#!/bin/python3 import socket import sys import random import time import math from PIL import Image im = Image.open("wave.gif") N_ROWS = 5 N_COLS = 10 oldPing = time.time() # Create a TCP/IP socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Connect the socket to the port where the server is listening server_address = ('', 2020) print('binding {} port {}'.format(*server_address)) sock.bind(server_address) sock.settimeout(30) def getBytes(im): x = im.load() pixels = [0] * (N_ROWS * N_COLS) for row in range(N_ROWS): for col in range(N_COLS): pixels[row*N_COLS + col] = int(int(x[col, row]/16) + random.random() * (x[col, row]-int(x[col, row]))) pixels[49] = int(pixels[49]/2) return bytes([0x41] + pixels) frames = [] try: while 1: im.seek(im.tell()+1) im.thumbnail((N_COLS, N_ROWS), Image.ANTIALIAS) pixels = getBytes(im) frames.append(pixels) except EOFError: pass client_address = None frameIndex = 0 print('frame count:', len(frames)) if not frames: exit(1) try: while True: if not client_address: try: print('waiting...') data, addr = sock.recvfrom(16) print('received {} from {}'.format(data, addr)) client_address = addr except socket.timeout: pass else: sock.sendto(frames[frameIndex], client_address) frameIndex = (frameIndex+1) % len(frames) if time.time() - oldPing > 30: try: data, addr = sock.recvfrom(16) print('received {} from {}'.format(data, addr)) client_address = addr oldPing = time.time() except socket.timeout: client_address = None time.sleep(1/40) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print('closing socket') sock.close()