VHDL implementation of transceiver, job parser and hardware accelerator modules
4 years ago | |
scripts | 4 years ago | |
src | 4 years ago | |
tests | 4 years ago | |
vivado-git | 4 years ago | |
.gitignore | 4 years ago | |
README.md | 4 years ago | |
RepoVivadoVersion | 4 years ago | |
Test_card.png | 4 years ago | |
Vivado_init.tcl | 4 years ago | |
design_1.pdf | 4 years ago | |
min_area_pfile.tmp | 4 years ago | |
module_timing.png | 4 years ago | |
vhdl-modules.tcl | 4 years ago |
VHDL implementation of job parser and hardware accelerator modules. It uses a modified version of a UDP echo server to send and recieve jobs from this library.
Each job is contained in a 32-bit data stream and comprised of
where the payload is of arbitrary length, set by each module individually.
Jobs will be transmitted independant of UDP constraints. So they can be split and concatenated at any 32-bit offset.
the Nexys 4 DDR development board has an array of switches and LEDs connected to an Artix 7 FPGA. Therefore the rightmost 5 switches will be used to set the IP address (LSB 0-4) of the board.
all off:
all on:
Each module has it's own module ID. They can be set in src\hdl\globals.vhd
constant moduleCount : integer := 5;
constant moduleIds : register_file(0 to moduleCount-1) :=(
0 => x"2cb31e7c", --dummyBig
1 => x"f218e0a2", --dummy
2 => x"9323eb24", --f11
3 => x"4cd2e19c", --conv2d_5x5
4 => x"12345678" --myNewModule
Create a new vhd source file for the entity of the module. The interface of a module has to include these signals:
entity myNewModule is
generic (
busWidth : integer:=32
Port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
start : in std_logic;
done : out std_logic;
srcData : in std_logic_vector (busWidth-1 downto 0);
srcValid : in std_logic;
srcReady : out std_logic;
dstData : out std_logic_vector (busWidth-1 downto 0);
dstValid : out std_logic;
dstReady : in std_logic
end myNewModule;
and should be connected to src\hdl\multiplex.vhd
as follows:
myNewModule_0 : myNewModule
generic map (
busWidth => busWidth
) port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
start => muxStart(4),
done => muxDone(4),
srcData => muxSrcData,
srcValid => muxSrcValid,
srcReady => muxSrcReady(4),
dstData => muxDstData(4),
dstValid => muxDstValid(4),
dstReady => muxDstReady
The timing of the output signals (tinted in blue) should be the following:
│ └───design_1
│ ├───7segment
│ │ ├───src
│ │ └───xgui
│ ├───UDP-server
│ │ ├───src
│ │ └───xgui
│ └───UDP_echo-server
│ ├───src
│ └───xgui
<embed src="design_1.pdf">
<p>This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: <a href="design_1.pdf">Download PDF</a>.</p>
Add the scripts
directory and the file Vivado_init.tcl
(or append the relevant lines if you already have
something in it) to:
on Windows~/.Xilinx/Vivado
on Linuxgit pull && git reset --hard
> Run Tcl Script...
> vhdl-modules.tcl
Vivado should then recreate the project inside vivado_project/
and open it.
When design_1_wrapper
doesn't appear as Top Module:
<cloned repo>/vivado_project/
inside that directory with own project folder unchecked ☐src/hdl/
with copy sources into project checked ☑src/bd/design_1/design_1.bd
with copy sources into project checked ☑src/bd/tb_design_1/tb_design_1.bd
with copy sources into project checked ☑src/ip/
with copy sources into project unchecked ☐src/testbench/
with copy sources into project unchecked ☐src/constraints/
with copy sources into project unchecked ☐design_1
> create HDL Wrapper...
> Let Vivado manage wrapperdesign_1_wrapper
is the Top Module for synthesistb_design_1
> create HDL Wrapper...
> Let Vivado manage wrappertb_module
is the Top Module for simulationThe project is now ready to be synthesized.
type inside Vivados Tcl console:
git add .
git commit -m "my commit"
This way vhdl-modules.tcl
will by overridden.
The top level entity for the simulation is tb_module
It requires some input data to be able to simulate the FIFOs and the packaging module.
It has to be supplied in the following files:
315 ns 11100001111001001100001100010010 # preamble = 0xe1e4c312
315 ns 00010010001101000101011001111000 # moduleId = 0xf218e0a2 (dummy module)
315 ns 11110010000110001110000010100010 # jobId = 0x12345678
315 ns 00000000000000000000000000000001 # data[0] = 0x00000001
315 ns 00000000000000000000000000000010 # data[1] = 0x00000002
315 ns 00000000000000000000000000000011 # data[2] = 0x00000003
315 ns 00000000000000000000000000000100 # data[3] = 0x00000004
315 ns 11111011101100101100100011011100 # checksum = 2**32 - (moduleId+jobId+data) % (2**32)
where 315 ns (31.5 cycles) is the set minimum time between writes to the input FIFO, followed by the input data signals 31 downto 0.
15 ns
15 ns
15 ns
15 ns
15 ns
15 ns
15 ns
15 ns
where 15 ns (1.5 cycles) is the set minimum time between read operations from the output FIFO.
These files can be created by running one of these commands:
python3 tests/dummyBin.py
python3 tests/dummyBigBin.py
python3 tests/ImgToConv2dBin.py
After running the simulation the following file will be created:
860000 ps 11100001111001001100001100010010
880000 ps 00010010001101000101011001111000
900000 ps 11110010000110001110000010100010
1170000 ps 00000000000000000000000000000001
1490000 ps 00000000000000000000000000000010
1810000 ps 00000000000000000000000000000011
2130000 ps 00000000000000000000000000000100
2470000 ps 11111011101100101100100011011100
where a line contains the elapsed time since simulation start, followed by the data of the output FIFO.
The result of a convolution (ImgToConv2dBin.py
) can be parsed as image by running
python3 tests/ioImg.py
Trying to make Vivado more git-friendly.
C:\Program Files\Git\bin
(or wherever you have your git.exe
) to your PATH
Add the scripts
directory and Vivado_init.tcl
(or append the relevant lines if you already have
something in it) to:
on Windows~/.Xilinx/Vivado
on LinuxVivado is a pain in the ass to source control decently, so these scripts provide:
A modified write_project_tcl_git.tcl
script to generate the project script
without absolute paths.
A git wrapper that will recreate the project script and add it before committing.
A Tcl script (wproj
) to just create the Tcl project generator script without
using git. This script can be called from the Tcl Console on Vivado.
When first starting a project, create it in a folder called vivado_project
(e.g. PROJECT_NAME/vivado_project
). All the untracked files will be under this directory.
Place your source files anywhere you want in your project folder
(e.g. PROJECT_NAME/src
Here is an example of a possible project structure:
├── .git
├── .gitignore
├── project_name.tcl # Project generator script
├── src/ # Tracked source files
│ ├── design
│ │ ├── *.v
│ │ └── *.vhd
│ ├── testbench
│ │ ├── *.v
│ │ └── *.vhd
│ └── ...
└── vivado_project/ # Untracked generated files
├── project_name.xpr
├── project_name.cache/
├── project_name.hw/
├── project_name.sim/
├── project_name.srcs/
│ ├── sources_1/
│ │ ├── bd/ # BDs are regenerated from script
│ │ │ ├── my_bd/hdl/my_bd_wrapper.{v,vhd} # BD wrappers are also regenerated
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
└── ...
Initialize the git repository with git init
on the Tcl Console. This will
create the repository, automatically change to your project directory
), generate the .gitignore
file and stage it.
Stage your source files with git add
When you are done, git commit
your project. A PROJECT_NAME.tcl
script will be created in your PROJECT_NAME
folder and added to your commit.
Afterwards, when opening the project after cloning it, do it by using
Tools -> Run Tcl Script...
and selecting the PROJECT_NAME.tcl
created earlier. This will regenerate the project so that you can continue to work.
If a block design is present, Tcl processes will be integrated in the project generator file to regenerate it.
The script will also automatically create and add the BD wrapper to the project.
The wrapper of the .bd
file must be called ${bd_name}_wrapper
(e.g. my_awesome_bd_wrapper
if your BD is called my_awesome_bd
which is the default when creating in the GUI with Create HDL Wrapper...
The BD wrapper that is automatically generated by Vivado must not be tracked by Git. If you need to manually modify the BD wrapper generated by Vivado, you can write a handwritten wrapper to the generated wrapper and put only the handwritten one under source control.
Only board part and IP repositories inside the project are stored in the project generator script.
If you have a system wide board part or IP repository, you will need to add it manually
after recreating the project from the Tcl script (e.g. via Settings --> Board Repository