@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+// NmeaParser Class
+// Version: 1.0
+// Author: Terry Griffin
+// Based on Code written by: David Boardman
+// URL: http://cs.mwsu.edu/~griffin
+// Licensed: GNU General Public License (GNU GPL)
+// Do what you want with the code.
+// Filtering not implemented yet....
+class NmeaParser{
+ private $Nmea; //Nmea Array of data
+ private $TimeStamp; //Unix time stamp
+ private $maxHDOP; //max horizontal dilution of precision
+ private $maxVDOP; //max horizontal dilution of precision
+ private $CurrentUTC; //Current time stamp to coordinate sentences
+ function __construct(){
+ $this->Nmea = array();
+ $this->TimeStamp= 0;
+ $this->maxHDOP = 0.0;
+ $this->maxVDOP = 0.0;
+ $this->CurrentUTC = 0;
+ $this->CurrentTime=0;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //SetMinSatellites - Set the minimum satellite parameter to remove / ignore sentences that don't have
+ //enough satellites for a decent fix.
+ //
+ //@param - int $minSats - minimum satellites
+ //@returns - void
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public function SetMinSatellites($minSats=4){
+ $this->minSats = $minSats;
+ }
+ //Dilution of precision:
+ //1 Ideal This is the highest possible confidence level to be used for applications demanding the highest possible precision at all times.
+ //1-2 Excellent At this confidence level, positional measurements are considered accurate enough to meet all but the most sensitive applications.
+ //2-5 Good Represents a level that marks the minimum appropriate for making business decisions. Positional measurements could be used to make reliable in-route navigation suggestions to the user.
+ //5-10 Moderate Positional measurements could be used for calculations, but the fix quality could still be improved. A more open view of the sky is recommended.
+ //10-20 Fair Represents a low confidence level. Positional measurements should be discarded or used only to indicate a very rough estimate of the current location.
+ //>20 Poor At this level, measurements are inaccurate by as much as 300 meters with a 6 meter accurate device (50 DOP × 6 meters) and should be discarded.
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //SetMaxHdop -
+ //Set the maximum (smaller value = better) horizontal dilution of precision parameter to
+ //remove / ignore sentences that don't have enough satellites in the correct location in the sky for a
+ //decent fix.
+ //
+ //@param - int $maxHDOP - Hdop value
+ //@returns - void
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public function SetMaxHdop($maxHDOP=10){
+ $this->maxHDOP = $maxHDOP;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //SetMaxVdop -
+ //Set the maximum (smaller value = better) vertical dilution of precision parameter to
+ //remove / ignore sentences that don't have enough satellites in the correct location in the sky for a
+ //decent fix.
+ //
+ //@param - int $maxVDOP - Hdop value
+ //@returns - void
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public function SetMaxVdop($maxVDOP=10){
+ $this->maxVDOP = $maxVDOP;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //NMEAtoUnixTime - Convert Date and Time to Linux Timestamp
+ //
+ //@param - string $time - current utc(hhmmss)
+ //@param - int $date - current date (mmddyy)
+ //@returns - int - timestamp
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function NMEAtoUnixTime($utc,$date){
+ $h = substr($utc,0,2);
+ $i = substr($utc,2,2);
+ $s = substr($utc,4,2);
+ $d = substr($date,0,2);
+ $m = substr($date,2,2);
+ $y = substr($date,4,2);
+ //list($y,$m,$d) = explode('-',$date);
+ return mktime($h,$i,$s,$m,$d,$y);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //ParseLine - Parse the current line
+ //
+ //@param - string $line - current nmea line
+ //@returns - void
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public function ParseLine($line){
+ $this->NmeaType = $this->SetNmeaType($line);
+ switch($this->type){
+ case "GPGGA": $this->GPGGA($line);break;
+ case "GPGLL": $this->GPGLL($line);break;
+ case "GPGSA": $this->GPGSA($line);break;
+ case "GPGSV": $this->GPGSV($line);break;
+ case "GPRMC": $this->GPRMC($line);break;
+ case "GPVTG": $this->GPVTG($line);break;
+ default: return;
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //DumpNmea - Returns current Nmea data
+ //
+ //@param - void
+ //@returns - array - Nmea data
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public function DumpNmea(){
+ return $this->Nmea;
+ }
+ function GoodEnough(){
+ return isset($this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['date']) && isset($this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['utc']) && isset($this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['lat']) && isset($this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['long']);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ //@param - int $NmeaType - what type of nmea sentence is it currently
+ //@returns - void
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function SetNmeaType($line){
+ $this->type = trim(strtoupper(substr($line,1,5)));
+ return $this->type;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and accuracy data.
+ //
+ // $GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47
+ //
+ //Where:
+ // GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data
+ // 123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
+ // 4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
+ // 01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
+ // 1 Fix quality: 0 = invalid
+ // 1 = GPS fix (SPS)
+ // 2 = DGPS fix
+ // 3 = PPS fix
+ // 4 = Real Time Kinematic
+ // 5 = Float RTK
+ // 6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
+ // 7 = Manual input mode
+ // 8 = Simulation mode
+ // 08 Number of satellites being tracked
+ // 0.9 Horizontal dilution of position
+ // 545.4,M Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
+ // 46.9,M Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
+ // ellipsoid
+ // (empty field) time in seconds since last DGPS update
+ // (empty field) DGPS station ID number
+ // *47 the checksum data, always begins with *
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function GPGGA($geostr){
+ $split=explode(",",$geostr);
+ $this->CurrentUTC = $this->fixUTC($split[1]);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['type']['GPGGA']=true;
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['utc']=$this->fixUTC($split[1]);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['lat']=$this->degree2decimal($split[2],$split[3]);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['ns']=$split[3];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['long']=$this->degree2decimal($split[4],$split[5]);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['ew']=$split[5];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['gpsqual']=$split[6];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['numsat']=$split[7];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['hdp']=$split[8];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['alt']=$split[9];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['un_alt']=$split[10];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['geoidal']=$split[11];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['un_geoidal']=$split[12];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['dgps']=$split[13];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['diffstat']=trim($split[14]);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // $GPGLL,4916.45,N,12311.12,W,225444,A,*1D
+ //
+ //Where:
+ // GLL Geographic position, Latitude and Longitude
+ // 4916.46,N Latitude 49 deg. 16.45 min. North
+ // 12311.12,W Longitude 123 deg. 11.12 min. West
+ // 225444 Fix taken at 22:54:44 UTC
+ // A Data Active or V (void)
+ // *iD checksum data
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function GPGLL($geostr){
+ $split=explode(",",$geostr);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['type']['GPGLL']=true;
+ $this->CurrentUTC = $this->fixUTC($split[3]);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['utc']=$this->fixUTC($split[3]);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['status']=$this->dataStatus($split[4]);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // $GPGSA,A,3,04,05,,09,12,,,24,,,,,2.5,1.3,2.1*39
+ //
+ //Where:
+ // GSA Satellite status
+ // A Auto selection of 2D or 3D fix (M = manual)
+ // 3 3D fix - values include: 1 = no fix
+ // 2 = 2D fix
+ // 3 = 3D fix
+ // 04,05... PRNs of satellites used for fix (space for 12)
+ // 2.5 PDOP (dilution of precision)
+ // 1.3 Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
+ // 2.1 Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
+ // *39 the checksum data, always begins with *
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function GPGSA($geostr){
+ $split=explode(",",$geostr);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['type']['GPGSA']=true;
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['selectmode']=$split[1];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['mode']=$split[2];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat1']=$split[3];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat2']=$split[4];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat3']=$split[5];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat4']=$split[6];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat5']=$split[7];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat6']=$split[8];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat7']=$split[9];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat8']=$split[10];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat9']=$split[11];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat10']=$split[12];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat11']=$split[13];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['sat12']=$split[14];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['pdop']=$split[15];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['hdop']=$split[16];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['vdop']=$split[17];
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // $GPGSV,2,1,08,01,40,083,46,02,17,308,41,12,07,344,39,14,22,228,45*75
+ //
+ //Where:
+ // GSV Satellites in view
+ // 2 Number of sentences for full data
+ // 1 sentence 1 of 2
+ // 08 Number of satellites in view
+ //
+ // 01 Satellite PRN number
+ // 40 Elevation, degrees
+ // 083 Azimuth, degrees
+ // 46 SNR - higher is better
+ // for up to 4 satellites per sentence
+ // *75 the checksum data, always begins with *
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //*********needs fixing
+ private function GPGSV($geostr){
+ $split=explode(",",$geostr);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['type']['GPGSV']=true;
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['satmessages']=$split[1];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['messnum']=$split[2];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['satview']=$split[3];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['satnum']=$split[4];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['elevdeg']=$split[5];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['azimuthdeg']=$split[6];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['snr']=$split[7];
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //$GPRMC,123519,A,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,022.4,084.4,230394,003.1,W*6A
+ //
+ //Where:
+ // RMC Recommended Minimum sentence C
+ // 123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
+ // A Status A=active or V=Void.
+ // 4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N
+ // 01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E
+ // 022.4 Speed over the ground in knots
+ // 084.4 Track angle in degrees True
+ // 230394 Date - 23rd of March 1994
+ // 003.1,W Magnetic Variation
+ // *6A The checksum data, always begins with *
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function GPRMC($geostr){
+ $split=explode(",",$geostr);
+ $this->CurrentUTC = $this->fixUTC($split[1]);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['utc']=$this->fixUTC($split[1]);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['type']['GPRMC']=true;
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['statusrmc']=$split[2];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['speed']=$split[7];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['track']=$split[8];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['date']=$split[9];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['magvar']=$split[10];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['mag_ew']=trim($split[11]);
+ if($this->CurrentUTC && $split[9])
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['Unix'] = $this->NMEAtoUnixTime($this->CurrentUTC,$split[9]);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //VTG - Velocity made good. The gps receiver may use the LC prefix instead of GP if it is emulating Loran output.
+ //
+ // $GPVTG,054.7,T,034.4,M,005.5,N,010.2,K*48
+ //
+ //where:
+ // VTG Track made good and ground speed
+ // 054.7,T True track made good (degrees)
+ // 034.4,M Magnetic track made good
+ // 005.5,N Ground speed, knots
+ // 010.2,K Ground speed, Kilometers per hour
+ // *48 Checksum
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function GPVTG($geostr){
+ $split=explode(",",$geostr);
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['type']['GPVTG']=true;
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['trkdeg1']=$split[1];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['t']=$split[2];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['trkdeg2']=$split[3];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['m']=$split[4];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['spdknots']=$spdk=$split[5];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['knots']=$split[6];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['spdkmph']=$split[7];
+ $this->Nmea[$this->CurrentUTC]['kph']=$split[8];
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //degree2decimal-
+ //Convert latitude and longitude in degrees minutes seconds format to decimal format.
+ //E.g. = 4807.038,N would be 48.12722
+ //Formula is as follows
+ // Degrees=Degrees
+ // .d = M.m/60
+ // Decimal Degrees=Degrees+.d
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function degree2decimal($deg_coord,$direction,$precision=6){
+ $degree=(int)($deg_coord/100); //simple way
+ $minutes= $deg_coord-($degree*100);
+ $dotdegree=$minutes/60;
+ $decimal=$degree+$dotdegree;
+ //South latitudes and West longitudes need to return a negative result
+ if (($direction=="S") or ($direction=="W"))
+ {
+ $decimal=$decimal*(-1);
+ }
+ $decimal=number_format($decimal,$precision,'.',''); //truncate decimal to $precision places
+ return $decimal;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //TimeChanged-
+ //@param int $Time - time value
+ //@return bool 0,1 (If both time are not equal, then we are processing new nmea data.)
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function TimeChanged($Time){
+ return $this->CurrentTime==$Time;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //GetNmeaData-
+ //@param void
+ //@return array - nmea data array
+ //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public function GetNmeaData(){
+ return $this->Nmea;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //fixUTCKey-
+ //Replaces keys based on UTC with a linux time stamp.
+ //@param int $UTC - UTC time (time only)
+ //@param int $Unix - linux timestamp (has date)
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function fixUTCKey($UTC,$Unix){
+ //Not done
+ $arr[$newkey] = $arr[$oldkey];
+ unset($arr[$oldkey]);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //cleanUTC-
+ //If UTC has a decimal in it, get rid of it.
+ //@param int $UTC - UTC time (time only)
+ //@return int $UTCfixed -
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private function fixUTC($UTC){
+ //list($Fixed,$Null) = explode('.',$UTC);
+ return $UTC; //$Fixed;
+ }