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+# Borg Backup Automation
+This project automates the process of running Borg backups on a Linux server. It includes scripts for managing external HDD power, mounting and unmounting the HDD, running the backup, and logging the results to InfluxDB.
+## Table of Contents
+- [Project Structure](#project-structure)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Configuration](#configuration)
+- [Usage](#usage)
+- [Scripts Overview](#scripts-overview)
+- [Contributing](#contributing)
+- [License](#license)
+## Project Structure
+├── power_on_hdd.sh # Script to power on the external HDD
+├── power_off_hdd.sh # Script to power off the external HDD
+├── mount_hdd.sh # Script to mount the external HDD
+├── unmount_hdd.sh # Script to unmount the external HDD
+├── check_battery.sh # Script to check battery level before running the backup
+├── run_backup.sh # Script to execute the Borg backup
+├── run_backup_process.sh # Main script to automate the backup process
+├── log_to_influx.sh # Script to log the backup results to InfluxDB
+├── grafana_dashboard.json # Example Grafana dashboard for monitoring
+├── .env # Environment variables (ignored by Git)
+├── .env.example # Example environment variables file
+├── .gitignore # Files and directories to be ignored by Git
+└── keys/ # Directory for SSH keys (ignored by Git)
+## Installation
+1. **Clone the repository:**
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/yourusername/borg-backup-automation.git
+ cd borg-backup-automation
+ ```
+2. **Set up your environment:**
+ - Copy the example `.env` file:
+ ```bash
+ cp .env.example .env
+ ```
+ - Edit `.env` with your specific configuration.
+3. **Ensure all scripts have executable permissions:**
+ ```bash
+ chmod +x *.sh
+ ```
+## Configuration
+The configuration is managed via the `.env` file. Below are the key variables you need to configure:
+- **Home Assistant Details:**
+ - `HA_URL`: URL of your Home Assistant instance.
+ - `HA_TOKEN`: Long-lived access token for Home Assistant.
+ - `HDD_SWITCH_ENTITY`: Home Assistant entity ID for controlling HDD power.
+ - `BATTERY_SENSOR_ENTITY`: Home Assistant entity ID for battery level monitoring.
+ - `MIN_BATTERY_LEVEL`: Minimum battery percentage required to run the backup.
+- **Server Details:**
+ - `SERVER_USER`: SSH user for the remote server.
+ - `SERVER_IP`: IP address of the remote server.
+ - `SSH_KEY`: Path to the SSH private key.
+ - `SSH_PORT`: SSH port (default: 22).
+- **HDD Mount Details:**
+ - `HDD_DEVICE`: Device path for the external HDD (e.g., `/dev/sdb1`).
+ - `MOUNT_POINT`: Mount point for the external HDD (e.g., `/mnt/external_hdd`).
+- **Borg Backup Details:**
+ - `REPOSITORY`: Path to the Borg backup repository on the mounted HDD.
+ - `SOURCE_DIRECTORIES`: Directories to back up.
+ - `PASSPHRASE`: Passphrase for the Borg repository.
+- **Logging Details:**
+ - `INFLUXDB_URL`: URL of your InfluxDB instance.
+ - `INFLUXDB_ORG`: Organization name for InfluxDB.
+ - `INFLUXDB_BUCKET`: InfluxDB bucket for storing backup logs.
+ - `INFLUXDB_TOKEN`: Authentication token for InfluxDB.
+## Usage
+Run the main backup process script:
+This script will:
+1. Check the battery level.
+2. Power on the external HDD.
+3. Mount the external HDD.
+4. Run the Borg backup.
+5. Log the backup results to InfluxDB.
+6. Unmount and power off the external HDD.
+## Scripts Overview
+- **power_on_hdd.sh:** Turns on the external HDD via Home Assistant.
+- **power_off_hdd.sh:** Turns off the external HDD via Home Assistant.
+- **mount_hdd.sh:** Mounts the external HDD to a specified mount point.
+- **unmount_hdd.sh:** Unmounts the external HDD.
+- **check_battery.sh:** Checks the battery level and exits if it’s below the specified threshold.
+- **run_backup.sh:** Executes the Borg backup using the configured source directories and repository.
+- **log_to_influx.sh:** Logs backup statistics to InfluxDB.
+- **run_backup_process.sh:** Main automation script that ties all the steps together.
+## Contributing
+Contributions are welcome! Please submit pull requests or open issues to suggest changes or report bugs.
+## License
+This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.