@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# # P L O T . I M # #
+# https://github.com/tbartos14/plotim
+# version 0.5.5, 5/22/2018
+# readme needs update for residual plots
+import tkinter as tk
+import math
+def vertical_text(text):
+ newtext = ""
+ for character in text:
+ newtext += character + "\n"
+ return newtext
+class linear_plot(object):
+ def __init__(self, bordernorth=50, bordersouth=50, bordereast=30, borderwest=50,
+ title="Linear Plot", \
+ draw_lines=True, draw_points=False, ytitle="y", xtitle="x", line_colors=["#0000bb"],
+ image=None):
+ self.bordernorth = bordernorth
+ self.bordersouth = bordersouth
+ self.bordereast = bordereast
+ self.borderwest = borderwest
+ self.originalyaxistitle = ytitle
+ self.yaxistitle = vertical_text(ytitle)
+ self.xaxistitle = xtitle
+ self.yaxis = [0, 10]
+ self.xaxis = [0, 10]
+ self.title = title
+ self.draw_lines = draw_lines
+ self.draw_points = draw_points
+ self.linecolors = line_colors
+ self.image = image
+ def create_canvas(self, master):
+ self.master = master
+ self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.master)
+ self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.on_resize)
+ self.windowx = self.canvas.winfo_reqwidth()
+ self.windowy = self.canvas.winfo_reqheight()
+ self.on_resize()
+ return self.canvas
+ def set_scale(self, xaxis, yaxis):
+ self.yaxis = yaxis
+ self.xaxis = xaxis
+ def on_resize(self,event = None):
+ if event:
+ self.windowx = event.width - 4
+ self.windowy = event.height - 4
+ self.canvas.config(width=self.windowx, height=self.windowy)
+ self.canvas.delete("all")
+ self.graphx = self.windowx - self.bordereast - self.borderwest
+ self.graphy = self.windowy - self.bordernorth - self.bordersouth
+ self.canvas.create_text(self.borderwest + self.graphx / 2, self.bordernorth / 2, text=self.title)
+ self.canvas.create_text(self.borderwest / 3, self.bordernorth + self.graphy / 2, text=self.yaxistitle)
+ self.canvas.create_text(self.borderwest + self.graphx / 2, self.windowy - self.bordersouth / 3,
+ text=self.xaxistitle)
+ self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.bordernorth, self.borderwest, (self.windowx - self.bordereast),
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth), fill="white", outline="white")
+ # finding limits for axis
+ self.yrange = abs(self.yaxis[1] - self.yaxis[0]) - 1
+ self.xrange = abs(self.xaxis[1] - self.xaxis[0]) - 1
+ # choosing what kind of scale to use
+ self.yrangefactor = -round(math.log10(self.yrange) - 1)
+ self.xrangefactor = -round(math.log10(self.xrange) - 1)
+ # determining how many lines need to be placed
+ # minimums/maximums for ease of reading
+ self.yrangemin = ((int((self.yaxis[0]) * (10 ** (self.yrangefactor)))) / (10 ** (self.yrangefactor)))
+ self.xrangemin = ((int((self.xaxis[0]) * (10 ** (self.xrangefactor)))) / (10 ** (self.xrangefactor)))
+ self.yrangemax = ((int((self.yaxis[0]) * (10 ** (self.yrangefactor)))) / (10 ** (self.yrangefactor)) + (
+ (int(self.yrange * (10 ** self.yrangefactor)) + 1) * (10 ** (-1 * self.yrangefactor))))
+ self.xrangemax = ((int((self.xaxis[0]) * (10 ** (self.xrangefactor)))) / (10 ** (self.xrangefactor)) + (
+ (int(self.xrange * (10 ** self.xrangefactor)) + 1) * (10 ** (-1 * self.xrangefactor))))
+ # determining increments
+ # finding if scales are appropriate
+ self.additionalscaley = 0
+ self.additionalscalex = 0
+ # seeing if data needs more space (y)
+ while True:
+ if self.yaxis[1] > self.yrangemax:
+ self.additionalscaley = self.additionalscaley + 1
+ self.yrangemax = (
+ (int((self.yaxis[0]) * (10 ** (self.yrangefactor)))) / (10 ** (self.yrangefactor)) + (
+ (int(self.yrange * (10 ** self.yrangefactor)) + 1 + self.additionalscaley) * (
+ 10 ** (-1 * self.yrangefactor))))
+ else:
+ break
+ # (x)
+ while True:
+ if self.xaxis[1] > self.xrangemax:
+ self.additionalscalex = self.additionalscalex + 1
+ self.xrangemax = (
+ (int((self.xaxis[0]) * (10 ** (self.xrangefactor)))) / (10 ** (self.xrangefactor)) + (
+ (int(self.xrange * (10 ** self.xrangefactor)) + 1 + self.additionalscalex) * (
+ 10 ** (-1 * self.xrangefactor))))
+ else:
+ break
+ self.yincrement = int(self.yrange * (10 ** self.yrangefactor)) + self.additionalscaley + 1
+ self.xincrement = int(self.xrange * (10 ** self.xrangefactor)) + self.additionalscalex + 1
+ # now we determine y
+ for increment in range(0, self.yincrement + 1):
+ self.canvas.create_line(self.borderwest + 1,
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth) - (increment / self.yincrement) * (
+ self.windowy - self.bordernorth - self.bordersouth), \
+ self.borderwest + self.graphx,
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth) - (increment / self.yincrement) * (
+ self.windowy - self.bordernorth - self.bordersouth), fill="#bbbbbb",
+ dash=(2, 2), width=2 if increment % 5 == 0 else 1)
+ self.canvas.create_text(self.borderwest - 12,
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth) - (increment / self.yincrement) * (
+ self.windowy - self.bordernorth - self.bordersouth), \
+ text="{0:4.4}".format((int((self.yaxis[0]) * (10 ** (self.yrangefactor)))) / (
+ 10 ** (self.yrangefactor)) + (
+ (increment) * (10 ** (-1 * self.yrangefactor)))))
+ # determining x
+ for increment in range(0, self.xincrement + 1):
+ self.canvas.create_line(
+ self.bordersouth + (increment / self.xincrement) * (self.windowx - self.bordereast - self.borderwest),
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth) - 1, \
+ self.bordersouth + (increment / self.xincrement) * (self.windowx - self.bordereast - self.borderwest),
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth - self.graphy), fill="#bbbbbb", dash=(2, 2), width=2 if increment % 5 == 0 else 1)
+ self.canvas.create_text(
+ self.borderwest + (increment / self.xincrement) * (self.windowx - self.bordereast - self.borderwest),
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth) + 12, \
+ text="{0:4.4}".format((int((self.xaxis[0]) * (10 ** (self.xrangefactor)))) / (10 ** (self.xrangefactor)) + (
+ (increment) * (10 ** (-1 * self.xrangefactor)))))
+ self.canvas.create_line(self.bordernorth, self.borderwest, self.bordernorth, (self.windowy - self.bordersouth))
+ self.canvas.create_line(self.borderwest, (self.windowy - self.bordersouth), (self.windowx - self.bordereast),
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth))
+ return self.canvas
+ def point_to_coords(self, x, y, offsetX=0, offsetY=0):
+ return ((x - self.xrangemin) * (self.windowx - self.bordereast - self.borderwest) / (self.xrangemax - self.xrangemin) + self.borderwest + offsetX,
+ (self.windowy - self.bordersouth) - (y - self.yrangemin) * (self.windowy - self.bordernorth - self.bordersouth) / (self.yrangemax - self.yrangemin) + offsetY)
+ ovals = []
+ images = []
+ def plot_data(self, xs, ys):
+ #self.canvas.delete("graph")
+ # adding lines
+ if self.draw_lines == True:
+ self.canvas.delete("line")
+ for plot in range(len(xs)):
+ xpoints = xs[plot]
+ ypoints = ys[plot]
+ linecolor = self.linecolors[plot]
+ coords = []
+ for point in range(0, len(xpoints)):
+ if not math.isnan(ypoints[point]):
+ coord = self.point_to_coords(xpoints[point], ypoints[point])
+ coords.append(coord[0])
+ coords.append(coord[1])
+ if len(coords) > 2:
+ self.canvas.create_line(
+ coords,
+ fill=linecolor, tags="line", width=3)
+ # adding points!
+ if self.draw_points == True:
+ while len(self.ovals) < len(xs):
+ self.ovals.append([None] * len(xs[0]))
+ for plot in range(len(xs)):
+ xpoints = xs[plot]
+ ypoints = ys[plot]
+ for point in range(0, len(xpoints)):
+ if math.isnan(ypoints[point]):
+ self.canvas.delete(self.ovals[plot][point])
+ self.ovals[plot][point] = None
+ elif self.ovals[plot][point] != None:
+ self.canvas.coords(
+ self.ovals[plot][point],
+ *self.point_to_coords(xpoints[point], ypoints[point], 3, 3),
+ *self.point_to_coords(xpoints[point], ypoints[point], -3, -3),
+ )
+ else:
+ self.ovals[plot][point] = self.canvas.create_oval(
+ *self.point_to_coords(xpoints[point], ypoints[point], 3, 3),
+ *self.point_to_coords(xpoints[point], ypoints[point], -3, -3),
+ fill="white", tags="oval")
+ # use an image?
+ if self.image != None:
+ while len(self.images) < len(xs):
+ self.images.append([None] * len(xs[0]))
+ for plot in range(len(xs)):
+ xpoints = xs[plot]
+ ypoints = ys[plot]
+ pointimage = tk.PhotoImage(file=self.image)
+ for point in range(0, len(xpoints)):
+ if math.isnan(ypoints[point]):
+ self.canvas.delete(self.images[plot][point])
+ self.images[plot][point] = None
+ elif self.images[plot][point] != None:
+ self.canvas.coords(
+ self.images[plot][point],
+ *self.point_to_coords(xpoints[point], ypoints[point])
+ )
+ else:
+ self.images[plot][point] = self.canvas.create_image(
+ *self.point_to_coords(xpoints[point], ypoints[point]),
+ image=pointimage, tags="image")
+ return self.canvas
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Datetime,RecNbr,WS_mph_Avg,PAR_Den_Avg,WS_mph_S_WVT,WindDir_SD1_WVT,AirTF_Avg,Rain_in_Tot,RH,WindDir_D1_WVT
+ #!/usr/bin/env python3
+ import urllib.request
+ import time
+ xpoints = []
+ ypoints = []
+ time = 0
+ newlines = range(0, 100)
+ for line in newlines:
+ xpoints.append(time)
+ time = time + (1 / 60)
+ ypoints.append(line)
+ plot1 = linear_plot(line_of_best_fit=True, \
+ ytitle="Temperature F\u00B0", \
+ xtitle="Time (hours)", \
+ title="Temperature in Durham NH Today", \
+ line_color="#2222ff", \
+ windowx=1000, \
+ windowy=700, )
+ plot1.set_data(xpoints, ypoints)
+ plot1.plot_data()