// Armbian IO library
// Copyright (c) 2017 BitBank Software, Inc.
// written by Larry Bank
// email: bitbank@pobox.com
// Project started 11/12/2017
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "armbianio.h"
static struct spi_ioc_transfer xfer;
// Maximum header pins for all supported boards
#define MAX_PINS IR_PIN+1
static int iPinHandles[MAX_PINS]; // keep file handles open for GPIO access
// The following are lists which translate pin numbers into the GPIO numbers
// used by the different boards. The first entry (0) is for the on-board
// button (if present). A -1 indicates that the pin is not available to use
// as a GPIO (e.g. +5V, GND, etc). The numbering normally starts with the 3.3v
// pin as 1 and the 5V pin as 2. The TTY header comes after the last GPIO pin
// and is numbered from the pin closest to the edge of the board. On the
// Orange Pi Zero, this means that GND is pin 27, RX is 28 and TX is 29. The
// reason these are included is because they are multiplexed inside the SoC
// and can be used for GPIOs as well.
// Le potato
static int ipotatoPins[] = {-1,-1,-1,5,-1,4,-1,108,101,-1,
// Banana Pi M2 Zero
static int iBPIZPins[] = {355,-1,-1,12,-1,11,-1,6,13,-1,
// Raspberry Pi
static int iRPIPins[] = {-1,-1,-1,2,-1,3,-1,4,14,-1,
static int iWiringPiPins[] = {-1,-1,-1,8,-1,9,-1,7,
// Orange Pi Zero Plus
static int iOPIZPPins[] = {-1,-1,-1,12,-1,11,-1,6,198,-1,
-1,16,2,14,13,-1,10,-1,5,4}; // last 3 pins are TTY header
// Orange Pi Zero Plus 2
static int iOPIZP2ins[] = {-1,-1,-1,12,-1,11,-1,6,0,-1,
-1,-1,2,14,13,-1,110,-1,5,4}; // last 3 pins are TTY header
// Orange Pi One
static int iOPI1Pins[] = {355,-1,-1,12,-1,11,-1,6,13,-1,
,199,4,5,-1}; // last 3 pins are TTY header
// Orange Pi Zero
static int iOPIZPins[] = {-1,-1,-1,12,-1,11,-1,6,198,-1,
-1,16,2,14,13,-1,10,-1,5,4}; // last 3 pins are TTY header
// NanoPi Duo
static int iNPDPins[] = {355,5,-1,4,-1,-1,-1,11,-1,12,
// NanoPi 2
static int iNP2Pins[] = {0,-1,-1,99,-1,98,-1,32+28,96+21,-1,
// NanoPi K2
static int iNPK2Pins[] = {3,-1,-1,205,-1,206,-1,211,102,-1,
// NanoPi Neo & NanoPi Air & NanoPi Neo 2
static int iNPNPins[] = {-1,-1,-1,12,-1,11,-1,203,198,-1,
// NanoPi M4
static int iNPM4Pins[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,32,145,-1,144,
// Tinkerboard
static int iTinkerPins[] = {-1,-1,-1,252,-1,253,-1,17,161,-1,
static int *iPinLists[] = {ipotatoPins, iBPIZPins, iRPIPins, iOPIZPPins, iOPIZP2ins, iOPIZPins, iOPI1Pins, iOPI1Pins, iNPDPins, iNP2Pins, iNPK2Pins, iNPNPins, iNPNPins, iNPNPins, iNPM4Pins, iNPM4Pins, iTinkerPins};
static const char *szBoardNames[] = {"Le potato\n","Banana Pi M2 Zero\n","Raspberry Pi","Orange Pi Zero Plus\n","Orange Pi Zero Plus 2\n","Orange Pi Zero\n","Orange Pi Lite\n","Orange Pi One\n","NanoPi Duo\n", "NanoPi 2\n", "Nanopi K2\n", "NanoPi Neo\n", "NanoPi Air\n", "NanoPi Neo 2\n", "NanoPi M4\n", "NanoPi M4V2\n", "Tinkerboard\n",NULL};
static int iBoardType;
static int iPinCount[] = {40,40,40,29,29,29,43,43,32,40,40,40,40,40,40, 41,41}; // number of pins in the header
// GPIO number of on-board IR receiver
static int iIR_GPIO[] = {7, 0, 0, 363, 363, 363, 363, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Close any open handles to GPIO pins and
// 'unexport' them
void AIOShutdown(void)
int i;
for (i=0; i iPinCount[iBoardType])) // invalid pin number for this board
return -1;
if (iPin == IR_PIN && iIR_GPIO[iBoardType] == 0) // no IR receiver
return -1;
if (iPinHandles[iPin] == -1)
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
if (iPin == IR_PIN)
iGPIO = iIR_GPIO[iBoardType];
iGPIO = pPins[iPin];
sprintf(szTemp, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", iGPIO);
iPinHandles[iPin] = open(szTemp, O_RDONLY);
lseek(iPinHandles[iPin], 0, SEEK_SET); // reset file pointer to start
rc = read(iPinHandles[iPin], szTemp, 1);
if (rc <= 0) // problem
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading from GPIO %d\n", iGPIO);
return -1;
return (szTemp[0] == '1');
} /* AIOReadGPIO() */
// Write a 0 or 1 to a GPIO output line
int AIOWriteGPIO(int iPin, int iValue)
int rc, iGPIO;
char szTemp[64];
int *pPins;
if (iBoardType == -1) // not initialized
return 0;
if (iPin < 1 || iPin > iPinCount[iBoardType])
return 0;
if (iPinHandles[iPin] == -1) // not open yet
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
iGPIO = pPins[iPin]; // convert to GPIO number
sprintf(szTemp, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", iGPIO);
iPinHandles[iPin] = open(szTemp, O_WRONLY);
if (iValue) rc = write(iPinHandles[iPin], "1", 1);
else rc = write(iPinHandles[iPin], "0", 1);
if (rc < 0) // error
{ // do something
return 1;
} /* AIOWriteGPIO() */
// Set edge value for an open pin
int AIOWriteGPIOEdge(int iPin, int iEdge)
char szName[64];
int file_gpio, rc, iGPIO;
int *pPins;
char *szEdges[] = {"falling\n","rising\n","both\n","none\n"};
if (iEdge < EDGE_FALLING || iEdge > EDGE_NONE)
return 0;
if (iBoardType == -1) // not initialized
return 0;
if (iPin < 0 || (iPin != IR_PIN && iPin > iPinCount[iBoardType]))
return 0;
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
// Set the mapped pin
if (iPin == IR_PIN)
iGPIO = iIR_GPIO[iBoardType];
iGPIO = pPins[iPin];
sprintf(szName, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/edge", iGPIO);
file_gpio = open(szName, O_WRONLY);
// Write edge type
rc = write(file_gpio, szEdges[iEdge], strlen(szEdges[iEdge]));
if (rc < 0) // error
{ // do something
return 1;
} /* AIOWriteGPIOEdge() */
// GPIO Monitoring thread (one for each pin)
void *GPIOThread(void *param)
int iPin = (int)param; // pin number is passed in
struct pollfd fdset[1];
char szName[32], szTemp[64];
int gpio_fd;
int *pPins, rc, iGPIO;
int timeout = 3000; // 3 seconds
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
if (iPin == IR_PIN)
iGPIO = iIR_GPIO[iBoardType];
iGPIO = pPins[iPin];
sprintf(szName, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", iGPIO);
gpio_fd = open(szName, O_RDONLY);
if (gpio_fd < 0) // something went wrong
return NULL;
lseek(gpio_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
rc = read(gpio_fd, szTemp, 64); // initial read to prevent false interrupt
while (1)
// If the callback is NULL then exit thread
if (cbList[iPin] == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(fdset, 0, sizeof(fdset));
fdset[0].fd = gpio_fd;
fdset[0].events = POLLPRI;
rc = poll(&fdset[0], 1, timeout);
if (rc < 0) return NULL;
// clear the interrupt by reading the data
lseek(gpio_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
rc = read(gpio_fd, szTemp, 64);
// see if it was a valid interrupt event
if (fdset[0].revents & POLLPRI)
if (cbList[iPin])
return NULL;
} /* GPIOThread() */
// Set edge to call the given function when the state
// changes. AIOAddGPIO must be called first with direction
// set to GPIO_IN
int AIOAddGPIOCallback(int iPin, AIOCALLBACK callback)
int *pPins;
pthread_t tinfo;
if (iBoardType == -1) // not initialize
return 0;
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
if (iPin != IR_PIN && pPins[iPin] == -1) // invalid pin
return 0;
cbList[iPin] = callback; // save the callback pointer
// Start a thread to manage the interrupt/callback
pthread_create(&tinfo, NULL, GPIOThread, (void *)iPin);
return 1;
} /* AIOAddGPIOCallback() */
// Set pointer in callback list to NULL to cause
// thread to exit
int AIORemoveGPIOCallback(int iPin)
if (iBoardType == -1) // not initialize
return 0;
if (cbList[iPin] == NULL) // invalid pin
return 0;
cbList[iPin] = NULL; // This will force thread to exit
return 1;
} /* AIORemoveGPIOCallback() */
long getTimeInMicroseconds()
struct timespec time_p;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time_p);
return (time_p.tv_sec % 10) * 1000000 + time_p.tv_nsec / 1000;
// GPIO Monitoring thread for IR (one for each pin)
// Code length must be less than 50.
void *GPIOIRThread(void *param)
int iPin = (int)param; // pin number is passed in
int endOfCodeTimeOut = 3; // after 3 ms we think code has ended.
struct pollfd fdset[1];
char szName[32], szTemp[64];
int gpio_fd;
int *pPins, rc, iGPIO;
int timeout = 3000; // 3 seconds
long start = getTimeInMicroseconds();
int currentCode[52];
int i, codePointer = 0;
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
if (iPin == IR_PIN)
iGPIO = iIR_GPIO[iBoardType];
iGPIO = pPins[iPin];
sprintf(szName, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", iGPIO);
gpio_fd = open(szName, O_RDONLY);
if (gpio_fd < 0) // something went wrong
return NULL;
lseek(gpio_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
rc = read(gpio_fd, szTemp, 64); // initial read to prevent false interrupt
while (1)
// If the callback is NULL then exit thread
if (cbIRList[iPin] == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(fdset, 0, sizeof(fdset));
fdset[0].fd = gpio_fd;
fdset[0].events = POLLPRI;
rc = poll(&fdset[0], 1, timeout);
if (rc < 0) return NULL;
// clear the interrupt by reading the data
lseek(gpio_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
rc = read(gpio_fd, szTemp, 64);
// see if it was a valid interrupt event
if (fdset[0].revents & POLLPRI)
long now = getTimeInMicroseconds();
long between = now - start;
// printf("between: %11d\n", between);
currentCode[codePointer] = (int) between;
timeout = endOfCodeTimeOut;
start = now;
// printf("cp: %d", codePointer);
if(codePointer > 50) { // max code length reached, send what we have.
if (cbIRList[iPin])
codePointer = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 50; i++) { currentCode[i] = 0; }
} else if(timeout == endOfCodeTimeOut) { // are we receiving a code currently?
//printf("Between: %d\n", getTimeInMicroseconds() - start);
if (cbIRList[iPin])
timeout = 3000; // wait for next code again, with the default timeout
codePointer = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 50; i++) { currentCode[i] = 0; }
} else {
printf("Code timeout\n");
return NULL;
} /* GPIOIRThread() */
int AIOAddGPIOIRCallback(int iPin, AIOIRCALLBACK callback)
int *pPins;
pthread_t tinfo;
if (iBoardType == -1) // not initialize
return 0;
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
if (iPin != IR_PIN && pPins[iPin] == -1) // invalid pin
return 0;
cbIRList[iPin] = callback; // save the callback pointer
// Start a thread to manage the interrupt/callback
pthread_create(&tinfo, NULL, GPIOIRThread, (void *)iPin);
return 1;
} /* AIOAddGPIOCallback() */
int AIORemoveGPIOIRCallback(int iPin)
if (iBoardType == -1) // not initialize
return 0;
if (cbIRList[iPin] == NULL) // invalid pin
return 0;
cbIRList[iPin] = NULL; // This will force thread to exit
return 1;
} /* AIORemoveGPIOIRCallback() */
// Initialize a GPIO line for input or output
// This will export it to the sysfs driver and
// it will appear in /sys/class/gpio
int AIOAddGPIO(int iPin, int iDirection)
char szName[64];
int file_gpio, rc, iGPIO;
int *pPins;
if (iBoardType == -1) // not initialize
return 0;
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
if (iPin != IR_PIN && pPins[iPin] == -1) // invalid pin
return 0;
if (iPin == IR_PIN && iIR_GPIO[iBoardType] == 0)
return 0; // invalid IR pin
file_gpio = open("/sys/class/gpio/export", O_WRONLY);
if (iPin == IR_PIN)
iGPIO = iIR_GPIO[iBoardType];
iGPIO = pPins[iPin];
sprintf(szName, "%d", iGPIO);
rc = write(file_gpio, szName, strlen(szName));
sprintf(szName, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction", iGPIO);
file_gpio = open(szName, O_WRONLY);
if (iDirection == GPIO_OUT)
rc = write(file_gpio, "out\n", 4);
rc = write(file_gpio, "in\n", 3);
if (iDirection == GPIO_IN_PULLUP) // RPI specific feature, use GPIO library
sprintf(szName, "gpio mode %d up", iWiringPiPins[iPin]);
if (rc < 0) // added to suppress compiler warnings
{ // do nothing
return 1;
} /* AIOAddGPIO() */
// Remove access to a GPIO pin
// This will 'unexport' it from the sysfs driver
// and remove it from the /sys/class/gpio directory
void AIORemoveGPIO(int iPin)
int file_gpio, rc;
char szTemp[64];
int *pPins;
if (iBoardType == -1) // not initialized
if (iPin < 1 || iPin > MAX_PINS) // invalid pin
if (iPinHandles[iPin] != -1)
file_gpio = open("/sys/class/gpio/unexport", O_WRONLY);
pPins = iPinLists[iBoardType];
sprintf(szTemp, "%d", pPins[iPin]);
rc = write(file_gpio, szTemp, strlen(szTemp));
if (rc < 0) // suppress compiler warning
{ // do nothing
iPinHandles[iPin] = -1;
} /* AIORemoveGPIO() */
// Open a handle to the SPI bus
int AIOOpenSPI(int iChannel, int iSPIFreq)
int rc, iSPIMode = SPI_MODE_0; // | SPI_NO_CS;
char szName[32];
int file_spi;
int i = iSPIFreq;
sprintf(szName,"/dev/spidev%d.0", iChannel);
file_spi = open(szName, O_RDWR);
rc = ioctl(file_spi, SPI_IOC_WR_MODE, &iSPIMode);
if (rc < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Error setting SPI mode\n");
rc = ioctl(file_spi, SPI_IOC_WR_MAX_SPEED_HZ, &i);
if (rc < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Error setting SPI speed\n");
memset(&xfer, 0, sizeof(xfer));
xfer.speed_hz = iSPIFreq;
xfer.cs_change = 0;
xfer.delay_usecs = 0;
xfer.bits_per_word = 8;
if (file_spi < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open the SPI bus\n");
return -1;
return file_spi;
} /* AIOOpenSPI() */
void AIOCloseSPI(int iHandle)
} /* AIOCloseSPI() */
// Returns the name of the board (if recognized)
const char * AIOGetBoardName(void)
if (iBoardType == -1)
return "Unknown";
return szBoardNames[iBoardType];
} /* AIOGetBoardName() */