import pyaudio import wave import os defaultframes = 512 class textcolors: if not == 'nt': blue = '\033[94m' green = '\033[92m' warning = '\033[93m' fail = '\033[91m' end = '\033[0m' else: blue = '' green = '' warning = '' fail = '' end = '' recorded_frames = [] device_info = {} useloopback = False recordtime = 5 #Use module p = pyaudio.PyAudio() #Set default to first in list or ask Windows try: default_device_index = p.get_default_input_device_info() except IOError: default_device_index = -1 #Select Device print ( + "Available devices:\n" + textcolors.end) for i in range(0, p.get_device_count()): info = p.get_device_info_by_index(i) print ( + str(info["index"]) + textcolors.end + ": \t %s \n \t %s \n" % (info["name"], p.get_host_api_info_by_index(info["hostApi"])["name"])) if default_device_index == -1: default_device_index = info["index"] #Handle no devices available if default_device_index == -1: print ( + "No device available. Quitting." + textcolors.end) exit() #Get input or default device_id = int(input("Choose device [" + + str(default_device_index) + textcolors.end + "]: ") or default_device_index) print ("") #Get device info try: device_info = p.get_device_info_by_index(device_id) except IOError: device_info = p.get_device_info_by_index(default_device_index) print (textcolors.warning + "Selection not available, using default." + textcolors.end) #Choose between loopback or standard mode is_input = device_info["maxInputChannels"] > 0 is_wasapi = (p.get_host_api_info_by_index(device_info["hostApi"])["name"]).find("WASAPI") != -1 if is_input: print ( + "Selection is input using standard mode.\n" + textcolors.end) else: if is_wasapi: useloopback = True; print ( + "Selection is output. Using loopback mode.\n" + textcolors.end) else: print ( + "Selection is input and does not support loopback mode. Quitting.\n" + textcolors.end) exit() recordtime = int(input("Record time in seconds [" + + str(recordtime) + textcolors.end + "]: ") or recordtime) #Open stream channelcount = device_info["maxInputChannels"] if (device_info["maxOutputChannels"] < device_info["maxInputChannels"]) else device_info["maxOutputChannels"] stream = = pyaudio.paInt16, channels = channelcount, rate = int(device_info["defaultSampleRate"]), input = True, frames_per_buffer = defaultframes, input_device_index = device_info["index"], as_loopback = useloopback) #Start Recording print ( + "Starting..." + textcolors.end) for i in range(0, int(int(device_info["defaultSampleRate"]) / defaultframes * recordtime)): recorded_frames.append( print (".") print ( + "End." + textcolors.end) #Stop Recording stream.stop_stream() stream.close() #Close module p.terminate() filename = input("Save as [" + + "out.wav" + textcolors.end + "]: ") or "out.wav" waveFile =, 'wb') waveFile.setnchannels(channelcount) waveFile.setsampwidth(p.get_sample_size(pyaudio.paInt16)) waveFile.setframerate(int(device_info["defaultSampleRate"])) waveFile.writeframes(b''.join(recorded_frames)) waveFile.close()