrl[8 : 0]),
+ .td_mode (td_mode_trc_ctrl)
+ );
+ assign {record_load_addr, record_store_addr,
+ record_load_data, record_store_data} = td_mode_trc_ctrl;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ begin
+ atm <= 0;
+ dtm <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ atm <= 0;
+ dtm <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ assign dummy_tie_off = cpu_d_wait|cpu_d_read|cpu_d_write;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_compute_input_tm_cnt (
+ // inputs:
+ atm_valid,
+ dtm_valid,
+ itm_valid,
+ // outputs:
+ compute_input_tm_cnt
+ )
+ output [ 1: 0] compute_input_tm_cnt;
+ input atm_valid;
+ input dtm_valid;
+ input itm_valid;
+reg [ 1: 0] compute_input_tm_cnt;
+wire [ 2: 0] switch_for_mux;
+ assign switch_for_mux = {itm_valid, atm_valid, dtm_valid};
+ always @(switch_for_mux)
+ begin
+ case (switch_for_mux)
+ 3'b000: begin
+ compute_input_tm_cnt = 0;
+ end // 3'b000
+ 3'b001: begin
+ compute_input_tm_cnt = 1;
+ end // 3'b001
+ 3'b010: begin
+ compute_input_tm_cnt = 1;
+ end // 3'b010
+ 3'b011: begin
+ compute_input_tm_cnt = 2;
+ end // 3'b011
+ 3'b100: begin
+ compute_input_tm_cnt = 1;
+ end // 3'b100
+ 3'b101: begin
+ compute_input_tm_cnt = 2;
+ end // 3'b101
+ 3'b110: begin
+ compute_input_tm_cnt = 2;
+ end // 3'b110
+ 3'b111: begin
+ compute_input_tm_cnt = 3;
+ end // 3'b111
+ endcase // switch_for_mux
+ end
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo_wrptr_inc (
+ // inputs:
+ ge2_free,
+ ge3_free,
+ input_tm_cnt,
+ // outputs:
+ fifo_wrptr_inc
+ )
+ output [ 3: 0] fifo_wrptr_inc;
+ input ge2_free;
+ input ge3_free;
+ input [ 1: 0] input_tm_cnt;
+reg [ 3: 0] fifo_wrptr_inc;
+ always @(ge2_free or ge3_free or input_tm_cnt)
+ begin
+ if (ge3_free & (input_tm_cnt == 3))
+ fifo_wrptr_inc = 3;
+ else if (ge2_free & (input_tm_cnt >= 2))
+ fifo_wrptr_inc = 2;
+ else if (input_tm_cnt >= 1)
+ fifo_wrptr_inc = 1;
+ else
+ fifo_wrptr_inc = 0;
+ end
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo_cnt_inc (
+ // inputs:
+ empty,
+ ge2_free,
+ ge3_free,
+ input_tm_cnt,
+ // outputs:
+ fifo_cnt_inc
+ )
+ output [ 4: 0] fifo_cnt_inc;
+ input empty;
+ input ge2_free;
+ input ge3_free;
+ input [ 1: 0] input_tm_cnt;
+reg [ 4: 0] fifo_cnt_inc;
+ always @(empty or ge2_free or ge3_free or input_tm_cnt)
+ begin
+ if (empty)
+ fifo_cnt_inc = input_tm_cnt[1 : 0];
+ else if (ge3_free & (input_tm_cnt == 3))
+ fifo_cnt_inc = 2;
+ else if (ge2_free & (input_tm_cnt >= 2))
+ fifo_cnt_inc = 1;
+ else if (input_tm_cnt >= 1)
+ fifo_cnt_inc = 0;
+ else
+ fifo_cnt_inc = {5{1'b1}};
+ end
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo (
+ // inputs:
+ atm,
+ clk,
+ dbrk_traceme,
+ dbrk_traceoff,
+ dbrk_traceon,
+ dtm,
+ itm,
+ jrst_n,
+ reset_n,
+ trc_on,
+ // outputs:
+ tw
+ )
+ output [ 35: 0] tw;
+ input [ 35: 0] atm;
+ input clk;
+ input dbrk_traceme;
+ input dbrk_traceoff;
+ input dbrk_traceon;
+ input [ 35: 0] dtm;
+ input [ 35: 0] itm;
+ input jrst_n;
+ input reset_n;
+ input trc_on;
+wire atm_valid;
+wire [ 1: 0] compute_input_tm_cnt;
+wire dtm_valid;
+wire empty;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_0;
+wire fifo_0_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_0_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_1;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_10;
+wire fifo_10_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_10_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_11;
+wire fifo_11_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_11_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_12;
+wire fifo_12_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_12_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_13;
+wire fifo_13_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_13_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_14;
+wire fifo_14_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_14_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_15;
+wire fifo_15_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_15_mux;
+wire fifo_1_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_1_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_2;
+wire fifo_2_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_2_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_3;
+wire fifo_3_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_3_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_4;
+wire fifo_4_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_4_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_5;
+wire fifo_5_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_5_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_6;
+wire fifo_6_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_6_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_7;
+wire fifo_7_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_7_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_8;
+wire fifo_8_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_8_mux;
+reg [ 35: 0] fifo_9;
+wire fifo_9_enable;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_9_mux;
+reg [ 4: 0] fifo_cnt /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=R101" */;
+wire [ 4: 0] fifo_cnt_inc;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_head;
+reg [ 3: 0] fifo_rdptr /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=R101" */;
+wire [ 35: 0] fifo_read_mux;
+reg [ 3: 0] fifo_wrptr /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=R101" */;
+wire [ 3: 0] fifo_wrptr_inc;
+wire [ 3: 0] fifo_wrptr_plus1;
+wire [ 3: 0] fifo_wrptr_plus2;
+wire ge2_free;
+wire ge3_free;
+wire input_ge1;
+wire input_ge2;
+wire input_ge3;
+wire [ 1: 0] input_tm_cnt;
+wire itm_valid;
+reg overflow_pending /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=R101" */;
+wire [ 35: 0] overflow_pending_atm;
+wire [ 35: 0] overflow_pending_dtm;
+wire trc_this;
+wire [ 35: 0] tw;
+ assign trc_this = trc_on | (dbrk_traceon & ~dbrk_traceoff) | dbrk_traceme;
+ assign itm_valid = |itm[35 : 32];
+ assign atm_valid = |atm[35 : 32] & trc_this;
+ assign dtm_valid = |dtm[35 : 32] & trc_this;
+ assign ge2_free = ~fifo_cnt[4];
+ assign ge3_free = ge2_free & ~&fifo_cnt[3 : 0];
+ assign empty = ~|fifo_cnt;
+ assign fifo_wrptr_plus1 = fifo_wrptr + 1;
+ assign fifo_wrptr_plus2 = fifo_wrptr + 2;
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_compute_input_tm_cnt the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_compute_input_tm_cnt
+ (
+ .atm_valid (atm_valid),
+ .compute_input_tm_cnt (compute_input_tm_cnt),
+ .dtm_valid (dtm_valid),
+ .itm_valid (itm_valid)
+ );
+ assign input_tm_cnt = compute_input_tm_cnt;
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo_wrptr_inc the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo_wrptr_inc
+ (
+ .fifo_wrptr_inc (fifo_wrptr_inc),
+ .ge2_free (ge2_free),
+ .ge3_free (ge3_free),
+ .input_tm_cnt (input_tm_cnt)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo_cnt_inc the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo_cnt_inc
+ (
+ .empty (empty),
+ .fifo_cnt_inc (fifo_cnt_inc),
+ .ge2_free (ge2_free),
+ .ge3_free (ge3_free),
+ .input_tm_cnt (input_tm_cnt)
+ );
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ begin
+ fifo_rdptr <= 0;
+ fifo_wrptr <= 0;
+ fifo_cnt <= 0;
+ overflow_pending <= 1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ fifo_wrptr <= fifo_wrptr + fifo_wrptr_inc;
+ fifo_cnt <= fifo_cnt + fifo_cnt_inc;
+ if (~empty)
+ fifo_rdptr <= fifo_rdptr + 1;
+ if (~trc_this || (~ge2_free & input_ge2) || (~ge3_free & input_ge3))
+ overflow_pending <= 1;
+ else if (atm_valid | dtm_valid)
+ overflow_pending <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ assign fifo_head = fifo_read_mux;
+ assign tw = itm;
+ assign fifo_0_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd0) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd0) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd0) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_0 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_0_enable)
+ fifo_0 <= fifo_0_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_0_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd0) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd0) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd0) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd0) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd0) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd0) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_1_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd1) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd1) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd1) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_1 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_1_enable)
+ fifo_1 <= fifo_1_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_1_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd1) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd1) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd1) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd1) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd1) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd1) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_2_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd2) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd2) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd2) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_2 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_2_enable)
+ fifo_2 <= fifo_2_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_2_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd2) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd2) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd2) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd2) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd2) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd2) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_3_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd3) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd3) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd3) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_3 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_3_enable)
+ fifo_3 <= fifo_3_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_3_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd3) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd3) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd3) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd3) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd3) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd3) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_4_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd4) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd4) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd4) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_4 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_4_enable)
+ fifo_4 <= fifo_4_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_4_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd4) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd4) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd4) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd4) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd4) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd4) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_5_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd5) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd5) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd5) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_5 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_5_enable)
+ fifo_5 <= fifo_5_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_5_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd5) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd5) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd5) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd5) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd5) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd5) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_6_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd6) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd6) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd6) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_6 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_6_enable)
+ fifo_6 <= fifo_6_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_6_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd6) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd6) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd6) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd6) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd6) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd6) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_7_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd7) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd7) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd7) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_7 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_7_enable)
+ fifo_7 <= fifo_7_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_7_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd7) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd7) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd7) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd7) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd7) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd7) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_8_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd8) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd8) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd8) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_8 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_8_enable)
+ fifo_8 <= fifo_8_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_8_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd8) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd8) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd8) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd8) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd8) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd8) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_9_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd9) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd9) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd9) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_9 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_9_enable)
+ fifo_9 <= fifo_9_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_9_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd9) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd9) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd9) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd9) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd9) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd9) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_10_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd10) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd10) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd10) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_10 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_10_enable)
+ fifo_10 <= fifo_10_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_10_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd10) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd10) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd10) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd10) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd10) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd10) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_11_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd11) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd11) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd11) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_11 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_11_enable)
+ fifo_11 <= fifo_11_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_11_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd11) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd11) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd11) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd11) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd11) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd11) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_12_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd12) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd12) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd12) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_12 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_12_enable)
+ fifo_12 <= fifo_12_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_12_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd12) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd12) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd12) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd12) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd12) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd12) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_13_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd13) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd13) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd13) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_13 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_13_enable)
+ fifo_13 <= fifo_13_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_13_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd13) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd13) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd13) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd13) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd13) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd13) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_14_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd14) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd14) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd14) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_14 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_14_enable)
+ fifo_14 <= fifo_14_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_14_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd14) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd14) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd14) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd14) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd14) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd14) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign fifo_15_enable = ((fifo_wrptr == 4'd15) && input_ge1) || (ge2_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus1== 4'd15) && input_ge2) ||(ge3_free && (fifo_wrptr_plus2== 4'd15) && input_ge3);
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ fifo_15 <= 0;
+ else if (fifo_15_enable)
+ fifo_15 <= fifo_15_mux;
+ end
+ assign fifo_15_mux = (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd15) && itm_valid))? itm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd15) && atm_valid))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr == 4'd15) && dtm_valid))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd15) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & atm_valid)))? overflow_pending_atm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd15) && (ge2_free & itm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ (((fifo_wrptr_plus1 == 4'd15) && (ge2_free & atm_valid & dtm_valid)))? overflow_pending_dtm :
+ overflow_pending_dtm;
+ assign input_ge1 = |input_tm_cnt;
+ assign input_ge2 = input_tm_cnt[1];
+ assign input_ge3 = &input_tm_cnt;
+ assign overflow_pending_atm = {overflow_pending, atm[34 : 0]};
+ assign overflow_pending_dtm = {overflow_pending, dtm[34 : 0]};
+ assign fifo_read_mux = (fifo_rdptr == 4'd0)? fifo_0 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd1)? fifo_1 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd2)? fifo_2 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd3)? fifo_3 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd4)? fifo_4 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd5)? fifo_5 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd6)? fifo_6 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd7)? fifo_7 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd8)? fifo_8 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd9)? fifo_9 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd10)? fifo_10 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd11)? fifo_11 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd12)? fifo_12 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd13)? fifo_13 :
+ (fifo_rdptr == 4'd14)? fifo_14 :
+ fifo_15;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_pib (
+ // outputs:
+ tr_data
+ )
+ output [ 35: 0] tr_data;
+wire [ 35: 0] tr_data;
+ assign tr_data = 0;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_im (
+ // inputs:
+ clk,
+ jrst_n,
+ trc_ctrl,
+ tw,
+ // outputs:
+ tracemem_on,
+ tracemem_trcdata,
+ tracemem_tw,
+ trc_im_addr,
+ trc_wrap,
+ xbrk_wrap_traceoff
+ )
+ output tracemem_on;
+ output [ 35: 0] tracemem_trcdata;
+ output tracemem_tw;
+ output [ 6: 0] trc_im_addr;
+ output trc_wrap;
+ output xbrk_wrap_traceoff;
+ input clk;
+ input jrst_n;
+ input [ 15: 0] trc_ctrl;
+ input [ 35: 0] tw;
+wire tracemem_on;
+wire [ 35: 0] tracemem_trcdata;
+wire tracemem_tw;
+reg [ 6: 0] trc_im_addr /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+wire [ 35: 0] trc_im_data;
+wire trc_on_chip;
+reg trc_wrap /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+wire tw_valid;
+wire xbrk_wrap_traceoff;
+ assign trc_im_data = tw;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ begin
+ trc_im_addr <= 0;
+ trc_wrap <= 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ trc_im_addr <= 0;
+ trc_wrap <= 0;
+ end
+ end
+ assign trc_on_chip = ~trc_ctrl[8];
+ assign tw_valid = |trc_im_data[35 : 32];
+ assign xbrk_wrap_traceoff = trc_ctrl[10] & trc_wrap;
+ assign tracemem_trcdata = 0;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_performance_monitors
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_avalon_reg (
+ // inputs:
+ address,
+ clk,
+ debugaccess,
+ monitor_error,
+ monitor_go,
+ monitor_ready,
+ reset_n,
+ write,
+ writedata,
+ // outputs:
+ oci_ienable,
+ oci_reg_readdata,
+ oci_single_step_mode,
+ ocireg_ers,
+ ocireg_mrs,
+ take_action_ocireg
+ )
+ output [ 31: 0] oci_ienable;
+ output [ 31: 0] oci_reg_readdata;
+ output oci_single_step_mode;
+ output ocireg_ers;
+ output ocireg_mrs;
+ output take_action_ocireg;
+ input [ 8: 0] address;
+ input clk;
+ input debugaccess;
+ input monitor_error;
+ input monitor_go;
+ input monitor_ready;
+ input reset_n;
+ input write;
+ input [ 31: 0] writedata;
+reg [ 31: 0] oci_ienable;
+wire oci_reg_00_addressed;
+wire oci_reg_01_addressed;
+wire [ 31: 0] oci_reg_readdata;
+reg oci_single_step_mode;
+wire ocireg_ers;
+wire ocireg_mrs;
+wire ocireg_sstep;
+wire take_action_oci_intr_mask_reg;
+wire take_action_ocireg;
+wire write_strobe;
+ assign oci_reg_00_addressed = address == 9'h100;
+ assign oci_reg_01_addressed = address == 9'h101;
+ assign write_strobe = write & debugaccess;
+ assign take_action_ocireg = write_strobe & oci_reg_00_addressed;
+ assign take_action_oci_intr_mask_reg = write_strobe & oci_reg_01_addressed;
+ assign ocireg_ers = writedata[1];
+ assign ocireg_mrs = writedata[0];
+ assign ocireg_sstep = writedata[3];
+ assign oci_reg_readdata = oci_reg_00_addressed ? {28'b0, oci_single_step_mode, monitor_go,
+ monitor_ready, monitor_error} :
+ oci_reg_01_addressed ? oci_ienable :
+ 32'b0;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ oci_single_step_mode <= 1'b0;
+ else if (take_action_ocireg)
+ oci_single_step_mode <= ocireg_sstep;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ oci_ienable <= 32'b00000000000000000000000000000001;
+ else if (take_action_oci_intr_mask_reg)
+ oci_ienable <= writedata | ~(32'b00000000000000000000000000000001);
+ end
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ociram_sp_ram_module (
+ // inputs:
+ address,
+ byteenable,
+ clock,
+ data,
+ reset_req,
+ wren,
+ // outputs:
+ q
+ )
+ parameter lpm_file = "UNUSED";
+ output [ 31: 0] q;
+ input [ 7: 0] address;
+ input [ 3: 0] byteenable;
+ input clock;
+ input [ 31: 0] data;
+ input reset_req;
+ input wren;
+wire clocken;
+wire [ 31: 0] q;
+wire [ 31: 0] ram_q;
+ assign q = ram_q;
+ assign clocken = ~reset_req;
+ altsyncram the_altsyncram
+ (
+ .address_a (address),
+ .byteena_a (byteenable),
+ .clock0 (clock),
+ .clocken0 (clocken),
+ .data_a (data),
+ .q_a (ram_q),
+ .wren_a (wren)
+ );
+ defparam the_altsyncram.init_file = lpm_file,
+ the_altsyncram.maximum_depth = 0,
+ the_altsyncram.numwords_a = 256,
+ the_altsyncram.operation_mode = "SINGLE_PORT",
+ the_altsyncram.outdata_reg_a = "UNREGISTERED",
+ the_altsyncram.ram_block_type = "AUTO",
+ the_altsyncram.read_during_write_mode_port_a = "DONT_CARE",
+ the_altsyncram.width_a = 32,
+ the_altsyncram.width_byteena_a = 4,
+ the_altsyncram.widthad_a = 8;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_ocimem (
+ // inputs:
+ address,
+ byteenable,
+ clk,
+ debugaccess,
+ jdo,
+ jrst_n,
+ read,
+ reset_req,
+ take_action_ocimem_a,
+ take_action_ocimem_b,
+ take_no_action_ocimem_a,
+ write,
+ writedata,
+ // outputs:
+ MonDReg,
+ ociram_readdata,
+ waitrequest
+ )
+ output [ 31: 0] MonDReg;
+ output [ 31: 0] ociram_readdata;
+ output waitrequest;
+ input [ 8: 0] address;
+ input [ 3: 0] byteenable;
+ input clk;
+ input debugaccess;
+ input [ 37: 0] jdo;
+ input jrst_n;
+ input read;
+ input reset_req;
+ input take_action_ocimem_a;
+ input take_action_ocimem_b;
+ input take_no_action_ocimem_a;
+ input write;
+ input [ 31: 0] writedata;
+reg [ 10: 0] MonAReg /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+wire [ 8: 0] MonARegAddrInc;
+wire MonARegAddrIncAccessingRAM;
+reg [ 31: 0] MonDReg /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+reg avalon_ociram_readdata_ready /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+wire avalon_ram_wr;
+wire [ 31: 0] cfgrom_readdata;
+reg jtag_ram_access /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+reg jtag_ram_rd /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+reg jtag_ram_rd_d1 /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+reg jtag_ram_wr /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+reg jtag_rd /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+reg jtag_rd_d1 /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+wire [ 7: 0] ociram_addr;
+wire [ 3: 0] ociram_byteenable;
+wire [ 31: 0] ociram_readdata;
+wire ociram_reset_req;
+wire [ 31: 0] ociram_wr_data;
+wire ociram_wr_en;
+reg waitrequest /* synthesis ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE = "SUPPRESS_DA_RULE_INTERNAL=\"D101,D103,R101\"" */;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ begin
+ jtag_rd <= 1'b0;
+ jtag_rd_d1 <= 1'b0;
+ jtag_ram_wr <= 1'b0;
+ jtag_ram_rd <= 1'b0;
+ jtag_ram_rd_d1 <= 1'b0;
+ jtag_ram_access <= 1'b0;
+ MonAReg <= 0;
+ MonDReg <= 0;
+ waitrequest <= 1'b1;
+ avalon_ociram_readdata_ready <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (take_no_action_ocimem_a)
+ begin
+ MonAReg[10 : 2] <= MonARegAddrInc;
+ jtag_rd <= 1'b1;
+ jtag_ram_rd <= MonARegAddrIncAccessingRAM;
+ jtag_ram_access <= MonARegAddrIncAccessingRAM;
+ end
+ else if (take_action_ocimem_a)
+ begin
+ MonAReg[10 : 2] <= { jdo[17],
+ jdo[33 : 26] };
+ jtag_rd <= 1'b1;
+ jtag_ram_rd <= ~jdo[17];
+ jtag_ram_access <= ~jdo[17];
+ end
+ else if (take_action_ocimem_b)
+ begin
+ MonAReg[10 : 2] <= MonARegAddrInc;
+ MonDReg <= jdo[34 : 3];
+ jtag_ram_wr <= MonARegAddrIncAccessingRAM;
+ jtag_ram_access <= MonARegAddrIncAccessingRAM;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ jtag_rd <= 0;
+ jtag_ram_wr <= 0;
+ jtag_ram_rd <= 0;
+ jtag_ram_access <= 0;
+ if (jtag_rd_d1)
+ MonDReg <= jtag_ram_rd_d1 ? ociram_readdata : cfgrom_readdata;
+ end
+ jtag_rd_d1 <= jtag_rd;
+ jtag_ram_rd_d1 <= jtag_ram_rd;
+ if (~waitrequest)
+ begin
+ waitrequest <= 1'b1;
+ avalon_ociram_readdata_ready <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ else if (write)
+ waitrequest <= ~address[8] & jtag_ram_access;
+ else if (read)
+ begin
+ avalon_ociram_readdata_ready <= ~(~address[8] & jtag_ram_access);
+ waitrequest <= ~avalon_ociram_readdata_ready;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ waitrequest <= 1'b1;
+ avalon_ociram_readdata_ready <= 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assign MonARegAddrInc = MonAReg[10 : 2]+1;
+ assign MonARegAddrIncAccessingRAM = ~MonARegAddrInc[8];
+ assign avalon_ram_wr = write & ~address[8] & debugaccess;
+ assign ociram_addr = jtag_ram_access ? MonAReg[9 : 2] : address[7 : 0];
+ assign ociram_wr_data = jtag_ram_access ? MonDReg[31 : 0] : writedata;
+ assign ociram_byteenable = jtag_ram_access ? 4'b1111 : byteenable;
+ assign ociram_wr_en = jtag_ram_access ? jtag_ram_wr : avalon_ram_wr;
+ assign ociram_reset_req = reset_req & ~jtag_ram_access;
+//nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ociram_sp_ram, which is an nios_sp_ram
+nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ociram_sp_ram_module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ociram_sp_ram
+ (
+ .address (ociram_addr),
+ .byteenable (ociram_byteenable),
+ .clock (clk),
+ .data (ociram_wr_data),
+ .q (ociram_readdata),
+ .reset_req (ociram_reset_req),
+ .wren (ociram_wr_en)
+ );
+//synthesis translate_off
+`ifdef NO_PLI
+defparam nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ociram_sp_ram.lpm_file = "nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ociram_default_contents.dat";
+defparam nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ociram_sp_ram.lpm_file = "nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_ociram_default_contents.hex";
+//synthesis translate_on
+ assign cfgrom_readdata = (MonAReg[4 : 2] == 3'd0)? 32'h00040020 :
+ (MonAReg[4 : 2] == 3'd1)? 32'h00001414 :
+ (MonAReg[4 : 2] == 3'd2)? 32'h00040000 :
+ (MonAReg[4 : 2] == 3'd3)? 32'h00000100 :
+ (MonAReg[4 : 2] == 3'd4)? 32'h20000000 :
+ (MonAReg[4 : 2] == 3'd5)? 32'h00040000 :
+ (MonAReg[4 : 2] == 3'd6)? 32'h00000000 :
+ 32'h00000000;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci (
+ // inputs:
+ D_valid,
+ E_st_data,
+ E_valid,
+ F_pc,
+ address_nxt,
+ av_ld_data_aligned_filtered,
+ byteenable_nxt,
+ clk,
+ d_address,
+ d_read,
+ d_waitrequest,
+ d_write,
+ debugaccess_nxt,
+ hbreak_enabled,
+ read_nxt,
+ reset,
+ reset_n,
+ reset_req,
+ write_nxt,
+ writedata_nxt,
+ // outputs:
+ debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms,
+ oci_hbreak_req,
+ oci_ienable,
+ oci_single_step_mode,
+ readdata,
+ resetrequest,
+ waitrequest
+ )
+ output debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms;
+ output oci_hbreak_req;
+ output [ 31: 0] oci_ienable;
+ output oci_single_step_mode;
+ output [ 31: 0] readdata;
+ output resetrequest;
+ output waitrequest;
+ input D_valid;
+ input [ 31: 0] E_st_data;
+ input E_valid;
+ input [ 17: 0] F_pc;
+ input [ 8: 0] address_nxt;
+ input [ 31: 0] av_ld_data_aligned_filtered;
+ input [ 3: 0] byteenable_nxt;
+ input clk;
+ input [ 19: 0] d_address;
+ input d_read;
+ input d_waitrequest;
+ input d_write;
+ input debugaccess_nxt;
+ input hbreak_enabled;
+ input read_nxt;
+ input reset;
+ input reset_n;
+ input reset_req;
+ input write_nxt;
+ input [ 31: 0] writedata_nxt;
+wire [ 31: 0] MonDReg;
+reg [ 8: 0] address;
+wire [ 35: 0] atm;
+wire [ 31: 0] break_readreg;
+reg [ 3: 0] byteenable;
+wire [ 19: 0] cpu_d_address;
+wire cpu_d_read;
+wire [ 31: 0] cpu_d_readdata;
+wire cpu_d_wait;
+wire cpu_d_write;
+wire [ 31: 0] cpu_d_writedata;
+wire dbrk_break;
+wire dbrk_goto0;
+wire dbrk_goto1;
+wire dbrk_hit0_latch;
+wire dbrk_hit1_latch;
+wire dbrk_hit2_latch;
+wire dbrk_hit3_latch;
+wire dbrk_traceme;
+wire dbrk_traceoff;
+wire dbrk_traceon;
+wire dbrk_trigout;
+wire debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms;
+reg debugaccess;
+wire debugack;
+wire debugreq;
+wire [ 35: 0] dtm;
+wire dummy_sink;
+wire [ 35: 0] itm;
+wire [ 37: 0] jdo;
+wire jrst_n;
+wire monitor_error;
+wire monitor_go;
+wire monitor_ready;
+wire oci_hbreak_req;
+wire [ 31: 0] oci_ienable;
+wire [ 31: 0] oci_reg_readdata;
+wire oci_single_step_mode;
+wire [ 31: 0] ociram_readdata;
+wire ocireg_ers;
+wire ocireg_mrs;
+reg read;
+reg [ 31: 0] readdata;
+wire resetlatch;
+wire resetrequest;
+wire st_ready_test_idle;
+wire take_action_break_a;
+wire take_action_break_b;
+wire take_action_break_c;
+wire take_action_ocimem_a;
+wire take_action_ocimem_b;
+wire take_action_ocireg;
+wire take_action_tracectrl;
+wire take_no_action_break_a;
+wire take_no_action_break_b;
+wire take_no_action_break_c;
+wire take_no_action_ocimem_a;
+wire [ 35: 0] tr_data;
+wire tracemem_on;
+wire [ 35: 0] tracemem_trcdata;
+wire tracemem_tw;
+wire [ 15: 0] trc_ctrl;
+wire [ 6: 0] trc_im_addr;
+wire trc_on;
+wire trc_wrap;
+wire trigbrktype;
+wire trigger_state_0;
+wire trigger_state_1;
+wire trigout;
+wire [ 35: 0] tw;
+wire waitrequest;
+reg write;
+reg [ 31: 0] writedata;
+wire xbrk_break;
+wire [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl0;
+wire [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl1;
+wire [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl2;
+wire [ 7: 0] xbrk_ctrl3;
+wire xbrk_goto0;
+wire xbrk_goto1;
+wire xbrk_traceoff;
+wire xbrk_traceon;
+wire xbrk_trigout;
+wire xbrk_wrap_traceoff;
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_debug the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_debug
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .dbrk_break (dbrk_break),
+ .debugack (debugack),
+ .debugreq (debugreq),
+ .hbreak_enabled (hbreak_enabled),
+ .jdo (jdo),
+ .jrst_n (jrst_n),
+ .monitor_error (monitor_error),
+ .monitor_go (monitor_go),
+ .monitor_ready (monitor_ready),
+ .oci_hbreak_req (oci_hbreak_req),
+ .ocireg_ers (ocireg_ers),
+ .ocireg_mrs (ocireg_mrs),
+ .reset (reset),
+ .resetlatch (resetlatch),
+ .resetrequest (resetrequest),
+ .st_ready_test_idle (st_ready_test_idle),
+ .take_action_ocimem_a (take_action_ocimem_a),
+ .take_action_ocireg (take_action_ocireg),
+ .xbrk_break (xbrk_break)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_break the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_break
+ (
+ .break_readreg (break_readreg),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .dbrk_break (dbrk_break),
+ .dbrk_goto0 (dbrk_goto0),
+ .dbrk_goto1 (dbrk_goto1),
+ .dbrk_hit0_latch (dbrk_hit0_latch),
+ .dbrk_hit1_latch (dbrk_hit1_latch),
+ .dbrk_hit2_latch (dbrk_hit2_latch),
+ .dbrk_hit3_latch (dbrk_hit3_latch),
+ .jdo (jdo),
+ .jrst_n (jrst_n),
+ .take_action_break_a (take_action_break_a),
+ .take_action_break_b (take_action_break_b),
+ .take_action_break_c (take_action_break_c),
+ .take_no_action_break_a (take_no_action_break_a),
+ .take_no_action_break_b (take_no_action_break_b),
+ .take_no_action_break_c (take_no_action_break_c),
+ .trigbrktype (trigbrktype),
+ .trigger_state_0 (trigger_state_0),
+ .trigger_state_1 (trigger_state_1),
+ .xbrk_ctrl0 (xbrk_ctrl0),
+ .xbrk_ctrl1 (xbrk_ctrl1),
+ .xbrk_ctrl2 (xbrk_ctrl2),
+ .xbrk_ctrl3 (xbrk_ctrl3),
+ .xbrk_goto0 (xbrk_goto0),
+ .xbrk_goto1 (xbrk_goto1)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_xbrk the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_xbrk
+ (
+ .D_valid (D_valid),
+ .E_valid (E_valid),
+ .F_pc (F_pc),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .reset_n (reset_n),
+ .trigger_state_0 (trigger_state_0),
+ .trigger_state_1 (trigger_state_1),
+ .xbrk_break (xbrk_break),
+ .xbrk_ctrl0 (xbrk_ctrl0),
+ .xbrk_ctrl1 (xbrk_ctrl1),
+ .xbrk_ctrl2 (xbrk_ctrl2),
+ .xbrk_ctrl3 (xbrk_ctrl3),
+ .xbrk_goto0 (xbrk_goto0),
+ .xbrk_goto1 (xbrk_goto1),
+ .xbrk_traceoff (xbrk_traceoff),
+ .xbrk_traceon (xbrk_traceon),
+ .xbrk_trigout (xbrk_trigout)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_dbrk the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_dbrk
+ (
+ .E_st_data (E_st_data),
+ .av_ld_data_aligned_filtered (av_ld_data_aligned_filtered),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .cpu_d_address (cpu_d_address),
+ .cpu_d_read (cpu_d_read),
+ .cpu_d_readdata (cpu_d_readdata),
+ .cpu_d_wait (cpu_d_wait),
+ .cpu_d_write (cpu_d_write),
+ .cpu_d_writedata (cpu_d_writedata),
+ .d_address (d_address),
+ .d_read (d_read),
+ .d_waitrequest (d_waitrequest),
+ .d_write (d_write),
+ .dbrk_break (dbrk_break),
+ .dbrk_goto0 (dbrk_goto0),
+ .dbrk_goto1 (dbrk_goto1),
+ .dbrk_traceme (dbrk_traceme),
+ .dbrk_traceoff (dbrk_traceoff),
+ .dbrk_traceon (dbrk_traceon),
+ .dbrk_trigout (dbrk_trigout),
+ .debugack (debugack),
+ .reset_n (reset_n)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_itrace the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_itrace
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .dbrk_traceoff (dbrk_traceoff),
+ .dbrk_traceon (dbrk_traceon),
+ .itm (itm),
+ .jdo (jdo),
+ .jrst_n (jrst_n),
+ .take_action_tracectrl (take_action_tracectrl),
+ .trc_ctrl (trc_ctrl),
+ .trc_on (trc_on),
+ .xbrk_traceoff (xbrk_traceoff),
+ .xbrk_traceon (xbrk_traceon),
+ .xbrk_wrap_traceoff (xbrk_wrap_traceoff)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_dtrace the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_dtrace
+ (
+ .atm (atm),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .cpu_d_address (cpu_d_address),
+ .cpu_d_read (cpu_d_read),
+ .cpu_d_readdata (cpu_d_readdata),
+ .cpu_d_wait (cpu_d_wait),
+ .cpu_d_write (cpu_d_write),
+ .cpu_d_writedata (cpu_d_writedata),
+ .dtm (dtm),
+ .jrst_n (jrst_n),
+ .trc_ctrl (trc_ctrl)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_fifo
+ (
+ .atm (atm),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .dbrk_traceme (dbrk_traceme),
+ .dbrk_traceoff (dbrk_traceoff),
+ .dbrk_traceon (dbrk_traceon),
+ .dtm (dtm),
+ .itm (itm),
+ .jrst_n (jrst_n),
+ .reset_n (reset_n),
+ .trc_on (trc_on),
+ .tw (tw)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_pib the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_pib
+ (
+ .tr_data (tr_data)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_im the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci_im
+ (
+ .clk (clk),
+ .jrst_n (jrst_n),
+ .tracemem_on (tracemem_on),
+ .tracemem_trcdata (tracemem_trcdata),
+ .tracemem_tw (tracemem_tw),
+ .trc_ctrl (trc_ctrl),
+ .trc_im_addr (trc_im_addr),
+ .trc_wrap (trc_wrap),
+ .tw (tw),
+ .xbrk_wrap_traceoff (xbrk_wrap_traceoff)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_avalon_reg the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_avalon_reg
+ (
+ .address (address),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .debugaccess (debugaccess),
+ .monitor_error (monitor_error),
+ .monitor_go (monitor_go),
+ .monitor_ready (monitor_ready),
+ .oci_ienable (oci_ienable),
+ .oci_reg_readdata (oci_reg_readdata),
+ .oci_single_step_mode (oci_single_step_mode),
+ .ocireg_ers (ocireg_ers),
+ .ocireg_mrs (ocireg_mrs),
+ .reset_n (reset_n),
+ .take_action_ocireg (take_action_ocireg),
+ .write (write),
+ .writedata (writedata)
+ );
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_ocimem the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_ocimem
+ (
+ .MonDReg (MonDReg),
+ .address (address),
+ .byteenable (byteenable),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .debugaccess (debugaccess),
+ .jdo (jdo),
+ .jrst_n (jrst_n),
+ .ociram_readdata (ociram_readdata),
+ .read (read),
+ .reset_req (reset_req),
+ .take_action_ocimem_a (take_action_ocimem_a),
+ .take_action_ocimem_b (take_action_ocimem_b),
+ .take_no_action_ocimem_a (take_no_action_ocimem_a),
+ .waitrequest (waitrequest),
+ .write (write),
+ .writedata (writedata)
+ );
+ assign trigout = dbrk_trigout | xbrk_trigout;
+ assign debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms = debugack;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ address <= 0;
+ else
+ address <= address_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ byteenable <= 0;
+ else
+ byteenable <= byteenable_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ writedata <= 0;
+ else
+ writedata <= writedata_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ debugaccess <= 0;
+ else
+ debugaccess <= debugaccess_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ read <= 0;
+ else
+ read <= read ? waitrequest : read_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ write <= 0;
+ else
+ write <= write ? waitrequest : write_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge jrst_n)
+ begin
+ if (jrst_n == 0)
+ readdata <= 0;
+ else
+ readdata <= address[8] ? oci_reg_readdata : ociram_readdata;
+ end
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_wrapper the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_debug_slave_wrapper
+ (
+ .MonDReg (MonDReg),
+ .break_readreg (break_readreg),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .dbrk_hit0_latch (dbrk_hit0_latch),
+ .dbrk_hit1_latch (dbrk_hit1_latch),
+ .dbrk_hit2_latch (dbrk_hit2_latch),
+ .dbrk_hit3_latch (dbrk_hit3_latch),
+ .debugack (debugack),
+ .jdo (jdo),
+ .jrst_n (jrst_n),
+ .monitor_error (monitor_error),
+ .monitor_ready (monitor_ready),
+ .reset_n (reset_n),
+ .resetlatch (resetlatch),
+ .st_ready_test_idle (st_ready_test_idle),
+ .take_action_break_a (take_action_break_a),
+ .take_action_break_b (take_action_break_b),
+ .take_action_break_c (take_action_break_c),
+ .take_action_ocimem_a (take_action_ocimem_a),
+ .take_action_ocimem_b (take_action_ocimem_b),
+ .take_action_tracectrl (take_action_tracectrl),
+ .take_no_action_break_a (take_no_action_break_a),
+ .take_no_action_break_b (take_no_action_break_b),
+ .take_no_action_break_c (take_no_action_break_c),
+ .take_no_action_ocimem_a (take_no_action_ocimem_a),
+ .tracemem_on (tracemem_on),
+ .tracemem_trcdata (tracemem_trcdata),
+ .tracemem_tw (tracemem_tw),
+ .trc_im_addr (trc_im_addr),
+ .trc_on (trc_on),
+ .trc_wrap (trc_wrap),
+ .trigbrktype (trigbrktype),
+ .trigger_state_1 (trigger_state_1)
+ );
+ //dummy sink, which is an e_mux
+ assign dummy_sink = tr_data |
+ trigout |
+ debugack;
+ assign debugreq = 0;
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu (
+ // inputs:
+ clk,
+ d_readdata,
+ d_waitrequest,
+ debug_mem_slave_address,
+ debug_mem_slave_byteenable,
+ debug_mem_slave_debugaccess,
+ debug_mem_slave_read,
+ debug_mem_slave_write,
+ debug_mem_slave_writedata,
+ i_readdata,
+ i_waitrequest,
+ irq,
+ reset_n,
+ reset_req,
+ // outputs:
+ d_address,
+ d_byteenable,
+ d_read,
+ d_write,
+ d_writedata,
+ debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms,
+ debug_mem_slave_readdata,
+ debug_mem_slave_waitrequest,
+ debug_reset_request,
+ dummy_ci_port,
+ i_address,
+ i_read
+ )
+ output [ 19: 0] d_address;
+ output [ 3: 0] d_byteenable;
+ output d_read;
+ output d_write;
+ output [ 31: 0] d_writedata;
+ output debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms;
+ output [ 31: 0] debug_mem_slave_readdata;
+ output debug_mem_slave_waitrequest;
+ output debug_reset_request;
+ output dummy_ci_port;
+ output [ 19: 0] i_address;
+ output i_read;
+ input clk;
+ input [ 31: 0] d_readdata;
+ input d_waitrequest;
+ input [ 8: 0] debug_mem_slave_address;
+ input [ 3: 0] debug_mem_slave_byteenable;
+ input debug_mem_slave_debugaccess;
+ input debug_mem_slave_read;
+ input debug_mem_slave_write;
+ input [ 31: 0] debug_mem_slave_writedata;
+ input [ 31: 0] i_readdata;
+ input i_waitrequest;
+ input [ 31: 0] irq;
+ input reset_n;
+ input reset_req;
+reg A_valid_from_M /* synthesis ALTERA_IP_DEBUG_VISIBLE = 1 */;
+wire [ 1: 0] D_compare_op;
+wire D_ctrl_alu_force_and;
+wire D_ctrl_alu_force_xor;
+wire D_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison;
+wire D_ctrl_alu_subtract;
+wire D_ctrl_b_is_dst;
+wire D_ctrl_br;
+wire D_ctrl_br_cmp;
+wire D_ctrl_br_uncond;
+wire D_ctrl_break;
+wire D_ctrl_crst;
+wire D_ctrl_custom;
+wire D_ctrl_custom_multi;
+wire D_ctrl_exception;
+wire D_ctrl_force_src2_zero;
+wire D_ctrl_hi_imm16;
+wire D_ctrl_ignore_dst;
+wire D_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr;
+wire D_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr;
+wire D_ctrl_intr_inst;
+wire D_ctrl_jmp_direct;
+wire D_ctrl_jmp_indirect;
+wire D_ctrl_ld;
+wire D_ctrl_ld_ex;
+wire D_ctrl_ld_io;
+wire D_ctrl_ld_non_io;
+wire D_ctrl_ld_signed;
+wire D_ctrl_ld_st_ex;
+wire D_ctrl_logic;
+wire D_ctrl_mem16;
+wire D_ctrl_mem32;
+wire D_ctrl_mem8;
+wire D_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg;
+wire D_ctrl_retaddr;
+wire D_ctrl_rot_right;
+wire D_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm;
+wire D_ctrl_shift_logical;
+wire D_ctrl_shift_right_arith;
+wire D_ctrl_shift_rot;
+wire D_ctrl_shift_rot_right;
+wire D_ctrl_signed_imm12;
+wire D_ctrl_src2_choose_imm;
+wire D_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot;
+wire D_ctrl_st;
+wire D_ctrl_st_ex;
+wire D_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br;
+wire D_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16;
+wire D_ctrl_wrctl_inst;
+wire [ 4: 0] D_dst_regnum;
+wire [ 55: 0] D_inst;
+wire D_is_opx_inst;
+reg [ 31: 0] D_iw /* synthesis ALTERA_IP_DEBUG_VISIBLE = 1 */;
+wire [ 4: 0] D_iw_a;
+wire [ 4: 0] D_iw_b;
+wire [ 4: 0] D_iw_c;
+wire [ 4: 0] D_iw_control_regnum;
+wire [ 7: 0] D_iw_custom_n;
+wire D_iw_custom_readra;
+wire D_iw_custom_readrb;
+wire D_iw_custom_writerc;
+wire [ 15: 0] D_iw_imm16;
+wire [ 25: 0] D_iw_imm26;
+wire [ 4: 0] D_iw_imm5;
+wire [ 1: 0] D_iw_memsz;
+wire [ 5: 0] D_iw_op;
+wire [ 5: 0] D_iw_opx;
+wire [ 17: 0] D_jmp_direct_target_waddr;
+wire [ 1: 0] D_logic_op;
+wire [ 1: 0] D_logic_op_raw;
+wire D_mem16;
+wire D_mem32;
+wire D_mem8;
+wire D_op_add;
+wire D_op_addi;
+wire D_op_and;
+wire D_op_andhi;
+wire D_op_andi;
+wire D_op_beq;
+wire D_op_bge;
+wire D_op_bgeu;
+wire D_op_blt;
+wire D_op_bltu;
+wire D_op_bne;
+wire D_op_br;
+wire D_op_break;
+wire D_op_bret;
+wire D_op_call;
+wire D_op_callr;
+wire D_op_cmpeq;
+wire D_op_cmpeqi;
+wire D_op_cmpge;
+wire D_op_cmpgei;
+wire D_op_cmpgeu;
+wire D_op_cmpgeui;
+wire D_op_cmplt;
+wire D_op_cmplti;
+wire D_op_cmpltu;
+wire D_op_cmpltui;
+wire D_op_cmpne;
+wire D_op_cmpnei;
+wire D_op_crst;
+wire D_op_custom;
+wire D_op_div;
+wire D_op_divu;
+wire D_op_eret;
+wire D_op_flushd;
+wire D_op_flushda;
+wire D_op_flushi;
+wire D_op_flushp;
+wire D_op_hbreak;
+wire D_op_initd;
+wire D_op_initda;
+wire D_op_initi;
+wire D_op_intr;
+wire D_op_jmp;
+wire D_op_jmpi;
+wire D_op_ldb;
+wire D_op_ldbio;
+wire D_op_ldbu;
+wire D_op_ldbuio;
+wire D_op_ldh;
+wire D_op_ldhio;
+wire D_op_ldhu;
+wire D_op_ldhuio;
+wire D_op_ldl;
+wire D_op_ldw;
+wire D_op_ldwio;
+wire D_op_mul;
+wire D_op_muli;
+wire D_op_mulxss;
+wire D_op_mulxsu;
+wire D_op_mulxuu;
+wire D_op_nextpc;
+wire D_op_nor;
+wire D_op_op_rsv02;
+wire D_op_op_rsv09;
+wire D_op_op_rsv10;
+wire D_op_op_rsv17;
+wire D_op_op_rsv18;
+wire D_op_op_rsv25;
+wire D_op_op_rsv26;
+wire D_op_op_rsv33;
+wire D_op_op_rsv34;
+wire D_op_op_rsv41;
+wire D_op_op_rsv42;
+wire D_op_op_rsv49;
+wire D_op_op_rsv57;
+wire D_op_op_rsv61;
+wire D_op_op_rsv62;
+wire D_op_op_rsv63;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv00;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv10;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv15;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv17;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv21;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv25;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv33;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv34;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv35;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv42;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv43;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv44;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv47;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv50;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv51;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv55;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv56;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv60;
+wire D_op_opx_rsv63;
+wire D_op_or;
+wire D_op_orhi;
+wire D_op_ori;
+wire D_op_rdctl;
+wire D_op_rdprs;
+wire D_op_ret;
+wire D_op_rol;
+wire D_op_roli;
+wire D_op_ror;
+wire D_op_sll;
+wire D_op_slli;
+wire D_op_sra;
+wire D_op_srai;
+wire D_op_srl;
+wire D_op_srli;
+wire D_op_stb;
+wire D_op_stbio;
+wire D_op_stc;
+wire D_op_sth;
+wire D_op_sthio;
+wire D_op_stw;
+wire D_op_stwio;
+wire D_op_sub;
+wire D_op_sync;
+wire D_op_trap;
+wire D_op_wrctl;
+wire D_op_wrprs;
+wire D_op_xor;
+wire D_op_xorhi;
+wire D_op_xori;
+reg D_valid;
+wire [ 71: 0] D_vinst;
+wire D_wr_dst_reg;
+wire [ 31: 0] E_alu_result;
+reg E_alu_sub;
+wire [ 32: 0] E_arith_result;
+wire [ 31: 0] E_arith_src1;
+wire [ 31: 0] E_arith_src2;
+wire E_ci_multi_stall;
+wire [ 31: 0] E_ci_result;
+wire E_cmp_result;
+wire [ 31: 0] E_control_rd_data;
+wire E_eq;
+reg E_invert_arith_src_msb;
+wire E_ld_stall;
+wire [ 31: 0] E_logic_result;
+wire E_logic_result_is_0;
+wire E_lt;
+wire [ 19: 0] E_mem_baddr;
+wire [ 3: 0] E_mem_byte_en;
+reg E_new_inst;
+wire E_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid;
+wire E_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid;
+wire E_rf_ecc_valid_any;
+reg [ 4: 0] E_shift_rot_cnt;
+wire [ 4: 0] E_shift_rot_cnt_nxt;
+wire E_shift_rot_done;
+wire E_shift_rot_fill_bit;
+reg [ 31: 0] E_shift_rot_result;
+wire [ 31: 0] E_shift_rot_result_nxt;
+wire [ 4: 0] E_shift_rot_shfcnt;
+wire E_shift_rot_stall;
+reg [ 31: 0] E_src1;
+reg [ 31: 0] E_src2;
+wire [ 31: 0] E_st_data;
+wire E_st_stall;
+wire E_stall;
+wire E_valid;
+reg E_valid_from_R;
+wire [ 71: 0] E_vinst;
+wire E_wrctl_bstatus;
+wire E_wrctl_estatus;
+wire E_wrctl_ienable;
+wire E_wrctl_status;
+wire [ 31: 0] F_av_iw;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_av_iw_a;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_av_iw_b;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_av_iw_c;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_av_iw_control_regnum;
+wire [ 7: 0] F_av_iw_custom_n;
+wire F_av_iw_custom_readra;
+wire F_av_iw_custom_readrb;
+wire F_av_iw_custom_writerc;
+wire [ 15: 0] F_av_iw_imm16;
+wire [ 25: 0] F_av_iw_imm26;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_av_iw_imm5;
+wire [ 1: 0] F_av_iw_memsz;
+wire [ 5: 0] F_av_iw_op;
+wire [ 5: 0] F_av_iw_opx;
+wire F_av_mem16;
+wire F_av_mem32;
+wire F_av_mem8;
+wire [ 55: 0] F_inst;
+wire F_is_opx_inst;
+wire [ 31: 0] F_iw;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_iw_a;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_iw_b;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_iw_c;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_iw_control_regnum;
+wire [ 7: 0] F_iw_custom_n;
+wire F_iw_custom_readra;
+wire F_iw_custom_readrb;
+wire F_iw_custom_writerc;
+wire [ 15: 0] F_iw_imm16;
+wire [ 25: 0] F_iw_imm26;
+wire [ 4: 0] F_iw_imm5;
+wire [ 1: 0] F_iw_memsz;
+wire [ 5: 0] F_iw_op;
+wire [ 5: 0] F_iw_opx;
+wire F_mem16;
+wire F_mem32;
+wire F_mem8;
+wire F_op_add;
+wire F_op_addi;
+wire F_op_and;
+wire F_op_andhi;
+wire F_op_andi;
+wire F_op_beq;
+wire F_op_bge;
+wire F_op_bgeu;
+wire F_op_blt;
+wire F_op_bltu;
+wire F_op_bne;
+wire F_op_br;
+wire F_op_break;
+wire F_op_bret;
+wire F_op_call;
+wire F_op_callr;
+wire F_op_cmpeq;
+wire F_op_cmpeqi;
+wire F_op_cmpge;
+wire F_op_cmpgei;
+wire F_op_cmpgeu;
+wire F_op_cmpgeui;
+wire F_op_cmplt;
+wire F_op_cmplti;
+wire F_op_cmpltu;
+wire F_op_cmpltui;
+wire F_op_cmpne;
+wire F_op_cmpnei;
+wire F_op_crst;
+wire F_op_custom;
+wire F_op_div;
+wire F_op_divu;
+wire F_op_eret;
+wire F_op_flushd;
+wire F_op_flushda;
+wire F_op_flushi;
+wire F_op_flushp;
+wire F_op_hbreak;
+wire F_op_initd;
+wire F_op_initda;
+wire F_op_initi;
+wire F_op_intr;
+wire F_op_jmp;
+wire F_op_jmpi;
+wire F_op_ldb;
+wire F_op_ldbio;
+wire F_op_ldbu;
+wire F_op_ldbuio;
+wire F_op_ldh;
+wire F_op_ldhio;
+wire F_op_ldhu;
+wire F_op_ldhuio;
+wire F_op_ldl;
+wire F_op_ldw;
+wire F_op_ldwio;
+wire F_op_mul;
+wire F_op_muli;
+wire F_op_mulxss;
+wire F_op_mulxsu;
+wire F_op_mulxuu;
+wire F_op_nextpc;
+wire F_op_nor;
+wire F_op_op_rsv02;
+wire F_op_op_rsv09;
+wire F_op_op_rsv10;
+wire F_op_op_rsv17;
+wire F_op_op_rsv18;
+wire F_op_op_rsv25;
+wire F_op_op_rsv26;
+wire F_op_op_rsv33;
+wire F_op_op_rsv34;
+wire F_op_op_rsv41;
+wire F_op_op_rsv42;
+wire F_op_op_rsv49;
+wire F_op_op_rsv57;
+wire F_op_op_rsv61;
+wire F_op_op_rsv62;
+wire F_op_op_rsv63;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv00;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv10;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv15;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv17;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv21;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv25;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv33;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv34;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv35;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv42;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv43;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv44;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv47;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv50;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv51;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv55;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv56;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv60;
+wire F_op_opx_rsv63;
+wire F_op_or;
+wire F_op_orhi;
+wire F_op_ori;
+wire F_op_rdctl;
+wire F_op_rdprs;
+wire F_op_ret;
+wire F_op_rol;
+wire F_op_roli;
+wire F_op_ror;
+wire F_op_sll;
+wire F_op_slli;
+wire F_op_sra;
+wire F_op_srai;
+wire F_op_srl;
+wire F_op_srli;
+wire F_op_stb;
+wire F_op_stbio;
+wire F_op_stc;
+wire F_op_sth;
+wire F_op_sthio;
+wire F_op_stw;
+wire F_op_stwio;
+wire F_op_sub;
+wire F_op_sync;
+wire F_op_trap;
+wire F_op_wrctl;
+wire F_op_wrprs;
+wire F_op_xor;
+wire F_op_xorhi;
+wire F_op_xori;
+reg [ 17: 0] F_pc /* synthesis ALTERA_IP_DEBUG_VISIBLE = 1 */;
+wire F_pc_en;
+wire [ 17: 0] F_pc_no_crst_nxt;
+wire [ 17: 0] F_pc_nxt;
+wire [ 17: 0] F_pc_plus_one;
+wire [ 1: 0] F_pc_sel_nxt;
+wire [ 19: 0] F_pcb;
+wire [ 19: 0] F_pcb_nxt;
+wire [ 19: 0] F_pcb_plus_four;
+wire F_valid;
+wire [ 71: 0] F_vinst;
+reg [ 1: 0] R_compare_op;
+reg R_ctrl_alu_force_and;
+wire R_ctrl_alu_force_and_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_alu_force_xor;
+wire R_ctrl_alu_force_xor_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison;
+wire R_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_alu_subtract;
+wire R_ctrl_alu_subtract_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_b_is_dst;
+wire R_ctrl_b_is_dst_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_br;
+reg R_ctrl_br_cmp;
+wire R_ctrl_br_cmp_nxt;
+wire R_ctrl_br_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_br_uncond;
+wire R_ctrl_br_uncond_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_break;
+wire R_ctrl_break_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_crst;
+wire R_ctrl_crst_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_custom;
+reg R_ctrl_custom_multi;
+wire R_ctrl_custom_multi_nxt;
+wire R_ctrl_custom_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_exception;
+wire R_ctrl_exception_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_force_src2_zero;
+wire R_ctrl_force_src2_zero_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_hi_imm16;
+wire R_ctrl_hi_imm16_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_ignore_dst;
+wire R_ctrl_ignore_dst_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr;
+wire R_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr;
+wire R_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_intr_inst;
+wire R_ctrl_intr_inst_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_jmp_direct;
+wire R_ctrl_jmp_direct_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_jmp_indirect;
+wire R_ctrl_jmp_indirect_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_ld;
+reg R_ctrl_ld_ex;
+wire R_ctrl_ld_ex_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_ld_io;
+wire R_ctrl_ld_io_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_ld_non_io;
+wire R_ctrl_ld_non_io_nxt;
+wire R_ctrl_ld_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_ld_signed;
+wire R_ctrl_ld_signed_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_ld_st_ex;
+wire R_ctrl_ld_st_ex_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_logic;
+wire R_ctrl_logic_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_mem16;
+wire R_ctrl_mem16_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_mem32;
+wire R_ctrl_mem32_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_mem8;
+wire R_ctrl_mem8_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg;
+wire R_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_retaddr;
+wire R_ctrl_retaddr_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_rot_right;
+wire R_ctrl_rot_right_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm;
+wire R_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_shift_logical;
+wire R_ctrl_shift_logical_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_shift_right_arith;
+wire R_ctrl_shift_right_arith_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_shift_rot;
+wire R_ctrl_shift_rot_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_shift_rot_right;
+wire R_ctrl_shift_rot_right_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_signed_imm12;
+wire R_ctrl_signed_imm12_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_src2_choose_imm;
+wire R_ctrl_src2_choose_imm_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot;
+wire R_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_st;
+reg R_ctrl_st_ex;
+wire R_ctrl_st_ex_nxt;
+wire R_ctrl_st_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br;
+wire R_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16;
+wire R_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16_nxt;
+reg R_ctrl_wrctl_inst;
+wire R_ctrl_wrctl_inst_nxt;
+reg [ 4: 0] R_dst_regnum /* synthesis ALTERA_IP_DEBUG_VISIBLE = 1 */;
+wire R_en;
+reg [ 1: 0] R_logic_op;
+wire [ 31: 0] R_rf_a;
+wire [ 31: 0] R_rf_a_q;
+wire [ 31: 0] R_rf_b;
+wire [ 31: 0] R_rf_b_q;
+wire [ 31: 0] R_src1;
+wire [ 31: 0] R_src2;
+wire [ 15: 0] R_src2_hi;
+wire [ 15: 0] R_src2_lo;
+reg R_src2_use_imm;
+wire [ 7: 0] R_stb_data;
+wire [ 15: 0] R_sth_data;
+wire [ 31: 0] R_stw_data;
+reg R_valid;
+wire [ 71: 0] R_vinst;
+reg R_wr_dst_reg;
+reg W1_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid;
+reg [ 31: 0] W_alu_result;
+wire W_br_taken;
+reg W_bstatus_reg;
+wire W_bstatus_reg_inst_nxt;
+wire W_bstatus_reg_nxt;
+reg [ 31: 0] W_cdsr_reg;
+reg W_cmp_result;
+reg [ 31: 0] W_control_rd_data;
+wire [ 31: 0] W_cpuid_reg;
+wire [ 4: 0] W_dst_regnum;
+reg W_estatus_reg;
+wire W_estatus_reg_inst_nxt;
+wire W_estatus_reg_nxt;
+reg [ 31: 0] W_ienable_reg;
+wire [ 31: 0] W_ienable_reg_nxt;
+reg [ 31: 0] W_ipending_reg;
+wire [ 31: 0] W_ipending_reg_nxt;
+wire [ 19: 0] W_mem_baddr;
+reg W_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid;
+reg W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid;
+wire W_rf_ecc_valid_any;
+wire [ 31: 0] W_rf_wr_data;
+wire W_rf_wren;
+wire W_status_reg;
+reg W_status_reg_pie;
+wire W_status_reg_pie_inst_nxt;
+wire W_status_reg_pie_nxt;
+reg W_up_ex_mon_state;
+reg W_valid /* synthesis ALTERA_IP_DEBUG_VISIBLE = 1 */;
+wire W_valid_from_M;
+wire [ 71: 0] W_vinst;
+wire [ 31: 0] W_wr_data;
+wire [ 31: 0] W_wr_data_non_zero;
+wire av_fill_bit;
+reg [ 1: 0] av_ld_align_cycle;
+wire [ 1: 0] av_ld_align_cycle_nxt;
+wire av_ld_align_one_more_cycle;
+reg av_ld_aligning_data;
+wire av_ld_aligning_data_nxt;
+reg [ 7: 0] av_ld_byte0_data;
+wire [ 7: 0] av_ld_byte0_data_nxt;
+reg [ 7: 0] av_ld_byte1_data;
+wire av_ld_byte1_data_en;
+wire [ 7: 0] av_ld_byte1_data_nxt;
+reg [ 7: 0] av_ld_byte2_data;
+wire [ 7: 0] av_ld_byte2_data_nxt;
+reg [ 7: 0] av_ld_byte3_data;
+wire [ 7: 0] av_ld_byte3_data_nxt;
+wire [ 31: 0] av_ld_data_aligned_filtered;
+wire [ 31: 0] av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered;
+wire av_ld_done;
+wire av_ld_extend;
+wire av_ld_getting_data;
+wire av_ld_rshift8;
+reg av_ld_waiting_for_data;
+wire av_ld_waiting_for_data_nxt;
+wire av_sign_bit;
+wire [ 19: 0] d_address;
+reg [ 3: 0] d_byteenable;
+reg d_read;
+wire d_read_nxt;
+reg d_write;
+wire d_write_nxt;
+reg [ 31: 0] d_writedata;
+wire debug_mem_slave_clk;
+wire debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms;
+wire [ 31: 0] debug_mem_slave_readdata;
+wire debug_mem_slave_reset;
+wire debug_mem_slave_waitrequest;
+wire debug_reset_request;
+wire dummy_ci_port;
+reg hbreak_enabled;
+reg hbreak_pending;
+wire hbreak_pending_nxt;
+wire hbreak_req;
+wire [ 19: 0] i_address;
+reg i_read;
+wire i_read_nxt;
+wire [ 31: 0] iactive;
+wire intr_req;
+wire oci_hbreak_req;
+wire [ 31: 0] oci_ienable;
+wire oci_single_step_mode;
+wire oci_tb_hbreak_req;
+wire test_has_ended;
+reg wait_for_one_post_bret_inst;
+ //the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench, which is an e_instance
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_test_bench
+ (
+ .D_iw (D_iw),
+ .D_iw_op (D_iw_op),
+ .D_iw_opx (D_iw_opx),
+ .D_valid (D_valid),
+ .E_valid (E_valid),
+ .F_pcb (F_pcb),
+ .F_valid (F_valid),
+ .R_ctrl_ld (R_ctrl_ld),
+ .R_ctrl_ld_non_io (R_ctrl_ld_non_io),
+ .R_dst_regnum (R_dst_regnum),
+ .R_wr_dst_reg (R_wr_dst_reg),
+ .W_valid (W_valid),
+ .W_vinst (W_vinst),
+ .W_wr_data (W_wr_data),
+ .av_ld_data_aligned_filtered (av_ld_data_aligned_filtered),
+ .av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered (av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered),
+ .clk (clk),
+ .d_address (d_address),
+ .d_byteenable (d_byteenable),
+ .d_read (d_read),
+ .d_write (d_write),
+ .i_address (i_address),
+ .i_read (i_read),
+ .i_readdata (i_readdata),
+ .i_waitrequest (i_waitrequest),
+ .reset_n (reset_n),
+ .test_has_ended (test_has_ended)
+ );
+ assign F_av_iw_a = F_av_iw[31 : 27];
+ assign F_av_iw_b = F_av_iw[26 : 22];
+ assign F_av_iw_c = F_av_iw[21 : 17];
+ assign F_av_iw_custom_n = F_av_iw[13 : 6];
+ assign F_av_iw_custom_readra = F_av_iw[16];
+ assign F_av_iw_custom_readrb = F_av_iw[15];
+ assign F_av_iw_custom_writerc = F_av_iw[14];
+ assign F_av_iw_opx = F_av_iw[16 : 11];
+ assign F_av_iw_op = F_av_iw[5 : 0];
+ assign F_av_iw_imm5 = F_av_iw[10 : 6];
+ assign F_av_iw_imm16 = F_av_iw[21 : 6];
+ assign F_av_iw_imm26 = F_av_iw[31 : 6];
+ assign F_av_iw_memsz = F_av_iw[4 : 3];
+ assign F_av_iw_control_regnum = F_av_iw[10 : 6];
+ assign F_av_mem8 = F_av_iw_memsz == 2'b00;
+ assign F_av_mem16 = F_av_iw_memsz == 2'b01;
+ assign F_av_mem32 = F_av_iw_memsz[1] == 1'b1;
+ assign F_iw_a = F_iw[31 : 27];
+ assign F_iw_b = F_iw[26 : 22];
+ assign F_iw_c = F_iw[21 : 17];
+ assign F_iw_custom_n = F_iw[13 : 6];
+ assign F_iw_custom_readra = F_iw[16];
+ assign F_iw_custom_readrb = F_iw[15];
+ assign F_iw_custom_writerc = F_iw[14];
+ assign F_iw_opx = F_iw[16 : 11];
+ assign F_iw_op = F_iw[5 : 0];
+ assign F_iw_imm5 = F_iw[10 : 6];
+ assign F_iw_imm16 = F_iw[21 : 6];
+ assign F_iw_imm26 = F_iw[31 : 6];
+ assign F_iw_memsz = F_iw[4 : 3];
+ assign F_iw_control_regnum = F_iw[10 : 6];
+ assign F_mem8 = F_iw_memsz == 2'b00;
+ assign F_mem16 = F_iw_memsz == 2'b01;
+ assign F_mem32 = F_iw_memsz[1] == 1'b1;
+ assign D_iw_a = D_iw[31 : 27];
+ assign D_iw_b = D_iw[26 : 22];
+ assign D_iw_c = D_iw[21 : 17];
+ assign D_iw_custom_n = D_iw[13 : 6];
+ assign D_iw_custom_readra = D_iw[16];
+ assign D_iw_custom_readrb = D_iw[15];
+ assign D_iw_custom_writerc = D_iw[14];
+ assign D_iw_opx = D_iw[16 : 11];
+ assign D_iw_op = D_iw[5 : 0];
+ assign D_iw_imm5 = D_iw[10 : 6];
+ assign D_iw_imm16 = D_iw[21 : 6];
+ assign D_iw_imm26 = D_iw[31 : 6];
+ assign D_iw_memsz = D_iw[4 : 3];
+ assign D_iw_control_regnum = D_iw[10 : 6];
+ assign D_mem8 = D_iw_memsz == 2'b00;
+ assign D_mem16 = D_iw_memsz == 2'b01;
+ assign D_mem32 = D_iw_memsz[1] == 1'b1;
+ assign F_op_call = F_iw_op == 0;
+ assign F_op_jmpi = F_iw_op == 1;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv02 = F_iw_op == 2;
+ assign F_op_ldbu = F_iw_op == 3;
+ assign F_op_addi = F_iw_op == 4;
+ assign F_op_stb = F_iw_op == 5;
+ assign F_op_br = F_iw_op == 6;
+ assign F_op_ldb = F_iw_op == 7;
+ assign F_op_cmpgei = F_iw_op == 8;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv09 = F_iw_op == 9;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv10 = F_iw_op == 10;
+ assign F_op_ldhu = F_iw_op == 11;
+ assign F_op_andi = F_iw_op == 12;
+ assign F_op_sth = F_iw_op == 13;
+ assign F_op_bge = F_iw_op == 14;
+ assign F_op_ldh = F_iw_op == 15;
+ assign F_op_cmplti = F_iw_op == 16;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv17 = F_iw_op == 17;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv18 = F_iw_op == 18;
+ assign F_op_initda = F_iw_op == 19;
+ assign F_op_ori = F_iw_op == 20;
+ assign F_op_stw = F_iw_op == 21;
+ assign F_op_blt = F_iw_op == 22;
+ assign F_op_ldw = F_iw_op == 23;
+ assign F_op_cmpnei = F_iw_op == 24;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv25 = F_iw_op == 25;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv26 = F_iw_op == 26;
+ assign F_op_flushda = F_iw_op == 27;
+ assign F_op_xori = F_iw_op == 28;
+ assign F_op_stc = F_iw_op == 29;
+ assign F_op_bne = F_iw_op == 30;
+ assign F_op_ldl = F_iw_op == 31;
+ assign F_op_cmpeqi = F_iw_op == 32;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv33 = F_iw_op == 33;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv34 = F_iw_op == 34;
+ assign F_op_ldbuio = F_iw_op == 35;
+ assign F_op_muli = F_iw_op == 36;
+ assign F_op_stbio = F_iw_op == 37;
+ assign F_op_beq = F_iw_op == 38;
+ assign F_op_ldbio = F_iw_op == 39;
+ assign F_op_cmpgeui = F_iw_op == 40;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv41 = F_iw_op == 41;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv42 = F_iw_op == 42;
+ assign F_op_ldhuio = F_iw_op == 43;
+ assign F_op_andhi = F_iw_op == 44;
+ assign F_op_sthio = F_iw_op == 45;
+ assign F_op_bgeu = F_iw_op == 46;
+ assign F_op_ldhio = F_iw_op == 47;
+ assign F_op_cmpltui = F_iw_op == 48;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv49 = F_iw_op == 49;
+ assign F_op_custom = F_iw_op == 50;
+ assign F_op_initd = F_iw_op == 51;
+ assign F_op_orhi = F_iw_op == 52;
+ assign F_op_stwio = F_iw_op == 53;
+ assign F_op_bltu = F_iw_op == 54;
+ assign F_op_ldwio = F_iw_op == 55;
+ assign F_op_rdprs = F_iw_op == 56;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv57 = F_iw_op == 57;
+ assign F_op_flushd = F_iw_op == 59;
+ assign F_op_xorhi = F_iw_op == 60;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv61 = F_iw_op == 61;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv62 = F_iw_op == 62;
+ assign F_op_op_rsv63 = F_iw_op == 63;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv00 = (F_iw_opx == 0) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_eret = (F_iw_opx == 1) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_roli = (F_iw_opx == 2) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_rol = (F_iw_opx == 3) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_flushp = (F_iw_opx == 4) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_ret = (F_iw_opx == 5) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_nor = (F_iw_opx == 6) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_mulxuu = (F_iw_opx == 7) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_cmpge = (F_iw_opx == 8) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_bret = (F_iw_opx == 9) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv10 = (F_iw_opx == 10) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_ror = (F_iw_opx == 11) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_flushi = (F_iw_opx == 12) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_jmp = (F_iw_opx == 13) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_and = (F_iw_opx == 14) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv15 = (F_iw_opx == 15) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_cmplt = (F_iw_opx == 16) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv17 = (F_iw_opx == 17) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_slli = (F_iw_opx == 18) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_sll = (F_iw_opx == 19) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_wrprs = (F_iw_opx == 20) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv21 = (F_iw_opx == 21) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_or = (F_iw_opx == 22) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_mulxsu = (F_iw_opx == 23) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_cmpne = (F_iw_opx == 24) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv25 = (F_iw_opx == 25) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_srli = (F_iw_opx == 26) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_srl = (F_iw_opx == 27) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_nextpc = (F_iw_opx == 28) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_callr = (F_iw_opx == 29) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_xor = (F_iw_opx == 30) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_mulxss = (F_iw_opx == 31) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_cmpeq = (F_iw_opx == 32) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv33 = (F_iw_opx == 33) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv34 = (F_iw_opx == 34) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv35 = (F_iw_opx == 35) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_divu = (F_iw_opx == 36) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_div = (F_iw_opx == 37) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_rdctl = (F_iw_opx == 38) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_mul = (F_iw_opx == 39) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_cmpgeu = (F_iw_opx == 40) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_initi = (F_iw_opx == 41) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv42 = (F_iw_opx == 42) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv43 = (F_iw_opx == 43) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv44 = (F_iw_opx == 44) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_trap = (F_iw_opx == 45) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_wrctl = (F_iw_opx == 46) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv47 = (F_iw_opx == 47) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_cmpltu = (F_iw_opx == 48) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_add = (F_iw_opx == 49) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv50 = (F_iw_opx == 50) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv51 = (F_iw_opx == 51) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_break = (F_iw_opx == 52) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_hbreak = (F_iw_opx == 53) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_sync = (F_iw_opx == 54) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv55 = (F_iw_opx == 55) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv56 = (F_iw_opx == 56) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_sub = (F_iw_opx == 57) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_srai = (F_iw_opx == 58) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_sra = (F_iw_opx == 59) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv60 = (F_iw_opx == 60) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_intr = (F_iw_opx == 61) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_crst = (F_iw_opx == 62) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_op_opx_rsv63 = (F_iw_opx == 63) & F_is_opx_inst;
+ assign F_is_opx_inst = F_iw_op == 58;
+ assign D_op_call = D_iw_op == 0;
+ assign D_op_jmpi = D_iw_op == 1;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv02 = D_iw_op == 2;
+ assign D_op_ldbu = D_iw_op == 3;
+ assign D_op_addi = D_iw_op == 4;
+ assign D_op_stb = D_iw_op == 5;
+ assign D_op_br = D_iw_op == 6;
+ assign D_op_ldb = D_iw_op == 7;
+ assign D_op_cmpgei = D_iw_op == 8;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv09 = D_iw_op == 9;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv10 = D_iw_op == 10;
+ assign D_op_ldhu = D_iw_op == 11;
+ assign D_op_andi = D_iw_op == 12;
+ assign D_op_sth = D_iw_op == 13;
+ assign D_op_bge = D_iw_op == 14;
+ assign D_op_ldh = D_iw_op == 15;
+ assign D_op_cmplti = D_iw_op == 16;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv17 = D_iw_op == 17;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv18 = D_iw_op == 18;
+ assign D_op_initda = D_iw_op == 19;
+ assign D_op_ori = D_iw_op == 20;
+ assign D_op_stw = D_iw_op == 21;
+ assign D_op_blt = D_iw_op == 22;
+ assign D_op_ldw = D_iw_op == 23;
+ assign D_op_cmpnei = D_iw_op == 24;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv25 = D_iw_op == 25;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv26 = D_iw_op == 26;
+ assign D_op_flushda = D_iw_op == 27;
+ assign D_op_xori = D_iw_op == 28;
+ assign D_op_stc = D_iw_op == 29;
+ assign D_op_bne = D_iw_op == 30;
+ assign D_op_ldl = D_iw_op == 31;
+ assign D_op_cmpeqi = D_iw_op == 32;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv33 = D_iw_op == 33;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv34 = D_iw_op == 34;
+ assign D_op_ldbuio = D_iw_op == 35;
+ assign D_op_muli = D_iw_op == 36;
+ assign D_op_stbio = D_iw_op == 37;
+ assign D_op_beq = D_iw_op == 38;
+ assign D_op_ldbio = D_iw_op == 39;
+ assign D_op_cmpgeui = D_iw_op == 40;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv41 = D_iw_op == 41;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv42 = D_iw_op == 42;
+ assign D_op_ldhuio = D_iw_op == 43;
+ assign D_op_andhi = D_iw_op == 44;
+ assign D_op_sthio = D_iw_op == 45;
+ assign D_op_bgeu = D_iw_op == 46;
+ assign D_op_ldhio = D_iw_op == 47;
+ assign D_op_cmpltui = D_iw_op == 48;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv49 = D_iw_op == 49;
+ assign D_op_custom = D_iw_op == 50;
+ assign D_op_initd = D_iw_op == 51;
+ assign D_op_orhi = D_iw_op == 52;
+ assign D_op_stwio = D_iw_op == 53;
+ assign D_op_bltu = D_iw_op == 54;
+ assign D_op_ldwio = D_iw_op == 55;
+ assign D_op_rdprs = D_iw_op == 56;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv57 = D_iw_op == 57;
+ assign D_op_flushd = D_iw_op == 59;
+ assign D_op_xorhi = D_iw_op == 60;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv61 = D_iw_op == 61;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv62 = D_iw_op == 62;
+ assign D_op_op_rsv63 = D_iw_op == 63;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv00 = (D_iw_opx == 0) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_eret = (D_iw_opx == 1) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_roli = (D_iw_opx == 2) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_rol = (D_iw_opx == 3) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_flushp = (D_iw_opx == 4) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_ret = (D_iw_opx == 5) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_nor = (D_iw_opx == 6) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_mulxuu = (D_iw_opx == 7) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_cmpge = (D_iw_opx == 8) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_bret = (D_iw_opx == 9) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv10 = (D_iw_opx == 10) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_ror = (D_iw_opx == 11) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_flushi = (D_iw_opx == 12) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_jmp = (D_iw_opx == 13) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_and = (D_iw_opx == 14) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv15 = (D_iw_opx == 15) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_cmplt = (D_iw_opx == 16) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv17 = (D_iw_opx == 17) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_slli = (D_iw_opx == 18) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_sll = (D_iw_opx == 19) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_wrprs = (D_iw_opx == 20) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv21 = (D_iw_opx == 21) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_or = (D_iw_opx == 22) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_mulxsu = (D_iw_opx == 23) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_cmpne = (D_iw_opx == 24) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv25 = (D_iw_opx == 25) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_srli = (D_iw_opx == 26) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_srl = (D_iw_opx == 27) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_nextpc = (D_iw_opx == 28) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_callr = (D_iw_opx == 29) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_xor = (D_iw_opx == 30) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_mulxss = (D_iw_opx == 31) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_cmpeq = (D_iw_opx == 32) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv33 = (D_iw_opx == 33) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv34 = (D_iw_opx == 34) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv35 = (D_iw_opx == 35) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_divu = (D_iw_opx == 36) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_div = (D_iw_opx == 37) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_rdctl = (D_iw_opx == 38) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_mul = (D_iw_opx == 39) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_cmpgeu = (D_iw_opx == 40) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_initi = (D_iw_opx == 41) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv42 = (D_iw_opx == 42) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv43 = (D_iw_opx == 43) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv44 = (D_iw_opx == 44) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_trap = (D_iw_opx == 45) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_wrctl = (D_iw_opx == 46) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv47 = (D_iw_opx == 47) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_cmpltu = (D_iw_opx == 48) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_add = (D_iw_opx == 49) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv50 = (D_iw_opx == 50) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv51 = (D_iw_opx == 51) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_break = (D_iw_opx == 52) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_hbreak = (D_iw_opx == 53) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_sync = (D_iw_opx == 54) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv55 = (D_iw_opx == 55) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv56 = (D_iw_opx == 56) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_sub = (D_iw_opx == 57) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_srai = (D_iw_opx == 58) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_sra = (D_iw_opx == 59) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv60 = (D_iw_opx == 60) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_intr = (D_iw_opx == 61) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_crst = (D_iw_opx == 62) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_op_opx_rsv63 = (D_iw_opx == 63) & D_is_opx_inst;
+ assign D_is_opx_inst = D_iw_op == 58;
+ assign R_en = 1'b1;
+ assign E_ci_result = 0;
+ //custom_instruction_master, which is an e_custom_instruction_master
+ assign dummy_ci_port = 1'b0;
+ assign E_ci_multi_stall = 1'b0;
+ assign iactive = irq[31 : 0] & 32'b00000000000000000000000000000001;
+ assign F_pc_sel_nxt = (R_ctrl_exception | W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid) ? 2'b00 :
+ R_ctrl_break ? 2'b01 :
+ (W_br_taken | R_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br) ? 2'b10 :
+ 2'b11;
+ assign F_pc_no_crst_nxt = (F_pc_sel_nxt == 2'b00)? 65544 :
+ (F_pc_sel_nxt == 2'b01)? 131592 :
+ (F_pc_sel_nxt == 2'b10)? E_arith_result[19 : 2] :
+ F_pc_plus_one;
+ assign F_pc_nxt = F_pc_no_crst_nxt;
+ assign F_pcb_nxt = {F_pc_nxt, 2'b00};
+ assign F_pc_en = W_valid | W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid;
+ assign F_pc_plus_one = F_pc + 1;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ F_pc <= 65536;
+ else if (F_pc_en)
+ F_pc <= F_pc_nxt;
+ end
+ assign F_pcb = {F_pc, 2'b00};
+ assign F_pcb_plus_four = {F_pc_plus_one, 2'b00};
+ assign F_valid = i_read & ~i_waitrequest;
+ assign i_read_nxt = W_valid | W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid | (i_read & i_waitrequest);
+ assign i_address = {F_pc, 2'b00};
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ i_read <= 1'b1;
+ else
+ i_read <= i_read_nxt;
+ end
+ assign oci_tb_hbreak_req = oci_hbreak_req;
+ assign hbreak_req = (oci_tb_hbreak_req | hbreak_pending) & hbreak_enabled & ~(wait_for_one_post_bret_inst & ~W_valid);
+ assign hbreak_pending_nxt = hbreak_pending ? hbreak_enabled
+ : hbreak_req;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ wait_for_one_post_bret_inst <= 1'b0;
+ else
+ wait_for_one_post_bret_inst <= (~hbreak_enabled & oci_single_step_mode) ? 1'b1 : (F_valid | ~oci_single_step_mode) ? 1'b0 : wait_for_one_post_bret_inst;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ hbreak_pending <= 1'b0;
+ else
+ hbreak_pending <= hbreak_pending_nxt;
+ end
+ assign intr_req = W_status_reg_pie & (W_ipending_reg != 0);
+ assign F_av_iw = i_readdata;
+ assign F_iw = hbreak_req ? 4040762 :
+ 1'b0 ? 127034 :
+ intr_req ? 3926074 :
+ F_av_iw;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ D_iw <= 0;
+ else if (F_valid)
+ D_iw <= F_iw;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ D_valid <= 0;
+ else
+ D_valid <= F_valid | W1_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid;
+ end
+ assign D_dst_regnum = D_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr ? 5'd31 :
+ D_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr ? 5'd29 :
+ D_ctrl_b_is_dst ? D_iw_b :
+ D_iw_c;
+ assign D_wr_dst_reg = (D_dst_regnum != 0) & ~D_ctrl_ignore_dst;
+ assign D_logic_op_raw = D_is_opx_inst ? D_iw_opx[4 : 3] :
+ D_iw_op[4 : 3];
+ assign D_logic_op = D_ctrl_alu_force_xor ? 2'b11 :
+ D_ctrl_alu_force_and ? 2'b01 :
+ D_logic_op_raw;
+ assign D_compare_op = D_is_opx_inst ? D_iw_opx[4 : 3] :
+ D_iw_op[4 : 3];
+ assign D_jmp_direct_target_waddr = D_iw[31 : 6];
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_valid <= 0;
+ else
+ R_valid <= D_valid;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_wr_dst_reg <= 0;
+ else
+ R_wr_dst_reg <= D_wr_dst_reg;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_dst_regnum <= 0;
+ else
+ R_dst_regnum <= D_dst_regnum;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_logic_op <= 0;
+ else
+ R_logic_op <= D_logic_op;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_compare_op <= 0;
+ else
+ R_compare_op <= D_compare_op;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_src2_use_imm <= 0;
+ else
+ R_src2_use_imm <= D_ctrl_src2_choose_imm | (D_ctrl_br & R_valid);
+ end
+ assign E_rf_ecc_valid_any = E_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid|E_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid;
+ assign W_rf_ecc_valid_any = W_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid|W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid;
+ assign E_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid = 1'b0;
+ assign E_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid = 1'b0;
+ assign W_dst_regnum = R_dst_regnum;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid <= 0;
+ else
+ W_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid <= E_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W1_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid <= 0;
+ else
+ W1_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid <= W_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid <= 0;
+ else
+ W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid <= E_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid & ~E_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid;
+ end
+ assign R_rf_a = R_rf_a_q;
+ assign R_rf_b = R_rf_b_q;
+ assign W_rf_wren = (R_wr_dst_reg & W_valid) | W_rf_ecc_valid_any | ~reset_n;
+ assign W_rf_wr_data = R_ctrl_ld ? av_ld_data_aligned_filtered : W_wr_data;
+//nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_a, which is an nios_sdp_ram
+nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_a_module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_a
+ (
+ .clock (clk),
+ .data (W_rf_wr_data),
+ .q (R_rf_a_q),
+ .rdaddress (D_iw_a),
+ .wraddress (W_dst_regnum),
+ .wren (W_rf_wren)
+ );
+//synthesis translate_off
+`ifdef NO_PLI
+defparam nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_a.lpm_file = "nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_rf_ram_a.dat";
+defparam nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_a.lpm_file = "nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_rf_ram_a.hex";
+//synthesis translate_on
+//nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_b, which is an nios_sdp_ram
+nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_b_module nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_b
+ (
+ .clock (clk),
+ .data (W_rf_wr_data),
+ .q (R_rf_b_q),
+ .rdaddress (D_iw_b),
+ .wraddress (W_dst_regnum),
+ .wren (W_rf_wren)
+ );
+//synthesis translate_off
+`ifdef NO_PLI
+defparam nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_b.lpm_file = "nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_rf_ram_b.dat";
+defparam nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_register_bank_b.lpm_file = "nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_rf_ram_b.hex";
+//synthesis translate_on
+ assign R_src1 = (((R_ctrl_br & E_valid_from_R) | (R_ctrl_retaddr & R_valid)))? {F_pc_plus_one, 2'b00} :
+ ((R_ctrl_jmp_direct & E_valid_from_R))? {D_jmp_direct_target_waddr, 2'b00} :
+ R_rf_a;
+ assign R_src2_lo = ((R_ctrl_force_src2_zero|R_ctrl_hi_imm16))? {16 {D_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm}} :
+ (R_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot)? {{11 {1'b0}},D_iw_imm5} :
+ (R_src2_use_imm)? D_iw_imm16 :
+ R_rf_b[15 : 0];
+ assign R_src2_hi = ((R_ctrl_force_src2_zero|R_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16))? {16 {D_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm}} :
+ (R_ctrl_hi_imm16)? D_iw_imm16 :
+ (R_src2_use_imm)? {16 {D_iw_imm16[15]}} :
+ R_rf_b[31 : 16];
+ assign R_src2 = {R_src2_hi, R_src2_lo};
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_valid_from_R <= 0;
+ else
+ E_valid_from_R <= R_valid | E_stall;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_new_inst <= 0;
+ else
+ E_new_inst <= R_valid;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_src1 <= 0;
+ else
+ E_src1 <= R_src1;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_src2 <= 0;
+ else
+ E_src2 <= R_src2;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_invert_arith_src_msb <= 0;
+ else
+ E_invert_arith_src_msb <= D_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison & R_valid;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_alu_sub <= 0;
+ else
+ E_alu_sub <= D_ctrl_alu_subtract & R_valid;
+ end
+ assign E_valid = E_valid_from_R & ~E_rf_ecc_valid_any;
+ assign E_stall = (E_shift_rot_stall | E_ld_stall | E_st_stall | E_ci_multi_stall) & ~(E_rf_ecc_valid_any|W_rf_ecc_valid_any|W1_rf_ecc_recoverable_valid);
+ assign E_arith_src1 = { E_src1[31] ^ E_invert_arith_src_msb,
+ E_src1[30 : 0]};
+ assign E_arith_src2 = { E_src2[31] ^ E_invert_arith_src_msb,
+ E_src2[30 : 0]};
+ assign E_arith_result = E_alu_sub ?
+ E_arith_src1 - E_arith_src2 :
+ E_arith_src1 + E_arith_src2;
+ assign E_mem_baddr = E_arith_result[19 : 0];
+ assign E_logic_result = (R_logic_op == 2'b00)? (~(E_src1 | E_src2)) :
+ (R_logic_op == 2'b01)? (E_src1 & E_src2) :
+ (R_logic_op == 2'b10)? (E_src1 | E_src2) :
+ (E_src1 ^ E_src2);
+ assign E_logic_result_is_0 = E_logic_result == 0;
+ assign E_eq = E_logic_result_is_0;
+ assign E_lt = E_arith_result[32];
+ assign E_cmp_result = (R_compare_op == 2'b00)? E_eq :
+ (R_compare_op == 2'b01)? ~E_lt :
+ (R_compare_op == 2'b10)? E_lt :
+ ~E_eq;
+ assign E_shift_rot_shfcnt = E_src2[4 : 0];
+ assign E_shift_rot_cnt_nxt = E_new_inst ? E_shift_rot_shfcnt : E_shift_rot_cnt-1;
+ assign E_shift_rot_done = (E_shift_rot_cnt == 0) & ~E_new_inst;
+ assign E_shift_rot_stall = R_ctrl_shift_rot & E_valid & ~E_shift_rot_done;
+ assign E_shift_rot_fill_bit = R_ctrl_shift_logical ? 1'b0 :
+ (R_ctrl_rot_right ? E_shift_rot_result[0] :
+ E_shift_rot_result[31]);
+ assign E_shift_rot_result_nxt = (E_new_inst)? E_src1 :
+ (R_ctrl_shift_rot_right)? {E_shift_rot_fill_bit, E_shift_rot_result[31 : 1]} :
+ {E_shift_rot_result[30 : 0], E_shift_rot_fill_bit};
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_shift_rot_result <= 0;
+ else
+ E_shift_rot_result <= E_shift_rot_result_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ E_shift_rot_cnt <= 0;
+ else
+ E_shift_rot_cnt <= E_shift_rot_cnt_nxt;
+ end
+ assign E_control_rd_data = (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd0)? W_status_reg :
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd1)? W_estatus_reg :
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd2)? W_bstatus_reg :
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd3)? W_ienable_reg :
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd4)? W_ipending_reg :
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd5)? W_cpuid_reg :
+ W_cdsr_reg;
+ assign E_alu_result = ((R_ctrl_br_cmp | R_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg))? 0 :
+ (R_ctrl_shift_rot)? E_shift_rot_result :
+ (R_ctrl_logic)? E_logic_result :
+ (R_ctrl_custom)? E_ci_result :
+ E_arith_result;
+ assign R_sth_data = R_rf_b[15 : 0];
+ assign R_stw_data = R_rf_b[31 : 0];
+ assign R_stb_data = R_rf_b[7 : 0];
+ assign E_st_data = (D_ctrl_mem8)? {R_stb_data, R_stb_data, R_stb_data, R_stb_data} :
+ (D_ctrl_mem16)? {R_sth_data, R_sth_data} :
+ R_stw_data;
+ assign E_mem_byte_en = ({D_ctrl_mem16, D_ctrl_mem8, E_mem_baddr[1 : 0]} == {2'b01, 2'b00})? 4'b0001 :
+ ({D_ctrl_mem16, D_ctrl_mem8, E_mem_baddr[1 : 0]} == {2'b01, 2'b01})? 4'b0010 :
+ ({D_ctrl_mem16, D_ctrl_mem8, E_mem_baddr[1 : 0]} == {2'b01, 2'b10})? 4'b0100 :
+ ({D_ctrl_mem16, D_ctrl_mem8, E_mem_baddr[1 : 0]} == {2'b01, 2'b11})? 4'b1000 :
+ ({D_ctrl_mem16, D_ctrl_mem8, E_mem_baddr[1 : 0]} == {2'b10, 2'b00})? 4'b0011 :
+ ({D_ctrl_mem16, D_ctrl_mem8, E_mem_baddr[1 : 0]} == {2'b10, 2'b01})? 4'b0011 :
+ ({D_ctrl_mem16, D_ctrl_mem8, E_mem_baddr[1 : 0]} == {2'b10, 2'b10})? 4'b1100 :
+ ({D_ctrl_mem16, D_ctrl_mem8, E_mem_baddr[1 : 0]} == {2'b10, 2'b11})? 4'b1100 :
+ 4'b1111;
+ assign d_read_nxt = (R_ctrl_ld & E_new_inst & ~E_rf_ecc_valid_any) | (d_read & d_waitrequest);
+ assign E_ld_stall = R_ctrl_ld & ((E_valid & ~av_ld_done) | E_new_inst);
+ assign d_write_nxt = ((R_ctrl_st & (~R_ctrl_st_ex | W_up_ex_mon_state)) & E_new_inst & ~E_rf_ecc_valid_any) | (d_write & d_waitrequest);
+ assign E_st_stall = d_write_nxt;
+ assign d_address = W_mem_baddr;
+ assign av_ld_getting_data = d_read & ~d_waitrequest;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ d_read <= 0;
+ else
+ d_read <= d_read_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ d_writedata <= 0;
+ else
+ d_writedata <= E_st_data;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ d_byteenable <= 0;
+ else
+ d_byteenable <= E_mem_byte_en;
+ end
+ assign av_ld_align_cycle_nxt = av_ld_getting_data ? 0 : (av_ld_align_cycle+1);
+ assign av_ld_align_one_more_cycle = av_ld_align_cycle == (D_ctrl_mem16 ? 2 : 3);
+ assign av_ld_aligning_data_nxt = av_ld_aligning_data ?
+ ~av_ld_align_one_more_cycle :
+ (~D_ctrl_mem32 & av_ld_getting_data);
+ assign av_ld_waiting_for_data_nxt = av_ld_waiting_for_data ?
+ ~av_ld_getting_data :
+ (R_ctrl_ld & E_new_inst);
+ assign av_ld_done = ~av_ld_waiting_for_data_nxt & (D_ctrl_mem32 | ~av_ld_aligning_data_nxt);
+ assign av_ld_rshift8 = av_ld_aligning_data &
+ (av_ld_align_cycle < (W_mem_baddr[1 : 0]));
+ assign av_ld_extend = av_ld_aligning_data;
+ assign av_ld_byte0_data_nxt = av_ld_rshift8 ? av_ld_byte1_data :
+ av_ld_extend ? av_ld_byte0_data :d_readdata[7 : 0];
+ assign av_ld_byte1_data_nxt = av_ld_rshift8 ? av_ld_byte2_data :
+ av_ld_extend ? {8 {av_fill_bit}} :d_readdata[15 : 8];
+ assign av_ld_byte2_data_nxt = av_ld_rshift8 ? av_ld_byte3_data :
+ av_ld_extend ? {8 {av_fill_bit}} :d_readdata[23 : 16];
+ assign av_ld_byte3_data_nxt = av_ld_rshift8 ? av_ld_byte3_data :
+ av_ld_extend ? {8 {av_fill_bit}} :d_readdata[31 : 24];
+ assign av_ld_byte1_data_en = ~(av_ld_extend & D_ctrl_mem16 & ~av_ld_rshift8);
+ assign av_ld_data_aligned_unfiltered = {av_ld_byte3_data, av_ld_byte2_data,
+ av_ld_byte1_data, av_ld_byte0_data};
+ assign av_sign_bit = D_ctrl_mem16 ? av_ld_byte1_data[7] : av_ld_byte0_data[7];
+ assign av_fill_bit = av_sign_bit & R_ctrl_ld_signed;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ av_ld_align_cycle <= 0;
+ else
+ av_ld_align_cycle <= av_ld_align_cycle_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ av_ld_waiting_for_data <= 0;
+ else
+ av_ld_waiting_for_data <= av_ld_waiting_for_data_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ av_ld_aligning_data <= 0;
+ else
+ av_ld_aligning_data <= av_ld_aligning_data_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ av_ld_byte0_data <= 0;
+ else
+ av_ld_byte0_data <= av_ld_byte0_data_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ av_ld_byte1_data <= 0;
+ else if (av_ld_byte1_data_en)
+ av_ld_byte1_data <= av_ld_byte1_data_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ av_ld_byte2_data <= 0;
+ else
+ av_ld_byte2_data <= av_ld_byte2_data_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ av_ld_byte3_data <= 0;
+ else
+ av_ld_byte3_data <= av_ld_byte3_data_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_up_ex_mon_state <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ W_up_ex_mon_state <= (R_ctrl_ld_ex & W_valid) ? 1'b1 :
+ ((D_op_eret & W_valid) | (R_ctrl_st_ex & W_valid)) ? 1'b0 :
+ W_up_ex_mon_state;
+ end
+ assign W_valid_from_M = W_valid;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_valid <= 0;
+ else
+ W_valid <= E_valid & ~E_stall;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ A_valid_from_M <= 0;
+ else
+ A_valid_from_M <= E_valid & ~E_stall;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_control_rd_data <= 0;
+ else
+ W_control_rd_data <= D_ctrl_intr_inst ? W_status_reg : E_control_rd_data;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_cmp_result <= 0;
+ else
+ W_cmp_result <= E_cmp_result;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_alu_result <= 0;
+ else
+ W_alu_result <= E_alu_result;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_status_reg_pie <= 0;
+ else
+ W_status_reg_pie <= W_status_reg_pie_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_estatus_reg <= 0;
+ else
+ W_estatus_reg <= W_estatus_reg_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_bstatus_reg <= 0;
+ else
+ W_bstatus_reg <= W_bstatus_reg_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_ienable_reg <= 0;
+ else
+ W_ienable_reg <= W_ienable_reg_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_ipending_reg <= 0;
+ else
+ W_ipending_reg <= W_ipending_reg_nxt;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ W_cdsr_reg <= 0;
+ else
+ W_cdsr_reg <= 0;
+ end
+ assign W_cpuid_reg = 0;
+ assign W_wr_data_non_zero = R_ctrl_br_cmp ? W_cmp_result :
+ R_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg ? W_control_rd_data :
+ W_alu_result[31 : 0];
+ assign W_wr_data = W_wr_data_non_zero;
+ assign W_br_taken = R_ctrl_br_uncond | (R_ctrl_br & W_cmp_result);
+ assign W_mem_baddr = W_alu_result[19 : 0];
+ assign W_status_reg = W_status_reg_pie;
+ assign E_wrctl_status = R_ctrl_wrctl_inst &
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd0);
+ assign E_wrctl_estatus = R_ctrl_wrctl_inst &
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd1);
+ assign E_wrctl_bstatus = R_ctrl_wrctl_inst &
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd2);
+ assign E_wrctl_ienable = R_ctrl_wrctl_inst &
+ (D_iw_control_regnum == 5'd3);
+ assign W_status_reg_pie_inst_nxt = (R_ctrl_exception | R_ctrl_break | R_ctrl_crst | W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid) ? 1'b0 :
+ (D_op_eret) ? W_estatus_reg :
+ (D_op_bret) ? W_bstatus_reg :
+ (E_wrctl_status) ? E_src1[0] :
+ W_status_reg_pie;
+ assign W_status_reg_pie_nxt = E_valid ? W_status_reg_pie_inst_nxt : W_status_reg_pie;
+ assign W_estatus_reg_inst_nxt = (R_ctrl_crst) ? 0 :
+ (R_ctrl_exception|W_rf_ecc_unrecoverable_valid) ? W_status_reg :
+ (E_wrctl_estatus) ? E_src1[0] :
+ W_estatus_reg;
+ assign W_estatus_reg_nxt = E_valid ? W_estatus_reg_inst_nxt : W_estatus_reg;
+ assign W_bstatus_reg_inst_nxt = (R_ctrl_break) ? W_status_reg :
+ (E_wrctl_bstatus) ? E_src1[0] :
+ W_bstatus_reg;
+ assign W_bstatus_reg_nxt = E_valid ? W_bstatus_reg_inst_nxt : W_bstatus_reg;
+ assign W_ienable_reg_nxt = ((E_wrctl_ienable & E_valid) ?
+ E_src1[31 : 0] : W_ienable_reg) & 32'b00000000000000000000000000000001;
+ assign W_ipending_reg_nxt = iactive & W_ienable_reg & oci_ienable & 32'b00000000000000000000000000000001;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ hbreak_enabled <= 1'b1;
+ else if (E_valid)
+ hbreak_enabled <= R_ctrl_break ? 1'b0 : D_op_bret ? 1'b1 : hbreak_enabled;
+ end
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ d_write <= 0;
+ else
+ d_write <= d_write_nxt;
+ end
+ nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci the_nios2_uc_nios2_cpu_nios2_oci
+ (
+ .D_valid (D_valid),
+ .E_st_data (E_st_data),
+ .E_valid (E_valid),
+ .F_pc (F_pc),
+ .address_nxt (debug_mem_slave_address),
+ .av_ld_data_aligned_filtered (av_ld_data_aligned_filtered),
+ .byteenable_nxt (debug_mem_slave_byteenable),
+ .clk (debug_mem_slave_clk),
+ .d_address (d_address),
+ .d_read (d_read),
+ .d_waitrequest (d_waitrequest),
+ .d_write (d_write),
+ .debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms (debug_mem_slave_debugaccess_to_roms),
+ .debugaccess_nxt (debug_mem_slave_debugaccess),
+ .hbreak_enabled (hbreak_enabled),
+ .oci_hbreak_req (oci_hbreak_req),
+ .oci_ienable (oci_ienable),
+ .oci_single_step_mode (oci_single_step_mode),
+ .read_nxt (debug_mem_slave_read),
+ .readdata (debug_mem_slave_readdata),
+ .reset (debug_mem_slave_reset),
+ .reset_n (reset_n),
+ .reset_req (reset_req),
+ .resetrequest (debug_reset_request),
+ .waitrequest (debug_mem_slave_waitrequest),
+ .write_nxt (debug_mem_slave_write),
+ .writedata_nxt (debug_mem_slave_writedata)
+ );
+ //debug_mem_slave, which is an e_avalon_slave
+ assign debug_mem_slave_clk = clk;
+ assign debug_mem_slave_reset = ~reset_n;
+ assign D_ctrl_custom = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_custom_nxt = D_ctrl_custom;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_custom <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_custom <= R_ctrl_custom_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_custom_multi = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_custom_multi_nxt = D_ctrl_custom_multi;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_custom_multi <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_custom_multi <= R_ctrl_custom_multi_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_jmp_indirect = D_op_eret|D_op_bret|D_op_ret|D_op_jmp|D_op_callr;
+ assign R_ctrl_jmp_indirect_nxt = D_ctrl_jmp_indirect;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_jmp_indirect <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_jmp_indirect <= R_ctrl_jmp_indirect_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_jmp_direct = D_op_call|D_op_jmpi;
+ assign R_ctrl_jmp_direct_nxt = D_ctrl_jmp_direct;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_jmp_direct <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_jmp_direct <= R_ctrl_jmp_direct_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr = D_op_call;
+ assign R_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr_nxt = D_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr <= R_ctrl_implicit_dst_retaddr_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr = D_op_div|
+ D_op_divu|
+ D_op_mul|
+ D_op_muli|
+ D_op_mulxss|
+ D_op_mulxsu|
+ D_op_mulxuu|
+ D_op_crst|
+ D_op_ldl|
+ D_op_op_rsv02|
+ D_op_op_rsv09|
+ D_op_op_rsv10|
+ D_op_op_rsv17|
+ D_op_op_rsv18|
+ D_op_op_rsv25|
+ D_op_op_rsv26|
+ D_op_op_rsv33|
+ D_op_op_rsv34|
+ D_op_op_rsv41|
+ D_op_op_rsv42|
+ D_op_op_rsv49|
+ D_op_op_rsv57|
+ D_op_op_rsv61|
+ D_op_op_rsv62|
+ D_op_op_rsv63|
+ D_op_opx_rsv00|
+ D_op_opx_rsv10|
+ D_op_opx_rsv15|
+ D_op_opx_rsv17|
+ D_op_opx_rsv21|
+ D_op_opx_rsv25|
+ D_op_opx_rsv33|
+ D_op_opx_rsv34|
+ D_op_opx_rsv35|
+ D_op_opx_rsv42|
+ D_op_opx_rsv43|
+ D_op_opx_rsv44|
+ D_op_opx_rsv47|
+ D_op_opx_rsv50|
+ D_op_opx_rsv51|
+ D_op_opx_rsv55|
+ D_op_opx_rsv56|
+ D_op_opx_rsv60|
+ D_op_opx_rsv63|
+ D_op_rdprs|
+ D_op_stc|
+ D_op_wrprs;
+ assign R_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr_nxt = D_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr <= R_ctrl_implicit_dst_eretaddr_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_exception = D_op_trap|
+ D_op_opx_rsv44|
+ D_op_div|
+ D_op_divu|
+ D_op_mul|
+ D_op_muli|
+ D_op_mulxss|
+ D_op_mulxsu|
+ D_op_mulxuu|
+ D_op_crst|
+ D_op_ldl|
+ D_op_op_rsv02|
+ D_op_op_rsv09|
+ D_op_op_rsv10|
+ D_op_op_rsv17|
+ D_op_op_rsv18|
+ D_op_op_rsv25|
+ D_op_op_rsv26|
+ D_op_op_rsv33|
+ D_op_op_rsv34|
+ D_op_op_rsv41|
+ D_op_op_rsv42|
+ D_op_op_rsv49|
+ D_op_op_rsv57|
+ D_op_op_rsv61|
+ D_op_op_rsv62|
+ D_op_op_rsv63|
+ D_op_opx_rsv00|
+ D_op_opx_rsv10|
+ D_op_opx_rsv15|
+ D_op_opx_rsv17|
+ D_op_opx_rsv21|
+ D_op_opx_rsv25|
+ D_op_opx_rsv33|
+ D_op_opx_rsv34|
+ D_op_opx_rsv35|
+ D_op_opx_rsv42|
+ D_op_opx_rsv43|
+ D_op_opx_rsv47|
+ D_op_opx_rsv50|
+ D_op_opx_rsv51|
+ D_op_opx_rsv55|
+ D_op_opx_rsv56|
+ D_op_opx_rsv60|
+ D_op_opx_rsv63|
+ D_op_rdprs|
+ D_op_stc|
+ D_op_wrprs|
+ D_op_intr;
+ assign R_ctrl_exception_nxt = D_ctrl_exception;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_exception <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_exception <= R_ctrl_exception_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_break = D_op_break|D_op_hbreak;
+ assign R_ctrl_break_nxt = D_ctrl_break;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_break <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_break <= R_ctrl_break_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_crst = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_crst_nxt = D_ctrl_crst;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_crst <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_crst <= R_ctrl_crst_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg = D_op_rdctl;
+ assign R_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg_nxt = D_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg <= R_ctrl_rd_ctl_reg_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br = D_op_call|D_op_jmpi|D_op_eret|D_op_bret|D_op_ret|D_op_jmp|D_op_callr;
+ assign R_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br_nxt = D_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br <= R_ctrl_uncond_cti_non_br_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_retaddr = D_op_call|
+ D_op_op_rsv02|
+ D_op_nextpc|
+ D_op_callr|
+ D_op_trap|
+ D_op_opx_rsv44|
+ D_op_div|
+ D_op_divu|
+ D_op_mul|
+ D_op_muli|
+ D_op_mulxss|
+ D_op_mulxsu|
+ D_op_mulxuu|
+ D_op_crst|
+ D_op_ldl|
+ D_op_op_rsv09|
+ D_op_op_rsv10|
+ D_op_op_rsv17|
+ D_op_op_rsv18|
+ D_op_op_rsv25|
+ D_op_op_rsv26|
+ D_op_op_rsv33|
+ D_op_op_rsv34|
+ D_op_op_rsv41|
+ D_op_op_rsv42|
+ D_op_op_rsv49|
+ D_op_op_rsv57|
+ D_op_op_rsv61|
+ D_op_op_rsv62|
+ D_op_op_rsv63|
+ D_op_opx_rsv00|
+ D_op_opx_rsv10|
+ D_op_opx_rsv15|
+ D_op_opx_rsv17|
+ D_op_opx_rsv21|
+ D_op_opx_rsv25|
+ D_op_opx_rsv33|
+ D_op_opx_rsv34|
+ D_op_opx_rsv35|
+ D_op_opx_rsv42|
+ D_op_opx_rsv43|
+ D_op_opx_rsv47|
+ D_op_opx_rsv50|
+ D_op_opx_rsv51|
+ D_op_opx_rsv55|
+ D_op_opx_rsv56|
+ D_op_opx_rsv60|
+ D_op_opx_rsv63|
+ D_op_rdprs|
+ D_op_stc|
+ D_op_wrprs|
+ D_op_intr|
+ D_op_break|
+ D_op_hbreak;
+ assign R_ctrl_retaddr_nxt = D_ctrl_retaddr;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_retaddr <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_retaddr <= R_ctrl_retaddr_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_shift_logical = D_op_slli|D_op_sll|D_op_srli|D_op_srl;
+ assign R_ctrl_shift_logical_nxt = D_ctrl_shift_logical;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_shift_logical <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_shift_logical <= R_ctrl_shift_logical_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_shift_right_arith = D_op_srai|D_op_sra;
+ assign R_ctrl_shift_right_arith_nxt = D_ctrl_shift_right_arith;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_shift_right_arith <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_shift_right_arith <= R_ctrl_shift_right_arith_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_rot_right = D_op_ror;
+ assign R_ctrl_rot_right_nxt = D_ctrl_rot_right;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_rot_right <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_rot_right <= R_ctrl_rot_right_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_shift_rot_right = D_op_srli|D_op_srl|D_op_srai|D_op_sra|D_op_ror;
+ assign R_ctrl_shift_rot_right_nxt = D_ctrl_shift_rot_right;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_shift_rot_right <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_shift_rot_right <= R_ctrl_shift_rot_right_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_shift_rot = D_op_slli|
+ D_op_sll|
+ D_op_roli|
+ D_op_rol|
+ D_op_srli|
+ D_op_srl|
+ D_op_srai|
+ D_op_sra|
+ D_op_ror;
+ assign R_ctrl_shift_rot_nxt = D_ctrl_shift_rot;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_shift_rot <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_shift_rot <= R_ctrl_shift_rot_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_logic = D_op_and|
+ D_op_or|
+ D_op_xor|
+ D_op_nor|
+ D_op_andhi|
+ D_op_orhi|
+ D_op_xorhi|
+ D_op_andi|
+ D_op_ori|
+ D_op_xori;
+ assign R_ctrl_logic_nxt = D_ctrl_logic;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_logic <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_logic <= R_ctrl_logic_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_hi_imm16 = D_op_andhi|D_op_orhi|D_op_xorhi;
+ assign R_ctrl_hi_imm16_nxt = D_ctrl_hi_imm16;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_hi_imm16 <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_hi_imm16 <= R_ctrl_hi_imm16_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm_nxt = D_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm <= R_ctrl_set_src2_rem_imm_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16 = D_op_cmpgeui|
+ D_op_cmpltui|
+ D_op_andi|
+ D_op_ori|
+ D_op_xori|
+ D_op_roli|
+ D_op_slli|
+ D_op_srli|
+ D_op_srai;
+ assign R_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16_nxt = D_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16 <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16 <= R_ctrl_unsigned_lo_imm16_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_signed_imm12 = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_signed_imm12_nxt = D_ctrl_signed_imm12;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_signed_imm12 <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_signed_imm12 <= R_ctrl_signed_imm12_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot = D_op_roli|D_op_slli|D_op_srli|D_op_srai;
+ assign R_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot_nxt = D_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot <= R_ctrl_src_imm5_shift_rot_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_br_uncond = D_op_br;
+ assign R_ctrl_br_uncond_nxt = D_ctrl_br_uncond;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_br_uncond <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_br_uncond <= R_ctrl_br_uncond_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_br = D_op_br|D_op_bge|D_op_blt|D_op_bne|D_op_beq|D_op_bgeu|D_op_bltu;
+ assign R_ctrl_br_nxt = D_ctrl_br;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_br <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_br <= R_ctrl_br_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_alu_subtract = D_op_sub|
+ D_op_cmplti|
+ D_op_cmpltui|
+ D_op_cmplt|
+ D_op_cmpltu|
+ D_op_blt|
+ D_op_bltu|
+ D_op_cmpgei|
+ D_op_cmpgeui|
+ D_op_cmpge|
+ D_op_cmpgeu|
+ D_op_bge|
+ D_op_bgeu;
+ assign R_ctrl_alu_subtract_nxt = D_ctrl_alu_subtract;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_alu_subtract <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_alu_subtract <= R_ctrl_alu_subtract_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison = D_op_cmpge|D_op_cmpgei|D_op_cmplt|D_op_cmplti|D_op_bge|D_op_blt;
+ assign R_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison_nxt = D_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison <= R_ctrl_alu_signed_comparison_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_br_cmp = D_op_br|
+ D_op_bge|
+ D_op_blt|
+ D_op_bne|
+ D_op_beq|
+ D_op_bgeu|
+ D_op_bltu|
+ D_op_cmpgei|
+ D_op_cmplti|
+ D_op_cmpnei|
+ D_op_cmpgeui|
+ D_op_cmpltui|
+ D_op_cmpeqi|
+ D_op_cmpge|
+ D_op_cmplt|
+ D_op_cmpne|
+ D_op_cmpgeu|
+ D_op_cmpltu|
+ D_op_cmpeq;
+ assign R_ctrl_br_cmp_nxt = D_ctrl_br_cmp;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_br_cmp <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_br_cmp <= R_ctrl_br_cmp_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_ld_signed = D_op_ldb|D_op_ldh|D_op_ldw|D_op_ldbio|D_op_ldhio|D_op_ldwio;
+ assign R_ctrl_ld_signed_nxt = D_ctrl_ld_signed;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_ld_signed <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_ld_signed <= R_ctrl_ld_signed_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_ld = D_op_ldb|
+ D_op_ldh|
+ D_op_ldw|
+ D_op_ldbio|
+ D_op_ldhio|
+ D_op_ldwio|
+ D_op_ldbu|
+ D_op_ldhu|
+ D_op_ldbuio|
+ D_op_ldhuio;
+ assign R_ctrl_ld_nxt = D_ctrl_ld;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_ld <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_ld <= R_ctrl_ld_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_ld_ex = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_ld_ex_nxt = D_ctrl_ld_ex;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_ld_ex <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_ld_ex <= R_ctrl_ld_ex_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_ld_non_io = D_op_ldbu|D_op_ldhu|D_op_ldb|D_op_ldh|D_op_ldw;
+ assign R_ctrl_ld_non_io_nxt = D_ctrl_ld_non_io;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_ld_non_io <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_ld_non_io <= R_ctrl_ld_non_io_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_st_ex = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_st_ex_nxt = D_ctrl_st_ex;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_st_ex <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_st_ex <= R_ctrl_st_ex_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_st = D_op_stb|D_op_sth|D_op_stw|D_op_stbio|D_op_sthio|D_op_stwio;
+ assign R_ctrl_st_nxt = D_ctrl_st;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_st <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_st <= R_ctrl_st_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_ld_st_ex = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_ld_st_ex_nxt = D_ctrl_ld_st_ex;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_ld_st_ex <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_ld_st_ex <= R_ctrl_ld_st_ex_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_mem8 = D_op_ldb|D_op_ldbu|D_op_ldbio|D_op_ldbuio|D_op_stb|D_op_stbio;
+ assign R_ctrl_mem8_nxt = D_ctrl_mem8;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_mem8 <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_mem8 <= R_ctrl_mem8_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_mem16 = D_op_ldhu|D_op_ldh|D_op_ldhio|D_op_ldhuio|D_op_sth|D_op_sthio;
+ assign R_ctrl_mem16_nxt = D_ctrl_mem16;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_mem16 <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_mem16 <= R_ctrl_mem16_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_mem32 = D_op_ldw|D_op_ldwio|D_op_stw|D_op_stwio;
+ assign R_ctrl_mem32_nxt = D_ctrl_mem32;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_mem32 <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_mem32 <= R_ctrl_mem32_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_ld_io = D_op_ldbuio|D_op_ldhuio|D_op_ldbio|D_op_ldhio|D_op_ldwio;
+ assign R_ctrl_ld_io_nxt = D_ctrl_ld_io;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_ld_io <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_ld_io <= R_ctrl_ld_io_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_b_is_dst = D_op_addi|
+ D_op_andhi|
+ D_op_orhi|
+ D_op_xorhi|
+ D_op_andi|
+ D_op_ori|
+ D_op_xori|
+ D_op_call|
+ D_op_cmpgei|
+ D_op_cmplti|
+ D_op_cmpnei|
+ D_op_cmpgeui|
+ D_op_cmpltui|
+ D_op_cmpeqi|
+ D_op_jmpi|
+ D_op_ldb|
+ D_op_ldh|
+ D_op_ldw|
+ D_op_ldbio|
+ D_op_ldhio|
+ D_op_ldwio|
+ D_op_ldbu|
+ D_op_ldhu|
+ D_op_ldbuio|
+ D_op_ldhuio|
+ D_op_initd|
+ D_op_initda|
+ D_op_flushd|
+ D_op_flushda;
+ assign R_ctrl_b_is_dst_nxt = D_ctrl_b_is_dst;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_b_is_dst <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_b_is_dst <= R_ctrl_b_is_dst_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_ignore_dst = D_op_br|
+ D_op_bge|
+ D_op_blt|
+ D_op_bne|
+ D_op_beq|
+ D_op_bgeu|
+ D_op_bltu|
+ D_op_stb|
+ D_op_sth|
+ D_op_stw|
+ D_op_stbio|
+ D_op_sthio|
+ D_op_stwio|
+ D_op_jmpi;
+ assign R_ctrl_ignore_dst_nxt = D_ctrl_ignore_dst;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_ignore_dst <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_ignore_dst <= R_ctrl_ignore_dst_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_src2_choose_imm = D_op_addi|
+ D_op_andhi|
+ D_op_orhi|
+ D_op_xorhi|
+ D_op_andi|
+ D_op_ori|
+ D_op_xori|
+ D_op_call|
+ D_op_cmpgei|
+ D_op_cmplti|
+ D_op_cmpnei|
+ D_op_cmpgeui|
+ D_op_cmpltui|
+ D_op_cmpeqi|
+ D_op_jmpi|
+ D_op_ldb|
+ D_op_ldh|
+ D_op_ldw|
+ D_op_ldbio|
+ D_op_ldhio|
+ D_op_ldwio|
+ D_op_ldbu|
+ D_op_ldhu|
+ D_op_ldbuio|
+ D_op_ldhuio|
+ D_op_initd|
+ D_op_initda|
+ D_op_flushd|
+ D_op_flushda|
+ D_op_stb|
+ D_op_sth|
+ D_op_stw|
+ D_op_stbio|
+ D_op_sthio|
+ D_op_stwio|
+ D_op_roli|
+ D_op_slli|
+ D_op_srli|
+ D_op_srai;
+ assign R_ctrl_src2_choose_imm_nxt = D_ctrl_src2_choose_imm;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_src2_choose_imm <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_src2_choose_imm <= R_ctrl_src2_choose_imm_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_wrctl_inst = D_op_wrctl;
+ assign R_ctrl_wrctl_inst_nxt = D_ctrl_wrctl_inst;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_wrctl_inst <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_wrctl_inst <= R_ctrl_wrctl_inst_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_intr_inst = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_intr_inst_nxt = D_ctrl_intr_inst;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_intr_inst <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_intr_inst <= R_ctrl_intr_inst_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_force_src2_zero = D_op_call|
+ D_op_op_rsv02|
+ D_op_nextpc|
+ D_op_callr|
+ D_op_trap|
+ D_op_opx_rsv44|
+ D_op_crst|
+ D_op_ldl|
+ D_op_op_rsv09|
+ D_op_op_rsv10|
+ D_op_op_rsv17|
+ D_op_op_rsv18|
+ D_op_op_rsv25|
+ D_op_op_rsv26|
+ D_op_op_rsv33|
+ D_op_op_rsv34|
+ D_op_op_rsv41|
+ D_op_op_rsv42|
+ D_op_op_rsv49|
+ D_op_op_rsv57|
+ D_op_op_rsv61|
+ D_op_op_rsv62|
+ D_op_op_rsv63|
+ D_op_opx_rsv00|
+ D_op_opx_rsv10|
+ D_op_opx_rsv15|
+ D_op_opx_rsv17|
+ D_op_opx_rsv21|
+ D_op_opx_rsv25|
+ D_op_opx_rsv33|
+ D_op_opx_rsv34|
+ D_op_opx_rsv35|
+ D_op_opx_rsv42|
+ D_op_opx_rsv43|
+ D_op_opx_rsv47|
+ D_op_opx_rsv50|
+ D_op_opx_rsv51|
+ D_op_opx_rsv55|
+ D_op_opx_rsv56|
+ D_op_opx_rsv60|
+ D_op_opx_rsv63|
+ D_op_rdprs|
+ D_op_stc|
+ D_op_wrprs|
+ D_op_intr|
+ D_op_break|
+ D_op_hbreak|
+ D_op_eret|
+ D_op_bret|
+ D_op_ret|
+ D_op_jmp|
+ D_op_jmpi;
+ assign R_ctrl_force_src2_zero_nxt = D_ctrl_force_src2_zero;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_force_src2_zero <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_force_src2_zero <= R_ctrl_force_src2_zero_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_alu_force_xor = D_op_cmpgei|
+ D_op_cmpgeui|
+ D_op_cmpeqi|
+ D_op_cmpge|
+ D_op_cmpgeu|
+ D_op_cmpeq|
+ D_op_cmpnei|
+ D_op_cmpne|
+ D_op_bge|
+ D_op_bgeu|
+ D_op_beq|
+ D_op_bne|
+ D_op_br;
+ assign R_ctrl_alu_force_xor_nxt = D_ctrl_alu_force_xor;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_alu_force_xor <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_alu_force_xor <= R_ctrl_alu_force_xor_nxt;
+ end
+ assign D_ctrl_alu_force_and = 1'b0;
+ assign R_ctrl_alu_force_and_nxt = D_ctrl_alu_force_and;
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (reset_n == 0)
+ R_ctrl_alu_force_and <= 0;
+ else if (R_en)
+ R_ctrl_alu_force_and <= R_ctrl_alu_force_and_nxt;
+ end
+ //data_master, which is an e_avalon_master
+ //instruction_master, which is an e_avalon_master
+//synthesis translate_off
+ assign F_inst = (F_op_call)? 56'h20202063616c6c :
+ (F_op_jmpi)? 56'h2020206a6d7069 :
+ (F_op_ldbu)? 56'h2020206c646275 :
+ (F_op_addi)? 56'h20202061646469 :
+ (F_op_stb)? 56'h20202020737462 :
+ (F_op_br)? 56'h20202020206272 :
+ (F_op_ldb)? 56'h202020206c6462 :
+ (F_op_cmpgei)? 56'h20636d70676569 :
+ (F_op_ldhu)? 56'h2020206c646875 :
+ (F_op_andi)? 56'h202020616e6469 :
+ (F_op_sth)? 56'h20202020737468 :
+ (F_op_bge)? 56'h20202020626765 :
+ (F_op_ldh)? 56'h202020206c6468 :
+ (F_op_cmplti)? 56'h20636d706c7469 :
+ (F_op_initda)? 56'h20696e69746461 :
+ (F_op_ori)? 56'h202020206f7269 :
+ (F_op_stw)? 56'h20202020737477 :
+ (F_op_blt)? 56'h20202020626c74 :
+ (F_op_ldw)? 56'h202020206c6477 :
+ (F_op_cmpnei)? 56'h20636d706e6569 :
+ (F_op_flushda)? 56'h666c7573686461 :
+ (F_op_xori)? 56'h202020786f7269 :
+ (F_op_bne)? 56'h20202020626e65 :
+ (F_op_cmpeqi)? 56'h20636d70657169 :
+ (F_op_ldbuio)? 56'h206c646275696f :
+ (F_op_muli)? 56'h2020206d756c69 :
+ (F_op_stbio)? 56'h2020737462696f :
+ (F_op_beq)? 56'h20202020626571 :
+ (F_op_ldbio)? 56'h20206c6462696f :
+ (F_op_cmpgeui)? 56'h636d7067657569 :
+ (F_op_ldhuio)? 56'h206c646875696f :
+ (F_op_andhi)? 56'h2020616e646869 :
+ (F_op_sthio)? 56'h2020737468696f :
+ (F_op_bgeu)? 56'h20202062676575 :
+ (F_op_ldhio)? 56'h20206c6468696f :
+ (F_op_cmpltui)? 56'h636d706c747569 :
+ (F_op_custom)? 56'h20637573746f6d :
+ (F_op_initd)? 56'h2020696e697464 :
+ (F_op_orhi)? 56'h2020206f726869 :
+ (F_op_stwio)? 56'h2020737477696f :
+ (F_op_bltu)? 56'h202020626c7475 :
+ (F_op_ldwio)? 56'h20206c6477696f :
+ (F_op_flushd)? 56'h20666c75736864 :
+ (F_op_xorhi)? 56'h2020786f726869 :
+ (F_op_eret)? 56'h20202065726574 :
+ (F_op_roli)? 56'h202020726f6c69 :
+ (F_op_rol)? 56'h20202020726f6c :
+ (F_op_flushp)? 56'h20666c75736870 :
+ (F_op_ret)? 56'h20202020726574 :
+ (F_op_nor)? 56'h202020206e6f72 :
+ (F_op_mulxuu)? 56'h206d756c787575 :
+ (F_op_cmpge)? 56'h2020636d706765 :
+ (F_op_bret)? 56'h20202062726574 :
+ (F_op_ror)? 56'h20202020726f72 :
+ (F_op_flushi)? 56'h20666c75736869 :
+ (F_op_jmp)? 56'h202020206a6d70 :
+ (F_op_and)? 56'h20202020616e64 :
+ (F_op_cmplt)? 56'h2020636d706c74 :
+ (F_op_slli)? 56'h202020736c6c69 :
+ (F_op_sll)? 56'h20202020736c6c :
+ (F_op_or)? 56'h20202020206f72 :
+ (F_op_mulxsu)? 56'h206d756c787375 :
+ (F_op_cmpne)? 56'h2020636d706e65 :
+ (F_op_srli)? 56'h20202073726c69 :
+ (F_op_srl)? 56'h2020202073726c :
+ (F_op_nextpc)? 56'h206e6578747063 :
+ (F_op_callr)? 56'h202063616c6c72 :
+ (F_op_xor)? 56'h20202020786f72 :
+ (F_op_mulxss)? 56'h206d756c787373 :
+ (F_op_cmpeq)? 56'h2020636d706571 :
+ (F_op_divu)? 56'h20202064697675 :
+ (F_op_div)? 56'h20202020646976 :
+ (F_op_rdctl)? 56'h2020726463746c :
+ (F_op_mul)? 56'h202020206d756c :
+ (F_op_cmpgeu)? 56'h20636d70676575 :
+ (F_op_initi)? 56'h2020696e697469 :
+ (F_op_trap)? 56'h20202074726170 :
+ (F_op_wrctl)? 56'h2020777263746c :
+ (F_op_cmpltu)? 56'h20636d706c7475 :
+ (F_op_add)? 56'h20202020616464 :
+ (F_op_break)? 56'h2020627265616b :
+ (F_op_hbreak)? 56'h2068627265616b :
+ (F_op_sync)? 56'h20202073796e63 :
+ (F_op_sub)? 56'h20202020737562 :
+ (F_op_srai)? 56'h20202073726169 :
+ (F_op_sra)? 56'h20202020737261 :
+ (F_op_intr)? 56'h202020696e7472 :
+ 56'h20202020424144;
+ assign D_inst = (D_op_call)? 56'h20202063616c6c :
+ (D_op_jmpi)? 56'h2020206a6d7069 :
+ (D_op_ldbu)? 56'h2020206c646275 :
+ (D_op_addi)? 56'h20202061646469 :
+ (D_op_stb)? 56'h20202020737462 :
+ (D_op_br)? 56'h20202020206272 :
+ (D_op_ldb)? 56'h202020206c6462 :
+ (D_op_cmpgei)? 56'h20636d70676569 :
+ (D_op_ldhu)? 56'h2020206c646875 :
+ (D_op_andi)? 56'h202020616e6469 :
+ (D_op_sth)? 56'h20202020737468 :
+ (D_op_bge)? 56'h20202020626765 :
+ (D_op_ldh)? 56'h202020206c6468 :
+ (D_op_cmplti)? 56'h20636d706c7469 :
+ (D_op_initda)? 56'h20696e69746461 :
+ (D_op_ori)? 56'h202020206f7269 :
+ (D_op_stw)? 56'h20202020737477 :
+ (D_op_blt)? 56'h20202020626c74 :
+ (D_op_ldw)? 56'h202020206c6477 :
+ (D_op_cmpnei)? 56'h20636d706e6569 :
+ (D_op_flushda)? 56'h666c7573686461 :
+ (D_op_xori)? 56'h202020786f7269 :
+ (D_op_bne)? 56'h20202020626e65 :
+ (D_op_cmpeqi)? 56'h20636d70657169 :
+ (D_op_ldbuio)? 56'h206c646275696f :
+ (D_op_muli)? 56'h2020206d756c69 :
+ (D_op_stbio)? 56'h2020737462696f :
+ (D_op_beq)? 56'h20202020626571 :
+ (D_op_ldbio)? 56'h20206c6462696f :
+ (D_op_cmpgeui)? 56'h636d7067657569 :
+ (D_op_ldhuio)? 56'h206c646875696f :
+ (D_op_andhi)? 56'h2020616e646869 :
+ (D_op_sthio)? 56'h2020737468696f :
+ (D_op_bgeu)? 56'h20202062676575 :
+ (D_op_ldhio)? 56'h20206c6468696f :
+ (D_op_cmpltui)? 56'h636d706c747569 :
+ (D_op_custom)? 56'h20637573746f6d :
+ (D_op_initd)? 56'h2020696e697464 :
+ (D_op_orhi)? 56'h2020206f726869 :
+ (D_op_stwio)? 56'h2020737477696f :
+ (D_op_bltu)? 56'h202020626c7475 :
+ (D_op_ldwio)? 56'h20206c6477696f :
+ (D_op_flushd)? 56'h20666c75736864 :
+ (D_op_xorhi)? 56'h2020786f726869 :
+ (D_op_eret)? 56'h20202065726574 :
+ (D_op_roli)? 56'h202020726f6c69 :
+ (D_op_rol)? 56'h20202020726f6c :
+ (D_op_flushp)? 56'h20666c75736870 :
+ (D_op_ret)? 56'h20202020726574 :
+ (D_op_nor)? 56'h202020206e6f72 :
+ (D_op_mulxuu)? 56'h206d756c787575 :
+ (D_op_cmpge)? 56'h2020636d706765 :
+ (D_op_bret)? 56'h20202062726574 :
+ (D_op_ror)? 56'h20202020726f72 :
+ (D_op_flushi)? 56'h20666c75736869 :
+ (D_op_jmp)? 56'h202020206a6d70 :
+ (D_op_and)? 56'h20202020616e64 :
+ (D_op_cmplt)? 56'h2020636d706c74 :
+ (D_op_slli)? 56'h202020736c6c69 :
+ (D_op_sll)? 56'h20202020736c6c :
+ (D_op_or)? 56'h20202020206f72 :
+ (D_op_mulxsu)? 56'h206d756c787375 :
+ (D_op_cmpne)? 56'h2020636d706e65 :
+ (D_op_srli)? 56'h20202073726c69 :
+ (D_op_srl)? 56'h2020202073726c :
+ (D_op_nextpc)? 56'h206e6578747063 :
+ (D_op_callr)? 56'h202063616c6c72 :
+ (D_op_xor)? 56'h20202020786f72 :
+ (D_op_mulxss)? 56'h206d756c787373 :
+ (D_op_cmpeq)? 56'h2020636d706571 :
+ (D_op_divu)? 56'h20202064697675 :
+ (D_op_div)? 56'h20202020646976 :
+ (D_op_rdctl)? 56'h2020726463746c :
+ (D_op_mul)? 56'h202020206d756c :
+ (D_op_cmpgeu)? 56'h20636d70676575 :
+ (D_op_initi)? 56'h2020696e697469 :
+ (D_op_trap)? 56'h20202074726170 :
+ (D_op_wrctl)? 56'h2020777263746c :
+ (D_op_cmpltu)? 56'h20636d706c7475 :
+ (D_op_add)? 56'h20202020616464 :
+ (D_op_break)? 56'h2020627265616b :
+ (D_op_hbreak)? 56'h2068627265616b :
+ (D_op_sync)? 56'h20202073796e63 :
+ (D_op_sub)? 56'h20202020737562 :
+ (D_op_srai)? 56'h20202073726169 :
+ (D_op_sra)? 56'h20202020737261 :
+ (D_op_intr)? 56'h202020696e7472 :
+ 56'h20202020424144;
+ assign F_vinst = F_valid ? F_inst : {9{8'h2d}};
+ assign D_vinst = D_valid ? D_inst : {9{8'h2d}};
+ assign R_vinst = R_valid ? D_inst : {9{8'h2d}};
+ assign E_vinst = E_valid ? D_inst : {9{8'h2d}};
+ assign W_vinst = W_valid ? D_inst : {9{8'h2d}};
+//synthesis translate_on