@@ -1,1351 +0,0 @@
-import markdown2
-import tiktoken
-import asyncio
-import functools
-from PIL import Image
-from nio import (
- AsyncClient,
- AsyncClientConfig,
- WhoamiResponse,
- DevicesResponse,
- Event,
- Response,
- MatrixRoom,
- Api,
- RoomMessagesError,
- GroupEncryptionError,
- EncryptionError,
- RoomMessageText,
- RoomSendResponse,
- SyncResponse,
- RoomMessageNotice,
- JoinError,
- RoomLeaveError,
- RoomSendError,
- RoomVisibility,
- RoomCreateError,
- RoomMessageMedia,
- RoomMessageImage,
- RoomMessageFile,
- RoomMessageAudio,
- DownloadError,
- DownloadResponse,
- ToDeviceEvent,
- ToDeviceError,
-from nio.store import SqliteStore
-from typing import Optional, List
-from configparser import ConfigParser
-from datetime import datetime
-from io import BytesIO
-from pathlib import Path
-from contextlib import closing
-import base64
-import uuid
-import traceback
-import json
-import importlib.util
-import sys
-import sqlite3
-import traceback
-from .logging import Logger
-from ..migrations import migrate
-from ..commands import COMMANDS
-from ..tools import TOOLS, Handover, StopProcessing
-from .openai import OpenAI
-from .wolframalpha import WolframAlpha
-from .trackingmore import TrackingMore
-class GPTBot:
- # Default values
- database: Optional[sqlite3.Connection] = None
- database_path: Optional[str | Path] = None
- matrix_client: Optional[AsyncClient] = None
- sync_token: Optional[str] = None
- logger: Optional[Logger] = Logger()
- chat_api: Optional[OpenAI] = None
- image_api: Optional[OpenAI] = None
- classification_api: Optional[OpenAI] = None
- tts_api: Optional[OpenAI] = None
- stt_api: Optional[OpenAI] = None
- parcel_api: Optional[TrackingMore] = None
- room_ignore_list: List[str] = [] # List of rooms to ignore invites from
- logo: Optional[Image.Image] = None
- logo_uri: Optional[str] = None
- config: ConfigParser = ConfigParser()
- # Properties
- @property
- def allowed_users(self) -> List[str]:
- """List of users allowed to use the bot.
- Returns:
- List[str]: List of user IDs. Defaults to [], which means all users are allowed.
- """
- try:
- return json.loads(self.config["GPTBot"]["AllowedUsers"])
- except:
- return []
- @property
- def display_name(self) -> str:
- """Display name of the bot user.
- Returns:
- str: The display name of the bot user. Defaults to "GPTBot".
- """
- return self.config["GPTBot"].get("DisplayName", "GPTBot")
- @property
- def default_room_name(self) -> str:
- """Default name of rooms created by the bot.
- Returns:
- str: The default name of rooms created by the bot. Defaults to the display name of the bot.
- """
- return self.config["GPTBot"].get("DefaultRoomName", self.display_name)
- @property
- def default_system_message(self) -> str:
- """Default system message to include in rooms created by the bot.
- Returns:
- str: The default system message to include in rooms created by the bot. Defaults to "You are a helpful assistant.".
- """
- return self.config["GPTBot"].get(
- "SystemMessage",
- "You are a helpful assistant.",
- )
- @property
- def force_system_message(self) -> bool:
- """Whether to force the default system message to be included even if a custom room message is set.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether to force the default system message to be included even if a custom room message is set. Defaults to False.
- """
- return self.config["GPTBot"].getboolean("ForceSystemMessage", False)
- @property
- def max_tokens(self) -> int:
- """Maximum number of input tokens.
- Returns:
- int: The maximum number of input tokens. Defaults to 3000.
- """
- return self.config["OpenAI"].getint("MaxTokens", 3000)
- # TODO: Move this to OpenAI class
- @property
- def max_messages(self) -> int:
- """Maximum number of messages to consider as input.
- Returns:
- int: The maximum number of messages to consider as input. Defaults to 30.
- """
- return self.config["OpenAI"].getint("MaxMessages", 30)
- # TODO: Move this to OpenAI class
- @property
- def operator(self) -> Optional[str]:
- """Operator of the bot.
- Returns:
- Optional[str]: The matrix user ID of the operator of the bot. Defaults to None.
- """
- return self.config["GPTBot"].get("Operator")
- @property
- def debug(self) -> bool:
- """Whether to enable debug logging.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether to enable debug logging. Defaults to False.
- """
- return self.config["GPTBot"].getboolean("Debug", False)
- @property
- def logo_path(self) -> str:
- """Path to the logo of the bot.
- Returns:
- str: The path to the logo of the bot. Defaults to "assets/logo.png" in the bot's directory.
- """
- return self.config["GPTBot"].get(
- "Logo", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "assets/logo.png")
- )
- @property
- def allow_model_override(self) -> bool:
- """Whether to allow per-room model overrides.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether to allow per-room model overrides. Defaults to False.
- """
- return self.config["GPTBot"].getboolean("AllowModelOverride", False)
- # User agent to use for HTTP requests
- USER_AGENT = "matrix-gptbot/dev (+https://kumig.it/kumitterer/matrix-gptbot)"
- @classmethod
- def from_config(cls, config: ConfigParser):
- """Create a new GPTBot instance from a config file.
- Args:
- config (ConfigParser): ConfigParser instance with the bot's config.
- Returns:
- GPTBot: The new GPTBot instance.
- """
- # Create a new GPTBot instance
- bot = cls()
- bot.config = config
- # Set the database connection
- bot.database_path = (
- config["Database"]["Path"]
- if "Database" in config and "Path" in config["Database"]
- else None
- )
- bot.database = sqlite3.connect(bot.database_path) if bot.database_path else None
- # Override default values
- if "GPTBot" in config:
- if "LogLevel" in config["GPTBot"]:
- bot.logger = Logger(config["GPTBot"]["LogLevel"])
- bot.logger.log(f"Loading logo from {bot.logo_path}", "debug")
- if Path(bot.logo_path).exists() and Path(bot.logo_path).is_file():
- bot.logo = Image.open(bot.logo_path)
- bot.chat_api = bot.image_api = bot.classification_api = bot.tts_api = (
- bot.stt_api
- ) = OpenAI(
- bot=bot,
- api_key=config["OpenAI"]["APIKey"],
- chat_model=config["OpenAI"].get("Model"),
- image_model=config["OpenAI"].get("ImageModel"),
- tts_model=config["OpenAI"].get("TTSModel"),
- stt_model=config["OpenAI"].get("STTModel"),
- base_url=config["OpenAI"].get("BaseURL"),
- )
- if "BaseURL" in config["OpenAI"]:
- bot.chat_api.base_url = config["OpenAI"]["BaseURL"]
- bot.image_api = None
- # Set up WolframAlpha
- if "WolframAlpha" in config:
- bot.calculation_api = WolframAlpha(
- config["WolframAlpha"]["APIKey"], bot.logger
- )
- # Set up TrackingMore
- if "TrackingMore" in config:
- bot.parcel_api = TrackingMore(config["TrackingMore"]["APIKey"], bot.logger)
- # Set up the Matrix client
- assert "Matrix" in config, "Matrix config not found"
- homeserver = config["Matrix"]["Homeserver"]
- bot.matrix_client = AsyncClient(homeserver)
- bot.matrix_client.access_token = config["Matrix"]["AccessToken"]
- bot.matrix_client.user_id = config["Matrix"].get("UserID")
- bot.matrix_client.device_id = config["Matrix"].get("DeviceID")
- # Return the new GPTBot instance
- return bot
- async def _get_user_id(self) -> str:
- """Get the user ID of the bot from the whoami endpoint.
- Requires an access token to be set up.
- Returns:
- str: The user ID of the bot.
- """
- assert self.matrix_client, "Matrix client not set up"
- user_id = self.matrix_client.user_id
- if not user_id:
- assert self.matrix_client.access_token, "Access token not set up"
- response = await self.matrix_client.whoami()
- if isinstance(response, WhoamiResponse):
- user_id = response.user_id
- else:
- raise Exception(f"Could not get user ID: {response}")
- return user_id
- async def _last_n_messages(
- self,
- room: str | MatrixRoom,
- n: Optional[int],
- ignore_notices: bool = True,
- ):
- messages = []
- n = n or self.max_messages
- room_id = room.room_id if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom) else room
- self.logger.log(
- f"Fetching last {2*n} messages from room {room_id} (starting at {self.sync_token})...",
- "debug",
- )
- response = await self.matrix_client.room_messages(
- room_id=room_id,
- start=self.sync_token,
- limit=2 * n,
- )
- if isinstance(response, RoomMessagesError):
- raise Exception(
- f"Error fetching messages: {response.message} (status code {response.status_code})",
- "error",
- )
- for event in response.chunk:
- if len(messages) >= n:
- break
- if event.type.startswith("gptbot"):
- messages.append(event)
- elif isinstance(event, RoomMessageText):
- if event.body.split() == ["!gptbot", "ignoreolder"]:
- break
- if (not event.body.startswith("!")) or (event.body.split()[1] == "custom"):
- messages.append(event)
- elif isinstance(event, RoomMessageNotice):
- if not ignore_notices:
- messages.append(event)
- elif isinstance(event, RoomMessageMedia):
- messages.append(event)
- self.logger.log(f"Found {len(messages)} messages (limit: {n})", "debug")
- # Reverse the list so that messages are in chronological order
- return messages[::-1]
- def _truncate(
- self,
- messages: list,
- max_tokens: Optional[int] = None,
- model: Optional[str] = None,
- system_message: Optional[str] = None,
- ):
- max_tokens = max_tokens or self.max_tokens
- model = model or self.chat_api.chat_model
- system_message = (
- self.default_system_message if system_message is None else system_message
- )
- encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model)
- total_tokens = 0
- system_message_tokens = (
- 0 if not system_message else (len(encoding.encode(system_message)) + 1)
- )
- if system_message_tokens > max_tokens:
- self.logger.log(
- f"System message is too long to fit within token limit ({system_message_tokens} tokens) - cannot proceed",
- "error",
- )
- return []
- total_tokens += system_message_tokens
- total_tokens = len(system_message) + 1
- truncated_messages = []
- for message in [messages[0]] + list(reversed(messages[1:])):
- content = (
- message["content"]
- if isinstance(message["content"], str)
- else (
- message["content"][0]["text"]
- if isinstance(message["content"][0].get("text"), str)
- else ""
- )
- )
- tokens = len(encoding.encode(content)) + 1
- if total_tokens + tokens > max_tokens:
- break
- total_tokens += tokens
- truncated_messages.append(message)
- return [truncated_messages[0]] + list(reversed(truncated_messages[1:]))
- async def _get_device_id(self) -> str:
- """Guess the device ID of the bot.
- Requires an access token to be set up.
- Returns:
- str: The guessed device ID.
- """
- assert self.matrix_client, "Matrix client not set up"
- device_id = self.matrix_client.device_id
- if not device_id:
- assert self.matrix_client.access_token, "Access token not set up"
- devices = await self.matrix_client.devices()
- if isinstance(devices, DevicesResponse):
- device_id = devices.devices[0].id
- return device_id
- async def call_tool(self, tool_call: dict, room: str, user: str, **kwargs):
- """Call a tool.
- Args:
- tool_call (dict): The tool call to make.
- room (str): The room to call the tool in.
- user (str): The user to call the tool as.
- """
- tool = tool_call.function.name
- args = json.loads(tool_call.function.arguments)
- self.logger.log(
- f"Calling tool {tool} with args {args} for user {user} in room {room}",
- "debug",
- )
- await self.send_message(
- room, f"Calling tool {tool} with arguments {args}.", True
- )
- try:
- tool_class = TOOLS[tool]
- result = await tool_class(**args, room=room, bot=self, user=user).run()
- await self.send_message(room, result, msgtype="gptbot.tool_result")
- return result
- except (Handover, StopProcessing):
- raise
- except KeyError as e:
- self.logger.log(f"Tool {tool} not found", "error")
- return "Error: Tool not found"
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.log(f"Error calling tool {tool}: {e}", "error")
- return f"Error: Something went wrong calling tool {tool}"
- async def process_command(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomMessageText):
- """Process a command. Called from the event_callback() method.
- Delegates to the appropriate command handler.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom): The room the command was sent in.
- event (RoomMessageText): The event containing the command.
- """
- self.logger.log(
- f"Received command {event.body} from {event.sender} in room {room.room_id}",
- "debug",
- )
- if event.body.startswith("* "):
- event.body = event.body[2:]
- command = event.body.split()[1] if event.body.split()[1:] else None
- await COMMANDS.get(command, COMMANDS[None])(room, event, self)
- def room_uses_classification(self, room: MatrixRoom | str) -> bool:
- """Check if a room uses classification.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom | str): The room to check.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether the room uses classification.
- """
- room_id = room.room_id if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom) else room
- with closing(self.database.cursor()) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "SELECT value FROM room_settings WHERE room_id = ? AND setting = ?",
- (room_id, "use_classification"),
- )
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- return False if not result else bool(int(result[0]))
- async def _event_callback(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: Event):
- self.logger.log("Received event: " + str(event.event_id), "debug")
- try:
- for eventtype, callback in EVENT_CALLBACKS.items():
- if isinstance(event, eventtype):
- await callback(room, event, self)
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.log(
- f"Error in event callback for {event.__class__}: {e}", "error"
- )
- if self.debug:
- await self.send_message(
- room, f"Error: {e}\n\n```\n{traceback.format_exc()}\n```", True
- )
- def user_is_allowed(self, user_id: str) -> bool:
- """Check if a user is allowed to use the bot.
- Args:
- user_id (str): The user ID to check.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether the user is allowed to use the bot.
- """
- return (
- (
- user_id in self.allowed_users
- or f"*:{user_id.split(':')[1]}" in self.allowed_users
- or f"@*:{user_id.split(':')[1]}" in self.allowed_users
- )
- if self.allowed_users
- else True
- )
- async def event_callback(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: Event):
- """Callback for events.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom): The room the event was sent in.
- event (Event): The event.
- """
- if event.sender == self.matrix_client.user_id:
- return
- if not self.user_is_allowed(event.sender):
- if len(room.users) == 2:
- await self.matrix_client.room_send(
- room.room_id,
- "m.room.message",
- {
- "msgtype": "m.notice",
- "body": f"You are not allowed to use this bot. Please contact {self.operator} for more information.",
- },
- )
- return
- task = asyncio.create_task(self._event_callback(room, event))
- def room_uses_timing(self, room: MatrixRoom):
- """Check if a room uses timing.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom): The room to check.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether the room uses timing.
- """
- room_id = room.room_id
- with closing(self.database.cursor()) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "SELECT value FROM room_settings WHERE room_id = ? AND setting = ?",
- (room_id, "use_timing"),
- )
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- return False if not result else bool(int(result[0]))
- async def _response_callback(self, response: Response):
- for response_type, callback in RESPONSE_CALLBACKS.items():
- if isinstance(response, response_type):
- await callback(response, self)
- async def response_callback(self, response: Response):
- task = asyncio.create_task(self._response_callback(response))
- async def accept_pending_invites(self):
- """Accept all pending invites."""
- assert self.matrix_client, "Matrix client not set up"
- invites = self.matrix_client.invited_rooms
- for invite in [k for k in invites.keys()]:
- if invite in self.room_ignore_list:
- self.logger.log(
- f"Ignoring invite to room {invite} (room is in ignore list)",
- "debug",
- )
- continue
- self.logger.log(f"Accepting invite to room {invite}")
- response = await self.matrix_client.join(invite)
- if isinstance(response, JoinError):
- self.logger.log(
- f"Error joining room {invite}: {response.message}. Not trying again.",
- "error",
- )
- leave_response = await self.matrix_client.room_leave(invite)
- if isinstance(leave_response, RoomLeaveError):
- self.logger.log(
- f"Error leaving room {invite}: {leave_response.message}",
- "error",
- )
- self.room_ignore_list.append(invite)
- async def upload_file(
- self,
- file: bytes,
- filename: str = "file",
- mime: str = "application/octet-stream",
- ) -> str:
- """Upload a file to the homeserver.
- Args:
- file (bytes): The file to upload.
- filename (str, optional): The name of the file. Defaults to "file".
- mime (str, optional): The MIME type of the file. Defaults to "application/octet-stream".
- Returns:
- str: The MXC URI of the uploaded file.
- """
- bio = BytesIO(file)
- bio.seek(0)
- response, _ = await self.matrix_client.upload(
- bio, content_type=mime, filename=filename, filesize=len(file)
- )
- return response.content_uri
- async def send_image(
- self, room: MatrixRoom, image: bytes, message: Optional[str] = None
- ):
- """Send an image to a room.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom|str): The room to send the image to.
- image (bytes): The image to send.
- message (str, optional): The message to send with the image. Defaults to None.
- """
- if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom):
- room = room.room_id
- self.logger.log(
- f"Sending image of size {len(image)} bytes to room {room}", "debug"
- )
- bio = BytesIO(image)
- img = Image.open(bio)
- mime = Image.MIME[img.format]
- (width, height) = img.size
- self.logger.log(
- f"Uploading - Image size: {width}x{height} pixels, MIME type: {mime}",
- "debug",
- )
- content_uri = await self.upload_file(image, "image", mime)
- self.logger.log("Uploaded image - sending message...", "debug")
- content = {
- "body": message or "",
- "info": {
- "mimetype": mime,
- "size": len(image),
- "w": width,
- "h": height,
- },
- "msgtype": "m.image",
- "url": content_uri,
- }
- status = await self.matrix_client.room_send(room, "m.room.message", content)
- self.logger.log("Sent image", "debug")
- async def send_file(
- self, room: MatrixRoom, file: bytes, filename: str, mime: str, msgtype: str
- ):
- """Send a file to a room.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom|str): The room to send the file to.
- file (bytes): The file to send.
- filename (str): The name of the file.
- mime (str): The MIME type of the file.
- """
- if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom):
- room = room.room_id
- self.logger.log(
- f"Sending file of size {len(file)} bytes to room {room}", "debug"
- )
- content_uri = await self.upload_file(file, filename, mime)
- self.logger.log("Uploaded file - sending message...", "debug")
- content = {
- "body": filename,
- "info": {"mimetype": mime, "size": len(file)},
- "msgtype": msgtype,
- "url": content_uri,
- }
- status = await self.matrix_client.room_send(room, "m.room.message", content)
- self.logger.log("Sent file", "debug")
- async def send_message(
- self,
- room: MatrixRoom | str,
- message: str,
- notice: bool = False,
- msgtype: Optional[str] = None,
- ):
- """Send a message to a room.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom): The room to send the message to.
- message (str): The message to send.
- notice (bool): Whether to send the message as a notice. Defaults to False.
- """
- if isinstance(room, str):
- room = self.matrix_client.rooms[room]
- markdowner = markdown2.Markdown(extras=["fenced-code-blocks"])
- formatted_body = markdowner.convert(message)
- msgtype = msgtype if msgtype else "m.notice" if notice else "m.text"
- if not msgtype.startswith("gptbot."):
- msgcontent = {
- "msgtype": msgtype,
- "body": message,
- "format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
- "formatted_body": formatted_body,
- }
- else:
- msgcontent = {
- "msgtype": msgtype,
- "content": message,
- }
- content = None
- if not content:
- msgtype = "m.room.message"
- content = msgcontent
- method, path, data = Api.room_send(
- self.matrix_client.access_token,
- room.room_id,
- msgtype,
- content,
- uuid.uuid4(),
- )
- response = await self.matrix_client._send(
- RoomSendResponse, method, path, data, (room.room_id,)
- )
- if isinstance(response, RoomSendError):
- self.logger.log(f"Error sending message: {response.message}", "error")
- return
- def log_api_usage(
- self, message: Event | str, room: MatrixRoom | str, api: str, tokens: int
- ):
- """Log API usage to the database.
- Args:
- message (Event): The event that triggered the API usage.
- room (MatrixRoom | str): The room the event was sent in.
- api (str): The API that was used.
- tokens (int): The number of tokens used.
- """
- if not self.database:
- return
- if isinstance(message, Event):
- message = message.event_id
- if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom):
- room = room.room_id
- self.database.execute(
- "INSERT INTO token_usage (message_id, room_id, tokens, api, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
- (message, room, tokens, api, datetime.now()),
- )
- async def run(self):
- """Start the bot."""
- # Set up the Matrix client
- assert self.matrix_client, "Matrix client not set up"
- assert self.matrix_client.access_token, "Access token not set up"
- if not self.matrix_client.user_id:
- self.matrix_client.user_id = await self._get_user_id()
- if not self.matrix_client.device_id:
- self.matrix_client.device_id = await self._get_device_id()
- if not self.database:
- self.database = sqlite3.connect(
- Path(__file__).parent.parent / "database.db"
- )
- self.logger.log("Running migrations...")
- try:
- before, after = migrate(self.database)
- except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
- self.logger.log(f"Error migrating database: {e}", "critical")
- self.logger.log(
- "If you have just updated the bot, the previous version of the database may be incompatible with this version. Please delete the database file and try again.",
- "critical",
- )
- exit(1)
- if before != after:
- self.logger.log(f"Migrated from version {before} to {after}.")
- else:
- self.logger.log(f"Already at latest version {after}.")
- matrix_store = SqliteStore
- client_config = AsyncClientConfig(
- store_sync_tokens=True, encryption_enabled=False, store=matrix_store
- )
- self.matrix_client.config = client_config
- # Run initial sync (includes joining rooms)
- self.logger.log("Running initial sync...", "debug")
- sync = await self.matrix_client.sync(timeout=30000, full_state=True)
- if isinstance(sync, SyncResponse):
- await self.response_callback(sync)
- else:
- self.logger.log(f"Initial sync failed, aborting: {sync}", "critical")
- exit(1)
- # Set up callbacks
- self.logger.log("Setting up callbacks...", "debug")
- self.matrix_client.add_event_callback(self.event_callback, Event)
- self.matrix_client.add_response_callback(self.response_callback, Response)
- # Set custom name / logo
- if self.display_name:
- self.logger.log(f"Setting display name to {self.display_name}", "debug")
- asyncio.create_task(self.matrix_client.set_displayname(self.display_name))
- if self.logo:
- self.logger.log("Setting avatar...")
- logo_bio = BytesIO()
- self.logo.save(logo_bio, format=self.logo.format)
- uri = await self.upload_file(
- logo_bio.getvalue(), "logo", Image.MIME[self.logo.format]
- )
- self.logo_uri = uri
- asyncio.create_task(self.matrix_client.set_avatar(uri))
- for room in self.matrix_client.rooms.keys():
- self.logger.log(f"Setting avatar for {room}...", "debug")
- asyncio.create_task(
- self.matrix_client.room_put_state(
- room, "m.room.avatar", {"url": uri}, ""
- )
- )
- # Start syncing events
- self.logger.log("Starting sync loop...", "warning")
- try:
- await self.matrix_client.sync_forever(timeout=30000, full_state=True)
- finally:
- self.logger.log("Syncing one last time...", "warning")
- await self.matrix_client.sync(timeout=30000, full_state=True)
- async def create_space(self, name, visibility=RoomVisibility.private) -> str:
- """Create a space.
- Args:
- name (str): The name of the space.
- visibility (RoomVisibility, optional): The visibility of the space. Defaults to RoomVisibility.private.
- Returns:
- MatrixRoom: The created space.
- """
- response = await self.matrix_client.room_create(
- name=name, visibility=visibility, space=True
- )
- if isinstance(response, RoomCreateError):
- self.logger.log(f"Error creating space: {response.message}", "error")
- return
- return response.room_id
- async def add_rooms_to_space(
- self, space: MatrixRoom | str, rooms: List[MatrixRoom | str]
- ):
- """Add rooms to a space.
- Args:
- space (MatrixRoom | str): The space to add the rooms to.
- rooms (List[MatrixRoom | str]): The rooms to add to the space.
- """
- if isinstance(space, MatrixRoom):
- space = space.room_id
- for room in rooms:
- if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom):
- room = room.room_id
- if space == room:
- self.logger.log(f"Refusing to add {room} to itself", "warning")
- continue
- self.logger.log(f"Adding {room} to {space}...", "debug")
- await self.matrix_client.room_put_state(
- space,
- "m.space.child",
- {
- "via": [room.split(":")[1], space.split(":")[1]],
- },
- room,
- )
- await self.matrix_client.room_put_state(
- room,
- "m.room.parent",
- {"via": [space.split(":")[1], room.split(":")[1]], "canonical": True},
- space,
- )
- def room_uses_stt(self, room: MatrixRoom | str) -> bool:
- """Check if a room uses STT.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom | str): The room to check.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether the room uses STT.
- """
- room_id = room.room_id if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom) else room
- with closing(self.database.cursor()) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "SELECT value FROM room_settings WHERE room_id = ? AND setting = ?",
- (room_id, "stt"),
- )
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- return False if not result else bool(int(result[0]))
- def room_uses_tts(self, room: MatrixRoom | str) -> bool:
- """Check if a room uses TTS.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom | str): The room to check.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether the room uses TTS.
- """
- room_id = room.room_id if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom) else room
- with closing(self.database.cursor()) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "SELECT value FROM room_settings WHERE room_id = ? AND setting = ?",
- (room_id, "tts"),
- )
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- return False if not result else bool(int(result[0]))
- def respond_to_room_messages(self, room: MatrixRoom | str) -> bool:
- """Check whether the bot should respond to all messages sent in a room.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom | str): The room to check.
- Returns:
- bool: Whether the bot should respond to all messages sent in the room.
- """
- if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom):
- room = room.room_id
- with closing(self.database.cursor()) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "SELECT value FROM room_settings WHERE room_id = ? AND setting = ?",
- (room, "always_reply"),
- )
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- return True if not result else bool(int(result[0]))
- async def get_room_model(self, room: MatrixRoom | str) -> str:
- """Get the model used for a room.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom | str): The room to check.
- Returns:
- str: The model used for the room.
- """
- if isinstance(room, MatrixRoom):
- room = room.room_id
- with closing(self.database.cursor()) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(
- "SELECT value FROM room_settings WHERE room_id = ? AND setting = ?",
- (room, "model"),
- )
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- return result[0] if result else self.chat_api.chat_model
- async def process_query(
- self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomMessageText, from_chat_command: bool = False
- ):
- """Process a query message. Generates a response and sends it to the room.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom): The room the message was sent in.
- event (RoomMessageText): The event that triggered the query.
- from_chat_command (bool, optional): Whether the query was sent via the `!gptbot chat` command. Defaults to False.
- """
- if not (
- from_chat_command
- or self.respond_to_room_messages(room)
- or self.matrix_client.user_id in event.body
- ):
- return
- await self.matrix_client.room_typing(room.room_id, True)
- await self.matrix_client.room_read_markers(room.room_id, event.event_id)
- if (not from_chat_command) and self.room_uses_classification(room):
- try:
- classification, tokens = await self.classification_api.classify_message(
- event.body, room.room_id
- )
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.log(f"Error classifying message: {e}", "error")
- await self.send_message(
- room, "Something went wrong. Please try again.", True
- )
- return
- self.log_api_usage(
- event,
- room,
- f"{self.classification_api.api_code}-{self.classification_api.classification_api}",
- tokens,
- )
- if not classification["type"] == "chat":
- event.body = (
- f"!gptbot {classification['type']} {classification['prompt']}"
- )
- await self.process_command(room, event)
- return
- try:
- last_messages = await self._last_n_messages(room.room_id, self.max_messages)
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.log(f"Error getting last messages: {e}", "error")
- await self.send_message(
- room, "Something went wrong. Please try again.", True
- )
- return
- system_message = self.get_system_message(room)
- chat_messages = [{"role": "system", "content": system_message}]
- last_messages = last_messages + [event]
- for message in last_messages:
- if isinstance(message, (RoomMessageNotice, RoomMessageText)):
- role = (
- "assistant"
- if message.sender == self.matrix_client.user_id
- else "user"
- )
- if message == event or (not message.event_id == event.event_id):
- message_body = (
- message.body
- if not self.chat_api.supports_chat_images()
- else [{"type": "text", "text": message.body}]
- )
- chat_messages.append({"role": role, "content": message_body})
- elif isinstance(message, RoomMessageAudio) or (
- isinstance(message, RoomMessageFile) and message.body.endswith(".mp3")
- ):
- role = (
- "assistant"
- if message.sender == self.matrix_client.user_id
- else "user"
- )
- if message == event or (not message.event_id == event.event_id):
- if self.room_uses_stt(room):
- try:
- download = await self.download_file(message.url)
- message_text = await self.stt_api.speech_to_text(
- download.body
- )
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.log(
- f"Error generating text from audio: {e}", "error"
- )
- message_text = message.body
- else:
- message_text = message.body
- message_body = (
- message_text
- if not self.chat_api.supports_chat_images()
- else [{"type": "text", "text": message_text}]
- )
- chat_messages.append({"role": role, "content": message_body})
- elif isinstance(message, RoomMessageFile):
- try:
- download = await self.download_file(message.url)
- if download:
- try:
- text = download.body.decode("utf-8")
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- text = None
- if text:
- role = (
- "assistant"
- if message.sender == self.matrix_client.user_id
- else "user"
- )
- if message == event or (
- not message.event_id == event.event_id
- ):
- message_body = (
- text
- if not self.chat_api.supports_chat_images()
- else [{"type": "text", "text": text}]
- )
- chat_messages.append(
- {"role": role, "content": message_body}
- )
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.log(f"Error generating text from file: {e}", "error")
- message_body = (
- message.body
- if not self.chat_api.supports_chat_images()
- else [{"type": "text", "text": message.body}]
- )
- chat_messages.append({"role": "system", "content": message_body})
- elif self.chat_api.supports_chat_images() and isinstance(
- message, RoomMessageImage
- ):
- try:
- image_url = message.url
- download = await self.download_file(image_url)
- if download:
- encoded_url = f"data:{download.content_type};base64,{base64.b64encode(download.body).decode('utf-8')}"
- parent = (
- chat_messages[-1]
- if chat_messages
- and chat_messages[-1]["role"]
- == (
- "assistant"
- if message.sender == self.matrix_client.user_id
- else "user"
- )
- else None
- )
- if not parent:
- chat_messages.append(
- {
- "role": (
- "assistant"
- if message.sender == self.matrix_client.user_id
- else "user"
- ),
- "content": [],
- }
- )
- parent = chat_messages[-1]
- parent["content"].append(
- {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": encoded_url}}
- )
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.log(f"Error generating image from file: {e}", "error")
- message_body = (
- message.body
- if not self.chat_api.supports_chat_images()
- else [{"type": "text", "text": message.body}]
- )
- chat_messages.append({"role": "system", "content": message_body})
- # Truncate messages to fit within the token limit
- truncated_messages = self._truncate(
- chat_messages[1:], self.max_tokens - 1, system_message=system_message
- )
- # Check for a model override
- if self.allow_model_override:
- model = await self.get_room_model(room)
- else:
- model = self.chat_api.chat_model
- try:
- response, tokens_used = await self.chat_api.generate_chat_response(
- chat_messages, user=event.sender, room=room.room_id, model=model
- )
- except Exception as e:
- print(traceback.format_exc())
- self.logger.log(f"Error generating response: {e}", "error")
- await self.send_message(
- room, "Something went wrong. Please try again.", True
- )
- return
- if response:
- self.log_api_usage(
- event,
- room,
- f"{self.chat_api.api_code}-{self.chat_api.chat_api}",
- tokens_used,
- )
- self.logger.log(f"Sending response to room {room.room_id}...")
- if self.room_uses_tts(room):
- self.logger.log("TTS enabled for room", "debug")
- try:
- audio = await self.tts_api.text_to_speech(response)
- await self.send_file(room, audio, response, "audio/mpeg", "m.audio")
- return
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.log(f"Error generating audio: {e}", "error")
- await self.send_message(
- room, "Something went wrong generating audio file.", True
- )
- message = await self.send_message(room, response)
- await self.matrix_client.room_typing(room.room_id, False)
- async def download_file(self, mxc) -> Optional[bytes]:
- """Download a file from the homeserver.
- Args:
- mxc (str): The MXC URI of the file to download.
- Returns:
- Optional[bytes]: The downloaded file, or None if there was an error.
- """
- download = await self.matrix_client.download(mxc)
- if isinstance(download, DownloadError):
- self.logger.log(f"Error downloading file: {download.message}", "error")
- return
- return download
- def get_system_message(self, room: MatrixRoom | str) -> str:
- """Get the system message for a room.
- Args:
- room (MatrixRoom | str): The room to get the system message for.
- Returns:
- str: The system message.
- """
- default = self.default_system_message
- if isinstance(room, str):
- room_id = room
- else:
- room_id = room.room_id
- with closing(self.database.cursor()) as cur:
- cur.execute(
- "SELECT value FROM room_settings WHERE room_id = ? AND setting = ?",
- (room_id, "system_message"),
- )
- system_message = cur.fetchone()
- complete = (
- (default if ((not system_message) or self.force_system_message) else "")
- + ("\n\n" + system_message[0] if system_message else "")
- ).strip()
- return complete
- def __del__(self):
- """Close the bot."""
- if self.matrix_client:
- asyncio.run(self.matrix_client.close())
- if self.database:
- self.database.close()