@@ -0,0 +1,7469 @@
+// (C) 2001-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output
+// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation
+// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription
+// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable
+// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the
+// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by
+// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+// agreement for further details.
+// Copyright (C) 1991-2010 Altera Corporation
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+// Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
+// Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+// without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+// programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
+// Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
+// applicable agreement for further details.
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 4 lpm_mult 1 reg 254
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_mult_single
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clk_en,
+ clock,
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clk_en;
+ input clock;
+ input [31:0] dataa;
+ input [31:0] datab;
+ output [31:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clk_en;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ reg dataa_exp_all_one_ff_p1;
+ reg dataa_exp_not_zero_ff_p1;
+ reg dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p1;
+ reg dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p2;
+ reg datab_exp_all_one_ff_p1;
+ reg datab_exp_not_zero_ff_p1;
+ reg datab_man_not_zero_ff_p1;
+ reg datab_man_not_zero_ff_p2;
+ reg [9:0] delay_exp2_bias;
+ reg [9:0] delay_exp3_bias;
+ reg [9:0] delay_exp_bias;
+ reg delay_man_product_msb;
+ reg delay_man_product_msb2;
+ reg delay_man_product_msb_p0;
+ reg [23:0] delay_round;
+ reg [8:0] exp_add_p1;
+ reg [9:0] exp_adj_p1;
+ reg [9:0] exp_adj_p2;
+ reg [8:0] exp_bias_p1;
+ reg [8:0] exp_bias_p2;
+ reg [7:0] exp_result_ff;
+ reg input_is_infinity_dffe_0;
+ reg input_is_infinity_dffe_1;
+ reg input_is_infinity_dffe_2;
+ reg input_is_infinity_dffe_3;
+ reg input_is_infinity_ff1;
+ reg input_is_infinity_ff2;
+ reg input_is_infinity_ff3;
+ reg input_is_infinity_ff4;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe_0;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe_1;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe_2;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe_3;
+ reg input_is_nan_ff1;
+ reg input_is_nan_ff2;
+ reg input_is_nan_ff3;
+ reg input_is_nan_ff4;
+ reg input_not_zero_dffe_0;
+ reg input_not_zero_dffe_1;
+ reg input_not_zero_dffe_2;
+ reg input_not_zero_dffe_3;
+ reg input_not_zero_ff1;
+ reg input_not_zero_ff2;
+ reg input_not_zero_ff3;
+ reg input_not_zero_ff4;
+ reg lsb_dffe;
+ reg [22:0] man_result_ff;
+ reg man_round_carry_p0;
+ reg [23:0] man_round_p;
+ reg [23:0] man_round_p0;
+ reg [24:0] man_round_p2;
+ reg round_dffe;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff0;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff1;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff2;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff3;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff4;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff5;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff6;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff7;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff8;
+ reg [0:0] sign_node_ff9;
+ reg sticky_dffe;
+ wire [8:0] wire_exp_add_adder_result;
+ wire [9:0] wire_exp_adj_adder_result;
+ wire [9:0] wire_exp_bias_subtr_result;
+ wire [24:0] wire_man_round_adder_result;
+ wire [47:0] wire_man_product2_mult_result;
+ wire [9:0] bias;
+ wire [7:0] dataa_exp_all_one;
+ wire [7:0] dataa_exp_not_zero;
+ wire [22:0] dataa_man_not_zero;
+ wire [7:0] datab_exp_all_one;
+ wire [7:0] datab_exp_not_zero;
+ wire [22:0] datab_man_not_zero;
+ wire exp_is_inf;
+ wire exp_is_zero;
+ wire [9:0] expmod;
+ wire [7:0] inf_num;
+ wire lsb_bit;
+ wire [24:0] man_shift_full;
+ wire [7:0] result_exp_all_one;
+ wire [8:0] result_exp_not_zero;
+ wire round_bit;
+ wire round_carry;
+ wire [22:0] sticky_bit;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ dataa_exp_all_one_ff_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) dataa_exp_all_one_ff_p1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) dataa_exp_all_one_ff_p1 <= dataa_exp_all_one[7];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ dataa_exp_not_zero_ff_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) dataa_exp_not_zero_ff_p1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) dataa_exp_not_zero_ff_p1 <= dataa_exp_not_zero[7];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p1 <= dataa_man_not_zero[10];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p2 <= dataa_man_not_zero[22];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ datab_exp_all_one_ff_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) datab_exp_all_one_ff_p1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) datab_exp_all_one_ff_p1 <= datab_exp_all_one[7];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ datab_exp_not_zero_ff_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) datab_exp_not_zero_ff_p1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) datab_exp_not_zero_ff_p1 <= datab_exp_not_zero[7];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ datab_man_not_zero_ff_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) datab_man_not_zero_ff_p1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) datab_man_not_zero_ff_p1 <= datab_man_not_zero[10];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ datab_man_not_zero_ff_p2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) datab_man_not_zero_ff_p2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) datab_man_not_zero_ff_p2 <= datab_man_not_zero[22];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ delay_exp2_bias = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) delay_exp2_bias <= 10'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) delay_exp2_bias <= delay_exp_bias;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ delay_exp3_bias = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) delay_exp3_bias <= 10'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) delay_exp3_bias <= delay_exp2_bias;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ delay_exp_bias = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) delay_exp_bias <= 10'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) delay_exp_bias <= wire_exp_bias_subtr_result;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ delay_man_product_msb = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) delay_man_product_msb <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) delay_man_product_msb <= delay_man_product_msb_p0;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ delay_man_product_msb2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) delay_man_product_msb2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) delay_man_product_msb2 <= delay_man_product_msb;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ delay_man_product_msb_p0 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) delay_man_product_msb_p0 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) delay_man_product_msb_p0 <= wire_man_product2_mult_result[47];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ delay_round = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) delay_round <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) delay_round <= ((man_round_p2[23:0] & {24{(~ man_round_p2[24])}}) | (man_round_p2[24:1] & {24{man_round_p2[24]}}));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_add_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_add_p1 <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_add_p1 <= wire_exp_add_adder_result;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_adj_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_adj_p1 <= 10'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_adj_p1 <= delay_exp3_bias;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_adj_p2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_adj_p2 <= 10'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_adj_p2 <= wire_exp_adj_adder_result;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_bias_p1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_bias_p1 <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_bias_p1 <= exp_add_p1[8:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_bias_p2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_bias_p2 <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_bias_p2 <= exp_bias_p1;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_result_ff = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_result_ff <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_result_ff <= ((inf_num & {8{((exp_is_inf | input_is_infinity_ff4) | input_is_nan_ff4)}}) | ((exp_adj_p2[7:0] & {8{(~ exp_is_zero)}}) & {8{input_not_zero_ff4}}));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinity_dffe_0 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_dffe_0 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_dffe_0 <= ((dataa_exp_all_one_ff_p1 & (~ (dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p1 | dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p2))) | (datab_exp_all_one_ff_p1 & (~ (datab_man_not_zero_ff_p1 | datab_man_not_zero_ff_p2))));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinity_dffe_1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_dffe_1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_dffe_1 <= input_is_infinity_dffe_0;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinity_dffe_2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_dffe_2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_dffe_2 <= input_is_infinity_dffe_1;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinity_dffe_3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_dffe_3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_dffe_3 <= input_is_infinity_dffe_2;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinity_ff1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_ff1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_ff1 <= input_is_infinity_dffe_3;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinity_ff2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_ff2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_ff2 <= input_is_infinity_ff1;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinity_ff3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_ff3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_ff3 <= input_is_infinity_ff2;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinity_ff4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_ff4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinity_ff4 <= input_is_infinity_ff3;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe_0 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe_0 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe_0 <= ((dataa_exp_all_one_ff_p1 & (dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p1 | dataa_man_not_zero_ff_p2)) | (datab_exp_all_one_ff_p1 & (datab_man_not_zero_ff_p1 | datab_man_not_zero_ff_p2)));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe_1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe_1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe_1 <= input_is_nan_dffe_0;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe_2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe_2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe_2 <= input_is_nan_dffe_1;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe_3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe_3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe_3 <= input_is_nan_dffe_2;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_ff1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_ff1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_ff1 <= input_is_nan_dffe_3;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_ff2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_ff2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_ff2 <= input_is_nan_ff1;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_ff3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_ff3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_ff3 <= input_is_nan_ff2;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_ff4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_ff4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_ff4 <= input_is_nan_ff3;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_not_zero_dffe_0 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_not_zero_dffe_0 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_not_zero_dffe_0 <= (dataa_exp_not_zero_ff_p1 & datab_exp_not_zero_ff_p1);
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_not_zero_dffe_1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_not_zero_dffe_1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_not_zero_dffe_1 <= input_not_zero_dffe_0;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_not_zero_dffe_2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_not_zero_dffe_2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_not_zero_dffe_2 <= input_not_zero_dffe_1;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_not_zero_dffe_3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_not_zero_dffe_3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_not_zero_dffe_3 <= input_not_zero_dffe_2;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_not_zero_ff1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_not_zero_ff1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_not_zero_ff1 <= input_not_zero_dffe_3;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_not_zero_ff2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_not_zero_ff2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_not_zero_ff2 <= input_not_zero_ff1;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_not_zero_ff3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_not_zero_ff3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_not_zero_ff3 <= input_not_zero_ff2;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_not_zero_ff4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_not_zero_ff4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_not_zero_ff4 <= input_not_zero_ff3;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ lsb_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) lsb_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) lsb_dffe <= lsb_bit;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_result_ff = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_result_ff <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_result_ff <= {((((((delay_round[22] & input_not_zero_ff4) & (~ input_is_infinity_ff4)) & (~ exp_is_inf)) & (~ exp_is_zero)) | (input_is_infinity_ff4 & (~ input_not_zero_ff4))) | input_is_nan_ff4), (((((delay_round[21:0] & {22{input_not_zero_ff4}}) & {22{(~ input_is_infinity_ff4)}}) & {22{(~ exp_is_inf)}}) & {22{(~ exp_is_zero)}}) & {22{(~ input_is_nan_ff4)}})};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_round_carry_p0 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_round_carry_p0 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_round_carry_p0 <= round_carry;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_round_p = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_round_p <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_round_p <= man_shift_full[24:1];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_round_p0 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_round_p0 <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_round_p0 <= man_round_p;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_round_p2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_round_p2 <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_round_p2 <= wire_man_round_adder_result;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ round_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) round_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) round_dffe <= round_bit;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff0 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff0 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff0 <= (dataa[31] ^ datab[31]);
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff1 <= sign_node_ff0[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff2 <= sign_node_ff1[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff3 <= sign_node_ff2[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff4 <= sign_node_ff3[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff5 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff5 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff5 <= sign_node_ff4[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff6 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff6 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff6 <= sign_node_ff5[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff7 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff7 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff7 <= sign_node_ff6[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff8 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff8 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff8 <= sign_node_ff7[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_node_ff9 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_node_ff9 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_node_ff9 <= sign_node_ff8[0:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sticky_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sticky_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sticky_dffe <= sticky_bit[22];
+ lpm_add_sub exp_add_adder
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa({1'b0, dataa[30:23]}),
+ .datab({1'b0, datab[30:23]}),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_exp_add_adder_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .add_sub(1'b1)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ exp_add_adder.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ exp_add_adder.lpm_width = 9,
+ exp_add_adder.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub exp_adj_adder
+ (
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(exp_adj_p1),
+ .datab({expmod[9:0]}),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_exp_adj_adder_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ exp_adj_adder.lpm_pipeline = 0,
+ exp_adj_adder.lpm_width = 10,
+ exp_adj_adder.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub exp_bias_subtr
+ (
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa({1'b0, exp_bias_p2}),
+ .datab({bias[9:0]}),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_exp_bias_subtr_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ exp_bias_subtr.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ exp_bias_subtr.lpm_pipeline = 0,
+ exp_bias_subtr.lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED",
+ exp_bias_subtr.lpm_width = 10,
+ exp_bias_subtr.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_round_adder
+ (
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa({1'b0, man_round_p0}),
+ .datab({{24{1'b0}}, man_round_carry_p0}),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_round_adder_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ man_round_adder.lpm_pipeline = 0,
+ man_round_adder.lpm_width = 25,
+ man_round_adder.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_mult man_product2_mult
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .dataa({1'b1, dataa[22:0]}),
+ .datab({1'b1, datab[22:0]}),
+ .result(wire_man_product2_mult_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .sum({1{1'b0}})
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ man_product2_mult.lpm_pipeline = 5,
+ man_product2_mult.lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED",
+ man_product2_mult.lpm_widtha = 24,
+ man_product2_mult.lpm_widthb = 24,
+ man_product2_mult.lpm_widthp = 48,
+ man_product2_mult.lpm_widths = 1,
+ man_product2_mult.lpm_type = "lpm_mult",
+ man_product2_mult.lpm_hint = "DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY=YES";
+ assign
+ bias = {{3{1'b0}}, {7{1'b1}}},
+ dataa_exp_all_one = {(dataa[30] & dataa_exp_all_one[6]), (dataa[29] & dataa_exp_all_one[5]), (dataa[28] & dataa_exp_all_one[4]), (dataa[27] & dataa_exp_all_one[3]), (dataa[26] & dataa_exp_all_one[2]), (dataa[25] & dataa_exp_all_one[1]), (dataa[24] & dataa_exp_all_one[0]), dataa[23]},
+ dataa_exp_not_zero = {(dataa[30] | dataa_exp_not_zero[6]), (dataa[29] | dataa_exp_not_zero[5]), (dataa[28] | dataa_exp_not_zero[4]), (dataa[27] | dataa_exp_not_zero[3]), (dataa[26] | dataa_exp_not_zero[2]), (dataa[25] | dataa_exp_not_zero[1]), (dataa[24] | dataa_exp_not_zero[0]), dataa[23]},
+ dataa_man_not_zero = {(dataa[22] | dataa_man_not_zero[21]), (dataa[21] | dataa_man_not_zero[20]), (dataa[20] | dataa_man_not_zero[19]), (dataa[19] | dataa_man_not_zero[18]), (dataa[18] | dataa_man_not_zero[17]), (dataa[17] | dataa_man_not_zero[16]), (dataa[16] | dataa_man_not_zero[15]), (dataa[15] | dataa_man_not_zero[14]), (dataa[14] | dataa_man_not_zero[13]), (dataa[13] | dataa_man_not_zero[12]), (dataa[12] | dataa_man_not_zero[11]), dataa[11], (dataa[10] | dataa_man_not_zero[9]), (dataa[9] | dataa_man_not_zero[8]), (dataa[8] | dataa_man_not_zero[7]), (dataa[7] | dataa_man_not_zero[6]), (dataa[6] | dataa_man_not_zero[5]), (dataa[5] | dataa_man_not_zero[4]), (dataa[4] | dataa_man_not_zero[3]), (dataa[3] | dataa_man_not_zero[2]), (dataa[2] | dataa_man_not_zero[1]), (dataa[1] | dataa_man_not_zero[0]), dataa[0]},
+ datab_exp_all_one = {(datab[30] & datab_exp_all_one[6]), (datab[29] & datab_exp_all_one[5]), (datab[28] & datab_exp_all_one[4]), (datab[27] & datab_exp_all_one[3]), (datab[26] & datab_exp_all_one[2]), (datab[25] & datab_exp_all_one[1]), (datab[24] & datab_exp_all_one[0]), datab[23]},
+ datab_exp_not_zero = {(datab[30] | datab_exp_not_zero[6]), (datab[29] | datab_exp_not_zero[5]), (datab[28] | datab_exp_not_zero[4]), (datab[27] | datab_exp_not_zero[3]), (datab[26] | datab_exp_not_zero[2]), (datab[25] | datab_exp_not_zero[1]), (datab[24] | datab_exp_not_zero[0]), datab[23]},
+ datab_man_not_zero = {(datab[22] | datab_man_not_zero[21]), (datab[21] | datab_man_not_zero[20]), (datab[20] | datab_man_not_zero[19]), (datab[19] | datab_man_not_zero[18]), (datab[18] | datab_man_not_zero[17]), (datab[17] | datab_man_not_zero[16]), (datab[16] | datab_man_not_zero[15]), (datab[15] | datab_man_not_zero[14]), (datab[14] | datab_man_not_zero[13]), (datab[13] | datab_man_not_zero[12]), (datab[12] | datab_man_not_zero[11]), datab[11], (datab[10] | datab_man_not_zero[9]), (datab[9] | datab_man_not_zero[8]), (datab[8] | datab_man_not_zero[7]), (datab[7] | datab_man_not_zero[6]), (datab[6] | datab_man_not_zero[5]), (datab[5] | datab_man_not_zero[4]), (datab[4] | datab_man_not_zero[3]), (datab[3] | datab_man_not_zero[2]), (datab[2] | datab_man_not_zero[1]), (datab[1] | datab_man_not_zero[0]), datab[0]},
+ exp_is_inf = (((~ exp_adj_p2[9]) & exp_adj_p2[8]) | ((~ exp_adj_p2[8]) & result_exp_all_one[7])),
+ exp_is_zero = (exp_adj_p2[9] | (~ result_exp_not_zero[8])),
+ expmod = {{8{1'b0}}, (delay_man_product_msb2 & man_round_p2[24]), (delay_man_product_msb2 ^ man_round_p2[24])},
+ inf_num = {8{1'b1}},
+ lsb_bit = man_shift_full[1],
+ man_shift_full = ((wire_man_product2_mult_result[46:22] & {25{(~ wire_man_product2_mult_result[47])}}) | (wire_man_product2_mult_result[47:23] & {25{wire_man_product2_mult_result[47]}})),
+ result = {sign_node_ff9[0:0], exp_result_ff[7:0], man_result_ff[22:0]},
+ result_exp_all_one = {(result_exp_all_one[6] & exp_adj_p2[7]), (result_exp_all_one[5] & exp_adj_p2[6]), (result_exp_all_one[4] & exp_adj_p2[5]), (result_exp_all_one[3] & exp_adj_p2[4]), (result_exp_all_one[2] & exp_adj_p2[3]), (result_exp_all_one[1] & exp_adj_p2[2]), (result_exp_all_one[0] & exp_adj_p2[1]), exp_adj_p2[0]},
+ result_exp_not_zero = {(result_exp_not_zero[7] | exp_adj_p2[8]), (result_exp_not_zero[6] | exp_adj_p2[7]), (result_exp_not_zero[5] | exp_adj_p2[6]), (result_exp_not_zero[4] | exp_adj_p2[5]), (result_exp_not_zero[3] | exp_adj_p2[4]), (result_exp_not_zero[2] | exp_adj_p2[3]), (result_exp_not_zero[1] | exp_adj_p2[2]), (result_exp_not_zero[0] | exp_adj_p2[1]), exp_adj_p2[0]},
+ round_bit = man_shift_full[0],
+ round_carry = (round_dffe & (lsb_dffe | sticky_dffe)),
+ sticky_bit = {(sticky_bit[21] | (wire_man_product2_mult_result[47] & wire_man_product2_mult_result[22])), (sticky_bit[20] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[21]), (sticky_bit[19] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[20]), (sticky_bit[18] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[19]), (sticky_bit[17] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[18]), (sticky_bit[16] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[17]), (sticky_bit[15] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[16]), (sticky_bit[14] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[15]), (sticky_bit[13] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[14]), (sticky_bit[12] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[13]), (sticky_bit[11] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[12]), (sticky_bit[10] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[11]), (sticky_bit[9] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[10]), (sticky_bit[8] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[9]), (sticky_bit[7] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[8]), (sticky_bit[6] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[7]), (sticky_bit[5] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[6]), (sticky_bit[4] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[5]), (sticky_bit[3] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[4]), (sticky_bit[2] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[3]), (sticky_bit[1] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[2]), (sticky_bit[0] | wire_man_product2_mult_result[1]), wire_man_product2_mult_result[0]};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_mult_single
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+// altera message_off 10463
+// Copyright (C) 1991-2010 Altera Corporation
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+// Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
+// Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+// without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+// programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
+// Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
+// applicable agreement for further details.
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = reg 27
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altbarrel_shift_fjg
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clk_en,
+ clock,
+ data,
+ distance,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clk_en;
+ input clock;
+ input [25:0] data;
+ input [4:0] distance;
+ output [25:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clk_en;
+ tri0 clock;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ reg [0:0] dir_pipe;
+ reg [25:0] sbit_piper1d;
+ wire [5:0] dir_w;
+ wire direction_w;
+ wire [15:0] pad_w;
+ wire [155:0] sbit_w;
+ wire [4:0] sel_w;
+ wire [129:0] smux_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ dir_pipe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) dir_pipe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) dir_pipe <= {dir_w[4]};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sbit_piper1d = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sbit_piper1d <= 26'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sbit_piper1d <= smux_w[129:104];
+ assign
+ dir_w = {dir_pipe[0], dir_w[3:0], direction_w},
+ direction_w = 1'b0,
+ pad_w = {16{1'b0}},
+ result = sbit_w[155:130],
+ sbit_w = {sbit_piper1d, smux_w[103:0], data},
+ sel_w = {distance[4:0]},
+ smux_w = {((({26{(sel_w[4] & (~ dir_w[4]))}} & {sbit_w[113:104], pad_w[15:0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[4] & dir_w[4])}} & {pad_w[15:0], sbit_w[129:120]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[4])}} & sbit_w[129:104])), ((({26{(sel_w[3] & (~ dir_w[3]))}} & {sbit_w[95:78], pad_w[7:0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[3] & dir_w[3])}} & {pad_w[7:0], sbit_w[103:86]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[3])}} & sbit_w[103:78])), ((({26{(sel_w[2] & (~ dir_w[2]))}} & {sbit_w[73:52], pad_w[3:0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[2] & dir_w[2])}} & {pad_w[3:0], sbit_w[77:56]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[2])}} & sbit_w[77:52])), ((({26{(sel_w[1] & (~ dir_w[1]))}} & {sbit_w[49:26], pad_w[1:0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[1] & dir_w[1])}} & {pad_w[1:0], sbit_w[51:28]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[1])}} & sbit_w[51:26])), ((({26{(sel_w[0] & (~ dir_w[0]))}} & {sbit_w[24:0], pad_w[0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[0] & dir_w[0])}} & {pad_w[0], sbit_w[25:1]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[0])}} & sbit_w[25:0]))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altbarrel_shift_fjg
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altbarrel_shift_44e
+ (
+ data,
+ distance,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [25:0] data;
+ input [4:0] distance;
+ output [25:0] result;
+ wire [5:0] dir_w;
+ wire direction_w;
+ wire [15:0] pad_w;
+ wire [155:0] sbit_w;
+ wire [4:0] sel_w;
+ wire [129:0] smux_w;
+ assign
+ dir_w = {dir_w[4:0], direction_w},
+ direction_w = 1'b1,
+ pad_w = {16{1'b0}},
+ result = sbit_w[155:130],
+ sbit_w = {smux_w[129:0], data},
+ sel_w = {distance[4:0]},
+ smux_w = {((({26{(sel_w[4] & (~ dir_w[4]))}} & {sbit_w[113:104], pad_w[15:0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[4] & dir_w[4])}} & {pad_w[15:0], sbit_w[129:120]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[4])}} & sbit_w[129:104])), ((({26{(sel_w[3] & (~ dir_w[3]))}} & {sbit_w[95:78], pad_w[7:0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[3] & dir_w[3])}} & {pad_w[7:0], sbit_w[103:86]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[3])}} & sbit_w[103:78])), ((({26{(sel_w[2] & (~ dir_w[2]))}} & {sbit_w[73:52], pad_w[3:0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[2] & dir_w[2])}} & {pad_w[3:0], sbit_w[77:56]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[2])}} & sbit_w[77:52])), ((({26{(sel_w[1] & (~ dir_w[1]))}} & {sbit_w[49:26], pad_w[1:0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[1] & dir_w[1])}} & {pad_w[1:0], sbit_w[51:28]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[1])}} & sbit_w[51:26])), ((({26{(sel_w[0] & (~ dir_w[0]))}} & {sbit_w[24:0], pad_w[0]}) | ({26{(sel_w[0] & dir_w[0])}} & {pad_w[0], sbit_w[25:1]})) | ({26{(~ sel_w[0])}} & sbit_w[25:0]))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altbarrel_shift_44e
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_i0b
+ (
+ data,
+ q,
+ zero) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [1:0] data;
+ output [0:0] q;
+ output zero;
+ assign
+ q = {data[1]},
+ zero = (~ (data[0] | data[1]));
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_i0b
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_l0b
+ (
+ data,
+ q,
+ zero) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [3:0] data;
+ output [1:0] q;
+ output zero;
+ wire [0:0] wire_altpriority_encoder13_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder13_zero;
+ wire [0:0] wire_altpriority_encoder14_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder14_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_i0b altpriority_encoder13
+ (
+ .data(data[1:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder13_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder13_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_i0b altpriority_encoder14
+ (
+ .data(data[3:2]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder14_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder14_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {(~ wire_altpriority_encoder14_zero), ((wire_altpriority_encoder14_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder13_q) | ((~ wire_altpriority_encoder14_zero) & wire_altpriority_encoder14_q))},
+ zero = (wire_altpriority_encoder13_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder14_zero);
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_l0b
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_q0b
+ (
+ data,
+ q,
+ zero) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [7:0] data;
+ output [2:0] q;
+ output zero;
+ wire [1:0] wire_altpriority_encoder11_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder11_zero;
+ wire [1:0] wire_altpriority_encoder12_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder12_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_l0b altpriority_encoder11
+ (
+ .data(data[3:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder11_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder11_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_l0b altpriority_encoder12
+ (
+ .data(data[7:4]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder12_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder12_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {(~ wire_altpriority_encoder12_zero), (({2{wire_altpriority_encoder12_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder11_q) | ({2{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder12_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder12_q))},
+ zero = (wire_altpriority_encoder11_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder12_zero);
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_q0b
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_iha
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [1:0] data;
+ output [0:0] q;
+ assign
+ q = {data[1]};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_iha
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_lha
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [3:0] data;
+ output [1:0] q;
+ wire [0:0] wire_altpriority_encoder17_q;
+ wire [0:0] wire_altpriority_encoder18_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder18_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_iha altpriority_encoder17
+ (
+ .data(data[1:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder17_q));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_i0b altpriority_encoder18
+ (
+ .data(data[3:2]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder18_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder18_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {(~ wire_altpriority_encoder18_zero), ((wire_altpriority_encoder18_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder17_q) | ((~ wire_altpriority_encoder18_zero) & wire_altpriority_encoder18_q))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_lha
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_qha
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [7:0] data;
+ output [2:0] q;
+ wire [1:0] wire_altpriority_encoder15_q;
+ wire [1:0] wire_altpriority_encoder16_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder16_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_lha altpriority_encoder15
+ (
+ .data(data[3:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder15_q));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_l0b altpriority_encoder16
+ (
+ .data(data[7:4]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder16_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder16_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {(~ wire_altpriority_encoder16_zero), (({2{wire_altpriority_encoder16_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder15_q) | ({2{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder16_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder16_q))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_qha
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_aja
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [15:0] data;
+ output [3:0] q;
+ wire [2:0] wire_altpriority_encoder10_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder10_zero;
+ wire [2:0] wire_altpriority_encoder9_q;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_q0b altpriority_encoder10
+ (
+ .data(data[15:8]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder10_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder10_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_qha altpriority_encoder9
+ (
+ .data(data[7:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder9_q));
+ assign
+ q = {(~ wire_altpriority_encoder10_zero), (({3{wire_altpriority_encoder10_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder9_q) | ({3{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder10_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder10_q))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_aja
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_a2b
+ (
+ data,
+ q,
+ zero) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [15:0] data;
+ output [3:0] q;
+ output zero;
+ wire [2:0] wire_altpriority_encoder19_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder19_zero;
+ wire [2:0] wire_altpriority_encoder20_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder20_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_q0b altpriority_encoder19
+ (
+ .data(data[7:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder19_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder19_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_q0b altpriority_encoder20
+ (
+ .data(data[15:8]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder20_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder20_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {(~ wire_altpriority_encoder20_zero), (({3{wire_altpriority_encoder20_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder19_q) | ({3{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder20_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder20_q))},
+ zero = (wire_altpriority_encoder19_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder20_zero);
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_a2b
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_9u8
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [31:0] data;
+ output [4:0] q;
+ wire [3:0] wire_altpriority_encoder7_q;
+ wire [3:0] wire_altpriority_encoder8_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder8_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_aja altpriority_encoder7
+ (
+ .data(data[15:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder7_q));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_a2b altpriority_encoder8
+ (
+ .data(data[31:16]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder8_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder8_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {(~ wire_altpriority_encoder8_zero), (({4{wire_altpriority_encoder8_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder7_q) | ({4{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder8_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder8_q))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_9u8
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_64b
+ (
+ data,
+ q,
+ zero) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [1:0] data;
+ output [0:0] q;
+ output zero;
+ assign
+ q = {(~ data[0])},
+ zero = (~ (data[0] | data[1]));
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_64b
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_94b
+ (
+ data,
+ q,
+ zero) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [3:0] data;
+ output [1:0] q;
+ output zero;
+ wire [0:0] wire_altpriority_encoder27_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder27_zero;
+ wire [0:0] wire_altpriority_encoder28_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder28_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_64b altpriority_encoder27
+ (
+ .data(data[1:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder27_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder27_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_64b altpriority_encoder28
+ (
+ .data(data[3:2]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder28_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder28_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {wire_altpriority_encoder27_zero, ((wire_altpriority_encoder27_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder28_q) | ((~ wire_altpriority_encoder27_zero) & wire_altpriority_encoder27_q))},
+ zero = (wire_altpriority_encoder27_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder28_zero);
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_94b
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_e4b
+ (
+ data,
+ q,
+ zero) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [7:0] data;
+ output [2:0] q;
+ output zero;
+ wire [1:0] wire_altpriority_encoder25_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder25_zero;
+ wire [1:0] wire_altpriority_encoder26_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder26_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_94b altpriority_encoder25
+ (
+ .data(data[3:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder25_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder25_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_94b altpriority_encoder26
+ (
+ .data(data[7:4]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder26_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder26_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {wire_altpriority_encoder25_zero, (({2{wire_altpriority_encoder25_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder26_q) | ({2{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder25_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder25_q))},
+ zero = (wire_altpriority_encoder25_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder26_zero);
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_e4b
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_u5b
+ (
+ data,
+ q,
+ zero) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [15:0] data;
+ output [3:0] q;
+ output zero;
+ wire [2:0] wire_altpriority_encoder23_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder23_zero;
+ wire [2:0] wire_altpriority_encoder24_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder24_zero;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_e4b altpriority_encoder23
+ (
+ .data(data[7:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder23_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder23_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_e4b altpriority_encoder24
+ (
+ .data(data[15:8]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder24_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder24_zero));
+ assign
+ q = {wire_altpriority_encoder23_zero, (({3{wire_altpriority_encoder23_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder24_q) | ({3{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder23_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder23_q))},
+ zero = (wire_altpriority_encoder23_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder24_zero);
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_u5b
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altpriority_encoder 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_6la
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [1:0] data;
+ output [0:0] q;
+ assign
+ q = {(~ data[0])};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_6la
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_9la
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [3:0] data;
+ output [1:0] q;
+ wire [0:0] wire_altpriority_encoder33_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder33_zero;
+ wire [0:0] wire_altpriority_encoder34_q;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_64b altpriority_encoder33
+ (
+ .data(data[1:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder33_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder33_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_6la altpriority_encoder34
+ (
+ .data(data[3:2]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder34_q));
+ assign
+ q = {wire_altpriority_encoder33_zero, ((wire_altpriority_encoder33_zero & wire_altpriority_encoder34_q) | ((~ wire_altpriority_encoder33_zero) & wire_altpriority_encoder33_q))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_9la
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_ela
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [7:0] data;
+ output [2:0] q;
+ wire [1:0] wire_altpriority_encoder31_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder31_zero;
+ wire [1:0] wire_altpriority_encoder32_q;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_94b altpriority_encoder31
+ (
+ .data(data[3:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder31_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder31_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_9la altpriority_encoder32
+ (
+ .data(data[7:4]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder32_q));
+ assign
+ q = {wire_altpriority_encoder31_zero, (({2{wire_altpriority_encoder31_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder32_q) | ({2{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder31_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder31_q))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_ela
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_uma
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [15:0] data;
+ output [3:0] q;
+ wire [2:0] wire_altpriority_encoder29_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder29_zero;
+ wire [2:0] wire_altpriority_encoder30_q;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_e4b altpriority_encoder29
+ (
+ .data(data[7:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder29_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder29_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_ela altpriority_encoder30
+ (
+ .data(data[15:8]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder30_q));
+ assign
+ q = {wire_altpriority_encoder29_zero, (({3{wire_altpriority_encoder29_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder30_q) | ({3{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder29_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder29_q))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_uma
+//synthesis_resources =
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_tma
+ (
+ data,
+ q) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [31:0] data;
+ output [4:0] q;
+ wire [3:0] wire_altpriority_encoder21_q;
+ wire wire_altpriority_encoder21_zero;
+ wire [3:0] wire_altpriority_encoder22_q;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_u5b altpriority_encoder21
+ (
+ .data(data[15:0]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder21_q),
+ .zero(wire_altpriority_encoder21_zero));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_uma altpriority_encoder22
+ (
+ .data(data[31:16]),
+ .q(wire_altpriority_encoder22_q));
+ assign
+ q = {wire_altpriority_encoder21_zero, (({4{wire_altpriority_encoder21_zero}} & wire_altpriority_encoder22_q) | ({4{(~ wire_altpriority_encoder21_zero)}} & wire_altpriority_encoder21_q))};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_tma
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 14 lpm_compare 1 reg 356
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single
+ (
+ aclr,
+ add_sub,
+ clk_en,
+ clock,
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input add_sub;
+ input clk_en;
+ input clock;
+ input [31:0] dataa;
+ input [31:0] datab;
+ output [31:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 add_sub;
+ tri1 clk_en;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire [25:0] wire_lbarrel_shift_result;
+ wire [25:0] wire_rbarrel_shift_result;
+ wire [4:0] wire_leading_zeroes_cnt_q;
+ wire [4:0] wire_trailing_zeros_cnt_q;
+ reg add_sub_dffe1;
+ reg add_sub_dffe12;
+ reg [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12;
+ reg [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe12;
+ reg aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12;
+ reg [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe12;
+ reg [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe12;
+ reg aligned_datab_sign_dffe12;
+ reg both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1;
+ reg [7:0] data_exp_dffe1;
+ reg [25:0] dataa_man_dffe1;
+ reg dataa_sign_dffe1;
+ reg [25:0] datab_man_dffe1;
+ reg datab_sign_dffe1;
+ reg denormal_res_dffe3;
+ reg denormal_res_dffe4;
+ reg [1:0] exp_adj_dffe21;
+ reg [7:0] exp_out_dffe5;
+ reg [7:0] exp_res_dffe2;
+ reg [7:0] exp_res_dffe21;
+ reg [7:0] exp_res_dffe3;
+ reg [7:0] exp_res_dffe4;
+ reg infinite_output_sign_dffe1;
+ reg infinite_output_sign_dffe2;
+ reg infinite_output_sign_dffe21;
+ reg infinite_output_sign_dffe3;
+ reg infinite_output_sign_dffe31;
+ reg infinite_output_sign_dffe4;
+ reg infinite_res_dffe3;
+ reg infinite_res_dffe4;
+ reg infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2;
+ reg infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21;
+ reg infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3;
+ reg infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31;
+ reg infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4;
+ reg input_dataa_infinite_dffe12;
+ reg input_dataa_nan_dffe12;
+ reg input_datab_infinite_dffe12;
+ reg input_datab_nan_dffe12;
+ reg input_is_infinite_dffe1;
+ reg input_is_infinite_dffe2;
+ reg input_is_infinite_dffe21;
+ reg input_is_infinite_dffe3;
+ reg input_is_infinite_dffe31;
+ reg input_is_infinite_dffe4;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe1;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe2;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe21;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe3;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe31;
+ reg input_is_nan_dffe4;
+ reg [25:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21;
+ reg man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe21;
+ reg [25:0] man_dffe31;
+ reg [4:0] man_leading_zeros_dffe31;
+ reg [22:0] man_out_dffe5;
+ reg [22:0] man_res_dffe4;
+ reg man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3;
+ reg man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31;
+ reg man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4;
+ reg need_complement_dffe2;
+ reg round_bit_dffe21;
+ reg round_bit_dffe3;
+ reg round_bit_dffe31;
+ reg rounded_res_infinity_dffe4;
+ reg sign_dffe31;
+ reg sign_out_dffe5;
+ reg sign_res_dffe3;
+ reg sign_res_dffe4;
+ reg sticky_bit_dffe1;
+ reg sticky_bit_dffe2;
+ reg sticky_bit_dffe21;
+ reg sticky_bit_dffe3;
+ reg sticky_bit_dffe31;
+ reg zero_man_sign_dffe2;
+ reg zero_man_sign_dffe21;
+ wire [8:0] wire_add_sub1_result;
+ wire [8:0] wire_add_sub2_result;
+ wire [5:0] wire_add_sub3_result;
+ wire [8:0] wire_add_sub4_result;
+ wire [8:0] wire_add_sub5_result;
+ wire [8:0] wire_add_sub6_result;
+ wire wire_man_2comp_res_lower_cout;
+ wire [13:0] wire_man_2comp_res_lower_result;
+ wire [13:0] wire_man_2comp_res_upper0_result;
+ wire [13:0] wire_man_2comp_res_upper1_result;
+ wire wire_man_add_sub_lower_cout;
+ wire [13:0] wire_man_add_sub_lower_result;
+ wire [13:0] wire_man_add_sub_upper0_result;
+ wire [13:0] wire_man_add_sub_upper1_result;
+ wire wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower_cout;
+ wire [12:0] wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower_result;
+ wire [12:0] wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_upper1_result;
+ wire wire_trailing_zeros_limit_comparator_agb;
+ wire add_sub_dffe11_wi;
+ wire add_sub_dffe11_wo;
+ wire add_sub_dffe12_wi;
+ wire add_sub_dffe12_wo;
+ wire add_sub_dffe13_wi;
+ wire add_sub_dffe13_wo;
+ wire add_sub_dffe14_wi;
+ wire add_sub_dffe14_wo;
+ wire add_sub_dffe15_wi;
+ wire add_sub_dffe15_wo;
+ wire add_sub_dffe1_wi;
+ wire add_sub_dffe1_wo;
+ wire add_sub_dffe25_wi;
+ wire add_sub_dffe25_wo;
+ wire add_sub_w2;
+ wire [12:0] adder_upper_w;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12_wi;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12_wo;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe13_wi;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe13_wo;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe14_wi;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe14_wo;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe15_wi;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_dffe15_wo;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_dataa_exp_w;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe12_wi;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe12_wo;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe13_wi;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe13_wo;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe14_wi;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe14_wo;
+ wire [25:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_w;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_wi;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_wo;
+ wire [25:0] aligned_dataa_man_w;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12_wi;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12_wo;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_dffe13_wi;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_dffe13_wo;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_dffe14_wi;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_dffe14_wo;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_dffe15_wi;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_dffe15_wo;
+ wire aligned_dataa_sign_w;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe12_wi;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe12_wo;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe13_wi;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe13_wo;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe14_wi;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe14_wo;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe15_wi;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_dffe15_wo;
+ wire [8:0] aligned_datab_exp_w;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe12_wi;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe12_wo;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe13_wi;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe13_wo;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe14_wi;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe14_wo;
+ wire [25:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe15_w;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe15_wi;
+ wire [23:0] aligned_datab_man_dffe15_wo;
+ wire [25:0] aligned_datab_man_w;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_dffe12_wi;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_dffe12_wo;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_dffe13_wi;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_dffe13_wo;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_dffe14_wi;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_dffe14_wo;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_dffe15_wi;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_dffe15_wo;
+ wire aligned_datab_sign_w;
+ wire borrow_w;
+ wire both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1_wi;
+ wire both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1_wo;
+ wire both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe25_wi;
+ wire both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe25_wo;
+ wire [7:0] data_exp_dffe1_wi;
+ wire [7:0] data_exp_dffe1_wo;
+ wire [31:0] dataa_dffe11_wi;
+ wire [31:0] dataa_dffe11_wo;
+ wire [25:0] dataa_man_dffe1_wi;
+ wire [25:0] dataa_man_dffe1_wo;
+ wire dataa_sign_dffe1_wi;
+ wire dataa_sign_dffe1_wo;
+ wire dataa_sign_dffe25_wi;
+ wire dataa_sign_dffe25_wo;
+ wire [31:0] datab_dffe11_wi;
+ wire [31:0] datab_dffe11_wo;
+ wire [25:0] datab_man_dffe1_wi;
+ wire [25:0] datab_man_dffe1_wo;
+ wire datab_sign_dffe1_wi;
+ wire datab_sign_dffe1_wo;
+ wire denormal_flag_w;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe32_wi;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe32_wo;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe33_wi;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe33_wo;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe3_wi;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe3_wo;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe41_wi;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe41_wo;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe42_wi;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe42_wo;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe4_wi;
+ wire denormal_res_dffe4_wo;
+ wire denormal_result_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_a_all_one_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_a_not_zero_w;
+ wire [6:0] exp_adj_0pads;
+ wire [1:0] exp_adj_dffe21_wi;
+ wire [1:0] exp_adj_dffe21_wo;
+ wire [1:0] exp_adj_dffe23_wi;
+ wire [1:0] exp_adj_dffe23_wo;
+ wire [1:0] exp_adj_dffe26_wi;
+ wire [1:0] exp_adj_dffe26_wo;
+ wire [1:0] exp_adjust_by_add1;
+ wire [1:0] exp_adjust_by_add2;
+ wire [8:0] exp_adjustment2_add_sub_dataa_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_adjustment2_add_sub_datab_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_adjustment_add_sub_dataa_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_adjustment_add_sub_datab_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_adjustment_add_sub_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_all_ones_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_all_zeros_w;
+ wire exp_amb_mux_dffe13_wi;
+ wire exp_amb_mux_dffe13_wo;
+ wire exp_amb_mux_dffe14_wi;
+ wire exp_amb_mux_dffe14_wo;
+ wire exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wi;
+ wire exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wo;
+ wire exp_amb_mux_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_amb_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_b_all_one_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_b_not_zero_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_bma_w;
+ wire [2:0] exp_diff_abs_exceed_max_w;
+ wire [4:0] exp_diff_abs_max_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_diff_abs_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_intermediate_res_dffe41_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_intermediate_res_dffe41_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_intermediate_res_dffe42_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_intermediate_res_dffe42_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_intermediate_res_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_out_dffe5_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_out_dffe5_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe21_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe21_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe22_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe22_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe23_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe23_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe25_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe25_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe26_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe26_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe27_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe27_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe2_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe2_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe32_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe32_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe33_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe33_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe3_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe3_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe4_wi;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_dffe4_wo;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_max_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_res_not_zero_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_res_rounding_adder_dataa_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_res_rounding_adder_w;
+ wire exp_rounded_res_infinity_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_rounded_res_max_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_rounded_res_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_rounding_adjustment_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_value;
+ wire force_infinity_w;
+ wire force_nan_w;
+ wire force_zero_w;
+ wire guard_bit_dffe3_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe1_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe1_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe21_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe21_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe22_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe22_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe23_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe23_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe25_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe25_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe26_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe26_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe27_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe27_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe2_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe2_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe31_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe31_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe32_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe32_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe33_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe33_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe3_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe3_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe41_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe41_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe42_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe42_wo;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe4_wi;
+ wire infinite_output_sign_dffe4_wo;
+ wire infinite_res_dff32_wi;
+ wire infinite_res_dff32_wo;
+ wire infinite_res_dff33_wi;
+ wire infinite_res_dff33_wo;
+ wire infinite_res_dffe3_wi;
+ wire infinite_res_dffe3_wo;
+ wire infinite_res_dffe41_wi;
+ wire infinite_res_dffe41_wo;
+ wire infinite_res_dffe42_wi;
+ wire infinite_res_dffe42_wo;
+ wire infinite_res_dffe4_wi;
+ wire infinite_res_dffe4_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe22_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe22_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe23_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe23_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe26_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe26_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe27_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe27_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe32_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe32_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe33_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe33_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe41_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe41_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe42_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe42_wo;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4_wi;
+ wire infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_denormal_dffe11_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_denormal_dffe11_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_denormal_w;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe11_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe11_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe12_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe12_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe13_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe13_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe14_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe14_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe15_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_dffe15_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_infinite_w;
+ wire input_dataa_nan_dffe11_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_nan_dffe11_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_nan_dffe12_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_nan_dffe12_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_nan_w;
+ wire input_dataa_zero_dffe11_wi;
+ wire input_dataa_zero_dffe11_wo;
+ wire input_dataa_zero_w;
+ wire input_datab_denormal_dffe11_wi;
+ wire input_datab_denormal_dffe11_wo;
+ wire input_datab_denormal_w;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe11_wi;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe11_wo;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe12_wi;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe12_wo;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe13_wi;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe13_wo;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe14_wi;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe14_wo;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wi;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wo;
+ wire input_datab_infinite_w;
+ wire input_datab_nan_dffe11_wi;
+ wire input_datab_nan_dffe11_wo;
+ wire input_datab_nan_dffe12_wi;
+ wire input_datab_nan_dffe12_wo;
+ wire input_datab_nan_w;
+ wire input_datab_zero_dffe11_wi;
+ wire input_datab_zero_dffe11_wo;
+ wire input_datab_zero_w;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe1_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe1_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe21_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe21_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe22_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe22_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe23_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe23_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe25_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe25_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe26_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe26_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe27_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe27_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe2_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe2_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe31_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe31_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe32_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe32_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe33_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe33_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe3_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe3_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe41_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe41_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe42_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe42_wo;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe4_wi;
+ wire input_is_infinite_dffe4_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe13_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe13_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe14_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe14_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe15_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe15_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe1_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe1_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe21_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe21_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe22_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe22_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe23_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe23_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe25_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe25_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe26_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe26_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe27_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe27_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe2_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe2_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe31_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe31_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe32_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe32_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe33_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe33_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe3_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe3_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe41_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe41_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe42_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe42_wo;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe4_wi;
+ wire input_is_nan_dffe4_wo;
+ wire [27:0] man_2comp_res_dataa_w;
+ wire [27:0] man_2comp_res_datab_w;
+ wire [27:0] man_2comp_res_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_a_not_zero_w;
+ wire [27:0] man_add_sub_dataa_w;
+ wire [27:0] man_add_sub_datab_w;
+ wire [25:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wi;
+ wire [25:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo;
+ wire [25:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe23_wi;
+ wire [25:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe23_wo;
+ wire [25:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe26_wi;
+ wire [25:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe26_wo;
+ wire [27:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wi;
+ wire [27:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo;
+ wire [27:0] man_add_sub_res_mag_w2;
+ wire man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe21_wo;
+ wire man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe23_wi;
+ wire man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe23_wo;
+ wire man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe26_wi;
+ wire man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe26_wo;
+ wire man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe27_wi;
+ wire man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe27_wo;
+ wire man_add_sub_res_sign_w2;
+ wire [27:0] man_add_sub_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_all_zeros_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_b_not_zero_w;
+ wire [25:0] man_dffe31_wo;
+ wire [25:0] man_intermediate_res_w;
+ wire [4:0] man_leading_zeros_cnt_w;
+ wire [4:0] man_leading_zeros_dffe31_wi;
+ wire [4:0] man_leading_zeros_dffe31_wo;
+ wire [22:0] man_nan_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_out_dffe5_wi;
+ wire [22:0] man_out_dffe5_wo;
+ wire [22:0] man_res_dffe4_wi;
+ wire [22:0] man_res_dffe4_wo;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31_wi;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31_wo;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe32_wi;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe32_wo;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe33_wi;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe33_wo;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3_wi;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3_wo;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe41_wi;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe41_wo;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe42_wi;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe42_wo;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4_wi;
+ wire man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4_wo;
+ wire [25:0] man_res_mag_w2;
+ wire man_res_not_zero_dffe23_wi;
+ wire man_res_not_zero_dffe23_wo;
+ wire man_res_not_zero_dffe26_wi;
+ wire man_res_not_zero_dffe26_wo;
+ wire [24:0] man_res_not_zero_w2;
+ wire [25:0] man_res_rounding_add_sub_datab_w;
+ wire [25:0] man_res_rounding_add_sub_w;
+ wire [23:0] man_res_w3;
+ wire [22:0] man_rounded_res_w;
+ wire man_rounding_add_value_w;
+ wire [23:0] man_smaller_dffe13_wi;
+ wire [23:0] man_smaller_dffe13_wo;
+ wire [23:0] man_smaller_w;
+ wire need_complement_dffe22_wi;
+ wire need_complement_dffe22_wo;
+ wire need_complement_dffe2_wi;
+ wire need_complement_dffe2_wo;
+ wire [1:0] pos_sign_bit_ext;
+ wire [3:0] priority_encoder_1pads_w;
+ wire round_bit_dffe21_wi;
+ wire round_bit_dffe21_wo;
+ wire round_bit_dffe23_wi;
+ wire round_bit_dffe23_wo;
+ wire round_bit_dffe26_wi;
+ wire round_bit_dffe26_wo;
+ wire round_bit_dffe31_wi;
+ wire round_bit_dffe31_wo;
+ wire round_bit_dffe32_wi;
+ wire round_bit_dffe32_wo;
+ wire round_bit_dffe33_wi;
+ wire round_bit_dffe33_wo;
+ wire round_bit_dffe3_wi;
+ wire round_bit_dffe3_wo;
+ wire round_bit_w;
+ wire rounded_res_infinity_dffe4_wi;
+ wire rounded_res_infinity_dffe4_wo;
+ wire [4:0] rshift_distance_dffe13_wi;
+ wire [4:0] rshift_distance_dffe13_wo;
+ wire [4:0] rshift_distance_dffe14_wi;
+ wire [4:0] rshift_distance_dffe14_wo;
+ wire [4:0] rshift_distance_dffe15_wi;
+ wire [4:0] rshift_distance_dffe15_wo;
+ wire [4:0] rshift_distance_w;
+ wire sign_dffe31_wi;
+ wire sign_dffe31_wo;
+ wire sign_dffe32_wi;
+ wire sign_dffe32_wo;
+ wire sign_dffe33_wi;
+ wire sign_dffe33_wo;
+ wire sign_out_dffe5_wi;
+ wire sign_out_dffe5_wo;
+ wire sign_res_dffe3_wi;
+ wire sign_res_dffe3_wo;
+ wire sign_res_dffe41_wi;
+ wire sign_res_dffe41_wo;
+ wire sign_res_dffe42_wi;
+ wire sign_res_dffe42_wo;
+ wire sign_res_dffe4_wi;
+ wire sign_res_dffe4_wo;
+ wire [5:0] sticky_bit_cnt_dataa_w;
+ wire [5:0] sticky_bit_cnt_datab_w;
+ wire [5:0] sticky_bit_cnt_res_w;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe1_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe1_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe21_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe21_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe22_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe22_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe23_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe23_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe25_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe25_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe26_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe26_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe27_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe27_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe2_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe2_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe31_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe31_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe32_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe32_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe33_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe33_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe3_wi;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe3_wo;
+ wire sticky_bit_w;
+ wire [5:0] trailing_zeros_limit_w;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe21_wi;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe21_wo;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe22_wi;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe22_wo;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe23_wi;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe23_wo;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe26_wi;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe26_wo;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe27_wi;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe27_wo;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe2_wi;
+ wire zero_man_sign_dffe2_wo;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altbarrel_shift_fjg lbarrel_shift
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clk_en(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .data(man_dffe31_wo),
+ .distance(man_leading_zeros_cnt_w),
+ .result(wire_lbarrel_shift_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altbarrel_shift_44e rbarrel_shift
+ (
+ .data({man_smaller_dffe13_wo, {2{1'b0}}}),
+ .distance(rshift_distance_dffe13_wo),
+ .result(wire_rbarrel_shift_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_9u8 leading_zeroes_cnt
+ (
+ .data({man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[25:1], 1'b1, {6{1'b0}}}),
+ .q(wire_leading_zeroes_cnt_q));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single_altpriority_encoder_tma trailing_zeros_cnt
+ (
+ .data({{9{1'b1}}, man_smaller_dffe13_wo[22:0]}),
+ .q(wire_trailing_zeros_cnt_q));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ add_sub_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) add_sub_dffe1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) add_sub_dffe1 <= add_sub_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ add_sub_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) add_sub_dffe12 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) add_sub_dffe12 <= add_sub_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12 <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12 <= aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) aligned_dataa_man_dffe12 <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) aligned_dataa_man_dffe12 <= aligned_dataa_man_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12 <= aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) aligned_datab_exp_dffe12 <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) aligned_datab_exp_dffe12 <= aligned_datab_exp_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) aligned_datab_man_dffe12 <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) aligned_datab_man_dffe12 <= aligned_datab_man_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) aligned_datab_sign_dffe12 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) aligned_datab_sign_dffe12 <= aligned_datab_sign_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1 <= both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ data_exp_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) data_exp_dffe1 <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) data_exp_dffe1 <= data_exp_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ dataa_man_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) dataa_man_dffe1 <= 26'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) dataa_man_dffe1 <= dataa_man_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ dataa_sign_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) dataa_sign_dffe1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) dataa_sign_dffe1 <= dataa_sign_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ datab_man_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) datab_man_dffe1 <= 26'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) datab_man_dffe1 <= datab_man_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ datab_sign_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) datab_sign_dffe1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) datab_sign_dffe1 <= datab_sign_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ denormal_res_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) denormal_res_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) denormal_res_dffe3 <= denormal_res_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ denormal_res_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) denormal_res_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) denormal_res_dffe4 <= denormal_res_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_adj_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_adj_dffe21 <= 2'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_adj_dffe21 <= exp_adj_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_out_dffe5 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_out_dffe5 <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_out_dffe5 <= exp_out_dffe5_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_res_dffe2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_res_dffe2 <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_res_dffe2 <= exp_res_dffe2_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_res_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_res_dffe21 <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_res_dffe21 <= exp_res_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_res_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_res_dffe3 <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_res_dffe3 <= exp_res_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_res_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_res_dffe4 <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_res_dffe4 <= exp_res_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe1 <= infinite_output_sign_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe2 <= infinite_output_sign_dffe2_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe21 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe21 <= infinite_output_sign_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe3 <= infinite_output_sign_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe31 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe31 <= infinite_output_sign_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinite_output_sign_dffe4 <= infinite_output_sign_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinite_res_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinite_res_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinite_res_dffe3 <= infinite_res_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinite_res_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinite_res_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinite_res_dffe4 <= infinite_res_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2 <= infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21 <= infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3 <= infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31 <= infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4 <= infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_dataa_infinite_dffe12 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_dataa_infinite_dffe12 <= input_dataa_infinite_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_dataa_nan_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_dataa_nan_dffe12 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_dataa_nan_dffe12 <= input_dataa_nan_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_datab_infinite_dffe12 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_datab_infinite_dffe12 <= input_datab_infinite_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_datab_nan_dffe12 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_datab_nan_dffe12 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_datab_nan_dffe12 <= input_datab_nan_dffe12_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinite_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe1 <= input_is_infinite_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinite_dffe2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe2 <= input_is_infinite_dffe2_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinite_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe21 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe21 <= input_is_infinite_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinite_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe3 <= input_is_infinite_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinite_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe31 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe31 <= input_is_infinite_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_infinite_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_infinite_dffe4 <= input_is_infinite_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe1 <= input_is_nan_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe2 <= input_is_nan_dffe2_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe21 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe21 <= input_is_nan_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe3 <= input_is_nan_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe31 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe31 <= input_is_nan_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ input_is_nan_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) input_is_nan_dffe4 <= input_is_nan_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21 <= 26'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21 <= man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe21 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe21 <= man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe27_wo;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_dffe31 <= 26'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_dffe31 <= man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe26_wo;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_leading_zeros_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_leading_zeros_dffe31 <= 5'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_leading_zeros_dffe31 <= man_leading_zeros_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_out_dffe5 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_out_dffe5 <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_out_dffe5 <= man_out_dffe5_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_res_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_res_dffe4 <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_res_dffe4 <= man_res_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3 <= man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31 <= man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4 <= man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ need_complement_dffe2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) need_complement_dffe2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) need_complement_dffe2 <= need_complement_dffe2_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ round_bit_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) round_bit_dffe21 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) round_bit_dffe21 <= round_bit_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ round_bit_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) round_bit_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) round_bit_dffe3 <= round_bit_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ round_bit_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) round_bit_dffe31 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) round_bit_dffe31 <= round_bit_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rounded_res_infinity_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rounded_res_infinity_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) rounded_res_infinity_dffe4 <= rounded_res_infinity_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_dffe31 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_dffe31 <= sign_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_out_dffe5 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_out_dffe5 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_out_dffe5 <= sign_out_dffe5_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_res_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_res_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_res_dffe3 <= sign_res_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_res_dffe4 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_res_dffe4 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_res_dffe4 <= sign_res_dffe4_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sticky_bit_dffe1 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe1 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe1 <= sticky_bit_dffe1_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sticky_bit_dffe2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe2 <= sticky_bit_dffe2_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sticky_bit_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe21 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe21 <= sticky_bit_dffe21_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sticky_bit_dffe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe3 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe3 <= sticky_bit_dffe3_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sticky_bit_dffe31 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe31 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sticky_bit_dffe31 <= sticky_bit_dffe31_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ zero_man_sign_dffe2 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) zero_man_sign_dffe2 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) zero_man_sign_dffe2 <= zero_man_sign_dffe2_wi;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ zero_man_sign_dffe21 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) zero_man_sign_dffe21 <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) zero_man_sign_dffe21 <= zero_man_sign_dffe21_wi;
+ lpm_add_sub add_sub1
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(aligned_dataa_exp_w),
+ .datab(aligned_datab_exp_w),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_add_sub1_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin()
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ add_sub1.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ add_sub1.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ add_sub1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ add_sub1.lpm_width = 9,
+ add_sub1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub add_sub2
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(aligned_datab_exp_w),
+ .datab(aligned_dataa_exp_w),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_add_sub2_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin()
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ add_sub2.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ add_sub2.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ add_sub2.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ add_sub2.lpm_width = 9,
+ add_sub2.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub add_sub3
+ (
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(sticky_bit_cnt_dataa_w),
+ .datab(sticky_bit_cnt_datab_w),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_add_sub3_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ add_sub3.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ add_sub3.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ add_sub3.lpm_width = 6,
+ add_sub3.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub add_sub4
+ (
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(exp_adjustment_add_sub_dataa_w),
+ .datab(exp_adjustment_add_sub_datab_w),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_add_sub4_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ add_sub4.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ add_sub4.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ add_sub4.lpm_width = 9,
+ add_sub4.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub add_sub5
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(exp_adjustment2_add_sub_dataa_w),
+ .datab(exp_adjustment2_add_sub_datab_w),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_add_sub5_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin()
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ add_sub5.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ add_sub5.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ add_sub5.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ add_sub5.lpm_width = 9,
+ add_sub5.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub add_sub6
+ (
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(exp_res_rounding_adder_dataa_w),
+ .datab(exp_rounding_adjustment_w),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_add_sub6_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ add_sub6.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ add_sub6.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ add_sub6.lpm_width = 9,
+ add_sub6.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_2comp_res_lower
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .add_sub(add_sub_w2),
+ .cin(borrow_w),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(wire_man_2comp_res_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(man_2comp_res_dataa_w[13:0]),
+ .datab(man_2comp_res_datab_w[13:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_2comp_res_lower_result));
+ defparam
+ man_2comp_res_lower.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ man_2comp_res_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ man_2comp_res_lower.lpm_width = 14,
+ man_2comp_res_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_2comp_res_upper0
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .add_sub(add_sub_w2),
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(man_2comp_res_dataa_w[27:14]),
+ .datab(man_2comp_res_datab_w[27:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_2comp_res_upper0_result));
+ defparam
+ man_2comp_res_upper0.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ man_2comp_res_upper0.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ man_2comp_res_upper0.lpm_width = 14,
+ man_2comp_res_upper0.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_2comp_res_upper1
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .add_sub(add_sub_w2),
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(man_2comp_res_dataa_w[27:14]),
+ .datab(man_2comp_res_datab_w[27:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_2comp_res_upper1_result));
+ defparam
+ man_2comp_res_upper1.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ man_2comp_res_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ man_2comp_res_upper1.lpm_width = 14,
+ man_2comp_res_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_add_sub_lower
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .add_sub(add_sub_w2),
+ .cin(borrow_w),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(wire_man_add_sub_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(man_add_sub_dataa_w[13:0]),
+ .datab(man_add_sub_datab_w[13:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_add_sub_lower_result));
+ defparam
+ man_add_sub_lower.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ man_add_sub_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ man_add_sub_lower.lpm_width = 14,
+ man_add_sub_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_add_sub_upper0
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .add_sub(add_sub_w2),
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(man_add_sub_dataa_w[27:14]),
+ .datab(man_add_sub_datab_w[27:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_add_sub_upper0_result));
+ defparam
+ man_add_sub_upper0.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ man_add_sub_upper0.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ man_add_sub_upper0.lpm_width = 14,
+ man_add_sub_upper0.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_add_sub_upper1
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .add_sub(add_sub_w2),
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(man_add_sub_dataa_w[27:14]),
+ .datab(man_add_sub_datab_w[27:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_add_sub_upper1_result));
+ defparam
+ man_add_sub_upper1.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ man_add_sub_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ man_add_sub_upper1.lpm_width = 14,
+ man_add_sub_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower
+ (
+ .cout(wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(man_intermediate_res_w[12:0]),
+ .datab(man_res_rounding_add_sub_datab_w[12:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower.lpm_width = 13,
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub man_res_rounding_add_sub_upper1
+ (
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(man_intermediate_res_w[25:13]),
+ .datab(man_res_rounding_add_sub_datab_w[25:13]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_upper1_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_upper1.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_upper1.lpm_width = 13,
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_compare trailing_zeros_limit_comparator
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(wire_trailing_zeros_limit_comparator_agb),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(sticky_bit_cnt_res_w),
+ .datab(trailing_zeros_limit_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ trailing_zeros_limit_comparator.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ trailing_zeros_limit_comparator.lpm_width = 6,
+ trailing_zeros_limit_comparator.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ assign
+ add_sub_dffe11_wi = add_sub,
+ add_sub_dffe11_wo = add_sub_dffe11_wi,
+ add_sub_dffe12_wi = add_sub_dffe11_wo,
+ add_sub_dffe12_wo = add_sub_dffe12,
+ add_sub_dffe13_wi = add_sub_dffe12_wo,
+ add_sub_dffe13_wo = add_sub_dffe13_wi,
+ add_sub_dffe14_wi = add_sub_dffe13_wo,
+ add_sub_dffe14_wo = add_sub_dffe14_wi,
+ add_sub_dffe15_wi = add_sub_dffe14_wo,
+ add_sub_dffe15_wo = add_sub_dffe15_wi,
+ add_sub_dffe1_wi = add_sub_dffe15_wo,
+ add_sub_dffe1_wo = add_sub_dffe1,
+ add_sub_dffe25_wi = add_sub_w2,
+ add_sub_dffe25_wo = add_sub_dffe25_wi,
+ add_sub_w2 = (((((dataa_sign_dffe1_wo & (~ datab_sign_dffe1_wo)) & (~ add_sub_dffe1_wo)) | (((~ dataa_sign_dffe1_wo) & (~ datab_sign_dffe1_wo)) & add_sub_dffe1_wo)) | (((~ dataa_sign_dffe1_wo) & datab_sign_dffe1_wo) & (~ add_sub_dffe1_wo))) | ((dataa_sign_dffe1_wo & datab_sign_dffe1_wo) & add_sub_dffe1_wo)),
+ adder_upper_w = man_intermediate_res_w[25:13],
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12_wi = aligned_dataa_exp_w,
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12_wo = aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12,
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe13_wi = aligned_dataa_exp_dffe12_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe13_wo = aligned_dataa_exp_dffe13_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe14_wi = aligned_dataa_exp_dffe13_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe14_wo = aligned_dataa_exp_dffe14_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe15_wi = aligned_dataa_exp_dffe14_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_exp_dffe15_wo = aligned_dataa_exp_dffe15_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_exp_w = {1'b0, ({8{(~ input_dataa_denormal_dffe11_wo)}} & dataa_dffe11_wo[30:23])},
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe12_wi = aligned_dataa_man_w[25:2],
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe12_wo = aligned_dataa_man_dffe12,
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe13_wi = aligned_dataa_man_dffe12_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe13_wo = aligned_dataa_man_dffe13_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe14_wi = aligned_dataa_man_dffe13_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe14_wo = aligned_dataa_man_dffe14_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_w = {aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_wo, {2{1'b0}}},
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_wi = aligned_dataa_man_dffe14_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_wo = aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_man_w = {(((~ input_dataa_infinite_dffe11_wo) & (~ input_dataa_denormal_dffe11_wo)) & (~ input_dataa_zero_dffe11_wo)), ({23{(~ input_dataa_denormal_dffe11_wo)}} & dataa_dffe11_wo[22:0]), {2{1'b0}}},
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12_wi = aligned_dataa_sign_w,
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12_wo = aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12,
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe13_wi = aligned_dataa_sign_dffe12_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe13_wo = aligned_dataa_sign_dffe13_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe14_wi = aligned_dataa_sign_dffe13_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe14_wo = aligned_dataa_sign_dffe14_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe15_wi = aligned_dataa_sign_dffe14_wo,
+ aligned_dataa_sign_dffe15_wo = aligned_dataa_sign_dffe15_wi,
+ aligned_dataa_sign_w = dataa_dffe11_wo[31],
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe12_wi = aligned_datab_exp_w,
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe12_wo = aligned_datab_exp_dffe12,
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe13_wi = aligned_datab_exp_dffe12_wo,
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe13_wo = aligned_datab_exp_dffe13_wi,
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe14_wi = aligned_datab_exp_dffe13_wo,
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe14_wo = aligned_datab_exp_dffe14_wi,
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe15_wi = aligned_datab_exp_dffe14_wo,
+ aligned_datab_exp_dffe15_wo = aligned_datab_exp_dffe15_wi,
+ aligned_datab_exp_w = {1'b0, ({8{(~ input_datab_denormal_dffe11_wo)}} & datab_dffe11_wo[30:23])},
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe12_wi = aligned_datab_man_w[25:2],
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe12_wo = aligned_datab_man_dffe12,
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe13_wi = aligned_datab_man_dffe12_wo,
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe13_wo = aligned_datab_man_dffe13_wi,
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe14_wi = aligned_datab_man_dffe13_wo,
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe14_wo = aligned_datab_man_dffe14_wi,
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe15_w = {aligned_datab_man_dffe15_wo, {2{1'b0}}},
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe15_wi = aligned_datab_man_dffe14_wo,
+ aligned_datab_man_dffe15_wo = aligned_datab_man_dffe15_wi,
+ aligned_datab_man_w = {(((~ input_datab_infinite_dffe11_wo) & (~ input_datab_denormal_dffe11_wo)) & (~ input_datab_zero_dffe11_wo)), ({23{(~ input_datab_denormal_dffe11_wo)}} & datab_dffe11_wo[22:0]), {2{1'b0}}},
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe12_wi = aligned_datab_sign_w,
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe12_wo = aligned_datab_sign_dffe12,
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe13_wi = aligned_datab_sign_dffe12_wo,
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe13_wo = aligned_datab_sign_dffe13_wi,
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe14_wi = aligned_datab_sign_dffe13_wo,
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe14_wo = aligned_datab_sign_dffe14_wi,
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe15_wi = aligned_datab_sign_dffe14_wo,
+ aligned_datab_sign_dffe15_wo = aligned_datab_sign_dffe15_wi,
+ aligned_datab_sign_w = datab_dffe11_wo[31],
+ borrow_w = ((~ sticky_bit_dffe1_wo) & (~ add_sub_w2)),
+ both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1_wi = (input_dataa_infinite_dffe15_wo & input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wo),
+ both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1_wo = both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1,
+ both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe25_wi = both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe1_wo,
+ both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe25_wo = both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe25_wi,
+ data_exp_dffe1_wi = (({8{(~ exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wo)}} & aligned_dataa_exp_dffe15_wo[7:0]) | ({8{exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wo}} & aligned_datab_exp_dffe15_wo[7:0])),
+ data_exp_dffe1_wo = data_exp_dffe1,
+ dataa_dffe11_wi = dataa,
+ dataa_dffe11_wo = dataa_dffe11_wi,
+ dataa_man_dffe1_wi = (({26{(~ exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wo)}} & aligned_dataa_man_dffe15_w) | ({26{exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wo}} & wire_rbarrel_shift_result)),
+ dataa_man_dffe1_wo = dataa_man_dffe1,
+ dataa_sign_dffe1_wi = aligned_dataa_sign_dffe15_wo,
+ dataa_sign_dffe1_wo = dataa_sign_dffe1,
+ dataa_sign_dffe25_wi = dataa_sign_dffe1_wo,
+ dataa_sign_dffe25_wo = dataa_sign_dffe25_wi,
+ datab_dffe11_wi = datab,
+ datab_dffe11_wo = datab_dffe11_wi,
+ datab_man_dffe1_wi = (({26{(~ exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wo)}} & wire_rbarrel_shift_result) | ({26{exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wo}} & aligned_datab_man_dffe15_w)),
+ datab_man_dffe1_wo = datab_man_dffe1,
+ datab_sign_dffe1_wi = aligned_datab_sign_dffe15_wo,
+ datab_sign_dffe1_wo = datab_sign_dffe1,
+ denormal_flag_w = ((((~ force_nan_w) & (~ force_infinity_w)) & (~ force_zero_w)) & denormal_res_dffe4_wo),
+ denormal_res_dffe32_wi = denormal_result_w,
+ denormal_res_dffe32_wo = denormal_res_dffe32_wi,
+ denormal_res_dffe33_wi = denormal_res_dffe32_wo,
+ denormal_res_dffe33_wo = denormal_res_dffe33_wi,
+ denormal_res_dffe3_wi = denormal_res_dffe33_wo,
+ denormal_res_dffe3_wo = denormal_res_dffe3,
+ denormal_res_dffe41_wi = denormal_res_dffe42_wo,
+ denormal_res_dffe41_wo = denormal_res_dffe41_wi,
+ denormal_res_dffe42_wi = denormal_res_dffe3_wo,
+ denormal_res_dffe42_wo = denormal_res_dffe42_wi,
+ denormal_res_dffe4_wi = denormal_res_dffe41_wo,
+ denormal_res_dffe4_wo = denormal_res_dffe4,
+ denormal_result_w = ((~ exp_res_not_zero_w[8]) | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[8]),
+ exp_a_all_one_w = {(dataa[30] & exp_a_all_one_w[6]), (dataa[29] & exp_a_all_one_w[5]), (dataa[28] & exp_a_all_one_w[4]), (dataa[27] & exp_a_all_one_w[3]), (dataa[26] & exp_a_all_one_w[2]), (dataa[25] & exp_a_all_one_w[1]), (dataa[24] & exp_a_all_one_w[0]), dataa[23]},
+ exp_a_not_zero_w = {(dataa[30] | exp_a_not_zero_w[6]), (dataa[29] | exp_a_not_zero_w[5]), (dataa[28] | exp_a_not_zero_w[4]), (dataa[27] | exp_a_not_zero_w[3]), (dataa[26] | exp_a_not_zero_w[2]), (dataa[25] | exp_a_not_zero_w[1]), (dataa[24] | exp_a_not_zero_w[0]), dataa[23]},
+ exp_adj_0pads = {7{1'b0}},
+ exp_adj_dffe21_wi = (({2{man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26]}} & exp_adjust_by_add2) | ({2{(~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26])}} & exp_adjust_by_add1)),
+ exp_adj_dffe21_wo = exp_adj_dffe21,
+ exp_adj_dffe23_wi = exp_adj_dffe21_wo,
+ exp_adj_dffe23_wo = exp_adj_dffe23_wi,
+ exp_adj_dffe26_wi = exp_adj_dffe23_wo,
+ exp_adj_dffe26_wo = exp_adj_dffe26_wi,
+ exp_adjust_by_add1 = 2'b01,
+ exp_adjust_by_add2 = 2'b10,
+ exp_adjustment2_add_sub_dataa_w = exp_value,
+ exp_adjustment2_add_sub_datab_w = exp_adjustment_add_sub_w,
+ exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w = wire_add_sub5_result,
+ exp_adjustment_add_sub_dataa_w = {priority_encoder_1pads_w, wire_leading_zeroes_cnt_q},
+ exp_adjustment_add_sub_datab_w = {exp_adj_0pads, exp_adj_dffe26_wo},
+ exp_adjustment_add_sub_w = wire_add_sub4_result,
+ exp_all_ones_w = {8{1'b1}},
+ exp_all_zeros_w = {8{1'b0}},
+ exp_amb_mux_dffe13_wi = exp_amb_mux_w,
+ exp_amb_mux_dffe13_wo = exp_amb_mux_dffe13_wi,
+ exp_amb_mux_dffe14_wi = exp_amb_mux_dffe13_wo,
+ exp_amb_mux_dffe14_wo = exp_amb_mux_dffe14_wi,
+ exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wi = exp_amb_mux_dffe14_wo,
+ exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wo = exp_amb_mux_dffe15_wi,
+ exp_amb_mux_w = exp_amb_w[8],
+ exp_amb_w = wire_add_sub1_result,
+ exp_b_all_one_w = {(datab[30] & exp_b_all_one_w[6]), (datab[29] & exp_b_all_one_w[5]), (datab[28] & exp_b_all_one_w[4]), (datab[27] & exp_b_all_one_w[3]), (datab[26] & exp_b_all_one_w[2]), (datab[25] & exp_b_all_one_w[1]), (datab[24] & exp_b_all_one_w[0]), datab[23]},
+ exp_b_not_zero_w = {(datab[30] | exp_b_not_zero_w[6]), (datab[29] | exp_b_not_zero_w[5]), (datab[28] | exp_b_not_zero_w[4]), (datab[27] | exp_b_not_zero_w[3]), (datab[26] | exp_b_not_zero_w[2]), (datab[25] | exp_b_not_zero_w[1]), (datab[24] | exp_b_not_zero_w[0]), datab[23]},
+ exp_bma_w = wire_add_sub2_result,
+ exp_diff_abs_exceed_max_w = {(exp_diff_abs_exceed_max_w[1] | exp_diff_abs_w[7]), (exp_diff_abs_exceed_max_w[0] | exp_diff_abs_w[6]), exp_diff_abs_w[5]},
+ exp_diff_abs_max_w = {5{1'b1}},
+ exp_diff_abs_w = (({8{(~ exp_amb_mux_w)}} & exp_amb_w[7:0]) | ({8{exp_amb_mux_w}} & exp_bma_w[7:0])),
+ exp_intermediate_res_dffe41_wi = exp_intermediate_res_dffe42_wo,
+ exp_intermediate_res_dffe41_wo = exp_intermediate_res_dffe41_wi,
+ exp_intermediate_res_dffe42_wi = exp_intermediate_res_w,
+ exp_intermediate_res_dffe42_wo = exp_intermediate_res_dffe42_wi,
+ exp_intermediate_res_w = exp_res_dffe3_wo,
+ exp_out_dffe5_wi = (({8{force_nan_w}} & exp_all_ones_w) | ({8{(~ force_nan_w)}} & (({8{force_infinity_w}} & exp_all_ones_w) | ({8{(~ force_infinity_w)}} & (({8{(force_zero_w | denormal_flag_w)}} & exp_all_zeros_w) | ({8{(~ (force_zero_w | denormal_flag_w))}} & exp_res_dffe4_wo)))))),
+ exp_out_dffe5_wo = exp_out_dffe5,
+ exp_res_dffe21_wi = exp_res_dffe27_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe21_wo = exp_res_dffe21,
+ exp_res_dffe22_wi = exp_res_dffe2_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe22_wo = exp_res_dffe22_wi,
+ exp_res_dffe23_wi = exp_res_dffe21_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe23_wo = exp_res_dffe23_wi,
+ exp_res_dffe25_wi = data_exp_dffe1_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe25_wo = exp_res_dffe25_wi,
+ exp_res_dffe26_wi = exp_res_dffe23_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe26_wo = exp_res_dffe26_wi,
+ exp_res_dffe27_wi = exp_res_dffe22_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe27_wo = exp_res_dffe27_wi,
+ exp_res_dffe2_wi = exp_res_dffe25_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe2_wo = exp_res_dffe2,
+ exp_res_dffe32_wi = ({8{(~ denormal_result_w)}} & exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[7:0]),
+ exp_res_dffe32_wo = exp_res_dffe32_wi,
+ exp_res_dffe33_wi = exp_res_dffe32_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe33_wo = exp_res_dffe33_wi,
+ exp_res_dffe3_wi = exp_res_dffe33_wo,
+ exp_res_dffe3_wo = exp_res_dffe3,
+ exp_res_dffe4_wi = exp_rounded_res_w,
+ exp_res_dffe4_wo = exp_res_dffe4,
+ exp_res_max_w = {(exp_res_max_w[6] & exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[7]), (exp_res_max_w[5] & exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[6]), (exp_res_max_w[4] & exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[5]), (exp_res_max_w[3] & exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[4]), (exp_res_max_w[2] & exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[3]), (exp_res_max_w[1] & exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[2]), (exp_res_max_w[0] & exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[1]), exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[0]},
+ exp_res_not_zero_w = {(exp_res_not_zero_w[7] | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[8]), (exp_res_not_zero_w[6] | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[7]), (exp_res_not_zero_w[5] | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[6]), (exp_res_not_zero_w[4] | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[5]), (exp_res_not_zero_w[3] | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[4]), (exp_res_not_zero_w[2] | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[3]), (exp_res_not_zero_w[1] | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[2]), (exp_res_not_zero_w[0] | exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[1]), exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[0]},
+ exp_res_rounding_adder_dataa_w = {1'b0, exp_intermediate_res_dffe41_wo},
+ exp_res_rounding_adder_w = wire_add_sub6_result,
+ exp_rounded_res_infinity_w = exp_rounded_res_max_w[7],
+ exp_rounded_res_max_w = {(exp_rounded_res_max_w[6] & exp_rounded_res_w[7]), (exp_rounded_res_max_w[5] & exp_rounded_res_w[6]), (exp_rounded_res_max_w[4] & exp_rounded_res_w[5]), (exp_rounded_res_max_w[3] & exp_rounded_res_w[4]), (exp_rounded_res_max_w[2] & exp_rounded_res_w[3]), (exp_rounded_res_max_w[1] & exp_rounded_res_w[2]), (exp_rounded_res_max_w[0] & exp_rounded_res_w[1]), exp_rounded_res_w[0]},
+ exp_rounded_res_w = exp_res_rounding_adder_w[7:0],
+ exp_rounding_adjustment_w = {{8{1'b0}}, man_res_rounding_add_sub_w[24]},
+ exp_value = {1'b0, exp_res_dffe26_wo},
+ force_infinity_w = ((input_is_infinite_dffe4_wo | rounded_res_infinity_dffe4_wo) | infinite_res_dffe4_wo),
+ force_nan_w = (infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4_wo | input_is_nan_dffe4_wo),
+ force_zero_w = (~ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4_wo),
+ guard_bit_dffe3_wo = man_res_w3[0],
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe1_wi = (((~ input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wo) & aligned_dataa_sign_dffe15_wo) | (input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wo & (~ (aligned_datab_sign_dffe15_wo ^ add_sub_dffe15_wo)))),
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe1_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe1,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe21_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe27_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe21_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe21,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe22_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe2_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe22_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe22_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe23_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe21_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe23_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe23_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe25_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe1_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe25_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe25_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe26_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe23_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe26_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe26_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe27_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe22_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe27_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe27_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe2_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe25_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe2_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe2,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe31_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe26_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe31_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe31,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe32_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe31_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe32_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe32_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe33_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe32_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe33_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe33_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe3_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe33_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe3_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe3,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe41_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe42_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe41_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe41_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe42_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe3_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe42_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe42_wi,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe4_wi = infinite_output_sign_dffe41_wo,
+ infinite_output_sign_dffe4_wo = infinite_output_sign_dffe4,
+ infinite_res_dff32_wi = (exp_res_max_w[7] & (~ exp_adjustment2_add_sub_w[8])),
+ infinite_res_dff32_wo = infinite_res_dff32_wi,
+ infinite_res_dff33_wi = infinite_res_dff32_wo,
+ infinite_res_dff33_wo = infinite_res_dff33_wi,
+ infinite_res_dffe3_wi = infinite_res_dff33_wo,
+ infinite_res_dffe3_wo = infinite_res_dffe3,
+ infinite_res_dffe41_wi = infinite_res_dffe42_wo,
+ infinite_res_dffe41_wo = infinite_res_dffe41_wi,
+ infinite_res_dffe42_wi = infinite_res_dffe3_wo,
+ infinite_res_dffe42_wo = infinite_res_dffe42_wi,
+ infinite_res_dffe4_wi = infinite_res_dffe41_wo,
+ infinite_res_dffe4_wo = infinite_res_dffe4,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe27_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe22_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe22_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe22_wi,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe23_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe21_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe23_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe23_wi,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe26_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe23_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe26_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe26_wi,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe27_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe22_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe27_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe27_wi,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2_wi = ((~ add_sub_dffe25_wo) & both_inputs_are_infinite_dffe25_wo),
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe2,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe26_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe32_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe31_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe32_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe32_wi,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe33_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe32_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe33_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe33_wi,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe33_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe41_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe42_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe41_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe41_wi,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe42_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe3_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe42_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe42_wi,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4_wi = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe41_wo,
+ infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4_wo = infinity_magnitude_sub_dffe4,
+ input_dataa_denormal_dffe11_wi = input_dataa_denormal_w,
+ input_dataa_denormal_dffe11_wo = input_dataa_denormal_dffe11_wi,
+ input_dataa_denormal_w = ((~ exp_a_not_zero_w[7]) & man_a_not_zero_w[22]),
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe11_wi = input_dataa_infinite_w,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe11_wo = input_dataa_infinite_dffe11_wi,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe12_wi = input_dataa_infinite_dffe11_wo,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe12_wo = input_dataa_infinite_dffe12,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe13_wi = input_dataa_infinite_dffe12_wo,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe13_wo = input_dataa_infinite_dffe13_wi,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe14_wi = input_dataa_infinite_dffe13_wo,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe14_wo = input_dataa_infinite_dffe14_wi,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe15_wi = input_dataa_infinite_dffe14_wo,
+ input_dataa_infinite_dffe15_wo = input_dataa_infinite_dffe15_wi,
+ input_dataa_infinite_w = (exp_a_all_one_w[7] & (~ man_a_not_zero_w[22])),
+ input_dataa_nan_dffe11_wi = input_dataa_nan_w,
+ input_dataa_nan_dffe11_wo = input_dataa_nan_dffe11_wi,
+ input_dataa_nan_dffe12_wi = input_dataa_nan_dffe11_wo,
+ input_dataa_nan_dffe12_wo = input_dataa_nan_dffe12,
+ input_dataa_nan_w = (exp_a_all_one_w[7] & man_a_not_zero_w[22]),
+ input_dataa_zero_dffe11_wi = input_dataa_zero_w,
+ input_dataa_zero_dffe11_wo = input_dataa_zero_dffe11_wi,
+ input_dataa_zero_w = ((~ exp_a_not_zero_w[7]) & (~ man_a_not_zero_w[22])),
+ input_datab_denormal_dffe11_wi = input_datab_denormal_w,
+ input_datab_denormal_dffe11_wo = input_datab_denormal_dffe11_wi,
+ input_datab_denormal_w = ((~ exp_b_not_zero_w[7]) & man_b_not_zero_w[22]),
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe11_wi = input_datab_infinite_w,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe11_wo = input_datab_infinite_dffe11_wi,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe12_wi = input_datab_infinite_dffe11_wo,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe12_wo = input_datab_infinite_dffe12,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe13_wi = input_datab_infinite_dffe12_wo,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe13_wo = input_datab_infinite_dffe13_wi,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe14_wi = input_datab_infinite_dffe13_wo,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe14_wo = input_datab_infinite_dffe14_wi,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wi = input_datab_infinite_dffe14_wo,
+ input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wo = input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wi,
+ input_datab_infinite_w = (exp_b_all_one_w[7] & (~ man_b_not_zero_w[22])),
+ input_datab_nan_dffe11_wi = input_datab_nan_w,
+ input_datab_nan_dffe11_wo = input_datab_nan_dffe11_wi,
+ input_datab_nan_dffe12_wi = input_datab_nan_dffe11_wo,
+ input_datab_nan_dffe12_wo = input_datab_nan_dffe12,
+ input_datab_nan_w = (exp_b_all_one_w[7] & man_b_not_zero_w[22]),
+ input_datab_zero_dffe11_wi = input_datab_zero_w,
+ input_datab_zero_dffe11_wo = input_datab_zero_dffe11_wi,
+ input_datab_zero_w = ((~ exp_b_not_zero_w[7]) & (~ man_b_not_zero_w[22])),
+ input_is_infinite_dffe1_wi = (input_dataa_infinite_dffe15_wo | input_datab_infinite_dffe15_wo),
+ input_is_infinite_dffe1_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe1,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe21_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe27_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe21_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe21,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe22_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe2_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe22_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe22_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe23_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe21_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe23_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe23_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe25_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe1_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe25_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe25_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe26_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe23_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe26_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe26_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe27_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe22_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe27_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe27_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe2_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe25_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe2_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe2,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe31_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe26_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe31_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe31,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe32_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe31_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe32_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe32_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe33_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe32_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe33_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe33_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe3_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe33_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe3_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe3,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe41_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe42_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe41_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe41_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe42_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe3_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe42_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe42_wi,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe4_wi = input_is_infinite_dffe41_wo,
+ input_is_infinite_dffe4_wo = input_is_infinite_dffe4,
+ input_is_nan_dffe13_wi = (input_dataa_nan_dffe12_wo | input_datab_nan_dffe12_wo),
+ input_is_nan_dffe13_wo = input_is_nan_dffe13_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe14_wi = input_is_nan_dffe13_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe14_wo = input_is_nan_dffe14_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe15_wi = input_is_nan_dffe14_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe15_wo = input_is_nan_dffe15_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe1_wi = input_is_nan_dffe15_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe1_wo = input_is_nan_dffe1,
+ input_is_nan_dffe21_wi = input_is_nan_dffe27_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe21_wo = input_is_nan_dffe21,
+ input_is_nan_dffe22_wi = input_is_nan_dffe2_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe22_wo = input_is_nan_dffe22_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe23_wi = input_is_nan_dffe21_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe23_wo = input_is_nan_dffe23_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe25_wi = input_is_nan_dffe1_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe25_wo = input_is_nan_dffe25_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe26_wi = input_is_nan_dffe23_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe26_wo = input_is_nan_dffe26_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe27_wi = input_is_nan_dffe22_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe27_wo = input_is_nan_dffe27_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe2_wi = input_is_nan_dffe25_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe2_wo = input_is_nan_dffe2,
+ input_is_nan_dffe31_wi = input_is_nan_dffe26_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe31_wo = input_is_nan_dffe31,
+ input_is_nan_dffe32_wi = input_is_nan_dffe31_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe32_wo = input_is_nan_dffe32_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe33_wi = input_is_nan_dffe32_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe33_wo = input_is_nan_dffe33_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe3_wi = input_is_nan_dffe33_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe3_wo = input_is_nan_dffe3,
+ input_is_nan_dffe41_wi = input_is_nan_dffe42_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe41_wo = input_is_nan_dffe41_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe42_wi = input_is_nan_dffe3_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe42_wo = input_is_nan_dffe42_wi,
+ input_is_nan_dffe4_wi = input_is_nan_dffe41_wo,
+ input_is_nan_dffe4_wo = input_is_nan_dffe4,
+ man_2comp_res_dataa_w = {pos_sign_bit_ext, datab_man_dffe1_wo},
+ man_2comp_res_datab_w = {pos_sign_bit_ext, dataa_man_dffe1_wo},
+ man_2comp_res_w = {(({14{(~ wire_man_2comp_res_lower_cout)}} & wire_man_2comp_res_upper0_result) | ({14{wire_man_2comp_res_lower_cout}} & wire_man_2comp_res_upper1_result)), wire_man_2comp_res_lower_result},
+ man_a_not_zero_w = {(dataa[22] | man_a_not_zero_w[21]), (dataa[21] | man_a_not_zero_w[20]), (dataa[20] | man_a_not_zero_w[19]), (dataa[19] | man_a_not_zero_w[18]), (dataa[18] | man_a_not_zero_w[17]), (dataa[17] | man_a_not_zero_w[16]), (dataa[16] | man_a_not_zero_w[15]), (dataa[15] | man_a_not_zero_w[14]), (dataa[14] | man_a_not_zero_w[13]), (dataa[13] | man_a_not_zero_w[12]), (dataa[12] | man_a_not_zero_w[11]), (dataa[11] | man_a_not_zero_w[10]), (dataa[10] | man_a_not_zero_w[9]), (dataa[9] | man_a_not_zero_w[8]), (dataa[8] | man_a_not_zero_w[7]), (dataa[7] | man_a_not_zero_w[6]), (dataa[6] | man_a_not_zero_w[5]), (dataa[5] | man_a_not_zero_w[4]), (dataa[4] | man_a_not_zero_w[3]), (dataa[3] | man_a_not_zero_w[2]), (dataa[2] | man_a_not_zero_w[1]), (dataa[1] | man_a_not_zero_w[0]), dataa[0]},
+ man_add_sub_dataa_w = {pos_sign_bit_ext, dataa_man_dffe1_wo},
+ man_add_sub_datab_w = {pos_sign_bit_ext, datab_man_dffe1_wo},
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wi = man_res_mag_w2,
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo = man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21,
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe23_wi = man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo,
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe23_wo = man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe23_wi,
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe26_wi = man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe23_wo,
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe26_wo = man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe26_wi,
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wi = man_add_sub_res_mag_w2,
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo = man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wi,
+ man_add_sub_res_mag_w2 = (({28{man_add_sub_w[27]}} & man_2comp_res_w) | ({28{(~ man_add_sub_w[27])}} & man_add_sub_w)),
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe21_wo = man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe21,
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe23_wi = man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe21_wo,
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe23_wo = man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe23_wi,
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe26_wi = man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe23_wo,
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe26_wo = man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe26_wi,
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe27_wi = man_add_sub_res_sign_w2,
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe27_wo = man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe27_wi,
+ man_add_sub_res_sign_w2 = ((need_complement_dffe22_wo & (~ man_add_sub_w[27])) | ((~ need_complement_dffe22_wo) & man_add_sub_w[27])),
+ man_add_sub_w = {(({14{(~ wire_man_add_sub_lower_cout)}} & wire_man_add_sub_upper0_result) | ({14{wire_man_add_sub_lower_cout}} & wire_man_add_sub_upper1_result)), wire_man_add_sub_lower_result},
+ man_all_zeros_w = {23{1'b0}},
+ man_b_not_zero_w = {(datab[22] | man_b_not_zero_w[21]), (datab[21] | man_b_not_zero_w[20]), (datab[20] | man_b_not_zero_w[19]), (datab[19] | man_b_not_zero_w[18]), (datab[18] | man_b_not_zero_w[17]), (datab[17] | man_b_not_zero_w[16]), (datab[16] | man_b_not_zero_w[15]), (datab[15] | man_b_not_zero_w[14]), (datab[14] | man_b_not_zero_w[13]), (datab[13] | man_b_not_zero_w[12]), (datab[12] | man_b_not_zero_w[11]), (datab[11] | man_b_not_zero_w[10]), (datab[10] | man_b_not_zero_w[9]), (datab[9] | man_b_not_zero_w[8]), (datab[8] | man_b_not_zero_w[7]), (datab[7] | man_b_not_zero_w[6]), (datab[6] | man_b_not_zero_w[5]), (datab[5] | man_b_not_zero_w[4]), (datab[4] | man_b_not_zero_w[3]), (datab[3] | man_b_not_zero_w[2]), (datab[2] | man_b_not_zero_w[1]), (datab[1] | man_b_not_zero_w[0]), datab[0]},
+ man_dffe31_wo = man_dffe31,
+ man_intermediate_res_w = {{2{1'b0}}, man_res_w3},
+ man_leading_zeros_cnt_w = man_leading_zeros_dffe31_wo,
+ man_leading_zeros_dffe31_wi = (~ wire_leading_zeroes_cnt_q),
+ man_leading_zeros_dffe31_wo = man_leading_zeros_dffe31,
+ man_nan_w = 23'b10000000000000000000000,
+ man_out_dffe5_wi = (({23{force_nan_w}} & man_nan_w) | ({23{(~ force_nan_w)}} & (({23{force_infinity_w}} & man_all_zeros_w) | ({23{(~ force_infinity_w)}} & (({23{(force_zero_w | denormal_flag_w)}} & man_all_zeros_w) | ({23{(~ (force_zero_w | denormal_flag_w))}} & man_res_dffe4_wo)))))),
+ man_out_dffe5_wo = man_out_dffe5,
+ man_res_dffe4_wi = man_rounded_res_w,
+ man_res_dffe4_wo = man_res_dffe4,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31_wi = man_res_not_zero_dffe26_wo,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31_wo = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe32_wi = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe31_wo,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe32_wo = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe32_wi,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe33_wi = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe32_wo,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe33_wo = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe33_wi,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3_wi = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe33_wo,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3_wo = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe41_wi = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe42_wo,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe41_wo = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe41_wi,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe42_wi = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe3_wo,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe42_wo = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe42_wi,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4_wi = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe41_wo,
+ man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4_wo = man_res_is_not_zero_dffe4,
+ man_res_mag_w2 = (({26{man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26]}} & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26:1]) | ({26{(~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26])}} & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25:0])),
+ man_res_not_zero_dffe23_wi = man_res_not_zero_w2[24],
+ man_res_not_zero_dffe23_wo = man_res_not_zero_dffe23_wi,
+ man_res_not_zero_dffe26_wi = man_res_not_zero_dffe23_wo,
+ man_res_not_zero_dffe26_wo = man_res_not_zero_dffe26_wi,
+ man_res_not_zero_w2 = {(man_res_not_zero_w2[23] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[25]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[22] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[24]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[21] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[23]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[20] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[22]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[19] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[21]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[18] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[20]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[17] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[19]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[16] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[18]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[15] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[17]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[14] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[16]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[13] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[15]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[12] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[14]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[11] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[13]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[10] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[12]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[9] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[11]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[8] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[10]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[7] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[9]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[6] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[8]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[5] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[7]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[4] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[6]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[3] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[5]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[2] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[4]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[1] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[3]), (man_res_not_zero_w2[0] | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[2]), man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe21_wo[1]},
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_datab_w = {{25{1'b0}}, man_rounding_add_value_w},
+ man_res_rounding_add_sub_w = {(({13{(~ wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower_cout)}} & adder_upper_w) | ({13{wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower_cout}} & wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_upper1_result)), wire_man_res_rounding_add_sub_lower_result},
+ man_res_w3 = wire_lbarrel_shift_result[25:2],
+ man_rounded_res_w = (({23{man_res_rounding_add_sub_w[24]}} & man_res_rounding_add_sub_w[23:1]) | ({23{(~ man_res_rounding_add_sub_w[24])}} & man_res_rounding_add_sub_w[22:0])),
+ man_rounding_add_value_w = (round_bit_dffe3_wo & (sticky_bit_dffe3_wo | guard_bit_dffe3_wo)),
+ man_smaller_dffe13_wi = man_smaller_w,
+ man_smaller_dffe13_wo = man_smaller_dffe13_wi,
+ man_smaller_w = (({24{exp_amb_mux_w}} & aligned_dataa_man_dffe12_wo) | ({24{(~ exp_amb_mux_w)}} & aligned_datab_man_dffe12_wo)),
+ need_complement_dffe22_wi = need_complement_dffe2_wo,
+ need_complement_dffe22_wo = need_complement_dffe22_wi,
+ need_complement_dffe2_wi = dataa_sign_dffe25_wo,
+ need_complement_dffe2_wo = need_complement_dffe2,
+ pos_sign_bit_ext = {2{1'b0}},
+ priority_encoder_1pads_w = {4{1'b1}},
+ result = {sign_out_dffe5_wo, exp_out_dffe5_wo, man_out_dffe5_wo},
+ round_bit_dffe21_wi = round_bit_w,
+ round_bit_dffe21_wo = round_bit_dffe21,
+ round_bit_dffe23_wi = round_bit_dffe21_wo,
+ round_bit_dffe23_wo = round_bit_dffe23_wi,
+ round_bit_dffe26_wi = round_bit_dffe23_wo,
+ round_bit_dffe26_wo = round_bit_dffe26_wi,
+ round_bit_dffe31_wi = round_bit_dffe26_wo,
+ round_bit_dffe31_wo = round_bit_dffe31,
+ round_bit_dffe32_wi = round_bit_dffe31_wo,
+ round_bit_dffe32_wo = round_bit_dffe32_wi,
+ round_bit_dffe33_wi = round_bit_dffe32_wo,
+ round_bit_dffe33_wo = round_bit_dffe33_wi,
+ round_bit_dffe3_wi = round_bit_dffe33_wo,
+ round_bit_dffe3_wo = round_bit_dffe3,
+ round_bit_w = ((((((~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26]) & (~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25])) & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[0]) | (((~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26]) & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25]) & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[1])) | ((man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26] & (~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25])) & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[2])) | ((man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26] & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25]) & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[2])),
+ rounded_res_infinity_dffe4_wi = exp_rounded_res_infinity_w,
+ rounded_res_infinity_dffe4_wo = rounded_res_infinity_dffe4,
+ rshift_distance_dffe13_wi = rshift_distance_w,
+ rshift_distance_dffe13_wo = rshift_distance_dffe13_wi,
+ rshift_distance_dffe14_wi = rshift_distance_dffe13_wo,
+ rshift_distance_dffe14_wo = rshift_distance_dffe14_wi,
+ rshift_distance_dffe15_wi = rshift_distance_dffe14_wo,
+ rshift_distance_dffe15_wo = rshift_distance_dffe15_wi,
+ rshift_distance_w = (({5{exp_diff_abs_exceed_max_w[2]}} & exp_diff_abs_max_w) | ({5{(~ exp_diff_abs_exceed_max_w[2])}} & exp_diff_abs_w[4:0])),
+ sign_dffe31_wi = ((man_res_not_zero_dffe26_wo & man_add_sub_res_sign_dffe26_wo) | ((~ man_res_not_zero_dffe26_wo) & zero_man_sign_dffe26_wo)),
+ sign_dffe31_wo = sign_dffe31,
+ sign_dffe32_wi = sign_dffe31_wo,
+ sign_dffe32_wo = sign_dffe32_wi,
+ sign_dffe33_wi = sign_dffe32_wo,
+ sign_dffe33_wo = sign_dffe33_wi,
+ sign_out_dffe5_wi = ((~ force_nan_w) & ((force_infinity_w & infinite_output_sign_dffe4_wo) | ((~ force_infinity_w) & sign_res_dffe4_wo))),
+ sign_out_dffe5_wo = sign_out_dffe5,
+ sign_res_dffe3_wi = sign_dffe33_wo,
+ sign_res_dffe3_wo = sign_res_dffe3,
+ sign_res_dffe41_wi = sign_res_dffe42_wo,
+ sign_res_dffe41_wo = sign_res_dffe41_wi,
+ sign_res_dffe42_wi = sign_res_dffe3_wo,
+ sign_res_dffe42_wo = sign_res_dffe42_wi,
+ sign_res_dffe4_wi = sign_res_dffe41_wo,
+ sign_res_dffe4_wo = sign_res_dffe4,
+ sticky_bit_cnt_dataa_w = {1'b0, rshift_distance_dffe15_wo},
+ sticky_bit_cnt_datab_w = {1'b0, wire_trailing_zeros_cnt_q},
+ sticky_bit_cnt_res_w = wire_add_sub3_result,
+ sticky_bit_dffe1_wi = wire_trailing_zeros_limit_comparator_agb,
+ sticky_bit_dffe1_wo = sticky_bit_dffe1,
+ sticky_bit_dffe21_wi = sticky_bit_w,
+ sticky_bit_dffe21_wo = sticky_bit_dffe21,
+ sticky_bit_dffe22_wi = sticky_bit_dffe2_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe22_wo = sticky_bit_dffe22_wi,
+ sticky_bit_dffe23_wi = sticky_bit_dffe21_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe23_wo = sticky_bit_dffe23_wi,
+ sticky_bit_dffe25_wi = sticky_bit_dffe1_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe25_wo = sticky_bit_dffe25_wi,
+ sticky_bit_dffe26_wi = sticky_bit_dffe23_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe26_wo = sticky_bit_dffe26_wi,
+ sticky_bit_dffe27_wi = sticky_bit_dffe22_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe27_wo = sticky_bit_dffe27_wi,
+ sticky_bit_dffe2_wi = sticky_bit_dffe25_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe2_wo = sticky_bit_dffe2,
+ sticky_bit_dffe31_wi = sticky_bit_dffe26_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe31_wo = sticky_bit_dffe31,
+ sticky_bit_dffe32_wi = sticky_bit_dffe31_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe32_wo = sticky_bit_dffe32_wi,
+ sticky_bit_dffe33_wi = sticky_bit_dffe32_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe33_wo = sticky_bit_dffe33_wi,
+ sticky_bit_dffe3_wi = sticky_bit_dffe33_wo,
+ sticky_bit_dffe3_wo = sticky_bit_dffe3,
+ sticky_bit_w = ((((((~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26]) & (~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25])) & sticky_bit_dffe27_wo) | (((~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26]) & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25]) & (sticky_bit_dffe27_wo | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[0]))) | ((man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26] & (~ man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25])) & ((sticky_bit_dffe27_wo | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[0]) | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[1]))) | ((man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[26] & man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[25]) & ((sticky_bit_dffe27_wo | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[0]) | man_add_sub_res_mag_dffe27_wo[1]))),
+ trailing_zeros_limit_w = 6'b000010,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe21_wi = zero_man_sign_dffe27_wo,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe21_wo = zero_man_sign_dffe21,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe22_wi = zero_man_sign_dffe2_wo,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe22_wo = zero_man_sign_dffe22_wi,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe23_wi = zero_man_sign_dffe21_wo,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe23_wo = zero_man_sign_dffe23_wi,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe26_wi = zero_man_sign_dffe23_wo,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe26_wo = zero_man_sign_dffe26_wi,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe27_wi = zero_man_sign_dffe22_wo,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe27_wo = zero_man_sign_dffe27_wi,
+ zero_man_sign_dffe2_wi = (dataa_sign_dffe25_wo & add_sub_dffe25_wo),
+ zero_man_sign_dffe2_wo = zero_man_sign_dffe2;
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+// altera message_off 10463
+// Copyright (C) 1991-2010 Altera Corporation
+// Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+// and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+// to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+// Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
+// Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+// without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+// programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
+// Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
+// applicable agreement for further details.
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 2
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_vhf
+ (
+ cin,
+ cout,
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input cin;
+ output cout;
+ input [23:0] dataa;
+ input [23:0] datab;
+ output [23:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 cin;
+ tri0 [23:0] dataa;
+ tri0 [23:0] datab;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire wire_csa_lower_cout;
+ wire [11:0] wire_csa_lower_result;
+ wire wire_csa_upper1_cout;
+ wire [11:0] wire_csa_upper1_result;
+ wire [11:0] adder_upper_w;
+ wire cout_w;
+ wire [23:0] result_w;
+ lpm_add_sub csa_lower
+ (
+ .cin(cin),
+ .cout(wire_csa_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(dataa[11:0]),
+ .datab(datab[11:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_lower_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_lower.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ csa_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_lower.lpm_width = 12,
+ csa_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper1
+ (
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .cout(wire_csa_upper1_cout),
+ .dataa(dataa[23:12]),
+ .datab(datab[23:12]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper1_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper1.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_width = 12,
+ csa_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ assign
+ adder_upper_w = dataa[23:12],
+ cout = cout_w,
+ cout_w = (wire_csa_lower_cout & wire_csa_upper1_cout),
+ result = result_w,
+ result_w = {(({12{(~ wire_csa_lower_cout)}} & adder_upper_w) | ({12{wire_csa_lower_cout}} & wire_csa_upper1_result)), wire_csa_lower_result};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_vhf
+//altfp_div_srt_ext CBX_AUTO_BLACKBOX="ON" CBX_SINGLE_OUTPUT_FILE="ON" DEVICE_FAMILY="STRATIXIV" ITERATION=14 OPTMIZE="SPEED" WIDTH_DIV=24 aclr clken clock denom divider numer quotient remain
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 3
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_mke
+ (
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [23:0] dataa;
+ input [23:0] datab;
+ output [23:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 [23:0] dataa;
+ tri0 [23:0] datab;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire wire_csa_lower_cout;
+ wire [11:0] wire_csa_lower_result;
+ wire [11:0] wire_csa_upper0_result;
+ wire [11:0] wire_csa_upper1_result;
+ wire [23:0] result_w;
+ lpm_add_sub csa_lower
+ (
+ .cout(wire_csa_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(dataa[11:0]),
+ .datab(datab[11:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_lower_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_lower.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ csa_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_lower.lpm_width = 12,
+ csa_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper0
+ (
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[23:12]),
+ .datab(datab[23:12]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper0_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper0.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_width = 12,
+ csa_upper0.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper1
+ (
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[23:12]),
+ .datab(datab[23:12]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper1_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper1.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_width = 12,
+ csa_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ assign
+ result = result_w,
+ result_w = {(({12{(~ wire_csa_lower_cout)}} & wire_csa_upper0_result) | ({12{wire_csa_lower_cout}} & wire_csa_upper1_result)), wire_csa_lower_result};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_mke
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 3
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_2jh
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clken,
+ clock,
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clken;
+ input clock;
+ input [27:0] dataa;
+ input [27:0] datab;
+ output [27:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clken;
+ tri0 clock;
+ tri0 [27:0] dataa;
+ tri0 [27:0] datab;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire wire_csa_lower_cout;
+ wire [13:0] wire_csa_lower_result;
+ wire [13:0] wire_csa_upper0_result;
+ wire [13:0] wire_csa_upper1_result;
+ wire [27:0] result_w;
+ lpm_add_sub csa_lower
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(wire_csa_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(dataa[13:0]),
+ .datab(datab[13:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_lower_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin()
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_lower.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_lower.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ csa_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_lower.lpm_width = 14,
+ csa_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper0
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[27:14]),
+ .datab(datab[27:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper0_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .add_sub(1'b1)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper0.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ csa_upper0.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_width = 14,
+ csa_upper0.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper1
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[27:14]),
+ .datab(datab[27:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper1_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .add_sub(1'b1)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper1.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ csa_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_width = 14,
+ csa_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ assign
+ result = result_w,
+ result_w = {(({14{(~ wire_csa_lower_cout)}} & wire_csa_upper0_result) | ({14{wire_csa_lower_cout}} & wire_csa_upper1_result)), wire_csa_lower_result};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_2jh
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 3
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_rle
+ (
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [27:0] dataa;
+ input [27:0] datab;
+ output [27:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 [27:0] dataa;
+ tri0 [27:0] datab;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire wire_csa_lower_cout;
+ wire [13:0] wire_csa_lower_result;
+ wire [13:0] wire_csa_upper0_result;
+ wire [13:0] wire_csa_upper1_result;
+ wire [27:0] result_w;
+ lpm_add_sub csa_lower
+ (
+ .cout(wire_csa_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(dataa[13:0]),
+ .datab(datab[13:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_lower_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_lower.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_lower.lpm_width = 14,
+ csa_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper0
+ (
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[27:14]),
+ .datab(datab[27:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper0_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper0.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_width = 14,
+ csa_upper0.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper1
+ (
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[27:14]),
+ .datab(datab[27:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper1_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper1.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_width = 14,
+ csa_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ assign
+ result = result_w,
+ result_w = {(({14{(~ wire_csa_lower_cout)}} & wire_csa_upper0_result) | ({14{wire_csa_lower_cout}} & wire_csa_upper1_result)), wire_csa_lower_result};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_rle
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 3
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_pke
+ (
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [26:0] dataa;
+ input [26:0] datab;
+ output [26:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 [26:0] dataa;
+ tri0 [26:0] datab;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire wire_csa_lower_cout;
+ wire [13:0] wire_csa_lower_result;
+ wire [12:0] wire_csa_upper0_result;
+ wire [12:0] wire_csa_upper1_result;
+ wire [26:0] result_w;
+ lpm_add_sub csa_lower
+ (
+ .cout(wire_csa_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(dataa[13:0]),
+ .datab(datab[13:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_lower_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_lower.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ csa_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_lower.lpm_width = 14,
+ csa_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper0
+ (
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[26:14]),
+ .datab(datab[26:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper0_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper0.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_width = 13,
+ csa_upper0.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper1
+ (
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[26:14]),
+ .datab(datab[26:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper1_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper1.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_width = 13,
+ csa_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ assign
+ result = result_w,
+ result_w = {(({13{(~ wire_csa_lower_cout)}} & wire_csa_upper0_result) | ({13{wire_csa_lower_cout}} & wire_csa_upper1_result)), wire_csa_lower_result};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_pke
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 3
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_qle
+ (
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input [26:0] dataa;
+ input [26:0] datab;
+ output [26:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 [26:0] dataa;
+ tri0 [26:0] datab;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire wire_csa_lower_cout;
+ wire [13:0] wire_csa_lower_result;
+ wire [12:0] wire_csa_upper0_result;
+ wire [12:0] wire_csa_upper1_result;
+ wire [26:0] result_w;
+ lpm_add_sub csa_lower
+ (
+ .cout(wire_csa_lower_cout),
+ .dataa(dataa[13:0]),
+ .datab(datab[13:0]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_lower_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_lower.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_lower.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_lower.lpm_width = 14,
+ csa_lower.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper0
+ (
+ .cin(1'b0),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[26:14]),
+ .datab(datab[26:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper0_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper0.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper0.lpm_width = 13,
+ csa_upper0.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub csa_upper1
+ (
+ .cin(1'b1),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(dataa[26:14]),
+ .datab(datab[26:14]),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_csa_upper1_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ csa_upper1.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ csa_upper1.lpm_width = 13,
+ csa_upper1.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ assign
+ result = result_w,
+ result_w = {(({13{(~ wire_csa_lower_cout)}} & wire_csa_upper0_result) | ({13{wire_csa_lower_cout}} & wire_csa_upper1_result)), wire_csa_lower_result};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_qle
+//qds_block CBX_AUTO_BLACKBOX="ON" CBX_SINGLE_OUTPUT_FILE="ON" FIRST_QDS="YES" aclr clken clock decoder_bus decoder_output
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_compare 4 lpm_mux 1 reg 2
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_qds_block_mab
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clken,
+ clock,
+ decoder_bus,
+ decoder_output) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clken;
+ input clock;
+ input [11:0] decoder_bus;
+ output [2:0] decoder_output;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clken;
+ tri0 clock;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ reg [1:0] q_next_dffe;
+ wire wire_cmpr35_aleb;
+ wire wire_cmpr36_aleb;
+ wire wire_cmpr37_aleb;
+ wire wire_cmpr38_aleb;
+ wire [31:0] wire_mux34_result;
+ wire [2:0] decoder_output_w;
+ wire [3:0] Div_w;
+ wire [3:0] k_comp_w;
+ wire [511:0] mk_bus_const_w;
+ wire [31:0] mk_bus_w;
+ wire [8:0] mk_neg1_w;
+ wire [8:0] mk_pos0_w;
+ wire [8:0] mk_pos1_w;
+ wire [8:0] mk_pos2_w;
+ wire [2:0] q_next_w;
+ wire [8:0] Rk_in_w;
+ wire [8:0] Rk_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ q_next_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) q_next_dffe <= 2'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) q_next_dffe <= q_next_w[1:0];
+ lpm_compare cmpr35
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(wire_cmpr35_aleb),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(Rk_w),
+ .datab(mk_neg1_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr35.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ cmpr35.lpm_width = 9,
+ cmpr35.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr36
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(wire_cmpr36_aleb),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(Rk_w),
+ .datab(mk_pos0_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr36.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ cmpr36.lpm_width = 9,
+ cmpr36.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr37
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(wire_cmpr37_aleb),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(Rk_w),
+ .datab(mk_pos1_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr37.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ cmpr37.lpm_width = 9,
+ cmpr37.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr38
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(wire_cmpr38_aleb),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(Rk_w),
+ .datab(mk_pos2_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr38.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ cmpr38.lpm_width = 9,
+ cmpr38.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_mux mux34
+ (
+ .data(mk_bus_const_w),
+ .result(wire_mux34_result),
+ .sel(Div_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ mux34.lpm_size = 16,
+ mux34.lpm_width = 32,
+ mux34.lpm_widths = 4,
+ mux34.lpm_type = "lpm_mux";
+ assign
+ decoder_output = decoder_output_w,
+ decoder_output_w = {1'b0, q_next_dffe},
+ Div_w = decoder_bus[3:0],
+ k_comp_w = {wire_cmpr38_aleb, wire_cmpr37_aleb, wire_cmpr36_aleb, wire_cmpr35_aleb},
+ mk_bus_const_w = {32'b01011101000111111110000110100011, 32'b01011010000111101110001010100110, 32'b01010111000111011110001110101001, 32'b01010100000111001110010010101100, 32'b01010001000110111110010110101111, 32'b01001110000110101110011010110010, 32'b01001011000110011110011110110101, 32'b01001000000110001110100010111000, 32'b01000101000101111110100110111011, 32'b01000010000101101110101010111110, 32'b00111111000101011110101111000001, 32'b00111100000101001110110011000100, 32'b00111001000100111110110111000111, 32'b00110110000100101110111011001010, 32'b00110011000100011110111111001101, 32'b00110000000100001111000011010000},
+ mk_bus_w = wire_mux34_result,
+ mk_neg1_w = {mk_bus_w[7], mk_bus_w[7:0]},
+ mk_pos0_w = {mk_bus_w[15], mk_bus_w[15:8]},
+ mk_pos1_w = {mk_bus_w[23], mk_bus_w[23:16]},
+ mk_pos2_w = {mk_bus_w[31], mk_bus_w[31:24]},
+ q_next_w = {k_comp_w[1], ((~ k_comp_w[3]) | k_comp_w[0]), ((k_comp_w[3] & (~ k_comp_w[2])) | (k_comp_w[1] & (~ k_comp_w[0])))},
+ Rk_in_w = {decoder_bus[11:4], 1'b0},
+ Rk_w = Rk_in_w;
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_qds_block_mab
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 12 lpm_compare 4 lpm_mux 2 reg 197
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_02n
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clken,
+ clock,
+ divider,
+ divider_reg,
+ Rk,
+ Rk_next,
+ rom) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clken;
+ input clock;
+ input [23:0] divider;
+ output [23:0] divider_reg;
+ input [23:0] Rk;
+ output [24:0] Rk_next;
+ output [2:0] rom;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clken;
+ tri0 clock;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa29_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa30_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa31_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa32_result;
+ reg [22:0] divider_dffe;
+ reg [22:0] divider_dffe_1a;
+ reg [24:0] neg_qk1d_dffe;
+ reg [24:0] neg_qk2d_dffe;
+ reg [24:0] pos_qk1d_dffe;
+ reg [24:0] pos_qk2d_dffe;
+ reg [20:0] Rk_adder_padded_dffe;
+ reg [24:0] Rk_next_dffe;
+ reg [2:0] rom_out_dffe;
+ wire [24:0] wire_mux33_result;
+ wire [2:0] wire_qds_block28_decoder_output;
+ wire [26:0] divider_1D_w;
+ wire [26:0] divider_2D_w;
+ wire [22:0] divider_dffe_1a_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_dffe_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_in_w;
+ wire [24:0] neg_qk1d_int_w;
+ wire [24:0] neg_qk2d_int_w;
+ wire [1:0] padded_2_zeros_w;
+ wire [2:0] padded_3_zeros_w;
+ wire [24:0] pos_qk0d_int_w;
+ wire [24:0] pos_qk1d_int_w;
+ wire [24:0] pos_qk2d_int_w;
+ wire [199:0] qkd_mux_input_w;
+ wire [24:0] qkd_mux_w;
+ wire [26:0] Rk_adder_padded_w;
+ wire [23:0] Rk_dffe_1a_w;
+ wire [23:0] Rk_in_w;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_dffe_w;
+ wire [11:0] rom_add_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_mux_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_1a_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_dffe_w;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_pke altfp_div_csa29
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_1D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa29_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_pke altfp_div_csa30
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_2D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa30_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_qle altfp_div_csa31
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_1D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa31_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_qle altfp_div_csa32
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_2D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa32_result));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ divider_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) divider_dffe <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) divider_dffe <= divider_dffe_1a_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ divider_dffe_1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) divider_dffe_1a <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) divider_dffe_1a <= divider_in_w[22:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ neg_qk1d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) neg_qk1d_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) neg_qk1d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa31_result[24:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ neg_qk2d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) neg_qk2d_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) neg_qk2d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa32_result[24:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ pos_qk1d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) pos_qk1d_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) pos_qk1d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa29_result[24:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ pos_qk2d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) pos_qk2d_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) pos_qk2d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa30_result[24:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ Rk_adder_padded_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) Rk_adder_padded_dffe <= 21'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) Rk_adder_padded_dffe <= Rk_adder_padded_w[20:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ Rk_next_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) Rk_next_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) Rk_next_dffe <= qkd_mux_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_out_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_out_dffe <= 3'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_out_dffe <= rom_out_1a_w;
+ lpm_mux mux33
+ (
+ .data(qkd_mux_input_w),
+ .result(wire_mux33_result),
+ .sel(rom_mux_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ mux33.lpm_size = 8,
+ mux33.lpm_width = 25,
+ mux33.lpm_widths = 3,
+ mux33.lpm_type = "lpm_mux";
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_qds_block_mab qds_block28
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .decoder_bus(rom_add_w),
+ .decoder_output(wire_qds_block28_decoder_output));
+ assign
+ divider_1D_w = {padded_3_zeros_w, divider_in_w},
+ divider_2D_w = {padded_2_zeros_w, divider_in_w, 1'b0},
+ divider_dffe_1a_w = divider_dffe_1a,
+ divider_dffe_w = {1'b1, divider_dffe},
+ divider_in_w = divider,
+ divider_reg = divider_dffe_w,
+ neg_qk1d_int_w = neg_qk1d_dffe,
+ neg_qk2d_int_w = neg_qk2d_dffe,
+ padded_2_zeros_w = {2{1'b0}},
+ padded_3_zeros_w = {3{1'b0}},
+ pos_qk0d_int_w = {padded_3_zeros_w, 1'b1, Rk_adder_padded_dffe[20:0]},
+ pos_qk1d_int_w = pos_qk1d_dffe,
+ pos_qk2d_int_w = pos_qk2d_dffe,
+ qkd_mux_input_w = {{2{pos_qk2d_int_w}}, pos_qk1d_int_w, pos_qk0d_int_w, {2{neg_qk2d_int_w}}, neg_qk1d_int_w, pos_qk0d_int_w},
+ qkd_mux_w = wire_mux33_result[24:0],
+ Rk_adder_padded_w = {padded_3_zeros_w, Rk_dffe_1a_w},
+ Rk_dffe_1a_w = Rk_in_w,
+ Rk_in_w = Rk,
+ Rk_next = Rk_next_dffe_w,
+ Rk_next_dffe_w = Rk_next_dffe,
+ rom = rom_out_dffe_w,
+ rom_add_w = {padded_3_zeros_w, Rk_in_w[23:19], divider_in_w[22:19]},
+ rom_mux_w = rom_out_1a_w,
+ rom_out_1a_w = wire_qds_block28_decoder_output,
+ rom_out_dffe_w = rom_out_dffe;
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_02n
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//qds_block CBX_AUTO_BLACKBOX="ON" CBX_SINGLE_OUTPUT_FILE="ON" aclr clken clock decoder_bus decoder_output
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_compare 4 lpm_mux 1 reg 3
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_qds_block_ls9
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clken,
+ clock,
+ decoder_bus,
+ decoder_output) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clken;
+ input clock;
+ input [11:0] decoder_bus;
+ output [2:0] decoder_output;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clken;
+ tri0 clock;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ reg [2:0] q_next_dffe;
+ wire wire_cmpr46_aleb;
+ wire wire_cmpr47_aleb;
+ wire wire_cmpr48_aleb;
+ wire wire_cmpr49_aleb;
+ wire [31:0] wire_mux45_result;
+ wire [2:0] decoder_output_w;
+ wire [3:0] Div_w;
+ wire [3:0] k_comp_w;
+ wire [511:0] mk_bus_const_w;
+ wire [31:0] mk_bus_w;
+ wire [8:0] mk_neg1_w;
+ wire [8:0] mk_pos0_w;
+ wire [8:0] mk_pos1_w;
+ wire [8:0] mk_pos2_w;
+ wire [2:0] q_next_w;
+ wire [8:0] Rk_in_w;
+ wire [8:0] Rk_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ q_next_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) q_next_dffe <= 3'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) q_next_dffe <= q_next_w;
+ lpm_compare cmpr46
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(wire_cmpr46_aleb),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(Rk_w),
+ .datab(mk_neg1_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr46.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ cmpr46.lpm_width = 9,
+ cmpr46.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr47
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(wire_cmpr47_aleb),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(Rk_w),
+ .datab(mk_pos0_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr47.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ cmpr47.lpm_width = 9,
+ cmpr47.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr48
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(wire_cmpr48_aleb),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(Rk_w),
+ .datab(mk_pos1_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr48.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ cmpr48.lpm_width = 9,
+ cmpr48.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr49
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(wire_cmpr49_aleb),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(Rk_w),
+ .datab(mk_pos2_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr49.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ cmpr49.lpm_width = 9,
+ cmpr49.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_mux mux45
+ (
+ .data(mk_bus_const_w),
+ .result(wire_mux45_result),
+ .sel(Div_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ mux45.lpm_size = 16,
+ mux45.lpm_width = 32,
+ mux45.lpm_widths = 4,
+ mux45.lpm_type = "lpm_mux";
+ assign
+ decoder_output = decoder_output_w,
+ decoder_output_w = q_next_dffe,
+ Div_w = decoder_bus[3:0],
+ k_comp_w = {wire_cmpr49_aleb, wire_cmpr48_aleb, wire_cmpr47_aleb, wire_cmpr46_aleb},
+ mk_bus_const_w = {32'b01011101000111111110000110100011, 32'b01011010000111101110001010100110, 32'b01010111000111011110001110101001, 32'b01010100000111001110010010101100, 32'b01010001000110111110010110101111, 32'b01001110000110101110011010110010, 32'b01001011000110011110011110110101, 32'b01001000000110001110100010111000, 32'b01000101000101111110100110111011, 32'b01000010000101101110101010111110, 32'b00111111000101011110101111000001, 32'b00111100000101001110110011000100, 32'b00111001000100111110110111000111, 32'b00110110000100101110111011001010, 32'b00110011000100011110111111001101, 32'b00110000000100001111000011010000},
+ mk_bus_w = wire_mux45_result,
+ mk_neg1_w = {mk_bus_w[7], mk_bus_w[7:0]},
+ mk_pos0_w = {mk_bus_w[15], mk_bus_w[15:8]},
+ mk_pos1_w = {mk_bus_w[23], mk_bus_w[23:16]},
+ mk_pos2_w = {mk_bus_w[31], mk_bus_w[31:24]},
+ q_next_w = {k_comp_w[1], ((~ k_comp_w[3]) | k_comp_w[0]), ((k_comp_w[3] & (~ k_comp_w[2])) | (k_comp_w[1] & (~ k_comp_w[0])))},
+ Rk_in_w = {decoder_bus[11:4], 1'b0},
+ Rk_w = Rk_in_w;
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_qds_block_ls9
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 12 lpm_compare 4 lpm_mux 2 reg 200
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clken,
+ clock,
+ divider,
+ divider_reg,
+ Rk,
+ Rk_next,
+ rom) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clken;
+ input clock;
+ input [23:0] divider;
+ output [23:0] divider_reg;
+ input [24:0] Rk;
+ output [24:0] Rk_next;
+ output [2:0] rom;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clken;
+ tri0 clock;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa40_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa41_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa42_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa43_result;
+ reg [22:0] divider_dffe;
+ reg [22:0] divider_dffe_1a;
+ reg [24:0] neg_qk1d_dffe;
+ reg [23:0] neg_qk2d_dffe;
+ reg [24:0] pos_qk1d_dffe;
+ reg [23:0] pos_qk2d_dffe;
+ reg [24:0] Rk_adder_padded_dffe;
+ reg [24:0] Rk_next_dffe;
+ reg [2:0] rom_out_dffe;
+ wire [24:0] wire_mux44_result;
+ wire [2:0] wire_qds_block39_decoder_output;
+ wire [26:0] divider_1D_w;
+ wire [26:0] divider_2D_w;
+ wire [22:0] divider_dffe_1a_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_dffe_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_in_w;
+ wire [24:0] neg_qk1d_int_w;
+ wire [24:0] neg_qk2d_int_w;
+ wire [1:0] padded_2_zeros_w;
+ wire [2:0] padded_3_zeros_w;
+ wire [24:0] pos_qk0d_int_w;
+ wire [24:0] pos_qk1d_int_w;
+ wire [24:0] pos_qk2d_int_w;
+ wire [199:0] qkd_mux_input_w;
+ wire [24:0] qkd_mux_w;
+ wire [26:0] Rk_adder_padded_w;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_dffe_1a_w;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_in_w;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_dffe_w;
+ wire [11:0] rom_add_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_mux_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_1a_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_dffe_w;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_pke altfp_div_csa40
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_1D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa40_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_pke altfp_div_csa41
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_2D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa41_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_qle altfp_div_csa42
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_1D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa42_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_qle altfp_div_csa43
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_2D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa43_result));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ divider_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) divider_dffe <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) divider_dffe <= divider_dffe_1a_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ divider_dffe_1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) divider_dffe_1a <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) divider_dffe_1a <= divider_in_w[22:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ neg_qk1d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) neg_qk1d_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) neg_qk1d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa42_result[24:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ neg_qk2d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) neg_qk2d_dffe <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) neg_qk2d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa43_result[24:1];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ pos_qk1d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) pos_qk1d_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) pos_qk1d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa40_result[24:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ pos_qk2d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) pos_qk2d_dffe <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) pos_qk2d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa41_result[24:1];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ Rk_adder_padded_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) Rk_adder_padded_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) Rk_adder_padded_dffe <= Rk_adder_padded_w[26:2];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ Rk_next_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) Rk_next_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) Rk_next_dffe <= qkd_mux_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_out_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_out_dffe <= 3'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_out_dffe <= rom_out_1a_w;
+ lpm_mux mux44
+ (
+ .data(qkd_mux_input_w),
+ .result(wire_mux44_result),
+ .sel(rom_mux_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ mux44.lpm_size = 8,
+ mux44.lpm_width = 25,
+ mux44.lpm_widths = 3,
+ mux44.lpm_type = "lpm_mux";
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_qds_block_ls9 qds_block39
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .decoder_bus(rom_add_w),
+ .decoder_output(wire_qds_block39_decoder_output));
+ assign
+ divider_1D_w = {padded_3_zeros_w, divider_in_w},
+ divider_2D_w = {padded_2_zeros_w, divider_in_w, 1'b0},
+ divider_dffe_1a_w = divider_dffe_1a,
+ divider_dffe_w = {1'b1, divider_dffe},
+ divider_in_w = divider,
+ divider_reg = divider_dffe_w,
+ neg_qk1d_int_w = neg_qk1d_dffe,
+ neg_qk2d_int_w = {neg_qk2d_dffe, 1'b0},
+ padded_2_zeros_w = {2{1'b0}},
+ padded_3_zeros_w = {3{1'b0}},
+ pos_qk0d_int_w = {Rk_adder_padded_dffe[22:0], padded_2_zeros_w},
+ pos_qk1d_int_w = pos_qk1d_dffe,
+ pos_qk2d_int_w = {pos_qk2d_dffe, 1'b0},
+ qkd_mux_input_w = {{2{pos_qk2d_int_w}}, pos_qk1d_int_w, pos_qk0d_int_w, {2{neg_qk2d_int_w}}, neg_qk1d_int_w, pos_qk0d_int_w},
+ qkd_mux_w = wire_mux44_result[24:0],
+ Rk_adder_padded_w = {Rk_dffe_1a_w, padded_2_zeros_w},
+ Rk_dffe_1a_w = Rk_in_w,
+ Rk_in_w = Rk,
+ Rk_next = Rk_next_dffe_w,
+ Rk_next_dffe_w = Rk_next_dffe,
+ rom = rom_out_dffe_w,
+ rom_add_w = {Rk_in_w[24:17], divider_in_w[22:19]},
+ rom_mux_w = rom_out_1a_w,
+ rom_out_1a_w = wire_qds_block39_decoder_output,
+ rom_out_dffe_w = rom_out_dffe;
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n
+//VERSION_BEGIN 10.1 cbx_altbarrel_shift 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altfp_div 2010:09:06:21:07:24:PN cbx_altsyncram 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_cycloneii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_abs 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_add_sub 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_compare 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_decode 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_divide 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mult 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_lpm_mux 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_mgl 2010:09:06:21:22:18:PN cbx_padd 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratix 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixiii 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_stratixv 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN cbx_util_mgl 2010:09:06:21:07:25:PN VERSION_END
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 12 lpm_compare 4 lpm_mux 2 reg 159
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_fum
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clken,
+ clock,
+ divider,
+ divider_reg,
+ Rk,
+ Rk_next,
+ rom) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clken;
+ input clock;
+ input [23:0] divider;
+ output [23:0] divider_reg;
+ input [24:0] Rk;
+ output [26:0] Rk_next;
+ output [2:0] rom;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clken;
+ tri0 clock;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa51_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa52_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa53_result;
+ wire [26:0] wire_altfp_div_csa54_result;
+ reg [22:0] divider_dffe_1a;
+ reg [26:0] neg_qk1d_dffe;
+ reg [26:0] neg_qk2d_dffe;
+ reg [26:0] pos_qk1d_dffe;
+ reg [26:0] pos_qk2d_dffe;
+ reg [24:0] Rk_adder_padded_dffe;
+ wire [26:0] wire_mux55_result;
+ wire [2:0] wire_qds_block50_decoder_output;
+ wire [26:0] divider_1D_w;
+ wire [26:0] divider_2D_w;
+ wire [22:0] divider_dffe_1a_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_dffe_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_in_w;
+ wire [26:0] neg_qk1d_int_w;
+ wire [26:0] neg_qk2d_int_w;
+ wire [1:0] padded_2_zeros_w;
+ wire [2:0] padded_3_zeros_w;
+ wire [26:0] pos_qk0d_int_w;
+ wire [26:0] pos_qk1d_int_w;
+ wire [26:0] pos_qk2d_int_w;
+ wire [215:0] qkd_mux_input_w;
+ wire [26:0] qkd_mux_w;
+ wire [26:0] Rk_adder_padded_w;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_dffe_1a_w;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_in_w;
+ wire [26:0] Rk_next_dffe_w;
+ wire [11:0] rom_add_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_mux_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_1a_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_dffe_w;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_pke altfp_div_csa51
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_1D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa51_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_pke altfp_div_csa52
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_2D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa52_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_qle altfp_div_csa53
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_1D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa53_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_qle altfp_div_csa54
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_adder_padded_w),
+ .datab(divider_2D_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa54_result));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ divider_dffe_1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) divider_dffe_1a <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) divider_dffe_1a <= divider_in_w[22:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ neg_qk1d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) neg_qk1d_dffe <= 27'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) neg_qk1d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa53_result[26:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ neg_qk2d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) neg_qk2d_dffe <= 27'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) neg_qk2d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa54_result[26:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ pos_qk1d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) pos_qk1d_dffe <= 27'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) pos_qk1d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa51_result[26:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ pos_qk2d_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) pos_qk2d_dffe <= 27'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) pos_qk2d_dffe <= wire_altfp_div_csa52_result[26:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ Rk_adder_padded_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) Rk_adder_padded_dffe <= 25'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) Rk_adder_padded_dffe <= Rk_adder_padded_w[26:2];
+ lpm_mux mux55
+ (
+ .data(qkd_mux_input_w),
+ .result(wire_mux55_result),
+ .sel(rom_mux_w)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ mux55.lpm_size = 8,
+ mux55.lpm_width = 27,
+ mux55.lpm_widths = 3,
+ mux55.lpm_type = "lpm_mux";
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_qds_block_ls9 qds_block50
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .decoder_bus(rom_add_w),
+ .decoder_output(wire_qds_block50_decoder_output));
+ assign
+ divider_1D_w = {padded_3_zeros_w, divider_in_w},
+ divider_2D_w = {padded_2_zeros_w, divider_in_w, 1'b0},
+ divider_dffe_1a_w = divider_dffe_1a,
+ divider_dffe_w = {1'b1, divider_dffe_1a_w},
+ divider_in_w = divider,
+ divider_reg = divider_dffe_w,
+ neg_qk1d_int_w = neg_qk1d_dffe,
+ neg_qk2d_int_w = neg_qk2d_dffe,
+ padded_2_zeros_w = {2{1'b0}},
+ padded_3_zeros_w = {3{1'b0}},
+ pos_qk0d_int_w = {Rk_adder_padded_dffe[24:0], padded_2_zeros_w},
+ pos_qk1d_int_w = pos_qk1d_dffe,
+ pos_qk2d_int_w = pos_qk2d_dffe,
+ qkd_mux_input_w = {{2{pos_qk2d_int_w}}, pos_qk1d_int_w, pos_qk0d_int_w, {2{neg_qk2d_int_w}}, neg_qk1d_int_w, pos_qk0d_int_w},
+ qkd_mux_w = wire_mux55_result[26:0],
+ Rk_adder_padded_w = {Rk_dffe_1a_w, padded_2_zeros_w},
+ Rk_dffe_1a_w = Rk_in_w,
+ Rk_in_w = Rk,
+ Rk_next = Rk_next_dffe_w,
+ Rk_next_dffe_w = qkd_mux_w,
+ rom = rom_out_dffe_w,
+ rom_add_w = {Rk_in_w[24:17], divider_in_w[22:19]},
+ rom_mux_w = rom_out_1a_w,
+ rom_out_1a_w = wire_qds_block50_decoder_output,
+ rom_out_dffe_w = rom_out_1a_w;
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_fum
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 177 lpm_compare 56 lpm_mux 28 reg 3289
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_srt_ext_5mh
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clken,
+ clock,
+ denom,
+ divider,
+ numer,
+ quotient,
+ remain) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clken;
+ input clock;
+ input [23:0] denom;
+ output [23:0] divider;
+ input [23:0] numer;
+ output [27:0] quotient;
+ output [23:0] remain;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clken;
+ tri0 clock;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire [23:0] wire_altfp_div_csa25_result;
+ wire [27:0] wire_altfp_div_csa26_result;
+ wire [27:0] wire_altfp_div_csa27_result;
+ reg [23:0] divider_next_special_dffe;
+ reg [26:0] Rk_remainder_special_dffe;
+ reg [49:0] rom_reg_dffe0c;
+ reg [14:0] rom_reg_dffe10c;
+ reg [8:0] rom_reg_dffe11c;
+ reg [2:0] rom_reg_dffe12c;
+ reg [68:0] rom_reg_dffe1c;
+ reg [62:0] rom_reg_dffe2c;
+ reg [56:0] rom_reg_dffe3c;
+ reg [50:0] rom_reg_dffe4c;
+ reg [44:0] rom_reg_dffe5c;
+ reg [38:0] rom_reg_dffe6c;
+ reg [32:0] rom_reg_dffe7c;
+ reg [26:0] rom_reg_dffe8c;
+ reg [20:0] rom_reg_dffe9c;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int11_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int11_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int11_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int12_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int12_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int12_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int13_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int13_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int13_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int14_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int14_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int14_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int15_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int15_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int15_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int16_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int16_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int16_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int17_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int17_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int17_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int18_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int18_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int18_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int19_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int19_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int19_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int20_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int20_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int20_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int21_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int21_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int21_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int22_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int22_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int22_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int23_divider_reg;
+ wire [24:0] wire_srt_block_int23_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int23_rom;
+ wire [23:0] wire_srt_block_int24_divider_reg;
+ wire [26:0] wire_srt_block_int24_Rk_next;
+ wire [2:0] wire_srt_block_int24_rom;
+ wire [23:0] added_remainder_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_dffe_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_special_w;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w0c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w10c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w11c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w12c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w13c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w1c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w2c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w3c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w4c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w5c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w6c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w7c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w8c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_next_w9c;
+ wire [23:0] divider_w;
+ wire [27:0] full_neg_rom_w;
+ wire [27:0] full_pos_rom_w;
+ wire mux_remainder_w;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w0c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w10c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w11c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w12c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w13c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w1c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w2c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w3c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w4c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w5c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w6c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w7c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w8c;
+ wire [1:0] neg_rom_w9c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w0c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w10c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w11c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w12c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w13c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w1c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w2c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w3c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w4c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w5c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w6c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w7c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w8c;
+ wire [1:0] pos_rom_w9c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next0_w;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w0c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w10c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w11c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w12c;
+ wire [26:0] Rk_next_w13c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w1c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w2c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w3c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w4c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w5c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w6c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w7c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w8c;
+ wire [24:0] Rk_next_w9c;
+ wire [26:0] Rk_remainder_special_w;
+ wire [23:0] Rk_remainder_w;
+ wire [23:0] Rk_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w0c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w10c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w11c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w12c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w13c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w1c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w2c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w3c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w4c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w5c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w6c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w7c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w8c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_dffe_w9c;
+ wire [13:0] rom_mux_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_1a_w;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w0c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w10c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w11c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w12c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w13c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w1c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w2c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w3c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w4c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w5c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w6c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w7c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w8c;
+ wire [2:0] rom_out_w9c;
+ wire [27:0] srt_adjust_w;
+ wire [27:0] srt_adjusted_w;
+ wire [27:0] true_quotient_w;
+ wire [27:0] value_one_w;
+ wire [1:0] zero_quotient_w;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_mke altfp_div_csa25
+ (
+ .dataa(Rk_remainder_special_w[23:0]),
+ .datab(divider_next_special_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa25_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_2jh altfp_div_csa26
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .dataa(full_pos_rom_w),
+ .datab(full_neg_rom_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa26_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_rle altfp_div_csa27
+ (
+ .dataa(srt_adjust_w),
+ .datab(value_one_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa27_result));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ divider_next_special_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) divider_next_special_dffe <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) divider_next_special_dffe <= divider_next_w13c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ Rk_remainder_special_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) Rk_remainder_special_dffe <= 27'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) Rk_remainder_special_dffe <= Rk_next_w13c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe0c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe0c <= 50'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe0c <= {rom_reg_dffe0c[47:0], rom_out_w0c[1:0]};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe10c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe10c <= 15'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe10c <= {rom_reg_dffe10c[11:0], rom_out_w10c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe11c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe11c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe11c <= {rom_reg_dffe11c[5:0], rom_out_w11c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe12c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe12c <= 3'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe12c <= {rom_out_w12c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe1c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe1c <= 69'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe1c <= {rom_reg_dffe1c[65:0], rom_out_w1c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe2c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe2c <= 63'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe2c <= {rom_reg_dffe2c[59:0], rom_out_w2c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe3c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe3c <= 57'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe3c <= {rom_reg_dffe3c[53:0], rom_out_w3c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe4c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe4c <= 51'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe4c <= {rom_reg_dffe4c[47:0], rom_out_w4c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe5c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe5c <= 45'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe5c <= {rom_reg_dffe5c[41:0], rom_out_w5c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe6c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe6c <= 39'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe6c <= {rom_reg_dffe6c[35:0], rom_out_w6c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe7c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe7c <= 33'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe7c <= {rom_reg_dffe7c[29:0], rom_out_w7c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe8c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe8c <= 27'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe8c <= {rom_reg_dffe8c[23:0], rom_out_w8c};
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rom_reg_dffe9c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe9c <= 21'b0;
+ else if (clken == 1'b1) rom_reg_dffe9c <= {rom_reg_dffe9c[17:0], rom_out_w9c};
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_02n srt_block_int11
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_w),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int11_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_w),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int11_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int11_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int12
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w0c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int12_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w0c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int12_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int12_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int13
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w1c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int13_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w1c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int13_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int13_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int14
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w2c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int14_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w2c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int14_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int14_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int15
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w3c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int15_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w3c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int15_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int15_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int16
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w4c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int16_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w4c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int16_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int16_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int17
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w5c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int17_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w5c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int17_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int17_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int18
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w6c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int18_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w6c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int18_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int18_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int19
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w7c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int19_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w7c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int19_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int19_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int20
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w8c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int20_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w8c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int20_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int20_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int21
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w9c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int21_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w9c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int21_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int21_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int22
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w10c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int22_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w10c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int22_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int22_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_84n srt_block_int23
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w11c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int23_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w11c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int23_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int23_rom));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_srt_block_int_fum srt_block_int24
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clken),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .divider(divider_next_w12c),
+ .divider_reg(wire_srt_block_int24_divider_reg),
+ .Rk(Rk_next_w12c),
+ .Rk_next(wire_srt_block_int24_Rk_next),
+ .rom(wire_srt_block_int24_rom));
+ assign
+ added_remainder_w = wire_altfp_div_csa25_result,
+ divider = divider_next_special_w,
+ divider_dffe_w = wire_srt_block_int11_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_special_w = divider_next_special_dffe,
+ divider_next_w0c = divider_dffe_w,
+ divider_next_w10c = wire_srt_block_int21_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w11c = wire_srt_block_int22_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w12c = wire_srt_block_int23_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w13c = wire_srt_block_int24_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w1c = wire_srt_block_int12_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w2c = wire_srt_block_int13_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w3c = wire_srt_block_int14_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w4c = wire_srt_block_int15_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w5c = wire_srt_block_int16_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w6c = wire_srt_block_int17_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w7c = wire_srt_block_int18_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w8c = wire_srt_block_int19_divider_reg,
+ divider_next_w9c = wire_srt_block_int20_divider_reg,
+ divider_w = denom,
+ full_neg_rom_w = {neg_rom_w0c, neg_rom_w1c, neg_rom_w2c, neg_rom_w3c, neg_rom_w4c, neg_rom_w5c, neg_rom_w6c, neg_rom_w7c, neg_rom_w8c, neg_rom_w9c, neg_rom_w10c, neg_rom_w11c, neg_rom_w12c, neg_rom_w13c},
+ full_pos_rom_w = {pos_rom_w0c, pos_rom_w1c, pos_rom_w2c, pos_rom_w3c, pos_rom_w4c, pos_rom_w5c, pos_rom_w6c, pos_rom_w7c, pos_rom_w8c, pos_rom_w9c, pos_rom_w10c, pos_rom_w11c, pos_rom_w12c, pos_rom_w13c},
+ mux_remainder_w = ((Rk_remainder_special_w[26] | Rk_remainder_special_w[25]) | Rk_remainder_special_w[24]),
+ neg_rom_w0c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[0])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[0]}} & rom_dffe_w0c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w10c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[10])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[10]}} & rom_dffe_w10c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w11c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[11])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[11]}} & rom_dffe_w11c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w12c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[12])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[12]}} & rom_dffe_w12c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w13c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[13])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[13]}} & rom_dffe_w13c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w1c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[1])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[1]}} & rom_dffe_w1c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w2c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[2])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[2]}} & rom_dffe_w2c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w3c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[3])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[3]}} & rom_dffe_w3c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w4c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[4])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[4]}} & rom_dffe_w4c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w5c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[5])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[5]}} & rom_dffe_w5c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w6c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[6])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[6]}} & rom_dffe_w6c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w7c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[7])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[7]}} & rom_dffe_w7c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w8c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[8])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[8]}} & rom_dffe_w8c[1:0])),
+ neg_rom_w9c = (({2{(~ rom_mux_w[9])}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{rom_mux_w[9]}} & rom_dffe_w9c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w0c = (({2{rom_mux_w[0]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[0])}} & rom_dffe_w0c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w10c = (({2{rom_mux_w[10]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[10])}} & rom_dffe_w10c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w11c = (({2{rom_mux_w[11]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[11])}} & rom_dffe_w11c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w12c = (({2{rom_mux_w[12]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[12])}} & rom_dffe_w12c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w13c = (({2{rom_mux_w[13]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[13])}} & rom_dffe_w13c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w1c = (({2{rom_mux_w[1]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[1])}} & rom_dffe_w1c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w2c = (({2{rom_mux_w[2]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[2])}} & rom_dffe_w2c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w3c = (({2{rom_mux_w[3]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[3])}} & rom_dffe_w3c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w4c = (({2{rom_mux_w[4]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[4])}} & rom_dffe_w4c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w5c = (({2{rom_mux_w[5]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[5])}} & rom_dffe_w5c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w6c = (({2{rom_mux_w[6]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[6])}} & rom_dffe_w6c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w7c = (({2{rom_mux_w[7]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[7])}} & rom_dffe_w7c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w8c = (({2{rom_mux_w[8]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[8])}} & rom_dffe_w8c[1:0])),
+ pos_rom_w9c = (({2{rom_mux_w[9]}} & zero_quotient_w) | ({2{(~ rom_mux_w[9])}} & rom_dffe_w9c[1:0])),
+ quotient = true_quotient_w,
+ remain = Rk_remainder_w,
+ Rk_next0_w = wire_srt_block_int11_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w0c = Rk_next0_w,
+ Rk_next_w10c = wire_srt_block_int21_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w11c = wire_srt_block_int22_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w12c = wire_srt_block_int23_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w13c = wire_srt_block_int24_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w1c = wire_srt_block_int12_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w2c = wire_srt_block_int13_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w3c = wire_srt_block_int14_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w4c = wire_srt_block_int15_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w5c = wire_srt_block_int16_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w6c = wire_srt_block_int17_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w7c = wire_srt_block_int18_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w8c = wire_srt_block_int19_Rk_next,
+ Rk_next_w9c = wire_srt_block_int20_Rk_next,
+ Rk_remainder_special_w = Rk_remainder_special_dffe,
+ Rk_remainder_w = (({24{(~ mux_remainder_w)}} & Rk_remainder_special_w[23:0]) | ({24{mux_remainder_w}} & added_remainder_w)),
+ Rk_w = numer,
+ rom_dffe_w0c = {1'b0, rom_reg_dffe0c[49:48]},
+ rom_dffe_w10c = rom_reg_dffe10c[14:12],
+ rom_dffe_w11c = rom_reg_dffe11c[8:6],
+ rom_dffe_w12c = rom_reg_dffe12c[2:0],
+ rom_dffe_w13c = rom_out_w13c,
+ rom_dffe_w1c = rom_reg_dffe1c[68:66],
+ rom_dffe_w2c = rom_reg_dffe2c[62:60],
+ rom_dffe_w3c = rom_reg_dffe3c[56:54],
+ rom_dffe_w4c = rom_reg_dffe4c[50:48],
+ rom_dffe_w5c = rom_reg_dffe5c[44:42],
+ rom_dffe_w6c = rom_reg_dffe6c[38:36],
+ rom_dffe_w7c = rom_reg_dffe7c[32:30],
+ rom_dffe_w8c = rom_reg_dffe8c[26:24],
+ rom_dffe_w9c = rom_reg_dffe9c[20:18],
+ rom_mux_w = {rom_dffe_w13c[2], rom_dffe_w12c[2], rom_dffe_w11c[2], rom_dffe_w10c[2], rom_dffe_w9c[2], rom_dffe_w8c[2], rom_dffe_w7c[2], rom_dffe_w6c[2], rom_dffe_w5c[2], rom_dffe_w4c[2], rom_dffe_w3c[2], rom_dffe_w2c[2], rom_dffe_w1c[2], rom_dffe_w0c[2]},
+ rom_out_1a_w = wire_srt_block_int11_rom,
+ rom_out_w0c = rom_out_1a_w,
+ rom_out_w10c = wire_srt_block_int21_rom,
+ rom_out_w11c = wire_srt_block_int22_rom,
+ rom_out_w12c = wire_srt_block_int23_rom,
+ rom_out_w13c = wire_srt_block_int24_rom,
+ rom_out_w1c = wire_srt_block_int12_rom,
+ rom_out_w2c = wire_srt_block_int13_rom,
+ rom_out_w3c = wire_srt_block_int14_rom,
+ rom_out_w4c = wire_srt_block_int15_rom,
+ rom_out_w5c = wire_srt_block_int16_rom,
+ rom_out_w6c = wire_srt_block_int17_rom,
+ rom_out_w7c = wire_srt_block_int18_rom,
+ rom_out_w8c = wire_srt_block_int19_rom,
+ rom_out_w9c = wire_srt_block_int20_rom,
+ srt_adjust_w = wire_altfp_div_csa26_result,
+ srt_adjusted_w = wire_altfp_div_csa27_result,
+ true_quotient_w = (({28{(~ mux_remainder_w)}} & srt_adjust_w) | ({28{mux_remainder_w}} & srt_adjusted_w)),
+ value_one_w = 28'b0000000000000000000000000001,
+ zero_quotient_w = {2{1'b0}};
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_srt_ext_5mh
+//synthesis_resources = lpm_add_sub 181 lpm_compare 62 lpm_mux 28 reg 4070
+//synopsys translate_off
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+//synopsys translate_on
+module fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single
+ (
+ aclr,
+ clk_en,
+ clock,
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ result) /* synthesis synthesis_clearbox=1 */;
+ input aclr;
+ input clk_en;
+ input clock;
+ input [31:0] dataa;
+ input [31:0] datab;
+ output [31:0] result;
+// synopsys translate_off
+ tri0 aclr;
+ tri1 clk_en;
+// synopsys translate_on
+ wire wire_altfp_div_csa8_cout;
+ wire [23:0] wire_altfp_div_csa8_result;
+ wire [23:0] wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_divider;
+ wire [27:0] wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_quotient;
+ wire [23:0] wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_remain;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_dffe;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_dffe1a;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_dffe3a;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline0c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline10c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline11c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline12c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline13c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline14c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline15c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline16c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline17c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline18c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline19c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline1c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline20c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline21c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline22c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline23c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline24c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline25c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline26c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline27c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline2c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline3c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline4c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline5c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline6c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline7c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline8c;
+ reg [7:0] and_or_pipeline9c;
+ reg bias_addition_overf_dffe;
+ reg [23:0] divider_pipe1a;
+ reg exp_a_and_dffe;
+ reg exp_a_b_dffe;
+ reg [7:0] exp_a_dffe;
+ reg exp_a_or_dffe;
+ reg exp_b_and_dffe;
+ reg [7:0] exp_b_dffe;
+ reg exp_b_or_dffe;
+ reg [8:0] exp_dffe1a;
+ reg [8:0] exp_dffe2a;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline0c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline10c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline11c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline12c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline13c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline14c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline15c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline16c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline17c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline18c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline19c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline1c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline20c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline21c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline22c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline23c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline24c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline25c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline26c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline2c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline3c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline4c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline5c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline6c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline7c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline8c;
+ reg [8:0] exp_pipeline9c;
+ reg [7:0] exp_res_pipe3;
+ reg implied_bit;
+ reg implied_bit2a;
+ reg man_a_and_dffe;
+ reg [22:0] man_a_dffe;
+ reg man_a_or_dffe;
+ reg man_b_and_dffe;
+ reg [22:0] man_b_dffe;
+ reg man_b_or_dffe;
+ reg [23:0] man_res_pipe3;
+ reg [27:0] quotient_pipe1a;
+ reg [23:0] remainder_pipe1a;
+ reg [31:0] result_output_dffe;
+ reg rnd_overflow_dffe;
+ reg [23:0] rnded_man_pipe2a;
+ reg sign_a_dffe;
+ reg sign_b_dffe;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline0c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline10c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline11c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline12c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline13c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline14c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline15c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline16c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline17c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline18c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline19c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline1c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline20c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline21c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline22c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline23c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline24c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline25c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline26c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline27c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline2c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline3c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline4c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline5c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline6c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline7c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline8c;
+ reg sign_div_pipeline9c;
+ reg sign_pipe1a;
+ reg sign_pipe2a;
+ reg sign_pipe3a;
+ wire wire_add_sub10_overflow;
+ wire [8:0] wire_add_sub10_result;
+ wire [8:0] wire_add_sub9_result;
+ wire wire_cmpr2_aeb;
+ wire wire_cmpr2_agb;
+ wire wire_cmpr3_aeb;
+ wire wire_cmpr3_agb;
+ wire wire_cmpr4_aeb;
+ wire wire_cmpr4_agb;
+ wire wire_cmpr5_ageb;
+ wire wire_cmpr6_aeb;
+ wire wire_cmpr6_agb;
+ wire wire_cmpr7_ageb;
+ wire [23:0] add_1_dataa_w;
+ wire [23:0] add_1_datab_w;
+ wire add_1_w;
+ wire [23:0] add_one_process_w;
+ wire [7:0] and_or_dffe1a_w;
+ wire [7:0] and_or_dffe3a_w;
+ wire [7:0] and_or_dffe_w;
+ wire [7:0] and_or_int_w;
+ wire [7:0] and_or_pipeline_w;
+ wire [8:0] bias_add_w;
+ wire bias_addition_overf_w;
+ wire [7:0] bias_addition_w;
+ wire [8:0] bias_value_w;
+ wire [23:0] checked_quotient_dffe1a_w;
+ wire [23:0] checked_quotient_w;
+ wire [7:0] dataa_exp_bus_w;
+ wire [31:0] dataa_int;
+ wire [22:0] dataa_man_bus_w;
+ wire dataa_S0;
+ wire [7:0] datab_exp_bus_w;
+ wire [31:0] datab_int;
+ wire [22:0] datab_man_bus_w;
+ wire datab_S0;
+ wire [23:0] divider_srt_w;
+ wire exp_a_and_msb2_w;
+ wire exp_a_and_msb_w;
+ wire exp_a_and_mux_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_a_and_w;
+ wire exp_a_b_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_a_bus_w;
+ wire exp_a_non_zero_w;
+ wire exp_a_one_w;
+ wire exp_a_or_msb2_w;
+ wire exp_a_or_msb_w;
+ wire exp_a_or_mux_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_a_or_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_a_w;
+ wire exp_a_zero_w;
+ wire exp_b_and_msb2_w;
+ wire exp_b_and_msb_w;
+ wire exp_b_and_mux_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_b_and_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_b_bus_w;
+ wire exp_b_non_zero_w;
+ wire exp_b_one_w;
+ wire exp_b_or_msb2_w;
+ wire exp_b_or_msb_w;
+ wire exp_b_or_mux_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_b_or_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_b_w;
+ wire exp_b_zero_w;
+ wire exp_bias_and_res_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_bias_and_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_bias_bus_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_dffe1a_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_dffe2a_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_exc_ones_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_exc_zeros_w;
+ wire [1:0] exp_higher_bit;
+ wire [1:0] exp_higher_or;
+ wire exp_infi_bus_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_man_and_or_w;
+ wire exp_or_result_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_pipeline_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_and_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_bus_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_int2_bus_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_int2_or_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_int2_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_int_w;
+ wire [7:0] exp_res_w;
+ wire exp_sign_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_sub_a_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_sub_b_w;
+ wire [8:0] exp_sub_w;
+ wire exp_zero_bus_w;
+ wire guard_bit_dffe1a_w;
+ wire guard_bit_quo_msb_m1;
+ wire guard_bit_quo_msb_m2;
+ wire guard_bit_w;
+ wire infi_combi_w;
+ wire infi_dataa_w;
+ wire infi_datab_w;
+ wire [31:0] infi_res_w;
+ wire infinite_int_w;
+ wire infinite_w;
+ wire [23:0] man_24_zeros_w;
+ wire man_a_and_msb2_w;
+ wire man_a_and_msb_w;
+ wire man_a_and_mux_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_a_and_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_a_bus_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_a_int_w;
+ wire man_a_non_zero_w;
+ wire man_a_one_w;
+ wire man_a_or_msb2_w;
+ wire man_a_or_msb_w;
+ wire man_a_or_mux_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_a_or_w;
+ wire [23:0] man_a_w;
+ wire man_a_zero_w;
+ wire man_b_and_msb2_w;
+ wire man_b_and_msb_w;
+ wire man_b_and_mux_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_b_and_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_b_bus_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_b_int_w;
+ wire man_b_non_zero_w;
+ wire man_b_one_w;
+ wire man_b_or_msb2_w;
+ wire man_b_or_msb_w;
+ wire man_b_or_mux_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_b_or_w;
+ wire [23:0] man_b_w;
+ wire man_b_zero_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_exc_nan_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_exc_zeros_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_res_bus_w;
+ wire [23:0] man_res_int2_w;
+ wire [23:0] man_res_int_w;
+ wire [22:0] man_res_or_w;
+ wire [23:0] man_res_w;
+ wire mux1_exp_s0a;
+ wire mux1_exp_s1a;
+ wire [31:0] mux_1_res_w;
+ wire [31:0] mux_2_res_w;
+ wire [31:0] mux_3_res_w;
+ wire mux_zero_non_zero_S0;
+ wire [23:0] mux_zero_non_zero_w;
+ wire nan_dataa_w;
+ wire nan_datab_w;
+ wire [31:0] nan_res_w;
+ wire nan_w;
+ wire norm_dataa_w;
+ wire norm_datab_w;
+ wire [7:0] norm_infi_and_w;
+ wire [7:0] norm_infi_bus_w;
+ wire [31:0] norm_res_int_w;
+ wire [7:0] norm_zero_bus_w;
+ wire [7:0] norm_zero_or_w;
+ wire [7:0] not_bias_addition_w;
+ wire not_exp_res_int2_or_res_w;
+ wire overflow_int_w;
+ wire [23:0] overflow_man_w;
+ wire [7:0] overflow_ones_w;
+ wire [52:0] quo_msb_m1_compare_dataa;
+ wire [52:0] quo_msb_m1_compare_datab;
+ wire quo_msb_m1_compare_w;
+ wire quo_msb_m1_w;
+ wire [53:0] quo_msb_m2_compare_dataa;
+ wire [53:0] quo_msb_m2_compare_datab;
+ wire quo_msb_m2_compare_w;
+ wire [23:0] quotient_msb_m1_w;
+ wire [23:0] quotient_msb_m2_w;
+ wire [27:0] quotient_w;
+ wire [23:0] remainder_srt_w;
+ wire [23:0] res_rnded_man_w;
+ wire rnd_add_overf_w;
+ wire rnd_overflow;
+ wire [23:0] rnded_man_w;
+ wire round_bit_dffe1a_w;
+ wire round_bit_quo_msb_m1;
+ wire round_bit_quo_msb_m2;
+ wire round_bit_w;
+ wire sign_a_w;
+ wire sign_b_w;
+ wire sign_div;
+ wire sign_div_pipeline_w;
+ wire sign_exc_bit_w;
+ wire signed_N_exp_h_or;
+ wire sticky_bit_dffe1a_w;
+ wire sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1;
+ wire [1:0] sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_bit;
+ wire [1:0] sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_or;
+ wire [1:0] sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_tmp;
+ wire sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2;
+ wire [0:0] sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_bit;
+ wire [0:0] sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_or;
+ wire [0:0] sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_tmp;
+ wire sticky_bit_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_lower_ageb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_upper_aeb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_upper_agb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_lower_aeb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_lower_agb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_upper_aeb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_upper_agb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_lower_ageb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_upper_aeb_w;
+ wire sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_upper_agb_w;
+ wire [7:0] underflow_zeros_w;
+ wire [8:0] value_add_1_w;
+ wire [8:0] value_minus_1_w;
+ wire [8:0] value_normal_w;
+ wire [8:0] value_zero_w;
+ wire [23:0] zero_bit_23_w;
+ wire [30:0] zero_bit_31_w;
+ wire [7:0] zero_bit_8_w;
+ wire zero_bit_w;
+ wire zero_dataa_w;
+ wire zero_datab_w;
+ wire [31:0] zero_res_w;
+ wire zero_w;
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_csa_vhf altfp_div_csa8
+ (
+ .cin(add_1_w),
+ .cout(wire_altfp_div_csa8_cout),
+ .dataa(add_1_dataa_w),
+ .datab(add_1_datab_w),
+ .result(wire_altfp_div_csa8_result));
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single_altfp_div_srt_ext_5mh altfp_div_srt_ext1
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .denom(man_b_w),
+ .divider(wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_divider),
+ .numer(man_a_w),
+ .quotient(wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_quotient),
+ .remain(wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_remain));
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_dffe <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_dffe <= exp_man_and_or_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_dffe1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_dffe1a <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_dffe1a <= and_or_pipeline_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_dffe3a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_dffe3a <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_dffe3a <= and_or_int_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline0c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline0c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline0c <= and_or_dffe_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline10c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline10c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline10c <= and_or_pipeline9c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline11c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline11c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline11c <= and_or_pipeline10c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline12c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline12c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline12c <= and_or_pipeline11c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline13c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline13c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline13c <= and_or_pipeline12c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline14c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline14c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline14c <= and_or_pipeline13c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline15c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline15c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline15c <= and_or_pipeline14c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline16c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline16c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline16c <= and_or_pipeline15c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline17c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline17c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline17c <= and_or_pipeline16c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline18c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline18c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline18c <= and_or_pipeline17c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline19c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline19c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline19c <= and_or_pipeline18c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline1c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline1c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline1c <= and_or_pipeline0c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline20c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline20c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline20c <= and_or_pipeline19c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline21c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline21c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline21c <= and_or_pipeline20c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline22c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline22c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline22c <= and_or_pipeline21c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline23c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline23c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline23c <= and_or_pipeline22c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline24c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline24c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline24c <= and_or_pipeline23c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline25c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline25c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline25c <= and_or_pipeline24c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline26c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline26c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline26c <= and_or_pipeline25c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline27c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline27c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline27c <= and_or_pipeline26c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline2c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline2c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline2c <= and_or_pipeline1c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline3c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline3c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline3c <= and_or_pipeline2c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline4c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline4c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline4c <= and_or_pipeline3c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline5c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline5c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline5c <= and_or_pipeline4c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline6c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline6c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline6c <= and_or_pipeline5c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline7c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline7c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline7c <= and_or_pipeline6c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline8c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline8c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline8c <= and_or_pipeline7c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ and_or_pipeline9c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline9c <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) and_or_pipeline9c <= and_or_pipeline8c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ bias_addition_overf_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) bias_addition_overf_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) bias_addition_overf_dffe <= bias_addition_overf_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ divider_pipe1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) divider_pipe1a <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) divider_pipe1a <= wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_divider;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_a_and_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_a_and_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_a_and_dffe <= exp_a_and_msb2_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_a_b_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_a_b_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_a_b_dffe <= exp_or_result_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_a_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_a_dffe <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_a_dffe <= dataa_int[30:23];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_a_or_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_a_or_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_a_or_dffe <= exp_a_or_msb2_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_b_and_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_b_and_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_b_and_dffe <= exp_b_and_msb2_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_b_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_b_dffe <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_b_dffe <= datab_int[30:23];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_b_or_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_b_or_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_b_or_dffe <= exp_b_or_msb2_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_dffe1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_dffe1a <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_dffe1a <= exp_pipeline_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_dffe2a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_dffe2a <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_dffe2a <= exp_dffe1a_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline0c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline0c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline0c <= exp_sub_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline10c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline10c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline10c <= exp_pipeline9c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline11c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline11c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline11c <= exp_pipeline10c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline12c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline12c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline12c <= exp_pipeline11c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline13c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline13c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline13c <= exp_pipeline12c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline14c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline14c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline14c <= exp_pipeline13c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline15c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline15c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline15c <= exp_pipeline14c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline16c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline16c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline16c <= exp_pipeline15c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline17c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline17c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline17c <= exp_pipeline16c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline18c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline18c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline18c <= exp_pipeline17c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline19c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline19c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline19c <= exp_pipeline18c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline1c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline1c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline1c <= exp_pipeline0c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline20c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline20c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline20c <= exp_pipeline19c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline21c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline21c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline21c <= exp_pipeline20c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline22c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline22c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline22c <= exp_pipeline21c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline23c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline23c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline23c <= exp_pipeline22c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline24c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline24c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline24c <= exp_pipeline23c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline25c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline25c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline25c <= exp_pipeline24c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline26c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline26c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline26c <= exp_pipeline25c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline2c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline2c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline2c <= exp_pipeline1c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline3c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline3c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline3c <= exp_pipeline2c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline4c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline4c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline4c <= exp_pipeline3c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline5c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline5c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline5c <= exp_pipeline4c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline6c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline6c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline6c <= exp_pipeline5c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline7c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline7c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline7c <= exp_pipeline6c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline8c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline8c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline8c <= exp_pipeline7c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_pipeline9c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_pipeline9c <= 9'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_pipeline9c <= exp_pipeline8c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ exp_res_pipe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) exp_res_pipe3 <= 8'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) exp_res_pipe3 <= exp_res_int_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ implied_bit = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) implied_bit <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) implied_bit <= wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_quotient[26];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ implied_bit2a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) implied_bit2a <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) implied_bit2a <= implied_bit;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_a_and_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_a_and_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_a_and_dffe <= man_a_and_msb2_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_a_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_a_dffe <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_a_dffe <= dataa_int[22:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_a_or_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_a_or_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_a_or_dffe <= man_a_or_msb2_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_b_and_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_b_and_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_b_and_dffe <= man_b_and_msb2_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_b_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_b_dffe <= 23'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_b_dffe <= datab_int[22:0];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_b_or_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_b_or_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_b_or_dffe <= man_b_or_msb2_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ man_res_pipe3 = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) man_res_pipe3 <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) man_res_pipe3 <= man_res_int_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ quotient_pipe1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) quotient_pipe1a <= 28'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) quotient_pipe1a <= wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_quotient;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ remainder_pipe1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) remainder_pipe1a <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) remainder_pipe1a <= wire_altfp_div_srt_ext1_remain;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ result_output_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) result_output_dffe <= 32'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) result_output_dffe <= mux_3_res_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rnd_overflow_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rnd_overflow_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) rnd_overflow_dffe <= rnd_overflow;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ rnded_man_pipe2a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) rnded_man_pipe2a <= 24'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) rnded_man_pipe2a <= rnded_man_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_a_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_a_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_a_dffe <= dataa_int[31];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_b_dffe = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_b_dffe <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_b_dffe <= datab_int[31];
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline0c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline0c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline0c <= sign_div;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline10c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline10c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline10c <= sign_div_pipeline9c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline11c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline11c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline11c <= sign_div_pipeline10c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline12c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline12c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline12c <= sign_div_pipeline11c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline13c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline13c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline13c <= sign_div_pipeline12c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline14c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline14c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline14c <= sign_div_pipeline13c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline15c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline15c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline15c <= sign_div_pipeline14c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline16c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline16c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline16c <= sign_div_pipeline15c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline17c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline17c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline17c <= sign_div_pipeline16c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline18c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline18c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline18c <= sign_div_pipeline17c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline19c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline19c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline19c <= sign_div_pipeline18c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline1c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline1c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline1c <= sign_div_pipeline0c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline20c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline20c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline20c <= sign_div_pipeline19c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline21c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline21c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline21c <= sign_div_pipeline20c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline22c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline22c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline22c <= sign_div_pipeline21c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline23c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline23c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline23c <= sign_div_pipeline22c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline24c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline24c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline24c <= sign_div_pipeline23c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline25c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline25c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline25c <= sign_div_pipeline24c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline26c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline26c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline26c <= sign_div_pipeline25c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline27c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline27c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline27c <= sign_div_pipeline26c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline2c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline2c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline2c <= sign_div_pipeline1c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline3c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline3c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline3c <= sign_div_pipeline2c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline4c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline4c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline4c <= sign_div_pipeline3c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline5c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline5c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline5c <= sign_div_pipeline4c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline6c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline6c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline6c <= sign_div_pipeline5c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline7c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline7c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline7c <= sign_div_pipeline6c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline8c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline8c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline8c <= sign_div_pipeline7c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_div_pipeline9c = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline9c <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_div_pipeline9c <= sign_div_pipeline8c;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_pipe1a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_pipe1a <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_pipe1a <= sign_div_pipeline_w;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_pipe2a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_pipe2a <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_pipe2a <= sign_pipe1a;
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ initial
+ sign_pipe3a = 0;
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ always @ ( posedge clock or posedge aclr)
+ if (aclr == 1'b1) sign_pipe3a <= 1'b0;
+ else if (clk_en == 1'b1) sign_pipe3a <= sign_pipe2a;
+ lpm_add_sub add_sub10
+ (
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(exp_dffe2a_w),
+ .datab(bias_add_w),
+ .overflow(wire_add_sub10_overflow),
+ .result(wire_add_sub10_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin(),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ add_sub10.lpm_direction = "ADD",
+ add_sub10.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ add_sub10.lpm_width = 9,
+ add_sub10.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_add_sub add_sub9
+ (
+ .aclr(aclr),
+ .clken(clk_en),
+ .clock(clock),
+ .cout(),
+ .dataa(exp_sub_a_w),
+ .datab(exp_sub_b_w),
+ .overflow(),
+ .result(wire_add_sub9_result)
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .add_sub(1'b1),
+ .cin()
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ add_sub9.lpm_direction = "SUB",
+ add_sub9.lpm_pipeline = 1,
+ add_sub9.lpm_representation = "SIGNED",
+ add_sub9.lpm_width = 9,
+ add_sub9.lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
+ lpm_compare cmpr2
+ (
+ .aeb(wire_cmpr2_aeb),
+ .agb(wire_cmpr2_agb),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(quo_msb_m1_compare_dataa[52:39]),
+ .datab(quo_msb_m1_compare_datab[52:39])
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr2.lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED",
+ cmpr2.lpm_width = 14,
+ cmpr2.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr3
+ (
+ .aeb(wire_cmpr3_aeb),
+ .agb(wire_cmpr3_agb),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(quo_msb_m1_compare_dataa[38:26]),
+ .datab(quo_msb_m1_compare_datab[38:26])
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr3.lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED",
+ cmpr3.lpm_width = 13,
+ cmpr3.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr4
+ (
+ .aeb(wire_cmpr4_aeb),
+ .agb(wire_cmpr4_agb),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(quo_msb_m1_compare_dataa[25:13]),
+ .datab(quo_msb_m1_compare_datab[25:13])
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr4.lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED",
+ cmpr4.lpm_width = 13,
+ cmpr4.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr5
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(wire_cmpr5_ageb),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(quo_msb_m1_compare_dataa[12:0]),
+ .datab(quo_msb_m1_compare_datab[12:0])
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr5.lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED",
+ cmpr5.lpm_width = 13,
+ cmpr5.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr6
+ (
+ .aeb(wire_cmpr6_aeb),
+ .agb(wire_cmpr6_agb),
+ .ageb(),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(quo_msb_m2_compare_dataa[53:27]),
+ .datab(quo_msb_m2_compare_datab[53:27])
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr6.lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED",
+ cmpr6.lpm_width = 27,
+ cmpr6.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ lpm_compare cmpr7
+ (
+ .aeb(),
+ .agb(),
+ .ageb(wire_cmpr7_ageb),
+ .alb(),
+ .aleb(),
+ .aneb(),
+ .dataa(quo_msb_m2_compare_dataa[26:0]),
+ .datab(quo_msb_m2_compare_datab[26:0])
+ // synopsys translate_off
+ `endif
+ ,
+ .aclr(1'b0),
+ .clken(1'b1),
+ .clock(1'b0)
+ // synopsys translate_on
+ `endif
+ );
+ defparam
+ cmpr7.lpm_representation = "UNSIGNED",
+ cmpr7.lpm_width = 27,
+ cmpr7.lpm_type = "lpm_compare";
+ assign
+ add_1_dataa_w = {checked_quotient_dffe1a_w},
+ add_1_datab_w = {24{1'b0}},
+ add_1_w = ((((~ guard_bit_dffe1a_w) & round_bit_dffe1a_w) & sticky_bit_dffe1a_w) | (guard_bit_dffe1a_w & round_bit_dffe1a_w)),
+ add_one_process_w = wire_altfp_div_csa8_result,
+ and_or_dffe1a_w = and_or_dffe1a,
+ and_or_dffe3a_w = and_or_dffe3a,
+ and_or_dffe_w = and_or_dffe,
+ and_or_int_w = and_or_dffe1a,
+ and_or_pipeline_w = and_or_pipeline27c,
+ bias_add_w = (({9{(~ exp_a_b_w)}} & value_zero_w) | ({9{exp_a_b_w}} & bias_value_w)),
+ bias_addition_overf_w = (wire_add_sub10_overflow | ((~ exp_sign_w) & exp_bias_and_res_w)),
+ bias_addition_w = wire_add_sub10_result[7:0],
+ bias_value_w = (((({9{((~ mux1_exp_s1a) & (~ mux1_exp_s0a))}} & value_minus_1_w) | ({9{((~ mux1_exp_s1a) & mux1_exp_s0a)}} & value_normal_w)) | ({9{(mux1_exp_s1a & (~ mux1_exp_s0a))}} & value_normal_w)) | ({9{(mux1_exp_s1a & mux1_exp_s0a)}} & value_add_1_w)),
+ checked_quotient_dffe1a_w = checked_quotient_w,
+ checked_quotient_w = (({24{quo_msb_m1_w}} & quotient_msb_m1_w) | ({24{(~ quo_msb_m1_w)}} & quotient_msb_m2_w)),
+ dataa_exp_bus_w = dataa[30:23],
+ dataa_int = {dataa[31], (({31{dataa_S0}} & zero_bit_31_w) | ({31{(~ dataa_S0)}} & dataa[30:0]))},
+ dataa_man_bus_w = dataa[22:0],
+ dataa_S0 = ((~ exp_a_or_msb_w) & man_a_or_msb_w),
+ datab_exp_bus_w = datab[30:23],
+ datab_int = {datab[31], (({31{datab_S0}} & zero_bit_31_w) | ({31{(~ datab_S0)}} & datab[30:0]))},
+ datab_man_bus_w = datab[22:0],
+ datab_S0 = ((~ exp_b_or_msb_w) & man_b_or_msb_w),
+ divider_srt_w = divider_pipe1a,
+ exp_a_and_msb2_w = and_or_dffe3a_w[6],
+ exp_a_and_msb_w = exp_a_and_w[7],
+ exp_a_and_mux_w = ((dataa_S0 & zero_bit_w) | ((~ dataa_S0) & exp_a_and_msb_w)),
+ exp_a_and_w = {(exp_a_and_w[6] & exp_a_bus_w[7]), (exp_a_and_w[5] & exp_a_bus_w[6]), (exp_a_and_w[4] & exp_a_bus_w[5]), (exp_a_and_w[3] & exp_a_bus_w[4]), (exp_a_and_w[2] & exp_a_bus_w[3]), (exp_a_and_w[1] & exp_a_bus_w[2]), (exp_a_and_w[0] & exp_a_bus_w[1]), exp_a_bus_w[0]},
+ exp_a_b_w = exp_a_b_dffe,
+ exp_a_bus_w = dataa_exp_bus_w,
+ exp_a_non_zero_w = exp_a_or_dffe,
+ exp_a_one_w = exp_a_and_dffe,
+ exp_a_or_msb2_w = and_or_dffe3a_w[7],
+ exp_a_or_msb_w = exp_a_or_w[7],
+ exp_a_or_mux_w = ((dataa_S0 & zero_bit_w) | ((~ dataa_S0) & exp_a_or_msb_w)),
+ exp_a_or_w = {(exp_a_or_w[6] | exp_a_bus_w[7]), (exp_a_or_w[5] | exp_a_bus_w[6]), (exp_a_or_w[4] | exp_a_bus_w[5]), (exp_a_or_w[3] | exp_a_bus_w[4]), (exp_a_or_w[2] | exp_a_bus_w[3]), (exp_a_or_w[1] | exp_a_bus_w[2]), (exp_a_or_w[0] | exp_a_bus_w[1]), exp_a_bus_w[0]},
+ exp_a_w = exp_a_dffe,
+ exp_a_zero_w = (~ exp_a_or_dffe),
+ exp_b_and_msb2_w = and_or_dffe3a_w[2],
+ exp_b_and_msb_w = exp_b_and_w[7],
+ exp_b_and_mux_w = ((datab_S0 & zero_bit_w) | ((~ datab_S0) & exp_b_and_msb_w)),
+ exp_b_and_w = {(exp_b_and_w[6] & exp_b_bus_w[7]), (exp_b_and_w[5] & exp_b_bus_w[6]), (exp_b_and_w[4] & exp_b_bus_w[5]), (exp_b_and_w[3] & exp_b_bus_w[4]), (exp_b_and_w[2] & exp_b_bus_w[3]), (exp_b_and_w[1] & exp_b_bus_w[2]), (exp_b_and_w[0] & exp_b_bus_w[1]), exp_b_bus_w[0]},
+ exp_b_bus_w = datab_exp_bus_w,
+ exp_b_non_zero_w = exp_b_or_dffe,
+ exp_b_one_w = exp_b_and_dffe,
+ exp_b_or_msb2_w = and_or_dffe3a_w[3],
+ exp_b_or_msb_w = exp_b_or_w[7],
+ exp_b_or_mux_w = ((datab_S0 & zero_bit_w) | ((~ datab_S0) & exp_b_or_msb_w)),
+ exp_b_or_w = {(exp_b_or_w[6] | exp_b_bus_w[7]), (exp_b_or_w[5] | exp_b_bus_w[6]), (exp_b_or_w[4] | exp_b_bus_w[5]), (exp_b_or_w[3] | exp_b_bus_w[4]), (exp_b_or_w[2] | exp_b_bus_w[3]), (exp_b_or_w[1] | exp_b_bus_w[2]), (exp_b_or_w[0] | exp_b_bus_w[1]), exp_b_bus_w[0]},
+ exp_b_w = exp_b_dffe,
+ exp_b_zero_w = (~ exp_b_or_dffe),
+ exp_bias_and_res_w = exp_bias_and_w[7],
+ exp_bias_and_w = {(exp_bias_and_w[6] & exp_bias_bus_w[7]), (exp_bias_and_w[5] & exp_bias_bus_w[6]), (exp_bias_and_w[4] & exp_bias_bus_w[5]), (exp_bias_and_w[3] & exp_bias_bus_w[4]), (exp_bias_and_w[2] & exp_bias_bus_w[3]), (exp_bias_and_w[1] & exp_bias_bus_w[2]), (exp_bias_and_w[0] & exp_bias_bus_w[1]), exp_bias_bus_w[0]},
+ exp_bias_bus_w = wire_add_sub10_result[7:0],
+ exp_dffe1a_w = exp_dffe1a,
+ exp_dffe2a_w = exp_dffe2a,
+ exp_exc_ones_w = {8{1'b1}},
+ exp_exc_zeros_w = {8{1'b0}},
+ exp_higher_bit = not_bias_addition_w[7:6],
+ exp_higher_or = {(exp_higher_or[0] | exp_higher_bit[1]), exp_higher_bit[0]},
+ exp_infi_bus_w = norm_infi_and_w[7],
+ exp_man_and_or_w = {exp_a_or_mux_w, exp_a_and_mux_w, man_a_or_mux_w, man_a_and_mux_w, exp_b_or_mux_w, exp_b_and_mux_w, man_b_or_mux_w, man_b_and_mux_w},
+ exp_or_result_w = (and_or_dffe1a_w[7] | and_or_dffe1a_w[3]),
+ exp_pipeline_w = exp_pipeline26c,
+ exp_res_and_w = {(exp_res_and_w[6] & exp_res_bus_w[7]), (exp_res_and_w[5] & exp_res_bus_w[6]), (exp_res_and_w[4] & exp_res_bus_w[5]), (exp_res_and_w[3] & exp_res_bus_w[4]), (exp_res_and_w[2] & exp_res_bus_w[3]), (exp_res_and_w[1] & exp_res_bus_w[2]), (exp_res_and_w[0] & exp_res_bus_w[1]), exp_res_bus_w[0]},
+ exp_res_bus_w = exp_res_w,
+ exp_res_int2_bus_w = exp_res_int2_w,
+ exp_res_int2_or_w = {(exp_res_int2_or_w[6] | exp_res_int2_bus_w[7]), (exp_res_int2_or_w[5] | exp_res_int2_bus_w[6]), (exp_res_int2_or_w[4] | exp_res_int2_bus_w[5]), (exp_res_int2_or_w[3] | exp_res_int2_bus_w[4]), (exp_res_int2_or_w[2] | exp_res_int2_bus_w[3]), (exp_res_int2_or_w[1] | exp_res_int2_bus_w[2]), (exp_res_int2_or_w[0] | exp_res_int2_bus_w[1]), exp_res_int2_bus_w[0]},
+ exp_res_int2_w = exp_res_pipe3,
+ exp_res_int_w = ((({8{((~ bias_addition_overf_w) & (~ exp_sign_w))}} & bias_addition_w) | ({8{((~ bias_addition_overf_w) & exp_sign_w)}} & underflow_zeros_w)) | ({8{(bias_addition_overf_w & (~ exp_sign_w))}} & overflow_ones_w)),
+ exp_res_w = (({8{not_exp_res_int2_or_res_w}} & zero_bit_8_w) | ({8{(~ not_exp_res_int2_or_res_w)}} & exp_res_int2_w)),
+ exp_sign_w = wire_add_sub10_result[8],
+ exp_sub_a_w = {1'b0, exp_a_w},
+ exp_sub_b_w = {1'b0, exp_b_w},
+ exp_sub_w = wire_add_sub9_result,
+ exp_zero_bus_w = (~ norm_zero_or_w[7]),
+ guard_bit_dffe1a_w = guard_bit_w,
+ guard_bit_quo_msb_m1 = quotient_w[3],
+ guard_bit_quo_msb_m2 = quotient_w[2],
+ guard_bit_w = ((quo_msb_m1_w & guard_bit_quo_msb_m1) | ((~ quo_msb_m1_w) & guard_bit_quo_msb_m2)),
+ infi_combi_w = (((infi_dataa_w & norm_datab_w) | (norm_dataa_w & zero_datab_w)) | (infi_dataa_w & zero_datab_w)),
+ infi_dataa_w = (exp_a_one_w & man_a_zero_w),
+ infi_datab_w = (exp_b_one_w & man_b_zero_w),
+ infi_res_w = {sign_exc_bit_w, exp_exc_ones_w, man_exc_zeros_w},
+ infinite_int_w = (infi_combi_w | overflow_int_w),
+ infinite_w = infinite_int_w,
+ man_24_zeros_w = {24{1'b0}},
+ man_a_and_msb2_w = and_or_dffe3a_w[4],
+ man_a_and_msb_w = man_a_and_w[22],
+ man_a_and_mux_w = ((dataa_S0 & zero_bit_w) | ((~ dataa_S0) & man_a_and_msb_w)),
+ man_a_and_w = {(man_a_and_w[21] & man_a_bus_w[22]), (man_a_and_w[20] & man_a_bus_w[21]), (man_a_and_w[19] & man_a_bus_w[20]), (man_a_and_w[18] & man_a_bus_w[19]), (man_a_and_w[17] & man_a_bus_w[18]), (man_a_and_w[16] & man_a_bus_w[17]), (man_a_and_w[15] & man_a_bus_w[16]), (man_a_and_w[14] & man_a_bus_w[15]), (man_a_and_w[13] & man_a_bus_w[14]), (man_a_and_w[12] & man_a_bus_w[13]), (man_a_and_w[11] & man_a_bus_w[12]), (man_a_and_w[10] & man_a_bus_w[11]), (man_a_and_w[9] & man_a_bus_w[10]), (man_a_and_w[8] & man_a_bus_w[9]), (man_a_and_w[7] & man_a_bus_w[8]), (man_a_and_w[6] & man_a_bus_w[7]), (man_a_and_w[5] & man_a_bus_w[6]), (man_a_and_w[4] & man_a_bus_w[5]), (man_a_and_w[3] & man_a_bus_w[4]), (man_a_and_w[2] & man_a_bus_w[3]), (man_a_and_w[1] & man_a_bus_w[2]), (man_a_and_w[0] & man_a_bus_w[1]), man_a_bus_w[0]},
+ man_a_bus_w = dataa_man_bus_w,
+ man_a_int_w = man_a_dffe,
+ man_a_non_zero_w = man_a_or_dffe,
+ man_a_one_w = man_a_and_dffe,
+ man_a_or_msb2_w = and_or_dffe3a_w[5],
+ man_a_or_msb_w = man_a_or_w[22],
+ man_a_or_mux_w = ((dataa_S0 & zero_bit_w) | ((~ dataa_S0) & man_a_or_msb_w)),
+ man_a_or_w = {(man_a_or_w[21] | man_a_bus_w[22]), (man_a_or_w[20] | man_a_bus_w[21]), (man_a_or_w[19] | man_a_bus_w[20]), (man_a_or_w[18] | man_a_bus_w[19]), (man_a_or_w[17] | man_a_bus_w[18]), (man_a_or_w[16] | man_a_bus_w[17]), (man_a_or_w[15] | man_a_bus_w[16]), (man_a_or_w[14] | man_a_bus_w[15]), (man_a_or_w[13] | man_a_bus_w[14]), (man_a_or_w[12] | man_a_bus_w[13]), (man_a_or_w[11] | man_a_bus_w[12]), (man_a_or_w[10] | man_a_bus_w[11]), (man_a_or_w[9] | man_a_bus_w[10]), (man_a_or_w[8] | man_a_bus_w[9]), (man_a_or_w[7] | man_a_bus_w[8]), (man_a_or_w[6] | man_a_bus_w[7]), (man_a_or_w[5] | man_a_bus_w[6]), (man_a_or_w[4] | man_a_bus_w[5]), (man_a_or_w[3] | man_a_bus_w[4]), (man_a_or_w[2] | man_a_bus_w[3]), (man_a_or_w[1] | man_a_bus_w[2]), (man_a_or_w[0] | man_a_bus_w[1]), man_a_bus_w[0]},
+ man_a_w = {1'b1, man_a_int_w},
+ man_a_zero_w = (~ man_a_or_dffe),
+ man_b_and_msb2_w = and_or_dffe3a_w[0],
+ man_b_and_msb_w = man_b_and_w[22],
+ man_b_and_mux_w = ((datab_S0 & zero_bit_w) | ((~ datab_S0) & man_b_and_msb_w)),
+ man_b_and_w = {(man_b_and_w[21] & man_b_bus_w[22]), (man_b_and_w[20] & man_b_bus_w[21]), (man_b_and_w[19] & man_b_bus_w[20]), (man_b_and_w[18] & man_b_bus_w[19]), (man_b_and_w[17] & man_b_bus_w[18]), (man_b_and_w[16] & man_b_bus_w[17]), (man_b_and_w[15] & man_b_bus_w[16]), (man_b_and_w[14] & man_b_bus_w[15]), (man_b_and_w[13] & man_b_bus_w[14]), (man_b_and_w[12] & man_b_bus_w[13]), (man_b_and_w[11] & man_b_bus_w[12]), (man_b_and_w[10] & man_b_bus_w[11]), (man_b_and_w[9] & man_b_bus_w[10]), (man_b_and_w[8] & man_b_bus_w[9]), (man_b_and_w[7] & man_b_bus_w[8]), (man_b_and_w[6] & man_b_bus_w[7]), (man_b_and_w[5] & man_b_bus_w[6]), (man_b_and_w[4] & man_b_bus_w[5]), (man_b_and_w[3] & man_b_bus_w[4]), (man_b_and_w[2] & man_b_bus_w[3]), (man_b_and_w[1] & man_b_bus_w[2]), (man_b_and_w[0] & man_b_bus_w[1]), man_b_bus_w[0]},
+ man_b_bus_w = datab_man_bus_w,
+ man_b_int_w = man_b_dffe,
+ man_b_non_zero_w = man_b_or_dffe,
+ man_b_one_w = man_b_and_dffe,
+ man_b_or_msb2_w = and_or_dffe3a_w[1],
+ man_b_or_msb_w = man_b_or_w[22],
+ man_b_or_mux_w = ((datab_S0 & zero_bit_w) | ((~ datab_S0) & man_b_or_msb_w)),
+ man_b_or_w = {(man_b_or_w[21] | man_b_bus_w[22]), (man_b_or_w[20] | man_b_bus_w[21]), (man_b_or_w[19] | man_b_bus_w[20]), (man_b_or_w[18] | man_b_bus_w[19]), (man_b_or_w[17] | man_b_bus_w[18]), (man_b_or_w[16] | man_b_bus_w[17]), (man_b_or_w[15] | man_b_bus_w[16]), (man_b_or_w[14] | man_b_bus_w[15]), (man_b_or_w[13] | man_b_bus_w[14]), (man_b_or_w[12] | man_b_bus_w[13]), (man_b_or_w[11] | man_b_bus_w[12]), (man_b_or_w[10] | man_b_bus_w[11]), (man_b_or_w[9] | man_b_bus_w[10]), (man_b_or_w[8] | man_b_bus_w[9]), (man_b_or_w[7] | man_b_bus_w[8]), (man_b_or_w[6] | man_b_bus_w[7]), (man_b_or_w[5] | man_b_bus_w[6]), (man_b_or_w[4] | man_b_bus_w[5]), (man_b_or_w[3] | man_b_bus_w[4]), (man_b_or_w[2] | man_b_bus_w[3]), (man_b_or_w[1] | man_b_bus_w[2]), (man_b_or_w[0] | man_b_bus_w[1]), man_b_bus_w[0]},
+ man_b_w = {1'b1, man_b_int_w},
+ man_b_zero_w = (~ man_b_or_dffe),
+ man_exc_nan_w = {1'b1, man_exc_zeros_w[21:0]},
+ man_exc_zeros_w = {23{1'b0}},
+ man_res_bus_w = man_res_w[22:0],
+ man_res_int2_w = man_res_pipe3,
+ man_res_int_w = mux_zero_non_zero_w,
+ man_res_or_w = {(man_res_or_w[21] | man_res_bus_w[22]), (man_res_or_w[20] | man_res_bus_w[21]), (man_res_or_w[19] | man_res_bus_w[20]), (man_res_or_w[18] | man_res_bus_w[19]), (man_res_or_w[17] | man_res_bus_w[18]), (man_res_or_w[16] | man_res_bus_w[17]), (man_res_or_w[15] | man_res_bus_w[16]), (man_res_or_w[14] | man_res_bus_w[15]), (man_res_or_w[13] | man_res_bus_w[14]), (man_res_or_w[12] | man_res_bus_w[13]), (man_res_or_w[11] | man_res_bus_w[12]), (man_res_or_w[10] | man_res_bus_w[11]), (man_res_or_w[9] | man_res_bus_w[10]), (man_res_or_w[8] | man_res_bus_w[9]), (man_res_or_w[7] | man_res_bus_w[8]), (man_res_or_w[6] | man_res_bus_w[7]), (man_res_or_w[5] | man_res_bus_w[6]), (man_res_or_w[4] | man_res_bus_w[5]), (man_res_or_w[3] | man_res_bus_w[4]), (man_res_or_w[2] | man_res_bus_w[3]), (man_res_or_w[1] | man_res_bus_w[2]), (man_res_or_w[0] | man_res_bus_w[1]), man_res_bus_w[0]},
+ man_res_w = (({24{not_exp_res_int2_or_res_w}} & zero_bit_23_w) | ({24{(~ not_exp_res_int2_or_res_w)}} & man_res_int2_w)),
+ mux1_exp_s0a = rnd_add_overf_w,
+ mux1_exp_s1a = implied_bit2a,
+ mux_1_res_w = (({32{infinite_w}} & infi_res_w) | ({32{(~ infinite_w)}} & norm_res_int_w)),
+ mux_2_res_w = (({32{zero_w}} & zero_res_w) | ({32{(~ zero_w)}} & mux_1_res_w)),
+ mux_3_res_w = (({32{nan_w}} & nan_res_w) | ({32{(~ nan_w)}} & mux_2_res_w)),
+ mux_zero_non_zero_S0 = (((exp_zero_bus_w | signed_N_exp_h_or) | bias_addition_overf_w) | (exp_infi_bus_w & (~ exp_sign_w))),
+ mux_zero_non_zero_w = (({24{mux_zero_non_zero_S0}} & man_24_zeros_w) | ({24{(~ mux_zero_non_zero_S0)}} & res_rnded_man_w)),
+ nan_dataa_w = (exp_a_one_w & (man_a_non_zero_w | man_a_one_w)),
+ nan_datab_w = (exp_b_one_w & (man_b_non_zero_w | man_b_one_w)),
+ nan_res_w = {sign_exc_bit_w, exp_exc_ones_w, man_exc_nan_w},
+ nan_w = (((nan_dataa_w | nan_datab_w) | (zero_dataa_w & zero_datab_w)) | (infi_dataa_w & infi_datab_w)),
+ norm_dataa_w = ((exp_a_non_zero_w & ((man_a_zero_w | man_a_non_zero_w) | man_a_one_w)) & (~ exp_a_one_w)),
+ norm_datab_w = ((exp_b_non_zero_w & ((man_b_zero_w | man_b_non_zero_w) | man_b_one_w)) & (~ exp_b_one_w)),
+ norm_infi_and_w = {(norm_infi_and_w[6] & norm_infi_bus_w[7]), (norm_infi_and_w[5] & norm_infi_bus_w[6]), (norm_infi_and_w[4] & norm_infi_bus_w[5]), (norm_infi_and_w[3] & norm_infi_bus_w[4]), (norm_infi_and_w[2] & norm_infi_bus_w[3]), (norm_infi_and_w[1] & norm_infi_bus_w[2]), (norm_infi_and_w[0] & norm_infi_bus_w[1]), norm_infi_bus_w[0]},
+ norm_infi_bus_w = bias_addition_w,
+ norm_res_int_w = {sign_pipe3a, exp_res_w[7:0], man_res_w[22:0]},
+ norm_zero_bus_w = bias_addition_w,
+ norm_zero_or_w = {(norm_zero_or_w[6] | norm_zero_bus_w[7]), (norm_zero_or_w[5] | norm_zero_bus_w[6]), (norm_zero_or_w[4] | norm_zero_bus_w[5]), (norm_zero_or_w[3] | norm_zero_bus_w[4]), (norm_zero_or_w[2] | norm_zero_bus_w[3]), (norm_zero_or_w[1] | norm_zero_bus_w[2]), (norm_zero_or_w[0] | norm_zero_bus_w[1]), norm_zero_bus_w[0]},
+ not_bias_addition_w = (~ bias_addition_w),
+ not_exp_res_int2_or_res_w = (~ exp_res_int2_or_w[7]),
+ overflow_int_w = (((bias_addition_overf_dffe & (~ nan_w)) & (~ infi_combi_w)) & (~ ((norm_dataa_w & (~ zero_dataa_w)) & zero_datab_w))),
+ overflow_man_w = {1'b1, {23{1'b0}}},
+ overflow_ones_w = {8{1'b1}},
+ quo_msb_m1_compare_dataa = {remainder_srt_w, {29{1'b0}}},
+ quo_msb_m1_compare_datab = {{29{1'b0}}, divider_srt_w},
+ quo_msb_m1_compare_w = (((sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_upper_agb_w | (sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_upper_aeb_w & sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_lower_agb_w)) | (sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_lower_aeb_w & sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_upper_agb_w)) | (sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_upper_aeb_w & sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_lower_ageb_w)),
+ quo_msb_m1_w = quotient_w[26],
+ quo_msb_m2_compare_dataa = {remainder_srt_w, {30{1'b0}}},
+ quo_msb_m2_compare_datab = {{30{1'b0}}, divider_srt_w},
+ quo_msb_m2_compare_w = (sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_upper_agb_w | (sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_upper_aeb_w & sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_lower_ageb_w)),
+ quotient_msb_m1_w = quotient_w[26:3],
+ quotient_msb_m2_w = quotient_w[25:2],
+ quotient_w = quotient_pipe1a,
+ remainder_srt_w = remainder_pipe1a,
+ res_rnded_man_w = rnded_man_pipe2a,
+ result = result_output_dffe,
+ rnd_add_overf_w = rnd_overflow_dffe,
+ rnd_overflow = wire_altfp_div_csa8_cout,
+ rnded_man_w = (({24{rnd_overflow}} & overflow_man_w) | ({24{(~ rnd_overflow)}} & add_one_process_w)),
+ round_bit_dffe1a_w = round_bit_w,
+ round_bit_quo_msb_m1 = quotient_w[2],
+ round_bit_quo_msb_m2 = quotient_w[1],
+ round_bit_w = ((quo_msb_m1_w & round_bit_quo_msb_m1) | ((~ quo_msb_m1_w) & round_bit_quo_msb_m2)),
+ sign_a_w = sign_a_dffe,
+ sign_b_w = sign_b_dffe,
+ sign_div = (sign_a_w ^ sign_b_w),
+ sign_div_pipeline_w = sign_div_pipeline27c,
+ sign_exc_bit_w = sign_pipe3a,
+ signed_N_exp_h_or = (exp_sign_w & exp_higher_or[1]),
+ sticky_bit_dffe1a_w = sticky_bit_w,
+ sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1 = (quo_msb_m1_compare_w | sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_or[1]),
+ sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_bit = sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_tmp,
+ sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_or = {(sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_or[0] | sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_bit[1]), sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_bit[0]},
+ sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1_tmp = quotient_w[1:0],
+ sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2 = (quo_msb_m2_compare_w | sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_or[0]),
+ sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_bit = sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_tmp,
+ sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_or = {sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_bit[0]},
+ sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2_tmp = quotient_w[0],
+ sticky_bit_w = ((quo_msb_m1_w & sticky_bit_quo_msb_m1) | ((~ quo_msb_m1_w) & sticky_bit_quo_msb_m2)),
+ sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_lower_ageb_w = wire_cmpr5_ageb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_upper_aeb_w = wire_cmpr4_aeb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_lower_upper_agb_w = wire_cmpr4_agb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_lower_aeb_w = wire_cmpr3_aeb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_lower_agb_w = wire_cmpr3_agb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_upper_aeb_w = wire_cmpr2_aeb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m1_comparator_upper_upper_agb_w = wire_cmpr2_agb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_lower_ageb_w = wire_cmpr7_ageb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_upper_aeb_w = wire_cmpr6_aeb,
+ sticky_quo_msb_m2_comparator_upper_agb_w = wire_cmpr6_agb,
+ underflow_zeros_w = {8{1'b0}},
+ value_add_1_w = 9'b010000000,
+ value_minus_1_w = 9'b001111110,
+ value_normal_w = 9'b001111111,
+ value_zero_w = {9{1'b0}},
+ zero_bit_23_w = {24{1'b0}},
+ zero_bit_31_w = {31{1'b0}},
+ zero_bit_8_w = {8{1'b0}},
+ zero_bit_w = 1'b0,
+ zero_dataa_w = (exp_a_zero_w & man_a_zero_w),
+ zero_datab_w = (exp_b_zero_w & man_b_zero_w),
+ zero_res_w = {sign_exc_bit_w, exp_exc_zeros_w, man_exc_zeros_w},
+ zero_w = (((zero_dataa_w & norm_datab_w) | (norm_dataa_w & infi_datab_w)) | (zero_dataa_w & infi_datab_w));
+endmodule //fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single
+//Legal Notice: (C)2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Your
+//use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other
+//software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any
+//output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or
+//simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are
+//expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program
+//License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement,
+//including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose
+//of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera
+//or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable
+//agreement for further details.
+// synthesis translate_off
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// synthesis translate_on
+// turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings
+// altera message_level Level1
+// altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030
+module fpoint_hw_qsys (
+ // inputs:
+ clk,
+ clk_en,
+ dataa,
+ datab,
+ n,
+ reset,
+ start,
+ // outputs:
+ done,
+ result
+ )
+ output done;
+ output [ 31: 0] result;
+ input clk;
+ input clk_en;
+ input [ 31: 0] dataa;
+ input [ 31: 0] datab;
+ input [ 1: 0] n;
+ input reset;
+ input start;
+ wire add_sub;
+ wire [ 5: 0] counter_in;
+ reg [ 5: 0] counter_out;
+ reg [ 31: 0] dataa_regout;
+ reg [ 31: 0] datab_regout;
+ wire done;
+ wire [ 5: 0] load_data;
+ wire local_reset_n;
+ wire [ 31: 0] result;
+ wire [ 31: 0] result_addsub;
+ wire [ 31: 0] result_div;
+ wire [ 31: 0] result_mult;
+ //register the input for dataa
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge local_reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (local_reset_n == 0)
+ dataa_regout <= 0;
+ else if (clk_en)
+ dataa_regout <= dataa;
+ end
+ //register the input for datab
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge local_reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (local_reset_n == 0)
+ datab_regout <= 0;
+ else if (clk_en)
+ datab_regout <= datab;
+ end
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_mult_single the_fp_mult
+ (
+ .aclr (reset),
+ .clk_en (clk_en),
+ .clock (clk),
+ .dataa (dataa_regout),
+ .datab (datab_regout),
+ .result (result_mult)
+ );
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_addsub_single the_fp_addsub
+ (
+ .aclr (reset),
+ .add_sub (add_sub),
+ .clk_en (clk_en),
+ .clock (clk),
+ .dataa (dataa_regout),
+ .datab (datab_regout),
+ .result (result_addsub)
+ );
+ fpoint_hw_qsys_div_single the_fp_div
+ (
+ .aclr (reset),
+ .clk_en (clk_en),
+ .clock (clk),
+ .dataa (dataa_regout),
+ .datab (datab_regout),
+ .result (result_div)
+ );
+ //s1, which is an e_custom_instruction_slave
+ //down_counter to signal done
+ always @(posedge clk or negedge local_reset_n)
+ begin
+ if (local_reset_n == 0)
+ counter_out <= 6'd33;
+ else if (clk_en)
+ counter_out <= counter_in;
+ end
+ //decrement or load the counter based on start
+ assign counter_in = (start == 0)? counter_out - 1'b1 :
+ load_data;
+ assign add_sub = n[0];
+ assign local_reset_n = ~reset;
+ assign done = clk_en & ~|counter_out & ~start;
+ //select load value of counter based on n
+ assign load_data = (n == 0)? 10 :
+ (n == 1)? 8 :
+ (n == 2)? 8 :
+ 33;
+ //multiplex output based on n
+ assign result = (n == 0)? result_mult :
+ (n == 1)? result_addsub :
+ (n == 2)? result_addsub :
+ result_div;