registerPlugin({ name: 'Birthday Script', version: '1.1', description: 'create birthday notifications', author: 'mcj201', vars: [ { name: 'message', title: 'The message that should be displayed. (%n = nickname, %b = list of birthdays)', type: 'multiline' }, { name: 'type', title: 'Message-Type', type: 'select', options: [ 'Private chat', 'Poke' ] }, { name: 'nDays', title: 'send the notification upto this amount of days after birthday', type: 'number' }, { name: 'serverGroup', title: 'Server group name/id for birthdays', type: 'string' } ], autorun: false, requiredModules: [ 'net' ] }, function(sinusbot, config, meta) { const event = require('event') const engine = require('engine') const backend = require('backend') const format = require('format') const store = require('store'); const net = require('net'); engine.log(`Loaded ${} v${meta.version} by ${}.`) event.on('load', () => { const command = require('command'); if (!command) { engine.log('command.js library not found! Please download command.js and enable it to be able use this script!'); return; } let bDays = store.get('birthdays') || {}; let notifs = store.get('birthday_notifications') || {}; if (!net) { engine.log('net library not found! You will not be able to use webDAV sync!'); } else { syncDavAddressBook(); setInterval(syncDavAddressBook, 1000 * 60); } setInterval(updateServerGroups, 1000 * 60); event.on('clientMove', ({ client, fromChannel }) => { const avail = getNotifications(client, 30); if (avail.length < 1) return; let msgs = [] for(const uid of avail) { msgs.push(`${getName(uid)}: ${formatDate(getBday(uid))}`); } const msg = config.message.replace('%n','%b', msgs.join('\r\n')) if (!fromChannel) { if (config.type == '0') { } else { client.poke(msg) } updateServerGroups(); } }) command.createCommand('birthdays') .help('Show user birthdays') .manual('Show user birthdays from DB.') .exec((client, args, reply, ev) => { let msgs = ["List of saved birthdays:"]; for(const uid in bDays) { msgs.push(`${getName(uid)}: ${formatDate(getBday(uid))}`); } reply(msgs.join('\r\n')); }); command.createCommand('birthday') .addArgument(command.createArgument('string').setName('date')) .help('Set user birthdays') .manual('Save user birthdays to DB.') .exec((client, args, reply, ev) => { var date ='.'); if(date.length >= 2) { let m = date[0]; date[0] = date[1]; date[1] = m; } date = new Date(date); if( === "") { let date = getBday(ev.client.uid()); if(date) reply(`Your birthday is ${formatDate(date)}.`); else reply(`Set your birthday first! e.g. !birthday 24.12.`); } else if(!isNaN(date)) { setBday(ev.client, date); reply(`Your birthday was set to ${formatDate(date)}.`); } else { setBday(ev.client, date); reply(`Your birthday has been cleared.`); } }); function setBday(client, date) { if(isNaN(date) && bDays[client.uid()]) { delete bDays[client.uid()]; } else if(!isNaN(date)) { bDays[client.uid()] = [, date, new Date()]; } store.set('birthdays', bDays); } function getBday(uid) { if(!bDays[uid]) return undefined; if(bDays[uid][1]) return new Date(bDays[uid][1]); else return undefined; } function getName(uid) { return bDays[uid][0]; } function getNotifications(client, nDays = 30) { const start = new Date(); start.setDate(start.getDate()-nDays); const now = new Date(); let sentNotifs = notifs[client.uid()] || {}; let avail = []; for(const uid in bDays) { let bDay = new Date(bDays[uid][1]); bDay.setFullYear((new Date()).getFullYear()); let lastNotif = new Date(sentNotifs[uid]); if(bDay >= start && bDay <= now && (isNaN(lastNotif) || lastNotif < start)) { avail.push(uid); sentNotifs[uid] = now; } } notifs[client.uid()] = sentNotifs; store.set('birthday_notifications', notifs); return avail; } function formatDate(dt) { if(dt) return `${dt.getDate()}.${dt.getMonth()+1}.`; else return 'invalid date'; } function updateServerGroups() { if(config.serverGroup === "") return; const now = new Date(); for(const client of backend.getClients()) { if(bDays[client.uid()]) { const bDay = new Date(bDays[client.uid()][1]); let hasGroup = false; for(const group of client.getServerGroups()) { hasGroup |= === config.serverGroup || == config.serverGroup; } if(bDay.getDate() === now.getDate() && bDay.getMonth() === now.getMonth()) { if(!hasGroup) client.addToServerGroup(config.serverGroup); } else { if(hasGroup) client.removeFromServerGroup(config.serverGroup); } } } } function syncDavAddressBook() { const conn = net.connect({ url: 'ws://', port: 23845, protocol: 'ws' }, err => { // log connection errors if any if (err) { engine.log(err); } }); if (conn) { conn.on('data', data => { engine.log('received data'); engine.log(data.toString()); bDays = JSON.parse(data); store.set('birthdays', bDays); }) conn.write(JSON.stringify(bDays)); } else { engine.log('ws connection unavailable'); } } }); });